1st January –
The officials connected with the Wesleyan Band of Hope Society held their annual festival on New Year’s Day under the presidency of J Chisholm.
The Chapel was crowded and an interesting programme of vocal and instrumental music, readings and recitations was gone through with great credit.

North Riding Coat of Arms.
8th January –
At the Guisborough Police Court this morning James Wotton, an apprentice aged 16, was committed for trial at the York Assizes, charged by his employer, John Featherstone, boot and shoe dealer of Skelton, with committing an outrage on his daughter.
Details of trial not found, but a question was asked in Parliament later by the local MP, Mr H F Pease, asking for the severity of the sentence to be reduced. The petition was denied.
25th January –
The new Council took over many of the responsibilities of Local Boards.
In 1894 it was divided into smaller areas and Skelton and Brotton Urban District Council was formed.
Colonel William Henry Wharton was Skelton’s representative on the new Council.
The result was Mr W H A Wharton, Conservative, 381 and Mr Gowland, Labour, 181.
NORTH RIDING POLICE – The North Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary had been established on the 14th October 1856 and by this time had 202 Police Officers.

Halfpenny Bridge Toll Book for 1st March 1889.
19 Carriages at twopence, 2 Carts at twopence means that there must have been 120 pedestrians at one halfpenny to make up the total day’s receipts to 8 shillings and sixpence.

31st January –
A largely attended meeting of ratepayers and property owners was held in the Free Gardeners’ Hall, Skelton last night for the purpose of protesting against the Bill which has been presented to parliament by the Cleveland Water Company.
A resolution was adopted – “that the Chairman of the Skelton and Brotton Local Board be requested to call a special meeting for the purpose of co-operating with the Saltburn and Loftus Local Boards in opposing the present action of the Cleveland Water Company in promoting a Bill to increase the charges for water supplied for domestic purposes.
Summary conviction of George Lovett, a tramping groom, for being drunk and disorderly on the public highway. Offence committed at Skelton on 30 January.
Summary conviction of William Bunting of Skelton, miner, for being drunk and disorderly in the street. Offence committed at Skelton on 17 March.
Summary conviction of John Walsh of New Skelton, miner, for being drunk on a public highway. Offence committed at Skelton on 6 April.
6th February –
Mrs W H A Wharton visited the Stanghow Lane Boys Board School on Monday and awarded the prizes for regular attendance and efficiency to the successful competitors. She also gave the prizes to the children attending the Infant School, North Skelton and was pleased with the singing of the little children under the leadership of Mrs Douglas.
15th February –
The Joint Committee on behalf of the Cleveland Miners and their employers met at the Mineowners Offices, Middlesbrough yesterday.
The tippers and winding enginemen at Park Pit, the platelayers and a section of the miners at Chaloner Mine [Guisborough] and a section of the miners at Skelton Shaft put in claims for an advance of wages on their present rates.
The owners put in a claim to reduce the platelayers wages at North Skelton and Longacres Mines.
Referees were appointed to deal with the whole of the cases.
4th March –
George Coates and William Garland, both of Skelton, were each fined for keeping a dog without a license.

A later photograph of the ‘Saltburn Bridge’ or as everyone called it the ‘Halfpenny Bridge’, Toll Board and gate showing ‘unsafe for motors’.
Eventually it became totally dangerous and was demolished in 1974.
5th March –
This party, which consists of 40 couples from North Skelton, held their annual Ball.
They secured the Assembly Rooms in October last and have regularly kept up their practice during the winter months.
Dancing commenced at 8 p.m. and continued until 5 in the morning to the string band provided by Mr R Bell, who played nothing but the most popular music of the day.
Supper was provided by Mr and Mr J Pattinson, of the Wharton Arms.
9th March –
A North Skelton miner named Richard Morgan was fined 11 shillings, including costs and damages, for pulling up and taking away several ash plants in a wood at Kilton, the property of Mr J T Wharton on the 19th February.
29th March –
A sad accident occurred on Tuesday afternoon on the Skelton side of the Halfpenny Bridge, which spans the glen at Saltburn.
Mr Henry Curry of Stockton, was being driven from Skelton in a trap belonging to the Alexandra Hotel, Saltburn, when the horse, which was rather a spirited one, shied at a piece of paper which was blown violently by the wind agains the trap.
