3rd January –
Yesterday Mr Thomas Arnold, a North Skelton Miner, who is a Reservist in the 3rd Battalion Durham Light Infantry,now mobilising at Aldershot, left his home to rejoin his Regiment prior to sailing for South Africa. Arnold leaves a wife abd 5 children behind him. His departure from the village was the signal for a gathering of his friends and well-wishers, who escorted him to Brotton Railway Station, headed by the Skelton Band and saw him safely into the 6.30 train, after providing him with sundry presents to remind him of the old country when he is far away on the battlefield.
3rd January –
A carriage and pair of horses, belonging to the Zetland Hotel, Saltburn, were standing outside the Drill Hall, Skelton in charge of a driver named William Lobley, waiting to take some people to Saltburn.
Something startled the animals and they set off at a rapid rate down Green Road towards the High Street. The driver was thrown from his seat and fell underneath the carriage and was dragged a considerable distance before the horses were stopped near the police station by Sgt Calvert. Lobley was very much bruised about the head and face and right leg injured.
3rd January –
On Monday night a service of prayer and song promoted by Mrs W H A Wharton was held in the Drill Hall, Skelton on account of the War. The hall was filled to excess and many unable to be admitted.
The Rev C Holmes, chaplain to the 1st Volunteer Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment gave and address and selections were played by the Battalion Band under the direction of Bandmaster Smith. Songs were sung and encored.
3rd January –
Bolckow and Vaughan and Co, owners of North Skelton and Longacres mines, have decided to pay 5 shillings per week to the wives of any of their workmen reservists who may be called on to rejoin their Regiments. They will pay 1s 3d per week for each child belonging to reservists’ families for long as the War may continue.
3rd January –
Peter Leaper, a carriage proprietor of Saltburn, was summoned for being drunk in charge of 2 horses and carriage at North Skelton on the occasion of a funeral, which took place on the 22nd December.
Sgt Calvert said the defendant was too drunk and he was compelled to take charge of the conveyance himself and lock Leaper up.
Leaper said he was overcome with cold and had not had any drink. Fined 10s and costs.

6th January –
On Monday night a Service of Prayer and Song, promoted by Mrs W H A Wharton, of Skelton Castle, was held in the Skelton Drill Hall, the Wharton Hall, at the bottom of Green Road Skelton.
Mr W H A Wharton presided and the object was to pray for the Nation’s efforts in the far away Boer War.
So many people attended that crowds were unable to obtain entry.
Speeches were made by the Chairman, the Reverend C Holmes, Chaplain to the 1st Volunteer Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment and Mr G B Hobbs, the General Secretary of the Cleveland Miners Association.
Prayers for success in the War were said by the Rector of Skelton, the Reverend R J Ellis.
The Band of the 1st Volunteer Battalion played selections under Bandmaster Smith. [The Battalion would become the 4th Yorks Battalion in 1908 and serve with glory and enormous losses in the First War.]
Patriotic songs were given and repeatedly encored, by Mr Hirwen Jones, tenor of London and Miss Clough Taylor, contralto.
Mr Godsmark, Skelton, sang “Soldiers of the Queen”. [two Godsmark lads were to be killed in the coming 1914-18 War.]
The accompaniments were played by Mr Stobbart and the meeting was ended with the National Anthem.
11th January –
I shall be glad to receive from any Cleveland friends socks, Balaclava caps, “cholera belts” [flannel waistband to prevent chill after sweating which was thought at the time to be a cause of the disease], woollen shirts etc etc for the Yorkshire Regiment and the Reservists. Yours, Bessie S M Wharton, Skelton Castle, Yorks.
12th January –
Mr R Cross, butcher of North Skelton, provided a substantial tea for the aged poor of the Brotton and Skelton districts and those unable to attend had the equivalent sent to their homes.
24th January –
BOER WAR, British defeats at Spion Kop by Afrikaaners led by Botha.
23rd January –
Yesterday 105 volunteers connected with the 1st and 2nd Volunteer Battalion of the Princess of Wales’s Own Yorkshire Regiment, who have volunteered and passed their medical examination assembled at Richmond Barracks, where they will be put on garrison duty until required.
The first batch, numbering 78, arrived by the noon train, the following Companies being represented – Bedale [B], Stokesley [C], Catterick [D], Richmond [E], Redcar [F], Skelton [G], Northallerton [H], Thirsk [I] and Guisbrough [K].
The streets were lined with the inhabitants and the smart looking and gallant little party of Tykes were enthusiastically cheered en route.
23rd January. James Chisholm, who had been mining engineer at North Skelton for 31 years, retired on a pension of £150 per annum. [about £10,000 in the year 2000]
26th January –
A Social was held on Monday evening last at the Assembly Rooms, Skelton, for the benefit of Mrs Lightwing, an aged widow, who had the misfortune some months ago to meet with a serious accident, rendering her unfit for work.
Dancing was indulged in from 7 to 11 and considering the number of socials that have been held in Skelton of late, every credit is due to the promoters. £5 was cleared to be most thankfully received by the worthy lady.
3rd February.
The Medical Officer presented his annual report to the local Health Board.
There were 477 births registered in the past year [262 males and 215 females].
The number of deaths was 190 [117 males and 73 females], Nearly half the deaths occurred among children under the age of 5.
The proportion of deaths in children under one year to each 100 births was 15.3.
120 cases of infectious disease had been notified during the year of which 109 were scarlet fever.
The scavenging [clearing human waste from back yards] on the whole had been carried out in a satisfactory manner.
5th February –
Mr W Richardson, Coroner held an inquest on the body of Isabella Wetherill, aged 57, wife of John Wetherill, miner of Richard St, N Skelton who had hanged herself on Saturday morning.
John said that he and the deceased went to bed about 10 p.m. and next morning was called by his son.
