July 23rd –
London Gazette.
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership between Joseph Davison, of Skelton, in Cleveland, in the County of York, and John Christopher Liomin, of Lofthouse, in the said County of York, Blue-Manufacturers, carried on at Skelton aforesaid, under the firm of Messrs. John Christopher Liomin and Company, was dissolved this 16th day of July instant by mutual consent, the above mentioned John Christopher Liomin having withdrawn himself from the concern; and all claims on the above concern will be duly discharged by the said Joseph Davison.
The above trade will in future be carried on at Skelton aforesaid, under the firm of Davison and Company: As witness our hands this 16th day of July 1814.
WATERLOO – Battle of Waterloo and the end of Napoleon’s threat to the rest of Europe.

NEW PARSON – William Close was the new Priest at Skelton All Saints Church and performed these duties until 1857.
Possibly due to a violent eruption in 1815 of the volcano Tambora in the East Indies, which threw out a great amount of debris blocking off the sun.
Temperatures in 1816 decreased and caused major food shortages across the Northern hemisphere.
5th June –
The “Roxby and Cleveland Hounds” were formed and John Andrew, the notorious smuggler, of the White House, Saltburn Lane was made Master.
From ‘The Cleveland Hounds’, by A E Pease.
“At the Angel Inn at Loftus, on a summer’s afternoon, we may picture John Andrew Snr, Isaac Scarth, Henry Clarke, Henry Vansittart Esq, Thomas Chaloner Esq and the other signatories to the rules then drawn up, sitting with their tumblers of punch, making a treaty.
“In 1817, Mr John Andrew was appointed master. The Hounds were taken to Saltburn, then but a fishing hamlet on the sea-shore, where, for more than fifty years, the management was in the hands of the Andrew family.
They hunted foxes in the winter, and, with a few of the old Hounds, otters in the summer. A few years after this the Roxby was dropped from the name of the pack, and they became the Cleveland.
John Andrew hunted them until 1835, assisted by his son, John Andrew Jun, who took them when his father gave them up.
John Jun was master until 1855, when they were taken by his son, Tom, who had them until 1870, having, previous to becoming master, acted as huntsman to his father.
Tom, altogether, hunted the Hounds for thirty-three years, having many grand runs, and sometimes hunting when the snow was deep on the ground.”

Roseberry Topping in background.
From John Charlton’s “Twelve Packs of Hounds”.

8 October –
Bill of indictment of John Sutton, late of the township of Skelton, Chimney Sweeper, for stealing one blue coloured printed cotton gown value 4d and one other printed cotton gown value 4d, the property of Barbara Yorke.
June 18th –
Death of Medd Scarth, who left a charity of six pounds, thirteen shillings per year for the poor of Moorsholm and Stanghow.
A plaque set in the floor of the aisle in the old church at Skelton commemorates her.

23rd March –
John Wharton was in debt to his own son-in-law, Thomas Barrett Lennard, who was himself in need of the money.
Wharton wrote to Thomas’s father:-
“My trustees above a year and a half ago took possession of my rents, and I am actually subsisting on what they choose to allow me, and must continue in this state of dependence and degradation till the termination of their trust which cannot be closed till they receive payment for an estate I sold in 1809, and this I, or rather they, are trying to enforce by a suit in Chancery …
It shall however be my study to remove and remedy the inconveniences I have caused as soon as it can be done, and I shall ever reflect on them with deep regret.”
John Macadam introduced solid road surfaces.
The Skelton Church Wardens, William Dixon and James Andrew paid Thomas Shemelds 1 shilling and 3 pence for Candles and Sweet Oil.
An assessment was made to pay for Bread and Wine at the rate of 18 pence per House and for Land at 1s 6d per Oxgang [about 20 acres].
John Andrew paid 2s 6d and Thomas Shemelds 2s 2d.
GEORGE IV – Death of George III and accession of George IV.

Mrs Hall Stevenson, mother of John Wharton of Skelton Castle died at York aged 81.
John Wharton of Skelton Castle was elected in second place as the MP for Beverley.