The occupants were thrown out and the carriage broken to pieces.
Mr Curry is lying unconscious at the Alexandra Hotel and Bunn, the driver, is suffering much and is reported to be in great danger.
29th March –
Yesterday afternoon His Grace consecrated the new portion of the Skelton Cemetery, lately added by the Local Board.
The members of the Board, His Grace attended by his mace-bearer and chaplain, the clergy and choir of Skelton followed by the general public walked the rounds to the responsorial psalm before the service of consecration was held.

30th March –
Summary conviction of George West of Skelton, groom, for keeping two dogs when he had only a license for one dog.
3rd April –
Three boys named John Pennock, Robert William Carver and John Thomas Pearson, were charged with breaking into a house occupied by Jacob Todd on the 29th March at North Skelton and stealing about nine shillings in silver and copper, a pocket knife, a pipe, 2oz of twist tobacco and 3 cakes
They had climbed the yard wall and broken a window to gain entry. They were committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions.
Thomas Imeson, Police Sergeant, John Calvert, Police Constable, Hannah Todd, wife of Jacob, Hannah Ranson, singlewoman and James Armstrong, coupler were called as witnesses.
When the boys appeared there on the 11th, they were sentenced to 10 days imprisonment and then ordered to be sent to a Reformatory for 5 years.
April –
8th – Summary conviction of James Turner of Skelton, miner, for not sending his daughter, Amelia Turner, to school.
9th – Summary conviction of Henry Pattinson of Skelton, saddler, for not sending his son, Alfred Thomas Pattinson, to school.
12th – Summary conviction of Robson Smith of Skelton, labourer, for not sending his daughter, Sophia Smith, to school.
15th – Summary conviction of John Cornforth of Skelton, miner, for not sending his daughter, Hannah Cornforth to school.
15th – Summary conviction of William Rowett of North Skelton, miner, for not sending his daughter, Rosina Rowett, to school.
All offences committed in the Skelton and Stanghow School Board district.
16 April –
By Mr Henry Pease, MP for Cleveland, North Riding of Yorkshire:-
He asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if he had received a numerously signed petition, asking for a mitigation of the sentence passed upon James Wotton, of Skelton, in Cleveland, aged about 16 years, for an assault upon a girl aged 13; and whether he is prepared to mitigate his term of imprisonment ?
The Minister, Mr Matthews, Birmingham E, replied:-
“Yes, Sir; I have received such a petition. I have examined the depositions in this case, and am unable to discover any grounds which would justify me in advising interference with the sentence, which is not, in my opinion, too severe.”
24th April –
Five boys, George Cummings, Edgar Beaumont, Henry Carter, Herbert Jefferson and William Slater were charged with damaging the iron fencing at the Lodge at Skelton belonging to Mr J T Wharton on the 14th. They were seen to bend about 15 of the bars. Cummings 9s 4d, Jefferson 6s 10d and the others 4s 4d in fines.
At the same hearing 7 persons were summoned by the Skelton and Stanghow School Board for not sending their children to school. 5 were fined 5 shillings and 2 cases adjourned for 2 months.
26 April –
Daniel Clemmit, a miner aged 53, was killed.
At the inquest at the Miners’ Hospital, Guisborough his mate, John William Dunn, said that they had fired 4 shots up to half past one o’clock.
They were out of the place for 5 minutes before returning. They found that 2 props had been knocked out by the fall of stone.
Deceased was holding up one of the props and he was picking up the hammer, when a quantity of stone of between 2 and 3 tons fell knocking deceased down and covering him partly up.
When they got him out he was dead. He had been a miner about 30 years.
1st May –
John Harrison of Skelton was sentenced to 2 months hard labour for not complying with an affiliation order to pay for his bastard child.
2nd May –
Summary conviction of Charles William Bowgen, onsetter, Robert Bowgen, farm labourer, William Harker, horsedriver, Sidney Jackson. horsedriver and John Shepherdson, horsedriver, all of North Skelton, for maliciously damaging trees and underwood in a wood called Hagg Wood, Skelton, belonging to and in the occupation of John Thomas Wharton, esquire.
2nd May –
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, George Taylor and Alfred Harris, carrying on business as Drapers and Grocers, at Skelton-in-Cleveland, in the county of York, under the style or firm of Taylor and Harris, has been dissolved, by mutual consent, as and from the 2nd day of May, 1889.