He found a letter on the table. He went out into the yard and found his wife in the closet in a sitting position.
She seemed to be dead. His wife had received on Friday night a County Court summons for £2 5s.
He had been in a very bad way about it as he did not know that the money was owing.
They had some words about it, but she never spoke back to him. The summons was for groceries and wearing apparel.
Previous to this his wife had never threatened to take her own life and he had seen no signs that she was likely to do such a thing.
They had always lived happily together and it was the first time his wife had run into debt without telling him.
PC Thomas Hutching, stationed at N Skelton said that the deceased must have stood on the seat to get her head through the loop of the rope and jumped off.
Dr S H Merryweather of Skelton Green said that the deceased must have died before the rope broke, otherwise she would have recovered after falling.
She might have lost consciousness almost at once and have hung for some minutes before death took place. She was a hard working, decent woman and never gave herself any rest.
The letter produced by her husband read as follows:
“The Lord forgive me for this rash thing. I cannot bear it any longer. Be kind to Fred and Gerty. This is all through a summons from County Court and father cursed me so much. It is not my fault that I am in debt, the Lord knows. Goodbye husband and children. Quarter past two.”
Verdict – Suicide by hanging.
Feb 15th –
A verdict of accidental death was returned on the death of Hannah Mary Stainthorpe, a schoolgirl of Carlin How, who was killed in a railway collision outside Brotton Station.
Dr Caldwell of Brotton was called to the scene at 8.30 p.m and helped to rescue the passengers. Hannah was jammed among the smashed woodwork of the compartment and the carriage had to be cut before she could be freed. She was quite dead, having sustained a fracture of the skull and other injuries.
The evidence of John Embleton, the North Skelton signalman, was heard along with the drivers, guards and firemen. They all agreed that the snowstorm was so severe that it was impossible to see many yards in any direction.
15th February –
The Skelton School Board are frequently asked to allow the use of their schools for the purpose of social entertainment, “conversaziones” and the like and they recognise that the ratepayers have a right to full use of their own property.
But their experience has been that the school furniture suffers more seriously than it ought to do. Desks are torn from their fastenings and pitched into the yard, where they are left until the teachers fetch them next day, while often the building becomes as redolent of tobacco as the smoke room of a public house.
They have decided that unless those who frequent the entertainments mind their manners they will restrict the schools to their legitimate use alone.

North Skelton school about this time.
17th February –
At 5 p.m. yesterday a train coming from Middlesbrough became immovably immmersed in the huge snow drift which obstructed the line at Hutton Junction, at the point where the Saltburn line takes off from the Guisborough line.
A number of passengers were on board, including children returning from the Hutton village school.
A second train from Middlesbrough being unaware of the stoppage crashed into the rear of the standing one, smashing the guard’s van to splinters and damaging the engine which fortunately was not derailed.
The fireman, named Hayton from Great Ayton, was instantly killed. J Proctor, a hawker of Guisborough had both legs broken and a man named William Blackett, aged 59, a retired master bricklayer of Skelton, had his right leg broken in two places and the left one badly bruised.
Both men were attended by an ambulance corps and conveyed with great difficulty to the Guisborough Hospital.
A band of hardy volunteers carried the children back to Guisborough and Hutton.
26th February –
On Saturday a social gathering took place in the North Skelton Miners’ Institute for the benefit of the North Skelton Football Club. Mr T Ranson and Mr F Thompson were the MCs and Mr R Bell’s Skelton Band provided the music.
26th February –
We are informed that out of the money etc collected by her for the Yorkshire soldiers and Artillery, Mrs W H A Wharton of Skelton Castle has already forwarded to the front 5 large cases of shirts, helmets, socks etc and 20,000 cigarettes.

New Skelton Cemetery.
March 1st. –
He is buried in New Skelton cemetery.
Parish Magazine – On Sunday afternoon, March 4th, the remains of the old squire were laid to rest in the Skelton Cemetery.
The funeral was conducted in accordance with his own wish in plain and simple fashion without flowers.
A large number of the people of Skelton joined the procession on the way to the Cemetery.
Some also came from the neighbourhood, including Sir Joseph Pease, Mr Robert Yeoman, Mr Gilpin Brown and others.
The bells of the Parish Church rung a muffled peal as the cortege passed by and the drawn down blinds in all the houses testified to the universal feeling of sympathy and sorrow at his loss.
Mr Wharton had been in failing health for the last 3 or 4 years and confined to his bed for some 16 months.
He died within a few days of completing 91 years of age. He was born on March 9th 1809 and passed quietly away on the night of March 1st 1900.
The Yorkshire Post – The Venerable Squire belonged to a family with a very interesting pedigree.
On his mother’s side he could trace descent back to Robert De Brus of Castle de Bruis in Normandy, who came over with William the Conqueror.
On his father’s side he was of a race of Westmoreland country squires.
Skelton Castle, formerly the home of the De Brus or Bruce, did not come into the possession of Mr Wharton’s paternal ancestors until the 17th century, when it was purchased from the Trotters, who had in like fashion acquired it from the Fauconbergs, to whom it had passed through the Bruce female line.
The Whartons were of Kirkby Stephen and also of Gilling near Richmond, Yorkshire.
For 114 years there have been but 2 owners – Mr John Wharton, who succeeded John Hall Stevenson [the friend of Laurence Sterne] and his nephew the squire, who has just died.
The late squire was the eldest son of the Rev Wm Wharton, Vicar of Gilling and Charlotte, daughter of the first Lord Dundas and was born at 19 Arlington St, London on March 9th 1809.
His early school days were spent first at Ripon Grammar School and then at Charterhouse, thence proceeding to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took his degree of M.A.
When he learnt the valuable character of his property Squire Wharton lost no time in turning it to good account.
