6th January –
The Chapel which is to be opened this month will hold over 600 people, or 350 more than before the enlargement, which will cost £450. The pointing, painting and finishing will be left for spring or summer.
2nd February –
From ‘Middlesbrough Exchange’ –
Skelton in Cleveland is becoming civilised. A Hearse is to be bought for the use of the Parish.
Mr T Shepherd is the person who proposes to get and keep it.
17th February –
The Skelton Burial Board comprised John Wharton Esq, Rev Gardiner, Thomas Taylor, Isaac Scarth, John Bell, D Petch, Alex Ellis, John Wood and EB Hamilton.
Some time ago they appointed a committee to select a piece of land for a new cemetery at Skelton, the members being Mr Petch, Thomas Shepherd, Martin Robinson, B Broadbent, L Wilkinson and Mr Bearpark.
On Friday last a public meeting was held in the School room to receive their report.
Some Glebe land [Church owned] was offered at the West End by the Rev Gardiner at £300 per acre, including minerals.
T This was rejected and Mr Wharton came out right nobly, offering a piece of land at the East End, which up to that time had been farmed by Mr John Wood of Trout Hall Farm.
It was well situated for the purpose, and would cost only 5 shillings. This proposal was unanimously accepted.
January to April –
Summary conviction of John Dart of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Guisborough on 27 January.
Summary conviction of James Brown of Skelton, Fireman, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Guisborough on 27 January.
Summary conviction of James Barber of Guisborough, Platelayer, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 1 February.
Summary conviction of Joseph Mitchell of Skelton, Brakesman, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 15 February.
Summary conviction of William Worth of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 20 February.
Summary conviction of Domlic Conner of Skelton, Labourer, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 9 March.
Summary conviction of Peter Gowland of Skelton, Labourer, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 9 March.
Summary conviction of Isaac Tyson of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 9 March.
Summary conviction of Robert Robinson of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 9 March.
Summary conviction of Isaac Baulch of Skelton, Labourer, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 8 March.
Summary conviction of Noah House of Skelton, Innkeeper, Royal George, for assaulting John Williams of the township of Skelton sinker. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 10 March.
Summary conviction of James Adams of Skelton, Bricklayer, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 23 March.
Summary conviction of William Wiley of Skelton, Sinker, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Brotton on 31 March.
Summary conviction of Thomas Rodgers of Boosbeck, Brickmaker, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 24 March.
Summary conviction of James Shaw of Skelton, Engine Driver, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Guisborough on 14 April.
Summary conviction of James Dunning of Guisborough, Grocer, for being drunk in charge of a horse and cart on the highway. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 14 April.
Summary conviction of Robert Roberts of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Guisborough on 30 April.
Summary conviction of Mason Large of Skelton, Joseph Garraid of Boosbeck, and Joseph Bentley of Guisborough, all Miners, for being drunk on the licensed premises of Thomas Johnson. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 28 April.
31st March. –
Letter to the Gazette.
The Editor of the Northern Echo says in his leader of the 29th of this month that “Mr Kettle’s award, on the whole, is satisfactory, as it has disposed of several fallacies.
I can assure you, Sir, and your numerous readers, that Mr Kettle’s award is exceedingly unsatisfactory.
There is not a single Miner in Cleveland who is satisfied and scarcely anybody else, except the Editor of the Echo and the class of men he represents.
It is all very well for the Editor of the Echo to fiddle on the string of satisfaction.
He can sit at ease and eat, drink and be merry, but if he had to go down into the deep, dark, dangerous mines and breathe an unhealthy atmosphere every day, and be reduced to hunger and starvation prices, as the tonnage price is now reduced to, I am certain he would soon alter his tale.
Yours truly,
Mr Joseph Toyn,
Skelton, Agent, Cleveland Miners’ Association.
9 April –
David Hamilton of Skelton, Miner, Thomas Smith of Skelton, Sinker, Thomas Davis of Skelton, Labourer, and Mark Pulleine of Skelton, Sinker, were convicted for maliciously damaging grass growing in a field occupied by Robert Ridley in the township of Skelton.
10th April. – FRANK WILD.