All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by the said Alfred Harris….
7th May –
John Claxton pleaded guilty to ill-using a horse at North Skelton mines on the 2nd.
Defendant was driving a horse attached to some tubs, when they got off the line.
Claxton got exasperated with the horse and picking up a large piece of ironstone threw it at the animal, with the result that the jugular vein in its throat and other arteries were cut.
The horse bled profusely and a veterinary surgeon had to be called in to stitch up the wound.
The stone must have been thrown with great violence and the Manager, Mr Thompson, said there had been several cases of cruelty in that particular Mine and he asked for an example to be made.
Fined 25s including costs.
8th May –
Summary conviction of John Dunn of North Skelton, miner, for being in possession of two snares when searched by John Calvert of North Skelton, Constable of the North Riding, on suspicion of having been on land in search of game. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
13th May –
A miner named William Jones was admitted to the Guisborough Miners’ Hospital on Saturday, suffering from injuries to his face, back and foot received in the Skelton Shaft Mine, through a fall of stone.
26th May –
Summary conviction of James Dack of Brotton, miner, for maliciously damaging grass growing in a field [Priestcrofts] belonging to the York City and County Banking Company and occupied by Robert Pinkney Petch.
5th June –
The Joint Committee of mineowners the Cleveland Miners Executive met at the Mineowners offices, Middlesbrough.
The Miners working in the ‘Beddy ground’ in Skelton Park Pit sought an advance of 2d per ton.
The men in the ‘Park Road’ district of Skelton Shaft sought 1d per ton.
The owners put in a counter claim for a reduction in the tonnage rate. The claims were referred to Messrs Heslop and Thomson for the owners and Messrs Reeder and Norman for the men for settlement with the usual powers.
Summary conviction of Stephen Ware of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk and disorderly on the highway. Offence committed at the township of Brotton on 20 April.
Summary conviction of Robert Collum, Andrew Cox and Henry Simmons, alias Novice, all of New Marske, Miners, for being drunk and disorderly on the public highway. Offence committed at Skelton on 21 April.
Summary conviction of Matthew Clark of New Skelton, Miner, and Joseph Lynas of Skelton Green, horsekeeper, for being drunk and disorderly on the highway. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 27 April.
Summary conviction of Edward Hill of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at Saltburn on 11 May.
Summary conviction of Ellen, wife of Alfred Brighton of Skelton, Innkeeper, for being drunk and disorderly on the highway. Offence committed at Skelton on 13 May.

8th June –
At the meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Local Board a numerously signed petition was received from the ratepayers of Skelton asking the Board to put the old quarry Well in good order and was referred to the Highways Committee.
Mr Carter having complained respecting a nuisance arising from the carting of dead animals through the public streets uncovered and smelling badly, the Clerk was authorised to write to Mr W H A Wharton on the subject.
15th June –
At the Loftus Police Court yesterday a lad named Richard Pennock of North Skelton was fined 10s for stealing a pair of boots at Brotton on the 30th May.
A boy named Healing had been sent for the boots and laid them on the roadside to play. Defendant took them away.
15th June –
At the Skelton and Stanghow School Board meeting a letter was read from a parent complaining that corporal punishment had been inflicted upon his son by an assistant master at the Stanghow Lane Boys School.
This was contrary to the Board’s regulations and it was decided to suspend the said assistant for a fortnight pending further enquiries.
18th June –
Alfred Brighton, the landlord of the New Inn, Skelton Green was charged with being drunk and disorderly on the 2nd. Sgt Imeson saw him very drunk, holding himself up by the wall and using very bad language.
His defence said he was suffering from dyspepsia and great pain. Defendant said he had only 2 half glasses of gin that day. Fined £1 and costs.
18th June –
Joseph Kyme and William Baxter were charged with maliciously damaging grass near Park Wood on the 14th.
PC Taylor saw them walk across a meadow and cornfield in the occupation of Mr Nightingale. Fined 10s or 7 days prison.
John Mason, a Miner of North Skelton, was charged with using obscene and abominable language in Richard Street. He did not appear and was fined 20s and 9s costs.
7th July –
Sgt Barker charged Thomas Simpson, Thomas Arnold, John Waker and Thomas Weighell with gambling between Brotton and Skelton.