The land was drained, decent cottages were erected, farm building were put in repair or reconstructed, allotments were provided for the poorer people, the whole tenancy were made glad and prosperous.
Skelton village took to itself a new lease of life.
In 1854 by his marriage with the daughter of Mr H W Yeoman and Lady Margaret Bruce there was forged another link with the far away past when the De Brus Lords reigned over these sea-bordered uplands.
The Lady Margaret was the daughter of the first Earl Zetland.
The late Squire was keenly interested in agricultural pursuits. He entered heartily into the projects of the Cleveland Bay Horse Society of which he was a life governor and president.
From 1871 to 1874 he held the post of Master of the Cleveland Fox Hounds and rode to hounds to the age of 86.
He did not greatly care for the invasion of the district by the mining fraternity, much as it meant an increase of prosperity for all concerned.
He was at home with the agriculturalist, pure and simple. Yet he was generous to all alike.
When times were bad for the farmers he showed his sympathy by reducing the rents and during the great Cleveland and Durham strikes he dispensed liberal hospitality to the needy.
He was the first member of the Skelton Local Board, which was formed in 1866.
He fulfilled his magisterial duties at Guisborough Petty Sessions and The North Riding Quarter Sessions.
In Politics he was a Whig, but altered his position after Mr Gladstone’s Home Rule procedure.
A faithful son of the Church of England – the new church at Moorsholm was built at his expense and he gave the tower, clock and bells to the Skelton Church, when it was built some 15 years ago.
For the last year he had been compelled to keep to his bedroom through the infirmities of old age.
The Whitby Gazette obituary says that owing to deafness, a family affliction, he took no part in public life, but there seems to be plenty of evidence to the contrary.
He was educated at Cambridge and as the grandson of Lord Dundas and according to the custom of the day an hon degree of M.A was conferred upon him.
John Thomas Wharton was succeeded by his son, William Henry Anthony Wharton.
To his brother, James Charles Wharton and his sister, Charlotte Wharton, life annuities of £1,000 each.
To his sister in law, Mrs James Charles Wharton and his sister, Mrs Agnes Rebecca Wharton, annuities of �300 each.
To his nephew, George Henry Lawrence Wharton, £130,000.
To his 4 nieces, £12,000 each.
And other legacies.
All his real estate to his son, W H A Wharton. The estate has been valued at £160,227 12s 9d gross.
The following is a poem received by Mr J T Wharton in his 90th year. It reveals that he witnessed a fight at Charterhouse public school between the author William Makepeace Thackeray and the future Archdeacon Venables:-
Nigh fourscore years and ten besides,
Have sped their way with rapid strides,
Since he, whose life we now relate,
First saw the light in London great,
From whence he went, at early age,
To Gilling’s peaceful Vicarage:
First to a Yorkshire school he went,
At Ripon, quite a small extent.
But next he journeyed up to Town,
To public school of great renown,
To Charterhouse, within whose walls
He learned to act as duty calls
At Charterhouse he saw the fight,
Where two boys fought with all their might,
He saw, with grief and sore dismay,
The broken nose of Thackeray.
From school he entered College life,
Where sports and learning both were rife,
At Trinity, a famous College,
Combining hunting with Greek knowledge:
His Cambridge days cut short a year,
Because the grandson of a Peer.
Before his years were twenty one,
His college course its race had run,
Magister Artium ere of age,
With knowledge “cute” and wisdom sage,
[He heads the list of Cambridge men,
Of Trinity M.A.s we ken]
His next ten years of useful time
Were spent at work in southern clime,
As toils for King and Queen and Nation,
By which he earned his daily ration,
Then, owner of a vast estate,
In bad repair as men relate,
He set to work, with noble heart,
To play the upright Landlord’s part:
Put up new buildings, drained the land,
And made the fields their crops expand:
When times weere bad for farming trade,
He gladly rent-reduction made:
With kind unsparing hand he dol’d
Out money to the sick and old:
And when arose that direful “strike”,
He served out soup to all alike.
Lat Master of the Cleveland Hounds,
His praise, as Master, still resounds,
One mounted on old “Packeha”,
When “Music” sounded near and far,
He leaped the yawning Seamer drain,
While none would follow in his train,
What wonder then that Skelton’s Squire,
Is just the man we all admire:
In every stage thro’ all his days,
His acts are friendly, kind his ways:
In universal high esteem
He’s held by all his friends, we deem.
One curious instance we record,
Which may some “data” rare afford,
A hundred years have run their race,
And yet two only owned the place.
An Uncle and a brother’s son,
Owned Skelton Castle: now we’ve done.
Except to say, “Long live the Squire”,
Still full of fun, still full of fire.

SOUTH SKELTON MINE is taken over by Bolckow, Vaughan and Co and is linked up underground to the N Skelton and Longacres mines.
The company extended the lease on North Skelton from the Skelton estate for another 40 years for £8000 for 360 thousand tons of ore.

Boosbeck Council School with South Skelton Mine and the Railway line in the background.
13th March –
A very successful concert was given in the Literary Institute, Skelton in aid of Mrs Wharton’s fund for providing comforts to be sent to the rank and file of the Princess of Wales Own Yorkshire Regiment, now doing duty in South Africa. A very interesting programmme was arranged by Mrs Douglas, headmistress of the North Skelton Infants’ Schools. Songs, glees, action songs, musical drill etc were ably rendered by a number of children belonging to the school. Proceeds were £3 10s clear.
18th March. –
Letter to Editor of local Gazette.
The inhabitants of this district owe a great debt to the late Mr J T Wharton as [owing to bad and insufficient supplies of water in the 18 towns and villages dependent on our works] fever was very prevalent when the Company was formed 32 years ago.
