Skelton Castle.
Sketches by John Charlton – “Twelve Packs of Hounds”.
14th January –
This week Lord Zetland and Mr W H A Wharton, Skelton Castle, have both made substantial concessions to their tenants on the Loftus and Skelton estates at their half yearly rent audits.
The former returned 20 percent and the latter 25 percent in management.
20th January –
Mr A Buchanan of Guisborough awarded to the Mine owners the reduction applied for of one halfpenny per ton in the consideration paid to the hand Miners employed in the north east and west districts of Park Mine, Skelton.
21st January –
At his residence in Algiers, Mineowner, John Bell, aged 68, of Rushpool Hall, Skelton.
In 1890 a memorial window was placed at the east end of the south aisle of Skelton All Saints Church.

John Bell, Ironmaster, of Rushpool Hall, Skelton died at the age of 68 in this year at his holiday home in Mustapha Rais, Algiers.
Rushpool Hall, Skelton was built for him out of his share of the profits from the Bell Bros local ironstone mining and steel making enterprise.
This photograph of the Bell family at Rushpool must have been taken around 1885/1886.
The youngest daughter Sybil would have been 2/3 years old and this will be her sitting on her mother’s knee. The owner of the photograph, Christine Newson, says that it was taken by Addison Langhorn Steavenson, Chief Engineer and Agent for the Bell Bros and presumably a family friend.
Christine says the lady standing at the back is Addison’s wife and a couple of the children are his.
The girl standing on the Left is almost certainly Evelyn Bell and the girl in front of her is likely Frances Lillian Steavenson, who was a similar age.
Christine believes that the dark haired child seated on the ground is Lillian Bell, age about 9 at this time, and the smaller child behind in another Steavenson daughter, Hilda Maria.
The two ladies on the right are not identified. See also the photograph on the page for 1898, when Lillian married.
[Please note that Christine Newson has Copyright to these images and permission should be obtained before copying and showing elsewhere, especially for commercial purposes.]
A timeline of the Bell family with many more photographs can be read Here.

Rushpool Hall. Built by mineowner John Bell in 1869.
23rd January –
John Gordon and Henry Wath were charged with drunkenness and fighting in South Street, Middlesbrough on Saturday.
Wath was on an excursion to the town from Skelton to see a football match between Middlesbrough and Skelton [not Premier League].
In the evening Gordon asked Wath which team won the match. Wath replied with an oath and assaulted Gordon. Fined 10s each.
28th February –
Harland Leng and his son, Plumbers of Skelton, were today charged with trespassing on land in occupation of Messrs Bell Bros at Skelton on the 22nd.
The defendants, who were employed by the firm, were seen using a ferret and a net at a rabbit hole.
They said that the son was merely rat hunting in an old drain and failing to get the ferret out the father went to assist.
For some reason the Bench did not believe them and fined £2 9s including costs.
3rd March –
[The Band of Hope was an organisation that had been started in Leeds in 1847 and by now had spread nationwide.
It had the aim of turning working-class children away from the evils of alcohol. Members were enlisted as early as the age of 6, signed a pledge of total abstinence and were encouraged to take part in worthy activities.]
Last evening a crowded meeting of the Parish Church Band of Hope was held in the Drill Hall, Skelton.
Four to five hundred children and adults were present, the Rev W Henry Leak presiding. Mr W C Peck of Redcar exhibited by the aid of his powerful lantern an excellent selection of dissolving views consisting of coloured photographs of English and Continental scenery.
During the evening one of the curates, A F Chappell was presented with a testimonial as he is about to leave Skelton to undertake missionary labours in Japan.

3rd March –
A tabulated return by Mr Robert Rowland, General Secretary of the North Yorkshire and Cleveland Miners’ Association, showed that in the previous year, 1887, there were were 878 minor accidents and 12 fatal in the Cleveland Mines.
This compared to 822 and 20 fatal in 1886. The average number of fatal accidents for the 13 years ending 1886 was 19.
It was pointed out that whereas the average number of men employed in the mines over the whole period was 8,000, at present there are 6,000 and there have been periods of irregular employment.
6th March –
Two Skelton men, John Coleman and Mark Allison were charged with trespassing in pursuit of conies on land belonging to Squire Wharton at Moorsholm on the 24th.
A watcher saw them enter the Moorsholm plantation and start ferreting for rabbits. He got the assistance of a policeman.