They all pleaded guilty. Simpson who had 9 previoous convictions was fined 13s 9d. Arnold, fifth appearance the same and the other two smaller amounts.
13th July –
The Skelton and Stanghow School Board ordered that a half-holiday was to be given to the local schools on the afternoon of the day of the Skelton Agricultural Show.
14th July –
Summary conviction of Caroline Sanders for begging in the public highway in the township of Skelton.
19th July –
The 13th annual show was held on Thursday. The weather was fine and there was a good attendance. A large grandstand was erected on the ground and a public luncheon was provided. The entries numbered 589, 60 up on last year.
23rd July –
William Alcock, a farm foreman, was sued by Mr Thomas Petch, of Barns Farm, Skelton for £5 damages for neglecting to carry out a contract made between them.
Mr Petch said that he engaged Alcock on June 7th at 10s per week, plus his food and lodgings, but in consequence of defendant complaining that his wages were not sufficient he was given anothe 1s on the 6th of the present month.
For the defence it was stated that Alcock only agreed to be re-engaged from the 6th if 12s was given to him and, as it was not, he left, there being £1 8s 4d in wages due to him.
He said that he was working in the hay field on the 8th and between mid-day and 9 o’clock he had no drink and only a small piece of preserved rhubarb pie.
Mr Petch contended that his house had always been a good meat house and there were no grounds for complaints at all.
The Bench ordered Mr Petch to pay defendant wages due less 10s for leaving his situation. Each party to pay their own costs.
2nd August –
This event was favoured with beautiful weather, numerous entries and a large attendance of spectators.
Items on display were flowers, fruit, vegetables, industrial work, penmanship, bees, honey and ladies work.
The sports were the chief attraction. The 140 yards handicap, with prizes of £5, £1 10s and 10s secured 45 entries, including competitors from Middlesbro, Stockton, Sheffield and Leeds.

13th August –
At the Guisborough Police Court this morning Mr Thompson made an application for permission to use a workshop at Skelton Mines for the purpose of filling cartridges with powder.
He said at no time would there be more than 100lbs of powder at once in the building. The necessary notices had been served and posted and there being no objection the application was granted.
11th September –
The Science classes commenced at Skelton last night. The following are the subjects to be taught:- Agriculture, Geology, Mining and Trigonometry. A fair number of students presented themselves.
24th September –
The various Friendly Societies had a Church Parade at Skelton. The lodges met on the Cross Green and marched through Skelton to the Parish Church headed by the Skelton Brass Band who rendered their services gratis.
A collection was taken in aid of the Cottage Hospital. The number in regalia was 250 from the Ancient Order of Oddfellows, the Loyal Wharton Lodge, The N W Order of Free Gardeners, Rose of Sharon Lodge and Juvenile Lodge, Miners Pride Lodge, Boosbeck and the Ancient Order of Shepherds Lodge, Lingdale &c.
7th October –
Last night a meeting of the Skelton Unionist Association was held in the Drill Hall, Skelton with Lord Londonderry, J T and W H A Wharton, A J Dorman and E A Hamilton on the platform.
18th October –
At the Stokesley County Court yesterday, before His Honour Judge Turner, the case of Robert Allan against the Skelton and Stanghow School Board came on for hearing.
Allan claimed the amount of £9 3s 4d, being two separate month’s salary in lieu of notice and arose from his being twice summarily dismissed by the Board for breaches of the Board’s resolution on the subject of corporal punishment.
The case has excited considerable local interest in the district.
Judgment was entered for the defendants with �3 15s costs.
30th October –
Thomas Snaith, age 43, the Treasurer of the Skelton Co-operative Society, was charged with embezzling the sum of £407 7s 6d.
Mr Richardson prosecuted and Mr Brewster defended.
It was Snaith’s job to collect money from the different shops, clothing club account, members’ share capital account, Penny Savings Bank and sale of pass books.
He was responsible for approximately £5,000 each Quarter and had to account for the takings at the end of each period.
At the July audit there was a balance in hand and at the Bank of £562 and although the auditor considered that a large amount he passed it over.
On asking for Snaith’s Bank Pass Book on Saturday night week, the prisoner said that it was at the Bank.