Owing to the opposition on the part of several small landowners, the Company could not have been formed had it not been for the assistance of Mr Wharton, who was the chief landowner in the district and who subscribed largely to its capital at a time when the investing public would not pay par value for its £10 shares that are now selling at £22 each.
Our reservoirs are on Mr Wharton’s Skelton Castle Estate and the water pipes pass through it for 10 or 12 miles.
Yours truly, – William I’Anson, The Cleveland Water Company, Saltburn by the Sea.
[William’s youngest son, Leonard, a Solicitor in Middlesbrough, became the Officer in Command of the Skelton “G” Company of the 4th Battn, the Yorkshire Regiment, Territorial Force. He was killed at Ypres on the 22nd April 1915.]
19th March –
Mr P W Dalling of Loftus, has just performed a very skilful operation in veterinary science at Trout Hall Farm, Skelton, the residence of Mr R W Stevenson, where he had been summoned to attend a valuable carting mare, which manifested symptoms of foaling.
The vet found that he would not be able to adopt the usual course and had to obtain assistance. The head of the foal was larger than other parts of its body and globular in shape, the ears being under the jaws instead of in the proper positions. Before the operation could be carried out the body had to severed from the head and the brain tapped. The monstrosity may now be seen at Mr Dalling’s establishment in Loftus High St and has excited much curiosity amonst members of the farming fraternity and others. This is the second freak of nature that Mr Stevenson’s stock has produced in the past 18 months.
21st March –
At a meeting of the Cleveland Football Association Thomas Ranson of North Skelton was suspended until the end of the season for rough play. Cobbings of the same club was also suspended until he appears before the Committee.
28th March –
Yesterday a social gathering and dance took place in the new Literary Institute at Skelton, the proceeds of which were in aid of the new library proposed to be established in the Institute. The music was supplied free of charge by Mr Robert Bell’s full orchestralBand.
29th March –
Under the mistaken impression that he was in the wrong train, a Skelton lad named Robert Dowie [Dowey] jumped out, on Tuesday, whilst the train from Guisborough to Brotton was at full speed. He was severely cut about the head, necessitating hospital treatment.
31st March –
Hannah Norris, aged 19, a native of Skelton in Cleveland was charged with stealing 5s 6d and a pair of corsets, valued at 2s 6d, the property of Ethel Elliot.
She pleaded guilty to the second charge. The prisoner represented herself as a laundry maid and in consequence was allowed to remain in Mrs Elliot’s lodging house in Gosford Street, Middlesbrough.
She left with the money and corsets. She had been convicted several times for similar offences and was committed for 2 months hard labour.
27th April –
For many years past the mining village of North Skelton has numbered among it inhabitants several devotees of the bike. When the solid tyred machines were so much in vogue there existed a combination of “wheelment” called the North Skelton Cycling Club.
The organisation became defunct when the solid tyre was discarded. It has been re-formed and now their mounts possess something more airy. Their runs will be held on Saturdays as most of the members are miners and cannot get any other day off.
17th May. –
Two days after the start of the South African War, 14th October 1899, the Boers laid seige to the town of Mafeking.
It was held by 1.500 British forces under the command of Colonel Robert Baden-Powell and was finally relieved 217 days later by Lord Frederick Roberts and his troops.
When news reached England there was wild rejoicing nation-wide, probably out of all proportion to the significance of the event.
The first intimation the people of Cleveland had was by the blowing of buzzers on a Friday night between 10 and 11 o’clock.
At Skelton and Brotton the brass bands were quickly called together and torch light processions formed.
At Skelton the celebrations continued on the Saturday, when both the old Town Band and the Volunteer Band paraded the streets, which wore a gay aspect, decorated with a profusion of bunting. Peals were rung from the Church bells.
At Saltburn the 21st May was observed as a general holiday and gala day. The schools and shops were all closed and bunting displayed in great profusion.
The band of the Skelton detachment of the 1st Volunteer Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment formed the principal part of it. There were also 3 mounted men in uniform, one of whom had been invalided home from the front.
There was a large assemblage of people in the Station Square, where the band came to a halt and almost as soon as it did so Mr Sisson was able to announce the news of the relief of Mafeking.
One of the prominent features was an effigy of President Kruger, labelled “I like your money, but I don’t like ‘Bobs'”
The school children were entertained to tea, after which a procession took place. A collection was made for the widows and orphans funds. Then a mass meeting was held, when loyal and patriotic speeches were made and toasts given. The whole event ended with torchlight procession.
29th May –
Ellis Welford, a miner who lives at Trout Hall Lane, Skelton Green, has been admitted into the Skelton Miners’ Hospital, suffering from a fractured skull and other injuries caused by being struck with pieces of stone from a shot whilst working in Messrs Bell Bros Park Mine, Skelton. He lies in a critical and unconscious condition, but hopes are entertained of his recovery.
6th June –
The fortnightly meeting of the Guisborough Guardians was held on Tuesday, Mr Thomas Petch JP of Skelton presiding. Owing to the illness of Dr Merryweather, medical officer to the Board, the new dietary table for the inmates of the Workhouse had not yet been signed by him before it was sent to the Local Board for approval.
The Workhouse Master, Mr J W Marshall, reported that the daily average number of inmates during the past fortnight was 79 and the number of vagrants relieved 32 compared to 61 in the corresponding period last year.
13th June –
A miner named George Ridley, of North Skelton, was charged with riding his machine furiously through Lazenby streets on May 20th. PC Walker said the defendant was pacing away at the rate of 18 miles an hour and refused to stop when requested to do so.
He then ran after him and caught hold of his coat behind, with the result that he [the policeman] was thrown 3 yards over rider and machine. Mr Eli Mare corroborated. Fined 10 shillings and 13s 6d costs.