Allison escaped, but Coleman was caught on the highway and found to have in his possession a rabbit, 2 nets, a catapult and some stones.
On being served with the summons Coleman said –
“I have had no work, but I would poach rather than starve, so long as there is such varmint running about.”
6 nets and a ferret were found about the rabbit holes. Coleman, with several convictions, was fined 15s and costs. Allison 3s 6d and Court expenses.
14th March –
Yesterday afternoon, a miner named Henry Scott, was admitted to the Guisborough Miners’ Hospital suffering severe injuries to his head by a fall of stone in the South Skelton Mines a short time before.
20th March –
A young man named James Field was brought up charged with criminally assaulting Laura Moody at Skelton.
Laura is a domestic servant at Trout Hall and had previously known the prisoner as a person who had begged at her master’s house.
On Sunday she visited her parents at Skelton Green, leaving a little after 8 p.m.
On the way she passed the prisoner who gave chase and assaulted her near her master’s house. Prisoner, who had latterly tramped the country, was committed for trial at the next Northallerton Quarter Sessions.
[Local Gazette records that Field was sentenced to 6 months for assault on a girl in 1884 in Skelton.]
17th April –
7 lads named Cooper, Suggitt, Shepherdson, Speechley, Claxton, Dowson and Bowgen were charged with playing at pitch and toss near Hollybush Farm, Skelton on Sunday afternoon, the 8th.
An officer had concealed himself behind a hedge and watched them as they were gambling. Each lad had 3s costs to pay.

10 May –
An inquest was held at Skelton on the body of William Hollinsworth, who was killed on the 10th.
Fred Hollinsworth, the deceased’s son, stated that he was at work with his father on Thursday last.
After firing the second shot witness was engaged barring down a large piece of stone and the deceased was holding him a light, when the stone suddenly fell, knocking a prop out, which fell against a second prop which fell on the deceased.
The blow injured him internally. William Kell, a ‘brattice man’, corroborated.
At the 1881 census William was living at 40 Richard St, North Skelton and had been born in Knaresborough, Yorks.
He was by that time a widower, age 47.
He had five children and their places of birth show how miners sometimes moved around –
Joseph, aged 18 in 1881 and born in Bradford, Yorks;
Fred, aged 14 and born in Brotton;
George. age 12, born Skelton;
Harriet A, aged 10, born Skelton;
and Arthur, aged 9, born in Osmotherley.
2nd June –
At the monthly meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Board the Clerk read a reply from the Secretary of the Cleveland Water Company saying that his directors were unable to make any alteration in the charge for hydrants in the Boards district other than that suggested on the 25th March last, when they offered to put Skelton on the same basis as Brotton and charge £1 per annum per hydrant for 15 years instead of the 16s 9d annually as at present.
The Surveyor said that there were 74 hydrants in the Skelton district [which covered Boosbeck, Lingdale and Moorsholm] and 17 in the Brotton district.
Mr J T Wharton reminded the Board that the charges were fixed by the Board and the then surveyor.
He had heard many complaints about domestic water.
Mr Stockdale said; Only too right. They had met Mr I’Anson the Water Company’s Secretary who had promised to bring them before the directors, but had failed to do so. There was no scale of charges. They just charged what they liked.
The surveyor reported that at other places, Newcastle, North Shields, Whitby and Hornsey the local Board paid the cost price for the hydrants and no charge whatever for the water used.
Mr Coatsworth said what the Surveyor had agreed in the past should not stand for all time.
Things had come to a crisis. Houses were paying 1 shilling per week of which 25 percent went to the Water Company. The Chairman pointed out that as a Sanitary Board it was their duty to see that the Water Company supplied people, but they could only “go by gravitation” and therefore people living in the higher parts were left out.
It was resolved to form a committee to attend the next meeting of the Water Company and debate the question to try and secure a reduction.
9th June –
At the monthly meeting of the Skelton and Stanghow School Board there was some discussion about the rule that school fees should be collected in advance.
It had been suggested that the teachers should have some discretion, as long as no child was allowed to accumulate more than one week’s arrears. A suggestion was made to whitewash the interior of the new schools on Skelton Green, but Mr Ellis, the chemist, objected strongly. The Chairman:- “What’s that mean ? It’s too big a word for us.”
Mr Brighton:- “Why, it means eyesight.”