11th April –
John Lynass, a Labourer aged 30, from Skelton was charged with stealing from Sarah Johnson – 6 sheaves of Oats, value one penny, one peck measure of Oats, value one penny and one threave of straw, value one halfpenny.
Sentenced to 3 months hard labour in the Northallerton House of Correction.
It cost £23 11s 5d to bring the case to Court and after the North Riding’s contribution, £7 13s 7d had to be paid by the Skelton Society for the Prosecution of Felons.
On Saturday the 28 day of October 1820
at the House of Eliz. Green
The Duke William Inn
by Mr. John Watson
Houses and Land at Skelton, in Cleveland
Comprising 2 cottages with Wright Shop, Orchard, Garth, and half a Pew in Skelton Church, and An Allotment on Manless Green desirable to any Person anxious to Build; as there are good Public Quarries in and for the use of the Township, where the Purchasers will have right to win Stones
The National population was estimated to be 12 million at the Census of this year.
The population of Skelton Parish was 1235, as recorded by the local Curate, William Close.
Skelton village population was approximately 700.
4th August –
A most dreadful storm of thunder and lightning occurred at “Marsk” and Skelton in Cleveland on Monday week. At Skelton Mr Mackereth, surgeon of Guisbrough, was passing from one part of the village to the other, over some fields and in the middle of the pasture was knocked down and laid insensible for 2 or 3 minutes. Two women in the adjoining field, making hay, were struck down, but providentially, the whole three have perfectly recovered.
12 December –
‘recognizance dated 12 December 1821 made by Michael Mark, the elder, labourer and Michael Mark, the younger, Shoemaker, both of Skelton, for the appearance of Michael Mark, the younger, at the next Quarter Sessions as father of the bastard child of Mary Binks of the township of Skelton singlewoman, which when born is likely to be chargeable to the township of Skelton.
Certificate, dated 10 April 1822, that Mary Binks of the township of Skelton, singlewoman, was delivered of a bastard son on 9 March 1822, and that an affiliation order has been made on Michael Mark.
Mary was also receiving 2 shillings per week off a John Weatherill for an illegitimate child.
The threat of Napoleon was receding into history and 7000 sailors were redeployed as coast guards to fight the smuggling trade.
The coastguards’ cottages, still at that time considered part of Skelton [Saltburn was just the few buildings around the Ship Inn] were built to house our section of them.
At this time the people of Skelton were governed:-
1. Nationally, by Parliament.
Only 4 MPs were sent from the whole of Yorkshire. 99% of Skelton people did not have the right to vote.
2. Locally by the “Officers” of the North Riding of Yorkshire – the landed gentry and Churchmen.
The Lord Lieutenant:- The Duke of Leeds.
The Vice lieutenant:- Turner Straubenzee, Esq. Spennithorne.
Deputy Lieutentant:- Wharton, John, Esq. Skelton Castle. [One of some 100 in the Riding].
Lords and Chief Bailiff of Liberties:- The Rev. George Marwood, Busby-Hall, Stokesley; for Langbarugh. [one of 5 in the Riding]
Subdivision Clerk for Langbaurgh-East:- Henry Clarke, Guisborough.
The Coroner for this area was:- Henry Belcher, Whitby. [5 in the N Riding]
The Register office was at Northallerton:- Register, Matthew Butterwick, Esq. Thirsk.
Deputy, John Sanders Walton, Gentleman, Northallerton.
The Chief Constable for this area was:- Joseph Hickson Guisbrough. [12 cover the N Riding].
If Skelton folk committed minor crimes they had to face the Magistrates at Guisborough and they were judged by:-
Right Hon. Lawrence Lord Dundas, Marske Hall.
Hon. Thomas Dundas, Marske Hall.
William Ward Jackson Esq, Normanby.
John Wharton Esq, Skelton Castle, Guisbrough.
Anyone accused of more serious crimes were sent to the General Quarter Sessions which were held twice a year at Northallerton, on Tuesdays in the first whole week after Epiphany; -Easter; -St. Thomas the Martyr;
and on the first Tuesday in the first whole week after the eleventh of October.
The Chairmen were:-
The Right Hon. Lawrence, Lord Dundas, at the Midsummer and Michaelmas Sessions.
Rev. John Headlam, M.A. at the Epiphany and Easter Sessions.
Clerk of the Peace:- Lupton Topham, Esq. Middleham.
Deputy clerk of the Peace:- William Wailes, Gent. Northallerton.
Deputy sheriff:- Thomas Paul, Gent. Malton.
Clerk of Indictments:- Mr Thomas Wait, Northallerton.
Crier of the Court:- Mr.John Leefe, Malton.
Treasurer:- Valentine Kitchingman, Esq. Carlton Husthwaite.THE HOUSE OF CORRECTION.
If local people were sentenced to imprisonment they were incarcerated in the House of Correction, at Northallerton:-
Governor:- Mr Thomas Shepherd.
Under Gaoler:- Mr Thomas Shepherd,Jun.
“The House of Correction, which is the gaol of the North Riding, stands adjoining the Court house, in which are confined from time to time from 50 to 100 prisoners.
About two years ago a Corn Mill called a “stepping mill”, was erected for the employment of the male and female prisoners, consisting of three pairs of stones, a dressing mill and rollers for grinding malt which has been found to answer the purpose intended by this kind of labour.
At that time it was the largest Treadmill in the World.
Mr. Thomas Shepherd (the father of the Keepers of the West and East Riding Houses of Correction) is the Governor, and this prison has the reputation of being well conducted.” [T Langdale]