20th June –
PC Mennell informed the Guisborough Magistrates yesterday that on Sunday night, the 10th inst, he surprised John Sanderson, John Cooper, William Knaggs, John Keane and John Barker, miners, whilst they were enjoying a game of “banker” on a public footpath between Boosbeck and Priestcroft in the township of Skelton. He told them that he would have to report them and Sanderson replied he need not do that, as they would “square” him. Sanderson was fined 12s 6d and the others 10s 6d each including costs.
25th June –
About a month ago the workmen employed at Messrs Bolckow, Vaughan and Co’s North Skelton mine were laid idle for close on a fortnight through the breaking of the pumping apparatus. Their case was brought before the members of the Cleveland Miners’ Association and it was decided they should be compensated out of its funds to the extent of 10 shillings per week for each man plus 1s 6d for each child. Payments for 250 men and 260 children were given out at the lodge room, North Skelton on Saturday afternoon.

North Skelton Ironstone Mine about this time.
27th June –
Jane Robinson, who lives at No 7 Park Street, Skelton was charged with allowing her child, Jane aged 4, to associate with other children whilst in the infected stage after suffering from scarlet fever.
Proceedings were brought by the Skelton and Brotton Urban Council. Dr Stainthorpe said that he visited the house and found the child playing in the back street with another girl.
The mother said she had been told the child could go out but not in a public place and had let go in the back yard, but she had opened the yard door and got out into the street. Fined 2s 6d and 9s 6d costs.
John Richardson was fined for a similar offence at Skelton.
29th June –
On Friday the Boys School of the Stanghow Lane Schools were entertained to tea as a memento of the success attained by the British arms in South Africa.
A procession should have been formed at 1.30, but, owing to the showery state of the weather, it was impossible to proceed until after tea, when, in an interval of the heavy showers, the principal streets were paraded, the procession being headed by the Skelton Volunteer Band.
Several halts were made in the streets, when the boys sang patriotic airs and sent up ringing cheers for the Queen and the Army.
29th June –
On Wednesday afternoon on the Skelton Castle grounds a benefit cricket match was played between the Tradesmen of Guisborough and the Police of the Langbaurgh East Division.
Receipts were in aid of Mrs Wharton’s Fund for Local Reservists in the Boer War.
Musical selections were played by the Skelton Volunteer Band. The Tradesmen won the match by 18 runs, after which they all adjourned to the Wharton Arms Inn for tea.
3rd July –
Joseph Dixon, a miner, was fined 11 shillings including costs for being drunk and disorderly at Skelton Green on the 23rd.
5th July –
Yesterday at the Duke William Inn, Skelton Mr R Dyson Nutt offered for sale by public auction a dwelling house and shop, No 5 South Terrace, High St, Skelton now occupied by Mr J L Bearpark, draper and grocer, the owner.
With a good company present the bidding opened at £400 and quickly ran up to £680 at which price the property was withdrawn.
13th July –
On Wednesday the Annual trip of the Skelton Parish choirs took place in delightful weather. The parties left Boosbeck station at 7.38 and journeyed to Harrogate, where a sumptuous repast awaited them.
13th July –
On Sunday afternoon a large company of people gathered together in a field near the Wharton Arms Hotel, Skelton to listen to the programme of music rendered by the Eston Miners’ Prize Band.
25 percent of the takings was for Mrs Wharton’s Fund for local Reservists fighting in South Africa.
17th July –
Today a miner named T Hall was admitted to the Guisborough Hospital suffering from injuries to his head caused by a fall of sulphur whilst following his employment at Messrs Bell Bros’ Skelton Shaft Mine.
25th July –
At the home-coming of Private W Marley, the Skelton Reservist, a special committee was formed to receive him in a hearty manner.
The Skelton Old Brass Band kindly gave their services and formed a procession through the Skelton district, which resulted in a collection of £7 10s 6d. A procession at Saltburn raised the amount to £19 12s 7d.
26th July –
Yesterday a fire broke out in a stack of hay standing in a field near Brotton, belonging to Mr W H A Wharton of Skelton Castle.
Some children had been playing round the stack and it is supposed set it on fire. The Skelton Fire Brigade was called out and subdued the flames with a good supply of water being obtained from the Lumpsey Mine pumping engine.
28th July –
The sale of 3 cottages 1, 3 and 5, Yeoman St, Skelton took place yesterday in the Institute by Mr Goundry, auctioneer. With a good company present the bidding was started by Mr Carter at £150 and continued with spirited competition until knocked down to Mr Thomas Robinson at £263 10s.

31st July –
William Booth, a miner, was charged with assaulting his wife Mary Ann at Skelton on Sunday night. They had been married 3 years come October and he had frequently ill-used her. On Sunday they had been out for a walk together and as they came back began quarrelling.
Defendant struck his wife 3 times on the face.
She ran into her own backyard and he followed and caught her by the throat. When she put out her arm to protect herself he pushed it through a window cutting it.
As they had 5 children, the Bench adjourned the case for 1 month to enable the parties to live together amicably.
9th August –
Considerable sensation was caused yesterday when a report spread that Mr George Andrew had shot himself.
He was living in Ruby Street,Saltburn, but was the son of the late Mr George Andrew of the White House, a residence on the Skelton side of the glen.
He died 7 or 8 years ago and sprang from an old family that flourished in the districts long before the Saltburn of today was even thought of.
Stories of daring deeds on sea and land a century ago still survive and in those deeds the Andrew family took a leading part.
The deceased came from a large family of 6 sons and 5 daughters. His eldest brother John, up till recently occupied a farm at Ugthorpe, which had belonged to his father.
Another brother, Harry, has been engaged in the South African Campaign since the outbreak of the War, acting as orderly to General Clery. Harry came home for a short furlough about Whitsuntide and has not yet returned to the front.