Mr Heslop:- “Lingdale should be included. It is 6 years since anything was done there.”
The Chairman:- “I’ll bet you as many glasses of gin as you and I can drink that it is not.” [Laughter.]
It was decided to colour the walls at Skelton Green and paint the outside woodwork of the Stanghow Lane School
Mr Rixham, the Headmaster of the Lingdale Boys School, asked for leave to attend a course of lectures at South Kensington, from the 6th to the 29th July.
He would have to leave a fortnight before the schools broke up.
Mr Brighton said that they had already given 2 or 3 teachers permission to go to camp with the Volunteers.
If they were going on at this rate the best course would be to close the schools for two months and let them all off.
They would be told next that the children did not get the worth of the money they were paying. In fact, people were saying that now.
The Chairman:- “I have heard complaints of that kind several times.”
It was decided that leave should be granted.
The Chairman:- “Did you vote, Mr Brighton ?”
Mr Brighton:- “Not me, for a thing like that. It’s not good enough.”
It was also decided to give the children a holiday next Wednesday at Skelton, on the occasion of the Miners’ Demonstration.
Mr Brighton said that they had passed a resolution to the effect that corporal punishment was only to be inflicted by the head teachers.
He should like to ask if the head teachers could “flog” the children to any extent they liked.
The Chairman:- “Yes, on their own responsibility.”
Mr Brighton:- “That’s all I wanted to know.” He supposed they would be heard of at the Guisborough Magistrates next.
There was a system of punishing children going on at their schools which would have to be stopped somehow, for he thought that was just the kind of thing to make children stop away from school.
14th June –
17 Miners’ Lodges from all parts of East Cleveland attended this event, headed by their banners and bands of music.
It was held in a field kindly lent by Hannah Emmerson of Holly Bush Farm, Skelton. Stephen Emmerson, the ‘Miners’ Friend’, had died in 1887.
The Miners had a high regard for the Emmersons, for such was the fear of organised labour among the Mine owners and landed gentry that it was said “all other fields were closed against them.”
Mr John Connor MP, Mr C A V Conybeare MP, Mr Rowland, the General Secretary of the Miners’ Union and Mr Toyn, President of the Miners’ Association addressed a crowd of thousands.
The first resolution was:-
This meeting, being of the opinion that Trades Unions and Co-operation are the means by which the working classes must achieve their complete social and political emancipation, resolves to use all legitimate means to increase the membership of the Cleveland Miners’ Association, promote the interests of Trades Unionism generally and extend the principles of Co-operation.
Mr Joseph Toyn, said more iron had been sent away in May than ever before and he hoped the good old times would be back again.
But a warning was given about the hard life the Miners faced:-
The awful pressure of a grinding struggle for existence has made men extremely anxious to obtain as large an output as possible in the limited number of shifts they are allowed to work.
If the young men who worked in the Mines worked as they were at the present time, at 45 years they would be broken-down men, and then being unable to earn the district average they would be cast to one side without the slightest consideration.
The weather was fine until 1.30 p.m. and then the rain fell in torrents.
18th June –
The marriage will shortly take place between William Henry Anthony Wharton, only son of John Thomas Wharton of Skelton Castle and Harriet Emily Yeoman, second daughter of the Rev C B Yeoman, Vicar of Manfield, near Darlington. Harriet would die, after giving birth to their only child.

26th June –
At the Guisborough Police Court today a young man named James Laing was charged with an attempted rape upon Jane Burdon, aged 18, of 23 East Parade, Skelton on the 23rd.
The hearing lasted 2 hours before the Magistrates dismissed the case.
30th June –
London Gazette. Following Area infected by Swine Fever.
An Area in the Petty Sessional Division of Langbaurgh East, in the North Riding of the county of York, comprised within the following boundary, that is to say, from a point commencing at the north end of a private-road belonging to Messrs. Morrison and Company leading to the Grange, thence down the highway from Brotton to Skelton including the whole of New Skelton, thence along the Green-lane leading to Stanghow as far as the Trout Hall Bridge, thence direct by North Skelton Pit to Apple Orchard Farm, thence along the west side of the Mineral Railway from Lingdale to Brotton as far as Kilton Thorpe, thence along the Black-road down Kilton-lane to the north side of Kilton Old Hall, thence down the road to Carlin How, thence along the road to the west side of Kilton Mill, along the New-road to Skinningrove Ironstone Mines, across the Beck down to the sea-shore including the whole of the pigstys at the bottom of Skinningrove Bank, thence along the top of the cliffs adjoining the sea to Huntcliff Mine, thence by the Saltburn and Whitby Railway down to New Brotton on to the Saltburn-road to the north end of Messrs. Morrison’s private-road.