Birth in Skelton of one of the heroes of Antarctic Exploration, John Robert Francis Wild, better known as Frank.
He was the eldest son of Benjamin and Mary Wild, who had 8 sons and 3 daughters.
Like Cook he joined the Merchant Navy as a young lad and later transferred to the Royal Navy.
In 1901 he was a member of Captain Scott’s expedition to the South Pole.
In 1911 he was a member of Mawson’s “Aurora” expedition.
In 1914 was second in command of Ernest Shackleton’s “Endurance” and played an heroic part in the great real-life adventure that ensued.
He served in the RN in the First War and returned to the Antarctic once again in 1921 with Shackleton.
He was awarded the CBE and Silver Polar Medal with three clasps.
The only man to achieve this.
Afterwards his fortunes sadly took a downturn with failed business ventures in South Africa and he died there at Klerksdorp on the 19th of August 1939.
To read a great deal more about his exploits Click here

April –
POLICE STATION – An Account was presented by W.C. Trevor at Guisborough for work done relating to Skelton Police Station.
Summary conviction of Thomas Johnson of Skelton for allowing drunkenness on his licensed premises. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 28 April.
Summary conviction of Charles Meech of Skelton, Miner, for maliciously damaging grass growing in a field, the property of the Earl of Zetland and occupied by Nathaniel Stonehouse. Offence committed at the township of Marske on 4 May.
Summary conviction of Joseph Wyatt and Robert Stonehouse, for assaulting Robert Orren of the township of Skelton, Toll Keeper. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 10 May.
Summary conviction of William Coates of Brotton, Labourer, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 11 May.
Summary conviction of Charles Broughton of Skelton, Labourer, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Guisborough on 13 May.
Summary conviction of James Butters of Boosbeck, Miner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 6 May.
Summary conviction of John Atkinson of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 24 May.
Summary conviction of John Bland of Boosbeck, Labourer, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 25 May.
Summary conviction of John Dixon of Boosbeck Miner for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 14 June.
Summary conviction of Thomas Johnson of Skelton Beer House Keeper for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 10 June.
Summary conviction of Henry Clifton of Skelton Plasterer for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Guisborough on 21 June.
19th May –
For some time past the ironstone Miners of Cleveland have been agitating for an increase of 2 pence per ton in the price paid for working ironstone.
In consequence the Mine owners formed themselves into an Association and shortly afterwards they met a deputation of 6 representatives of the Miners and positively declined to give the advance asked for.
The reaction of the Miners was to restrict the output, to compel the masters to give the desired advance and during the whole of last week the output of nearly all, if not the whole of the Mines in the District, had been reduced, the men in some cases sending a nominal quantity of stone to bank.
The owners responded by saying that they would not submit to this tactic and would rather put out the blast furnaces.
On Friday the Manager of the Skelton Shaft mine, belonging to Bell Bros, informed the Miners that if they did not fill 3 tons per man that day there would be no tubs supplied on Saturday.
The men did not fill the stipulated quantity and on Saturday morning the Manager carried out his threat and the Miners went home again.
The same day the Miners who are living in the houses of Bell Bros received 14 days notice to quit.
Similar events occurred in the other Mines of Cleveland and the struggle is, therefore, certainly commenced
30th May –
Messrs Pease and Co have given £100 for the proposed cemetery at Skelton and Messrs T Vaughan and Co £50 and it is hoped it will be proceeded with at once.
3rd June –
Admirers of horse racing had the opportunity afforded of watching a race – not on the turf, but on the briny shore – from Redcar to Saltburn, a distance of four and a half miles, for £100 a side, between Lady Don, owned by Mr Devereux of Stockton on Tees and Sky Scraper, owned by Mr Benjamin Shutt of Skelton.
Lady Don was too many for Sky Scraper and she won by at least 300 yards, much to the gratification of her backers and equally to the disgust of the backers of Mr Shutt’s cob.
4th June –
Sgt Haw charged John Atkinson, a Miner of Skelton, with being drunk on the 24th. Defendant, who did not appear, had carried a poker about the streets, but did not use it. Fined 10s and costs.