Of his sisters 3, if not 4, are married. After being educated at Catterick Bridge, Mr George Andrew settled down to a country gentleman’s life. He was a thorough sportsman, a good shot and a keen follower of the hounds, while his genial disposition made him a general favourite.
He also turned his attention to the breeding of horses and was a frequent prize taker at local shows. After the death of his father and up till about 4 or 5 months ago he continued to live in the White House along with his unmarried sisters, though about a year ago, by the direction of his father’s will, the property was sold.
The purchaser was Mr W H A Wharton, JP, whose Skelton estate reaches its boundaries.
After leaving the White House, Mr Andrew has lived at 13 Ruby St and devoted his attention to livery stable keeping in Coral Street.
He had appeared to enjoy good health until recently, but had a nasty fall last season when hunting. He also, we understand, sustained a severe kick on the right temple last week from one of his horses and this combined with acute toothache, necessitated medical attention.
But he appeared to be cheerful and no one suspected that he would be driven to any rash act, though the pain was sufficient to keep him to his room the whole of Tuesday and yesterday.
Shortly before 5 p.m. yesterday his landlady, Mrs Day, being out of the house at the time, the sounds of two shots were heard proceeding from his parlour.
Mr Joseph Toyn, the agent for the Cleveland Miners’ Association, who lives next door, rushed in and found the unfortunate man lying back in his armchair with blood coming from a wound in his right temple.
His legs were crossed and while one hand covered the wound the other held a 6 chambered revolver. It would appear that Mr Andrew had fired a trial shot up the chimney and then placed the pistol to the side of his head and fired.
He was just able to recognise Mr Toyn before he relapsed into unconsciousness. Dr Burnett was sent for at once and on examining the wound found that the shot had forced the right eye out. The bullet was not found, having lodge deeply in the brain.
Messages were sent to members of his family, the first of whom to arrive being Mrs Rodham of Bishop Auckland who was visiting at Redcar. He died about 8 a.m today. He was 38 years of age and unmarried.
[The story of how the Whartons of Skelton Castle borrowed money off the Andrew Smuggler family can be read here.
22nd August –
At the Assembly Rooms of the Green Inn, Skelton yesterday Dr S. H. Merryweather, late of Skelton was the recipient of a testimonial. The subscriptions were by the officials, workmen and others connected with Skelton Shaft and Skelton Park Mines for which works Dr Merryweather acted as Medical Officer.
24th August. –
Yesterday the annual puppy walking and competition for the prizes offered to tenant farmers for the best walked puppy during the past season took place at Skelton Castle, the home of the master of the Cleveland Hunt, Mr W H A Wharton.
Afterwards everyone was entertained in a large marquee on the lawn.
24th August –
A number of gentleman in khaki recently returned from the Boer War front are now recruiting their health in the Skelton Convalescent Home, fitted up by Mr W H A Wharton for the benefit of wounded soldiers.
The building is situated in the High Street and has been completely renovated, the work having been done by the masons and joiners employed on the Skelton Estate.
On the ground floor a large dining room has been provided, this being the principal room, a snug and cosy room has also been prepared on the right hand of the front entrance for the nurses and matron. Servants quarters and the necessary offices form part of the back of the building and at the rear is a spacious yard. Upstairs are 5 bedrooms, one of which contains 5 beds being the principal sleeping apartment for the inmates. It can accommodate from 9 to 12 soldiers recuperating from wounds received in the Boer War.
All the inmates do not belong to the Cleveland District and come from the Southern Counties. They spoke in eulogistic terms of the treatment that they receive in the home and one of them put it in this form.
“We’ve got a good billet and we shall like to stay here a while.”
Questioned as to the engagements they were in, they stated that Paardeberg was the most severe and they had a rough time of it.
The bracing air of the Cleveland hills and the generous treatment is having a wonderful effect upon them.
The little town of Skelton, nestling in a picturesque dip of the Cleveland Hills, is at present the seat of a highly interesting institution, Lt Col Warton’s convalescent home for wounded soldiers.
It is situated at the West end of the town and though the exterior is severely plain, the interior arrangements are admirably adapted for their present purpose.
Conducted by the amiable matron, Mrs French, I inspected the premises upstairs and down and found order and scrupuloour cleanliness in every department.
Accomodation is provided for 9 patients and their every want is anticipated.
Rising at 7, Tommy Atkins has a good breakfast, and certain light household duties, a perusal of the morning papers and a walk occupy him until dinner.
This is on the table at 12.30 and is a very substantial repast, a pint of bottled beer or stout being allowed each inmate per diem.
For his bed and board, so bountifully provided, the soldier has nothing to pay and is full of gratitude to the genial young squire and his lady.
They allow the inmates to ramble at their own sweet will in and about the park and gardens and frequently send them for a drive in a brake.
When the day for saying good-bye arrives, Mrs Wharton gives every soldier a book or “the book” and the Squire gives each man a large photograph of himself.
There were 6 soldiers in the institution when I called. Private James of 8 Hanover Mount was serving with the 2nd West Yorkshire Regiment in General Hildyard’s Brigade. He had his first engagement at Willow Grange a year ago. In that memorable charge, when they had to scale a mountain 1.500 ft high, James got a bullet in his arm which was rendered useless for life. For some 10 hours he lay on the battlefield and then managed to find his way to the hospital.
Sgt Falkingham of Wheelgate, Malton was in the same Regiment. He was in several severe engagements and sundry skirmishes, but it was only when enteric fever laid him low that he had to relinquish further participation in the campaign.
He hopes to go out again.
Cpl Hornby of Blackburn, of the same Regiment is also recuperating from a severe attack of enteric. He saw 2 engagements and a shell splinter cut his right cheek open.