7th July –
At the local Board meeting Mr Faulkner, the Medical Officer, drew attention to the disgraceful state of the streets at North Skelton and it was decided to make the local Mine and house owners, Bolckow and Vaughan aware of the situation.
8th July –
Summary conviction of Thomas Small, William Dixon and Samuel Gratton of Skelton, Miners, Thomas Crawford of Boosbeck, miner, William Davis of Slapewath, miner, Thomas Turner, Henry Watson, George Gill, Joseph Proud, James Proud, Stephen Nicholson, Robert Barr, John Middleton and Ralph Daniels all of Margrave Park, miners for playing a game of chance called pitch and toss on the public highway. Offence committed at the township of Stanghow.
11th July –
2 boys named George Spence and James Armstrong were charged with damaging underwood in ‘Hutchinson’s plantation’, which is situateD between North Skelton and Brotton. Fined 5s.
18th July –
A young girl named Anne Brough, aged 17, was charged with attempting to commit suicide at Skelton on the 14th.
Annie Ellen Tate, the wife of William Tate, innkeeper at the Green Inn, said that the prisoner came to her as a servant, but she did not suit and was paid off after 2 days.
As she was leaving the prisoner said, “I have taken some poison”. They did not believe her and turned her out.
After she had gone they found that a bottle of tincture of iodine that had been half full was now empty.
Miss Ellis, daughter of Mr Ellis, the Skelton chemist, said the prisoner came to the shop on Saturday and asked for 3 pennyworth of laudanum, saying it was for Mrs Tate.
Albert Brough of Yeoman Street, Skelton, stated that Anne was his daughter. She gave him half and took the other half into the back kitchen.
When he told her it was time to go to her place she told him to mind his own business and he never saw her again until she was brought home in a very bad state.
A younger daughter found the empty laudanum bottle and something was given to her to make her vomit and it had the desired effect.
Dr Dunn said he was called out and gave the prisoner an emetic and had her walked about until morning. The father recalled telling his daughter, who had been out of work for 3 months, that he could not afford to keep her and if she came back from Mrs Tate’s she would have to go to the Workhouse.
He had never threatened her with violence.
Prisoner had nothing to say and was committed for trial at the York Assizes.
When she appeared there on the 23rd, his Lordship said that he understood the Governor of the gaol had interested himself in the prisoner’s welfare and had obtained admission to a home for her.
He therefore passed the nominal sentence of one hour’s imprisonment.

20th July –
The 12th Annual show was held on Wednesday in a field near the Castle. There was a great falling off in attendance though there was a fair number present.
The rain, which had fallen heavily during the early morning and for 2 days previously made the field in a wretched condition.
There were 595 entries with the Cleveland Bays greatly excess of those at any previous shows.
Summary conviction of Robert Thompson of Skelton, of no occupation, for being drunk on the public highway. Offence committed at the township of Guisborough on 5 July.
Summary conviction of Stephen Ware of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk and disorderly on the highway. Offence committed at Skelton on 11 August and the 18th August.
Summary conviction of Charles Worth of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk on the highway. Offence committed at Skelton on 5 August.
Summary conviction of James Boothby of Skelton, Mines Deputy, for being drunk and disorderly on the highway. Offence committed at the township of Loftus on 6 October.
Summary conviction of Michael Hughes, a tramping hawker, for being drunk and disorderly on the public highway. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 27 October.
20th July –
North Skelton Mine. Edward Dack and A Harker were filling ironstone after the machines, when a Chargeman fired a hole, the charge of which blew through and injured them.
Dack now lies in Skelton Hospital and Harker is at home not seriously injured.
24th July –
Ann Potter and Ann Markham were charged with wilfully damaging grass in a field belonging to Thomas Petch at Skelton on the 12th. PC Brough saw them walking about the meadow. Ordered to pay 5s 6d each.
4th August –
At Northallerton Quarter Sessions James Field, a labourer aged 20, was found guilty of indecently assaulting a girl, aged 17, near Trout Hall, Skelton on the 18th.
He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment with hard labour.