5th June –
At the Guisborough Sessions the Police by dressing as navvies and keeping watch on a house witnessed a quart of beer being sold for sixpence.
On searching the house they discovered an 18 gallon cask hidden in a closet under the stairs.
Only those who had been granted a license at the Brewster Sessions were allowed to sell alcohol.
The Bench inflicted a heavy, but still termed “mitigated”, penalty of £10, which was paid at once.
The magistrates said that there were no doubt hundreds of gallons sold without license at Lofthouse, Liverton, North Skelton and Boosbeck, but that it was impossible to catch anyone in the act.
10 June –
Helen, the wife of Edwin Moneer of Skelton, a Platelayer, was convicted for assaulting William Tremaine of the township of Skelton, who was also a Platelayer.
[Platelayers were the men who laid the railway lines for horse-drawn ‘tubs’ to run on in the Ironstone mines, so stone could be carried back from the working surface to the pit bottom.]
11th June –
At a meeting of the Guisborough Rural Sanitary Authority, Mr D T Petch in the chair, a call on the Overseers at one halfpenny in the pound was ordered.
Mr Dickinson, Inspector of Nuisances called attention to the state of the slaughter houses in the District, which he reported as being badly constructed and kept in an improper state.
At South Skelton Mines 16 wood huts, the drainage was very bad and the huts not fit for dwellings.
13th June –
A meeting of the Miners of Skelton took place in the ‘Freehold Quarry’ on the evening of Tuesday.
Mr Thomas Green was unanimously called to the Chair and introduced Mr Shepherd, the Secretary of the Miners Union.
Mr Shepherd commenced by stating that after the agitation that had been going on in Cleveland, they had all got comfortably to work again, but affairs were not quite settled yet and that owing to the illness of Mr Robert Kettle, the appointed Arbitrator, a meeting could not take place until the 23rd of the present month, on which day the arbitration would be opened at Saltburn.
It had been a matter of discussion whether the late events were a strike or lock-out.
The men would not have it a strike and the masters would not have it a lock-out, so the matter was compromised by calling it a “difficulty”, but it was one in which the masters had never been placed so awkwardly and he believed they were more alarmed than the men.
Mr J Shepherd, late Secretary, attended to defend himself against a report of misappropriating money of the union during the the time he held the office of Secretary.
His explanation was accepted and showed the falsety of the report.
14th June –
Elizabeth Hopper of Skelton, a married woman, was convicted for assaulting Elizabeth Ann, the wife of Thomas Leach, a Miner of the township of Skelton.
20th June –
On Thursday, Richard Barker, aged 47, a Breaker-up and Filler at Skelton Shaft Mines was killed.
At the inquest his son, John, said he was a Miner and worked with his father in the same board.
“We had fired a shot that day about 10 a.m.
At this time there was a piece of stone in the face of the working and about the top of the drift, which is about 12 or 14 feet high.
It had been loosened the day before and they could not get it down.
After firing the shot they tried for three quarters of an hour to dislodge it and gave up.
About noon, I sent him for a candle, whilst I was drilling in the face of the work and at the back of the stone in order to bring it down.
Whilst I was so engaged the stone suddenly fell.
On calling for assistance, and getting a light, mine having been put out, I found my father partly under the stone.
He only drew 2 or 3 breaths and then died. I was not aware that he had returned.
I could have put in a prop, but did not think it necessary.
I had told the deceased not to work near the place, till I had drilled the hole, lest it fell.”
“The poor fellow, who was severely smashed died almost instantly. The deceased was got out of the mine and taken home, a distance of two miles in a cart, in charge of a number of his fellow workmen.
The melancholy cortege caused quite a sensation in passing down the street at Guisborough.
His family are, we believe, grown up and not dependent upon him.
Mr Willis the Government inspector said there was a sufficiency of timber at the place and had no other enquiries to make.
Such accidents were very common in ironstone mines.
22nd June –
Summary conviction of John Richardson of Skelton, a Blacksmith, for maliciously damaging grass growing in a field, the property of David Thomas Petch and occupied by Robert Pinkney Petch.