The Auditor found that the Book was not at the Bank, but in Snaith’s possession.
As a result the Auditor and the Chairman of the Society examined his Books on the 21st and found a deficit of over £400.
The examination was not yet complete, but they were able to prove the charge of embezzlement in respect of 2 small sums of 16s 2d and 8s 3d, which were paid to Snaith on the 27th August last by the Manager of the Boosbeck Co-op shop and not accounted for.
William Cawthorn, the Manager of the Boosbeck shop, confirmed that he paid Snaith the above amounts and the amounts were properly entered in the receipt books.
Snaith’s Books had been properly kept and there had been no falsification of the accounts.
When informed of the deficiency, Snaith said – “I could have told you that on Saturday.”
He went on to admit that the money had gone and could not be recovered.
He had not gambled it away or speculated on the Stock Exchange, but he refused to say what he actually had done with it.
The President of the Society, James White, told the Court that Snaith received £3 per Quarter for his services and had all his expenses paid.
Mr Boulton gave evidence to the effect that he had known Snaith for a long time and had never seen or known anything against him. He was a ‘sober and industrious man’.
He was committed for trial at the next York Assizes, bail being refused.
On the following 5th December he was sentenced to 6 weeks imprisonment with hard labour.
The 1881 census records that Thomas Snaith, then aged 35, was an Ironstone Miner, born Yarm, N Yorks, living at 1 Dixon Street, Skelton, with his wife Margaret A Snaith and 5 young children, Elizabeth, 12, Hannah M, 9, Joseph, 4, Thomas W, 2, and John, 3 months.
The 1891 census shows that any sense of shame at his offence had not driven him away from the village.
He had moved to 39 Park Street. Elizabeth and Hannah had presumably left home.
Young Joseph was working at the Ironstone mine, age 14. John had probably died and new arrivals were Sarah, 8, Margaret A, 6, William R, 2, and Alice, 3 mths.
By 1901 Thomas and his wife are still at 39 Park St and only William, age 12 is with them.
In 1911 only he and his wife are at no 39 and he is still working below ground at the Mines as a ‘marster wastman’
31st October –
Arthur Swainston, a miner aged 20, was charged with assaulting a girl of 13 at North Skelton on the 28th and was fined 20s and 13s costs.
2nd November –
At a the Skelton and Brotton Board meeting a letter was read from Mr Richardson, a Blacksmith of Trout Hall Lane, requesting to be favoured with a share of the Board’s work.
There is a photograph of him shoeing a horse in Trout Hall Lane on page 60.
It was decided to divide the Blacksmith’s work amongst the various blacksmiths in the district.
7th November –
William Bennett was charged with a breach of the Poaching Prevention Act. PC Boynton met him at Saltburn Lane ends, New Skelton and on searching him found 3 nets and 4 net stakes. Fined 21s including costs or 1 month’s hard labour. The nets were estreated.
30th October –
Yesterday at the Park Mines, Skelton a man named John Thomas Moon, aged 64, employed as a labourer, dropped dead whilst following his employment.
20th November –
Percy Moreland was charged with stealing a coat and 3 shillings and 3 halfpence, the property of Micheal Spence of North Skelton.
The prisoner had been ill and on tramp on the 25th of October and was given food and lodgings until the 15th November. When he left he took the items with him. Sentenced to 6 weeks imprisonment with hard labour.
5th December –
At the York Assizes, Thomas Snaith, a deputy overman in the Ironstone mines, age 43, was sentenced to six weeks in prison with hard labour for embezzling money from the Skelton Cooperative Society. See Magistrates Court case 30th October above.

6th December –
Mr A Ellis, churchwarden, submitted a draft scheme for levelling the grave mounds and restoring the tombstones in the old churchyard, a notice to be placed in the local papers so that people might be able to have a mark placed over the graves where no identification existed.
13th December –
At the monthly meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Local Board it was decided to place 5 or 6 gas lamps between New and North Skelton.
24th December –
A young man, named James Mitchell was charged with assaulting an old man named George Beattie. Mitchell struck him violently on the head 3 times with a lamp that he was carrying. 2 witnesses corroborated. Mitchell had nothing to say and was fined 2s 6d and 18s 6d costs.
Middlesbrough Football Club was founded, to grow, over the coming years, into a great centre of this area’s tribal instinct.