6th August –
Summary conviction of Eliza Harris wife of William Harris, bricklayer, and Rachel Brown, singlewoman, both of Lingdale, for maliciously damaging grass growing in a field on Ground Hill Farm, belonging to the York City and County Banking Company and occupied by Robert Pinkney Petch.
22nd August –
The 11th Annual show was held at Skelton Green, where there was a remarkably good attendance with 2,500 being present at one time or another.
29th August –
A boy named William George Barnes was charged with damaging an iron fence on the road leading from New Skelton to North Skelton. PC Calvert saw him bend one of the rails. Fined 1d and 1 shilling damage.

4th September –
A young fellow named John Lottery was charged with assaulting William Robinson, of Boosbeck Road, Skelton. On Friday night last the complainant was in Bridge St, West, Middlesbrough, in the vicinity of the Railway Station, when the prisoner, who is a militiaman, and had arrived at home that day, struck him and knocked him down.
Complainant got upon his feet and attempted to get away, when he was again knocked down and kicked by the prisoner.
A policeman appearing upon the scene, complainant gave Lottery into custody. Chief Constable Ashe said that for some weeks past he had had to station a man specially in this Bridge Street.
The Bench declared that this street ruffianism must be put down with a strong hand and sent the prisoner to gaol for 6 weeks.
6th September –
A match was played at Skelton Castle on Wednesday before a very large company between the Ladies and Gentlemen. The Gentlemen batted with hickory sticks and fielded with the right hand in pocket. 3 Gents were run out, but made 26 and beat the Ladies by 7 runs.
7th September –
This show was a repetition of one held on the 28th July which was a failure owing to the weather.
The horticultural exhibits were brought again and made a good show all round in a large marquee in a field kindly provided by Mr W D Petch.
The principal feature were the athletic sports for which liberal prizes were given.
![]() Gas Lights in the High St. |
8th September –
At the meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Board it was resolved to light public lamps on the same terms as before – viz 2s 2d per lamp for Brotton and 2s 5d for Skelton, the period of lighting being from September 20th to April 20th.
A memorial, signed by 150 ratepayers, asked for a footbridge over Holme Beck on the footway between North Skelton and Saltburn.
Mr Wharton had denied that this road was a public way and the petitioners were told to apply to him.
14th September – Summary conviction of John William Brown of North Skelton, miner, for not sending his daughter Annabella Brown to school.
18th September – Summary conviction of John Glasper of Skelton, shoemaker, for not sending his daughter Ann Glasper to school.
Offences committed in the Skelton and Stanghow School Board district.
17th September –
Skelton Castle United v New Marske. Played at Skelton Castle. G Todd took 6 wickets for 25. Skelton won by 24 runs.
27th September –
Summary conviction of James Dack and George Munroe both of the township of Brotton miners for maliciously damaging the underwood and trees growing in a wood called Hagg Wood, Skelton, the property of John Thomas Wharton esquire.
9th October –
John Coleman, a miner of North Skelton, who did not appear was fined 5s and 10s costs for drunk and disorderly in High St, Lingdale.
George Hebden, a miner of North Skelton was charged with the same offence in that place on Saturday week. PC Calvert said defendant’s conduct had been very bad. Defendant said he “got exasperated” owing to his being pushed out of the public house. Ordered to pay 8s 6d costs.
20th October –
Summary conviction of Christopher Swales of Skelton, miner, for being quarrelsome and disorderly in the licensed premises of Alfred Brighton at Skelton and refusing to leave when asked by the said Alfred Brighton.
23rd October –
9 young miners at Park Pit, George Cummings, Herbert Jefferson, Frederick Brown, Richard Moody, William Bringlaw, Patton Taylor, Eli Smith, William Kisbie and William Reynolds were charged with doing malicious damage to fruit trees in an orchard belonging to Mr J T Wharton at Skelton on Sunday, the 30th September.
PC Devaney said he observed defendants in the orchard in the occupation of William Woodhouse. They were wantonly breaking the branches of the trees and consuming the fruit. The fruit had been nearly all taken away on several occasions. Fined 6 shillings each.
23rd October –
Alfred Unwin, a tramp, was charged with stealing a pair of boots, the property of John George Mitchell, boot and shoe dealer of Skelton.
PC Devaney said that on the night of the 18th he saw defendant walking through Skelton with a bundle under his arm.