Summary conviction of John Ainsworth of Boosbeck Quarryman for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 28 June.
Summary conviction of Matthew Wright of Skelton Miner for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 28 June.
Summary conviction of Thomas Stanway of Skelton Miner for assaulting Robert Haw of the township of Skelton, sergeant of police. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 1 July.
Summary conviction of James Shaw of Skelton Fireman for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at Saltburn on 6 July.
Summary conviction of John Pennock of Skelton Labourer for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 16 July.
Summary conviction of William Nelson of Boosbeck Joiner for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 4 August.
Summary conviction of Thomas Patrick Craven of Skelton Miner for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 6 September.
Summary conviction of Michael Melvin of Skelton Labourer for assaulting Gibson Boanas of Boosbeck police constable. Offence committed at the township of Boosbeck on 7 September.
Summary conviction of Michael Melvin of Skelton Labourer for being drunk and disorderly on the licensed premises of Noah House and refusing to leave when asked by the said Noah House.
Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 7 September.
Summary conviction of John Longston of Skelton Miner for being drunk. Offence committed at Boosbeck on 7 September.
Summary conviction of John Richard Lloyd of Skelton Bricklayer for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 23 September.
Summary conviction of John Farnaby of Skelton Labourer for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 7 September.
8th July –
John Ainsworth, a Miner of Skelton, was summoned for using threats towards a man at Skelton on the 28th June. Complainant had been suspected of giving information regarding a house where drink was sold without a license.
Defendant with others followed him into a Skelton beerhouse and said:-
“This is him who split about the beer. I will kill him if I am hung for him.”
Ordered to give £10 surety for keeping the peace for 3 months.
John Coates, a Miner of Skelton, was summoned by PC Boanus for selling drink without a license on the 24th June.
In mitigation it was said that he served William Ellerby 3 pints because he was his friend and was tired after going to Loftus band contest. Fined £25 and warned it would be more next time.[The miners were paid by the ton and therefore every mining team placed a token like this on each tub they filled to make sure it was recorded with their number.]
8th July –
Joseph Leach and Thomas Leach, both Miners of Skelton, were charged before Mr W S Ayrton at Guisbrough Town Hall with obtaining, by false pretences, the sum of 1s 4d, belonging to James Bews.
Robert Ashworth, Miner, John Thomas Dixon, Horse-driver, all of Skelton, Richard Kitson of Guisborough Cashier and Robert Haw of Skelton, Sergeant of Police, were called as witnesses.
All the men charged were employed at the Park Pit, Skelton and on the 4th July Bews sent 2 tubs of iron ore to the bottom of the pit with his “token” to identify it as his. Shortly after Joseph Leach was observed by a man named Ashworth, who is also employed in the mines, amongst the waggons at the pit bottom.
Ashworth told him that if he saw him there any more, he would thrash him.
He then got a torch and examined the tubs.
Out of 4 tubs there were 2 numbered 24 and one numbered 2. The third tub should have been numbered 7, but that token was lying on the floor.
No 2 is the number of Leach’s token.
The numbers indicate who filled the tubs and the Banksman reports to the Weighman and by that means the men get paid for the work that they have done.
A Horse-driver, named John Thomas Dixon, also deposed to seeing Leach amongst the tubs and he had no business there.
Richard Kitson, the Cashier for Bell Bros at the Mine stated that when he paid Thomas Leach he would not take the money that was in dispute.
The Bench dismissed the case on the ground that there was not sufficient evidence to convict.

28 July. –
Frederick Chamberlain admitted being drunk and riotous at Skelton at 10 o’clock in the evening on the 28th.
In default of 16s 6d to be imprisoned for 14 days.
PC Boanes charged Henry Ward, Hairdresser, with being drunk at Skelton on the 22nd. Defendant, who intimated his intention of joining the teetotallers, was fined 5s and costs.
Thomas Hindson, Contractor, Skelton did not answer the summons of PC Brough for being in a beastly state of drunkenness on the 21st. Defendant had been drunk for about 3 weeks. Fined 5s and costs.