The Topographical Dictionary of Yorkshire by Thomas Langdale of this year describes Skelton Castle as:-
“situated on the brink of a large sheet of water, in many places 50 feet deep, which nearly surrounds the castle, except an opening to the south.”
10 April –
Order to the Treasurer of the North Riding to pay the Constable of Skelton for conveying John Bunton from Skelton to the House of Correction at Northallerton for a malicious trespass.
9 July –
Order to the Treasurer of the North Riding to pay the Constable of Skelton for conveying William Seaton from Skelton to the House of Correction at Northallerton for a pound breach – rescuing his own animals, which had strayed and impounded on Cross Green by the ‘Keeper of the Common Pound’.
August –
London Gazette.
To be sold, pursuant to the Decree and an Order of the High Court of Chancery… at the Ship Inn, Skelton in the North Riding of the County of York, in the month of October next, in lots;
Two freehold dwelling houses and two freehold cottages and other buildings with garden and orchard-ground attached thereto, and the respective appurtenances and about 18 acres of freehold arable, meadow, and pasture land, including land lately allotted by virtue of an Act of Parliament.
and two pews or seats in the Parish Church of Skelton aforesaid and late the estate of Robert Gowland, late of Skelton, in the County ot York, Plumber and Glazier, deceased.
10 September –
Summary conviction of Richard Gordon for vagrancy.
He was apprehended at the township of Skelton on 9 September 1822 by James Crusher of the township of Skelton.
Settlement examination of Richard Gordon.
He was born in the Parish of Uplyme in Devon and has gained no settlements elsewhere.
Vagrancy could be punished with a whipping and sent back to the Parish of birth.
At one time, with 220 different capital offences, mostly to protect the property of the rich, Britain was reputed to have the highest number in Europe.
The Theft of an item worth over 12 pence could result in a public hanging.
By an Act of this year the Judge was given the power to decide whether or not to apply the death sentence in all cases except murder and treason.
For Skelton at this time among a population of around 700 –
Castle – John Wharton MP
Curate – Rev William Close
Attorney -Thomas Nixon
Blacksmiths – Thos Carter, Robert Robinson, William Young.
Butchers – William Lawson, Isaac Wilkinson, William Wilkinson.
Corn Millers – Robert Watson, William Wilson
Farmers and Yeomen – William Adamson, John Appleton, Thomas Clark, James Cole, James Collin, William Cooper, Stephen Emerson, John Farndale, Robert Gill, William Hall, Edward Hall, Jackson Hardon, William Hutton, Sarah Johnson, William Lockwood, John Parnaby, Thomas Rigg, William Sayer, William Sherwood, John Taylor, William Thompson, Robert Tiplady, William Wilkinson, Richard Wilson.
Grocer and Drapers – John Appleton, William Dixon, Ralph Lynass, Thomas Shemelds, John Slater.
Flax dresser – McNaughton D
Joiners – William Appleton, Leonard Dixon, Mark Carrick, Joseph Middleton.
Schoolmasters – Atkinson M, John Sharp.
Shoemakers – Robert Bell, Luke Lewis, Thomas Lowls, George Lynass, Thomas Steele.
Stonemasons – Thomas Bryan, John Pattinson.
Straw Hat Makers – Sarah Sarah, Esther Shimelds.
Weavers – Stephen Abelson, Thomas Dowson, John Robinson, Robert Wilson.
Land Agent – John Andrew.
Victuallers – William Bean at Duke William, William Lawson at Royal George.
Woodturner – James Crusher.
Gamekeeper – Frank Thomas.
Plumber, Glazier – William Gowland.
Saddler – Thomas Taylor.
Shopkeeper – Eliza Wilkinson.
Carriers – Marmaduke Wilson – to Guisborough on Tues and Fri, dep 8am and return 4pm.
Robert Wilkinson – to Stockton on Wed and Sat, dep 4am and return 8pm – to Lofthouse on Mon and Thurs, dep 9am and return 6pm.
Letters were brought to Guisborough by coach and thence to Skelton by Daily Horse Post arriving at 10am and mail taken back at 3 pm.
Feb 8th –
GREAT SNOWSTORM – recorded in the North of England required cutting through drifts
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