Private Parker of Birmingham served with the West Yorks in 8 engagements, when he was struck down with enteric, which has seriously affected his vision.
Pte Rix of Northumberland Mounted Infantry saw 8 engagements, when he was laid aside with enteric and captured with the convoy at Sanna’s Post.
29th August –
4 young men named James Armstrong, Robert Pennock, Robert and Arthur Hartson were charged with stealing turnips from a field near North Skelton in the occupation of John Scott on the 10th.
The farmer said that there was a footpath through the field and almost every foot passenger would pull about a dozen turnips before finding one suitable, the remainder being strewn about the path until by the end of the week the road was literally covered. He estimated the damage at 1d per turnip. Fined 10 shillings and 5s 7d costs.
11th September –
Ison Howe, hairdresser, and William Williams, miner, of Skelton were charged with breaking into a warehouse belonging to Mr Alfred Bunn, landlord of the Royal George Inn, Skelton and stealing several bottles of spirits, beer and a corkscrew.
It was stated for Bunn that he saw defendants coming out of a slaughter house which adjoins the spirit house but they took not notice of him.
He found the lock broken and missed 3 gill bottles of whisky, 4 bottles of ginger brandy, 2 dozen bottles of Bass’s beer and a corkscrew. Total value £2 5s.
Mrs Annie Walton had witnessed the defendants drop something over Mr Bunn’s garden wall and a bottle of brandy was found.
PC Hutchings [North Skelton] arrested the prisoners and found the corkscrew on Williams. They were committed for trial at the next Northallerton Quarter Sessions and allowed bail.

The Royal George about this time and scene of the above theft.
Alfred Bunn, born in Cambridgeshire, had been Landlord of the Old Royal George since 1897 and would have been 50 years of age in 1900.
He was married to Hannah, aged 43 and had two daughters, Priscilla, 21 and Harriett, 18. All born in Skelton.
An entry in this website shows that he was still running the “George” in 1912. He died in 1917.
The back of the postcard from which this photograph was taken says – “To Mr D W Bisset, 24 Park St, Pickering.
“Dear Donald. …I think you will know this PC and all the boys that are on it. I am working at the pits. We keep rabbits at our place now. We have no pigeons…” From Fred.
13th September –
At the Skelton and Stanghow School Board a letter was produced from Mr A E Pease, MP. acknowledging the receipt of a petition from the Board on the subject of the sale of drink to children.
Mr Pease explained that Parliament was currently prorogued, but should he have the honour of representing Cleveland in the next session he will present it to the House of Commons or hand it on to his successor.
19th September –
Three young men, Andrew Wedgewood, Alfred Cooper and Watson Taylor, all horse drivers in the mines and belonging to North Skelton were charged with wilfully damaging a footbridge which crosses a stream between North Skelton and Trout Hall Lane on the 2nd.
PC Hutchings and Surveyor to the Council, Mr W P Robinson proved the case. Defendants denied the offence but were ordered to pay 10s 6d including costs.
19th September –
A mine’s deputy named Andrew Norris, who lives at Skelton appeared to answer a charge of neglecting to provide for his wife Hannah Norris, aged 56, thereby causing her to become chargeable to the common fund of the Guisborough Poor Law Union.
Mr Richardson prosecuted on behalf of the Guisborough Guardians and showed that on September 4th the woman was found by the police sleeping out and was removed to the Guisbrough Workhouse, where she has since been an inmate.
Shortly after her admittance the relieving officer, Mr Henry Newson, wrote to Norris and requested him to take his wife out of the workhouse, but he took no notice of this and a second letter.
Previous to his wife going in the workhouse Norris broke up his home and went to live with his daughter. When his wife asked him to allow her money for support, he replied that he would not do anything until he was forced.
The couple have 4 children, who are grown up. Mr Richardson said that Norris, who earned 50 shillings a week, had rendered himself liable to be sent to prison and ought to be taught that he could not set aside his wife without a penalty.
Norris,who earns about 50s per week, in defence said that he had offered her 5s per week and seeing it was impossible for him to live with her, he was quite willing that she should make her home in the workhouse. [Laughter in court.]
The Chairman said, even if they disagreed, the country could not be put to the expense of supporting his wife and he would have to pay a fine of £5 and 5s 6d costs,intimating that unless he did so he would be sent to prison immediately..
Defendant said:- “It’s a funny ‘un, I don’t know what to do about it.”
26th September –
Mr Robert Ramshaw, a farmer of Millholm, between North Skelton and Brotton claimed that he had been assaulted. He was represented by Mr William Richardson who said that on Sunday afternoon some men came into a wood near Mr Ramshaw’s orchard and on his going down to ascertain what they were doing he saw the defendant, James Armstrong, a North Skelton miner, and two others whom he did not know.
Armstrong was standing near a tree and when he was struck on the face by one of the others and knocked down, he commenced to kick him whilst he lay on the ground and he kicked him about a dozen times.
On calling for assistance, his wife and servant came to his help and the men then ran away.
It was explained that Armstrong acted out of spite, because Mr Ramshaw had on previous occasions given evidence against him in the police court. The defendant admitted being in the wood, but denied the assault. He was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labour.

26th September –
Voting took place between this day and 24th October. Lord Salisbury’s Conservative and Liberal Unionists gained a majority of 130 over Campbell-Bannerman’s Liberals. The first Labour MPs, Keir Hardie and Richard Bell, entered Parliament.
Alfred Edward Pease, Liberal, retained the seat for this area, the Cleveland division of the North Riding.
9th October –
Amelia Bailey and Martha Trousdale, who both lived in Cleveland Street, but at some distance apart, charged each other with common assault.
Mrs Trousdale had been helping her sister gather some potatoes and on their return were met by Mrs Bailey who appeared to have overheard their converstation and asked who they were “skitting” at.