31st July –
At the York Assizes George Ord, aged 46, was indicted for having on the 18th July obtained by false pretences from Robert Wilkinson, Butcher, four and a half pounds of beef at Skelton.
The prisoner said he had intended to pay for the meat, but forgot to do so, as he got “on the spree” and used another man’s name in mistake. [Laughter in court.]
The Officer in charge of the case offered to produce the meat, but to this the Court, amidst some merriment, objected as it might offend the nostrils of those present.
The prisoner, having practically no defence, was found guilty, but was recommended to mercy. Two month’s imprisonment.

12th August –
Letter to the Northern Echo.
Dear Sir,
Some time ago I was induced by the representations given in the prospectus of the Cleveland Water Company to have water laid on to my premises, thinking thereby that I should have a plentiful supply of pure water in all weathers.
I have waited 2 years in hopes of this expectation being realised, but my patience having become entirely exhausted, I have determined to find an outlet through the medium of your columns.
The fact is, that during the past 3 months the supply of water has been anything but satisfactory – in short a complete delusion.
We find the water turned off during the whole day – without any notice – and turned on for a short time in the evening.
This might be endured if, when we did get a supply, it was fit for use, but it is totally unfit for any domestic purpose, and little better than clay puddle from a brickyard.
I need scarcely say that this is a very unsatisfactory state of things, especially during the summer season, at a time when all our springs round about are dried up. As the Company, according to their last half year’s report, is in a highly prosperous condition, no doubt gratifying to the shareholders, perhaps they will not consider me too selfish in asking for a little more consideration on behalf of the consumer.
Could they not send a bellman round stating what time the water would be turned off, and when we might expect to have a clear supply.
Our wives would then have a chance of getting the kettle filled for breakfast.
I am sorry we have to pay in advance, but have great hopes, taking in consideration their past delinquencies, that the Water Company will never attempt to collect the rates for the next quarter.
Yours respectfully,
AQUA, Skelton in Cleveland.
13th August –
Sergeant Haw charged John Melvin with being drunk and riotous at Skelton on the 8th. Fined 10s and costs or 14 days hard labour.
18th August –
Summary conviction of Henry Bilton of Lingdale Lane in the township of Skelton, a Miner, for maliciously destroying two turnips, the property of Robert Pinkney Petch, growing on his open land, and causing sixpence-worth [2 and a half new pence] of damage. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
20th August –
Robert P Petch summoned Thomas Green, a Miner of Lingdale Lane, Skelton for wilfully damaging beans in his field at Skelton on the 17th.
Defendant was found in the field searching for rabbit meat. To pay 6d damage and 6d fine and costs.
22nd August –
On Friday night one of the Engineers, Mr D Thompson, at Park Pit, Skelton, happened to look out from the Engine room to get a mouthful of fresh air, when he noticed that Mr Brown, the Horsekeeper’s hut was on fire.
He immediately gave the alarm and stopped the Engines.
Mr Brown and his family had a very narrow escape for their lives, for as soon as the front door was opened the flames spread and came rushing out in a dreadful manner.
By persevering effort part of the bedding was saved, but with this exception all the furniture and clothing was burnt.
Mr Brown’s watch was later picked up, burnt to a cinder.
The hut, being built of wood, the flames spread with inconceivable rapidity and those who would readily have helped could not approach within about 20 yards of the hut on account of the intense heat.
The family escaped as the saying is, only by the skin of their teeth.
22nd August –
From a Letter to ‘Guisborough Exchange’.
The local Miners of Skelton have found a better way of investing their money than ‘filling’ themselves with beer or assisting to fill the till of the publican.
They are going to work together so as to procure food at a cheap rate by opening out a Co-operative Store.
They have already procured the services of a gentleman previously known in Skelton, to ‘manage’ the store at Boosbeck and on Wednesday next they expect to open one in the front room of Mr Lowe’s house, boot and shoe maker, High Street, Skelton, which has had a shop window put in and undergone other sundry alterations for the purpose.
With all my heart, I wish them good luck and my best wishes for their success.
The house would be 73 High St, where Thomas Lowe, Master Cordwainer, born Skelton, was still living at the 1881 census with his wife Ann and daughters Helen, 17, Alice, 13, and son, Thomas age 9.