His suspicions aroused, he found a new pair of boots in the parcel. Mr Yeoman on the Bench deplored the practice of leaving items outside presenting temptation to dishonest persons.
Sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labour.
24th October –
Two young boys, William Wilson and George Ruddock were charged with stealing a number of gimlets, hammers etc, the property of an ironmonger, named William Carter of Skelton.
The boys had got through an ashpit and then into a house of Carter’s, which he used as a warehouse, and stolen the joiner’s tools.
They were each ordered to receive 8 strokes with the birch rod.
1st November –
Summary conviction of Charles Armstrong of North Skelton, miner, for trespassing in the daytime in search of game on land belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire and occupied by Robert Stevenson.
3rd November –
Yesterday in the presence of a number of Mining engineers and others a series of experiments with the new explosive, Bellite, were made at the ironstone Mines of Messrs Bolckow and Vaughan at North Skelton.
The results appeared to give entire satisfaction to both Managers and workmen, “the action being slower and more continuous and running up more ground with crushing the dynamite”.
A vast quantity of powder is used in the district and a safer and cheaper explosive was of the most vital importance to them.
7th November –
George Purdy, Clare Purdy, William Baxter, Charles Mayes and Charles Bright, all Miners, were charged on remand with night poaching at Skelton. Clare was discharged and the other 4 committed for trial.

17th November –
A meeting of property owners and others was held in the Free Gardeners’ Hall, Skelton to discuss the question of the high charges made by the Cleveland Water Company for hydrants and to private consumers.
Mr Coatsworth of Lingdale showed that in other towns the highest charge per hydrant was 8s 4d, while in Skelton it was more than double at 18s 8d.
He also said a number of hydrants were practically useless, being upon the gravitation level and the slight daytime pressure was switched off at 5 p.m. after which most fires were prevalent.
The Cleveland Water Company’s Act of Parliament limited the charge to private consumers to 7.5 percent of the annual value, while in some cases the Company were charging 20 to 25 percent.
The ratepayers were urged to oppose the new Act for which the Company were about to apply.
12th November –
Summary conviction of James Smith of New Skelton, miner, for not sending his daughter, Hannah Mary Smith, to school. Offence committed in the Skelton and Stanghow School Board district.
20th November –
George William Jackson, aged 19, of Normanby was charged with stealing a pilot coat, the property of John Garthwaite, an ostler at the Wharton Arms Hotel, Skelton.
The prisoner had driven a party of footballers to Skelton and put up at the witness’s master’s stables. After they had left the coat was missing and a Normanby boy, George Richardson said that he saw the prisoner take it.
Sgt Imeson said he found the coat in the prisoner’s bedroom. He at first denied the offence and then said he was drunk at the time.
His mother spoke up for him, but had to admit she had been convicted for larceny.
The Bench sent prisoner to gaol for 2 calendar months.
24th November –
Yesterday the members and friends of the Skelton Parish Church Band of Hope opened their winter session with a tea in the Drill Hall when about 300 sat down.
Among the speakers was the Rev J A Thompson, who was formerly a missionary in North America. He spoke of his personal experiences of life in the forests of Canada.
1st December –
Summary conviction of George Williams of Skelton, miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at Guisborough.
12th December –
A circular was sent round the Miners asking them if they were in favour of paying the railway fair and wages for any financial member who might be elected for a seat on the County Council and a good majority decided in the affirmative.
Mr Rowland and Mr Toyn have been invited to contest Skelton and Marske electoral division against Mr W H A Wharton and Lord Zetland.
16th December.
An inquest was held yesterday at the Green Inn, Skelton Green, on the body of the landlord, Mr William George Tate, aged 36, who died on Sunday from injuries received on Friday.
It appeared that deceased and several others had been to Skatebeck to meet the ‘harriers’, which did not turn up.
They were returning home and when about 190 yards past the Stanghow blacksmith’s shop the deceased’s horse fell, throwing him to the ground, the horse being laid about 5 yards from the deceased.
Dr Dunn said that 3 or 4 of his ribs were broken and he had injuries to his back, left knee, hip and slightly to back of his head.
William, born the 1st Feb 1852, was the son of Thomas Tate. His mother was Harriett Andrew, of the smuggler family.
[The image of the Memoriam Card, a typical feature of the Victorian Age, has been contributed by Alan Ward, a native of Skelton.]

The Blacksmiths Shop at Stanghow.