She stepped into the passage and struck Mrs Trousdale on the chin with her doubled fist.
The other story was that the affair was started by Mrs White, the mother of Mrs Trousdale, who shouted at Bailey, “When I see your husband, I’ll tell him a thing or two.”
After various versions of the assaults the Bench dismissed the case.
15th October –
On Saturday a series of boxing contests were fought at the Excelsior Gymnasium, Stockton. The principal fixture of the evening was a 10 round contest between James Garry of Stockton and Jack Andrews of Skelton, for £10 a side and a £10 purse added, which resulted in a win for in Andrews in the 10th round after a most exciting fight.
19th October –
At Guisborough County Court James Boothby, a deputy overman, of North Skelton brought an action against Bolckow Vaughan Co to determine the amount of compensation he was entitled to.
On December 18th 1899 a roof fall in North Skelton mine caused an injury to his leg and he was totally incapacitated for 5 weeks and 2 days.
He claimed £3 6s 8d for 3 weeks and 2 days. The mineowners said his weekly earnings did not exceed £1 2s per week and they had paid him 11 shilling per week for the period on the basis that he had been sick prior to August and this sum represented his earnings for the year divided by 52. His Honour found for the claimant.
22nd October –
On Friday evening, an elderly miner, named Eliazar Wood of North Skelton narrowly escaped being killed. He had been to Stanghow and must have attempted a short cut across the fields by which he came upon the railway line near Claphow Bridge.
On Saturday morning about 7, John Bradley, a railway employee, was going along the line when he found Wood near the Claphow Coal Depots in a semi-conscious state.
He had fallen off the line into an empty cell and “alighted on his forehead”, which was cut and remained there all night. He could not account for how he happened to be there. He was assisted home, when it was found he was suffering from slight concussion of the brain. He was formerly an agricultural worker and doubtless knew the locality well.
7th November –
Last night the first of a course of lectures to be given on Horticulture was delivered in the Miners’ Institute, North Skelton to a large audience.
The lectures have been arranged by the Institute Committee and will be given under the auspices of the North Riding County Council Technical Education Committee, the lecturer being Mr Alfred Gaut of Leeds.

Skelton West End from Swilly Lane.
[Postcard kindly contributed by Julie Felgate.]
13th November –
At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Cleveland Miners’ Association held at Saltburn by the Sea a compensation case was discussed at length. Ellis Wilford of Skelton, a machine fireman, had been injured whilst working in Messrs Bell Bros Park Mine and compensation had been withheld. It was decided that unless a satisfactory settlement could be arrived at this case and others would be referred to the County Court judge for adjudication.
23rd November –
Yesterday the North Skelton Quadrille Party held a “social” and dance in the Miners’ Institute of that village for the benefit of J Hanson, a miner who has been off work some time through illness. J Boothby and W Holden were the MCs. Dancing went on for 4 hours to the strains of Mr Robert Bell’s orchestral band.
27th November –
John Harrison, a miner of North Skelton, was fined 10s 6d including costs for having his chimney on fire on the 16th.
27th November –
The under manager at North Skelton Mines, Mr Thomas Ranson, charged John Suscens with obtaining the sum of 2 shillings by false pretences from Messrs Bolckow and Vaughan & Co with intent to defraud.
He was further charged with obtaining 2s, the property of James Watson, a miner of Lingdale on the 30th.
It was alleged that the accused had put his own tokens on other miners’ tubs to received money to which they were entitled.
The case was adjourned to enable the accused to get up his defence.
28th November –
Over 12 months ago a Skelton miner named Daniel Driscoll deserted his wife and child, thereby causing them to become chargeable to the common fund of the Guisborough Poor Law Union.
The woman and child entered the Guisborough Workhouse on November 28th 1899 and had been inmates ever since.
Whilst there she had a second child and the total cost of maintaining them amounted to £33 15s.
When the woman became chargeable to the poor fund the authorities made an effort to find her husband and only succeeded last week, when he was apprehended at Hamilton in Scotland.
He was brought before the Guisborough magistrates on Tuesday and charged with the offence.
Mr William Richardson, solicitor representing the Guardians said the case was one in which an example ought to be made of the defendant as a warning to others that they cannot leave their wives and families chargeable to the poor rates with impunity.
The defendant said his wife refused to accept the money which he earned. He was sent to gaol for 3 months with hard labour.
29th November –
Yesterday a man named George Ridley, aged 20, who lived with his father in Wharton St, North Skelton, was killed whilst at work in Messrs Bell Bros Park Pit, Skelton.
He was in charge of a drum by which full waggons are lowered down an incline and it was his job to see that the tubs went round the curves on the endless rope.
About noon whilst lowering some tubs he was drawn into the machinery and whirled about till he was killed. The body was almost torn to picees and nearly decapitated.
The remains had to be sewn up in a sack prior to being removed home.
It was suggested that he could have been riding on a tub at the time.

The miners were paid by the ton of stone extracted and therefore every team placed a token on each tub that they filled to make sure that it was recorded with their number at the weighbridge on the surface.
11th December –
Moses Harris, a miner, was charged with a breach of special rule No 64 under the Coal Mines Regulation Act of 1887.
Mr Thompson, the manager of Long Acres Mine, Skelton explained the rule, which was that a shot which had missed should not be unrammed.
Mr James Pashley, a mine deputy, said that on the 1st he was doing his rounds when he found the defendant had a hole which had missed fire and he fixed a ratchet drill to drill the shot out.
Pashley pointed out the danger and ordered him to remove the drill.
He returned 10 minutes later and found that Harris had drilled 18 inches out. He had put his own life and Pashley’s in danger.
The deputy sent him out of the mine. Fined 10s and 8s 6d costs.