In the 1940/50s it was Garrett’s confectionary shop, the home of Eric Garrett, Skelton’s World Class Opera Star. See page 6 of Skelton Stories.
26th August. –
Yesterday a distressing suicide was committed at Skelton.
A young lady named Hannah Mary Barker, daughter of Mr William Barker, Veterinary Surgeon. went upstairs at ten o’clock, as was her custom, to make the beds.
She had not come down at dinner time, so her brother went upstairs to seek her.
A most appalling spectacle greeted his eyes.
He found her lying in the garret with her throat cut in a horrible manner and a carving knife, by which she had done the deed, by her side.
She was quite cold and stiff. She must have cut her throat immediately with great determination after going upstairs as her windpipe was completely severed.
It is reported that the deceased had been courted by a gentleman, who recently married and that this circumstance preyed upon her mind.
3rd September –
The unpopular 1872 Licensing Act among other provisions had ordered public houses in country areas to close at 11 p.m.
At the Guisborough Brewster sessions the Police Superintendent reported another 200 arrests in the area for drunkenness over the previous year and that because the population had increased so rapidly and there were not enough licensed houses drink was being sold illegally in “Carling Howe”, Liverton, Skinningrove, Whitecliffe Houses, New Lofthouse, North Skelton and Kilton.
4th Sept –
Jane Stanway was charged with the fraudulent conversion of a Beer Cask for her own use.
John Boynton of Middlesbrough, a Commercial Traveller, Robert Haw, Sergeant of Police in Skelton, Elizabeth, wife of John Smith, a Skelton Miner, and Frederick Blount of Darlington in county Durham, a draper, were called to give evidence against her.
6th September –
Skelton Park Pit. Thomas Maddocks, a Miner aged about 45, was killed.
He was working with a man named Samuel Gatehouse “driving a headway”.
Two other men “way fired” a shot blowing down the partition that separated them.
The stone was sent right into the place where Maddock and his mate were working. Maddock was killed instantly and Gatehouse severely injured. The deceased leaves a widow and family.
11th September –
Summary conviction of William Ellis and Joseph Vurgess, both Labourers, travelling with Manders Menagerie, for not keeping the caravans that they were driving on the proper side of the road, so preventing the free passage of a spring cart driven by James Spink. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.

Such arrivals must have caused quite a stir.
[Pity the creatures that were imprisoned in such conditions and the poor horses that constantly hauled these great carts about the country for popular entertainment.]
16th September –
Summary conviction of John Rogers of Skelton, Brickmaker, and William Smith, Miner, for allowing their dogs to go at large and not under proper control on the highway. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 16 September.
23rd September –
Some 700 men of the 1st Battalion of the North Yorkshire Volunteers gathered from across the North Riding and were reviewed at Redcar.
They were put through various maneouvres and inspected.
The Skelton Corps were represented by Lieut Pearson, 1 officer, 4 Sergeants, 2 Buglers, 1 Sgt Instructor and 43 men.
24th September –
Robert Jones, Miner of Skelton, did not appear to the summons of Inspector Dove, who charged him with being drunk and riotous at Guisborough on the 13th September. Fined 5s and 9s 6d costs or 14 days hard labour.
PC Brough charged Thomas Cowl, Wheelwright, of Marske, with being drunk at Skelton on the 14th. Fined 5s and costs.
MORE AUTUMN DRUNKS AND ASSAULTS. Summary conviction of James Simons of Brotton Miner for assaulting Matthew Skews of the township of Skelton, sinker. Offence committed at the township of Brotton on 2 August.
Summary conviction of Robert Cooms of Skelton, Blacksmith, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 23 August.
Summary conviction of Henry Robinson of Guisborough, Joiner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 19 September.
Summary conviction of Michael Simpson of Marske, Miner, for assaulting Edward Stanes of the township of Skelton, miner. Offence committed at the township of Marske on 15 September.
Summary conviction of Charles Chapman of Boosbeck, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at Ricey Hill in the township of Skelton on 14 September.
Summary conviction of William Riley of Skelton, Licensed Victualler, for being drunk in the Green Inn, his own licensed premises. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 24 September.
Summary conviction of Robert Robertson of Skelton Labourer for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at Saltburn on 18 October.
Summary conviction of Andrew Thompson of Skelton, Shoemaker, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 19 October.
Summary conviction of Joseph Shackelton of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 19 October.
Summary conviction of No Lox of Skelton, Labourer, for being drunk and riotous in the street, Offence committed at the township of Guisborough on 16 November.
8th October. –
Hoffman’s Christy Minstrels visited Skelton on Friday last and had a crowded audience, but the performance was but indifferent as a whole.
The Programme was observed by the omissions of nearly the whole of it and the substitution with one exception was but moderate, especially as reference to the bill’s show the Company has been before Royalty.
8th October –
Skelton Local Board met with Mr J T Wharton in the chair and D T Petch, W Gowland, N Stonehouse, J Leng, S Emmerson, J Tyreman and M Marley present.
The tender of £195 for the drainage of Skelton was accepted. Messrs Bell Bros were instructed to cover the ashpits of their houses in Park Street or the Board would do the work and charge them.
The Cleveland Water Board were ordered to repair the road at Leylands Beck or the Board would do it at their cost.
Plans were approved for a house at East Skelton belonging top Mr Rayson; a house and butchers shop for Mr R Wilkinson;
house and druggist’s shop for Mr A Ellis; these buildings will form handsome termini to a new row of buildings erecting in the higher part of Skelton High Street.
8th October –
Over a thousand Miners assembled at Skelton in one of Mr Emmerson’s fields for a demonstration.
They presented a testimonial to Mr Emmerson of Hollybush Farm consisting of a handsome electro silver plated tea and coffee service for his many acts of kindness, especially in throwing open his fields for mass meetings.
16th October –
Summary conviction of Charles Manton, Thomas Green and Joseph Hauxwell, all of Skelton, for stealing peas growing in a field, the property of Robert Stevenson of Guisborough, farmer. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 17 August. 20th October –
George Brown of North Skelton did not answer the summons brought by PC Boanes for being drunk and riotous at Boosbeck on the 20 October. He had been very violent and was fined 20s and costs or 1 month’s hard labour.
22nd October –
George Meed, a Painter of Skelton did not appear to a charge of being drunk and riotous at Skelton on the 8th. Fined 5s, 8s costs or 14 days hard labour.
5th November –
The ‘Good Intent Lodge’ of the order of Rechabites has been established here about 18 months with 84 members.
The entertainment was recitations, readings and singing chiefly by the I.O.G.T. of Middlesbrough.
5th November –
An inquest was held on the body of a three year old, the son of J Priestman, Coal Leader of Skelton.
The little fellow must have been playing with some part of the harness left on an upturned cart and brought the vehicle upon himself with death resulting in about three quarters of an hour.
5th November –
John Julyan, keeper to Mr J T Wharton, charged John Taylor with having about midnight captured a rabbit on the farm occupied by Martin Farndale, at Skelton.
He saw a lurcher dog running about and saw it kill a rabbit which defendant picked up.
Committed to prison for 7 days and to give security of £10 and 2 sureties of £5 for good behaviour in next 6 months.
5th November –
Mary Bell of Skelton summoned Robert T Young, Farm Servant of Upleatham, and charged him with being the father of her daughter, born in July last.
Martin Farndale said that he was in service with Mr Rigg of Brotton last year at the same time as the above two and they were always together.
The complainant was unable to give the Bench any information about the alleged intimacy, but she again summoned Young on the 19th, when he appeared for the prosecution.
An order was made for 2s per week with £1 19s 6d costs.

Summary conviction of John Shields of Skelton, Cartwright, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 17 November.
Summary conviction of Mary Scott of Skelton, singlewoman, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Guisborough on 11 December.
Summary conviction of John Shields of Skelton, Joiner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 9 December.
Summary conviction of Charles Shaw of Ricey Hill in the township of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk in the highway. Offence committed at Boosbeck on 11 December.
Summary conviction of Henry Taylor of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk in a public footpath. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 7 December.
Summary conviction of Joseph Shackleton of Skelton, Miner, for assaulting Gibson Boanas of Boosbeck, Police Constable, in the execution of his duty. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 22 December.
Summary conviction of John Jefferson of Skelton, Labourer, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 14 December.
Summary conviction of John Longston of Lingdale Lane, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 22 December.
5th November –
William Young did not appear to answer a charge brought under the Night Poaching Prevention Act that he was in pursuit of game when passing along the high road between Skelton and Upleatham. Fined 40s and costs or 2 month’s hard labour and the nets to be forfeited.
5th November –
The old cemetery round the old church had become ‘insanitary’ and could not cope with the increase in population.
The approval of the Secretary of State of the East end of Skelton as a suitable site for a cemetery has been received.
But Mr John Dixon moved to rescind the decision, as the site was adopted contrary to the wishes of a town’s meeting.
It is high time that the matter was settled for the strife about the East and West sites has brought the year almost to a close, when the old churchyard, according to the order of the Secretary of State will have to be closed and nothing has yet been definitely done to provide a substitute.
NEW SKELTON CEMETERY – 4 acres of land were given by Skelton Castle estate for a cemetery at New Skelton with two mortuary chapels, at a cost of £3,200.

This Mortuary Chapel was for Nonconformists, i.e. Wesleyan Methodists, Primitive Methodists etc. There was an identical Chapel opposite for those who had been members of the Church of England.
The date when this division of the dead ended is not presently known.
SKELTON CO-OP – The Skelton Co-operative Society opened in Skelton High St in small shop on the opposite side of the road from the present store.
22nd November –
SumRalph Suggett of Loftus, Cartman, was convicted for being drunk in charge of a horse and cart on the highway. Offence committed at Lingdale Lane in the parish of Skelton on 22 November.
6th December –
Summary conviction of John Davis, labourer, William Walden, Horse-driver, and Thomas Mitchinson, Miner, all of Skelton for assaulting Richard Gospel Brough of the township of Skelton, police constable. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
14th December –
Summary conviction of George Hodgson of Skelton, Ironstone Miner, for assaulting John Robert Wallace of the township of Skelton, an infant. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 14 December.
24th December –
PC Boanes charged Joseph Shackleton with assaulting him at Skelton on the 22nd. Defendant had been locked up the previous evening and asked for a remand to procure legal assistance. Fined 10s and costs.
27th December –
Summary conviction of John Wear of Skelton, a Shoemaker, for selling two quarts of beer, to be drunk on his premises, without being licensed. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
31st December –
Either by accident or arson, the wooden framework at the pithead and a storehouse was destroyed by fire.
Thomas Lee, Mine Manager for Bolckow, Vaughan and Co, charged John Wood, Night-watchman with breach of contract on the 13th.
The firm were the proprietors of an ironstone royalty and were at present sinking a shaft at Longacres for the purpose of working the stone.
Defendant was engaged as a Tipper, being subsequently promoted to a “waiter on” and his wages raised in proportion.
It was the duty of the Night waiter to remain on Saturday and watch the works from taking fire.
The men left work at 5 p.m. and the Master Sinker cautioned Wood not to neglect his duty.
Between 11 and midnight the men were returning home by train and while passing over the Viaduct saw a glare of fire at Longacres.
On returning they called out, but there was no response and on going to the cabin found the defendant putting on his boots.
There was no possibility of putting the fire out and damage to the extent of over £2,000 was done.
Defendant said that the store cabin containing gunpowder was not in a safe position being within a short distance of the pit fire.
Between 10 and 11 an explosion occurred in the store and he did not think it desirable to go inside.
The Bench decided that he had neglected his duty and fined him £5.
He was unable to pay and was sent to prison for 1 month.
DIXON STREET BUILT – 25 houses were built in Dixon Street.

The bridge closest to the camera was the first to be built to carry the line that opened in 1865 from Middlesbrough to Brotton.
In 1872 the line from Middlesbrough via Saltburn was opened.
The far single bridge was built for the Priestcroft Loop which opened in 1873. [Kindly contributed by Owen Rooks.]