Skelton High Street, about this time.
7th January –
The members of the Skelton and Brotton Urban Council have had before them the momentous question of an increase of wages to their workmen.
The Council exercises authority over a wide area and upwards of 20 men are employed on its roads. Its ratable value is high, because of the many valuable mines which it includes and therefore it is in a position to deal generously with its workmen if it were so disposed.
But as the majority of its members are managers or officials of mines there is a reluctance to act in a matter of this kind according to the wishes of the workmen’s representatives.
The Miners of the district will no doubt watch with interest the progress of the present controversy, as the arguments used against the improvement in men’s wages are similar to those heard at Mineowner’s meetings when the men’s representatives seek for a general advance in wages – with this difference: that the Miners by their union are in a position to enforce their demands, while the roadmen are practically helpless because of lack of organisation.
13th January –
A meeting of the North Skelton Lodge of the Cleveland Miners’ Association forwarded the following resolutions to the Committee appointed by the House of Commons to consider the question of old age pensions.
Firstly that we favour some state provision in old age as distinct from the poor law.
Second, we cannot regard favourably any scheme which does not include every workman, as thousands of industrious labourers do not receive sufficient wages to enable them to contribute to friendly societies.
That the pension should commence at 60 years of age and earlier if incapacitated.
And further, seeing the large amount of money granted for pensions to persons in high positions in the country, reaching thousands of pounds, for each man who have always enjoyed large salaries, we think that the workers who produce the wealth of the nation shall not receive less than 10 shillings per week.
14th January –
The remains of Mrs Gowland, the wife of Mr John Gowland, plumber of Skelton, were laid to rest yesterday afternoon in the local cemetery. Deceased was 62 years of age and had lived all her life in her native Parish. She was born to the grave by 6 old apprentices of her husband. Shops were closed and blinds drawn all along the route of the funeral cortege.
31st January –
Robert Bongen, a miner of Skelton Green, was summoned by his wife Elizabeth Bongen on a charge of persistent cruelty and neglect to maintain her and her child.
She sought a separation order under the Married Women’s Act of 1895. They had been married 2 years and had lived in Cleveland Street, Skelton Green, having one child of 11 months.
About 6 weeks after the birth defendant began to ill use his wife. Several instances of cruel treatment were spoken to. Defendant was prepared to consent to a separation and would make his wife an allowance of 6s 6d per week. An order was made on these terms.
3rd February –
This Annual event passed off most successfully at the Wharton Arms Assembly Rooms on Wednesday night.
7th February –
On Monday afternoon Mr William Richardson, the coroner, held an inquest at Skelton on Thomas Boyes, aged 1, who died on Sunday, consequent upon burns received on the previous Saturday.
The child’s mother went into the yard at the back, leaving the child on the mat in front of the fire. She heard screams and on running into the house found the deceased’s clothes had caught fire. She at once extinguished the flames, but not before the child had been severely burnt.
10th February –
Football. A good number of people assembled on the Staithes ground to watch the home team beat Skelton Blue Star by 5 goals to nil. Skelton team – Nenley, goal. Foster and Best, backs. Godsmark, Best and Walker, half backs. Snaith, Best, Wrigley, Bringloe and Drury, forwards.
18th April –
Ann Bright was summoned again by Mr John Dixon, the School Board Warden, for neglecting to send her girl to school. She had promised 4 weeks ago to send her or remove her from the district. The daughter had been to school once and was employed nursing infants. Fined 5 shillings
18th April –
William Jackson, a Miner of Skelton, applied for a certificate of exemption from vaccination, as he believed there was no virtue in vaccination and could not say he believed the child would be injured in health, the application was refused.
5th May.
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned,Albert Tuck, of North Skelton, in the county of York,and John Thomas Thompson, of New Skelton, in the said county of York, carrying on business as Grocers and Drapers, at North Skelton and Skinningrove, in the said county, under the style or firm of Tuck and Thompson, has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the twelfth day of April, 1899.
All debts owing by the said late firm will be paid by the said Albert Tuck, and all debts due to the said firm in respect of the business at North Skelton will be received by the said Albert Tuck, and all debts due to the said firm in respect of the business at Skinningrove will be received by the said John Thomas Thompson….
12th May –
The following pupils were successful in the London College of Music examination and have been taught by Miss Todd of North Skelton.
Junior pass 1st class – Arthur Froude, Jessie Kingston and Harry King. 2nd class, Cecelia Tate. Elementary 1st class, Alice Carver, Leicester Dowson and Mabel Herring. 2nd class John Elliot.
17th May –
The North Skelton Institute billiard team, champions of the Cleveland League were yesterday publicly presented with the silver bowl and medals.
20th May –
On Friday a miner named Wilson, living at Ground Hill, Skelton was very badly injured by a fall of roof whilst working in Messrs Bolckow, Vaughan and Co’s Longacre Mine, North Skelton. He was conveyed to the Miners’ Hospital, Skelton Green.
30th May –
Thomas Lightburn, George Smith and George Snaith, youths, were charged with trespassing on land in the occupation of Henry Robinson at Skelton in pursuit of game on the 12th. Joseph Hoggett, a watcher employed by Skelton Castle Estate saw the 3 on the Tockett’s private railway.
One of them got over the fence and a dog coursed a hare, which was not caught. They then got on to a public footpath at Airy hill, where they had 2 or 3 courses among the whins. PC Boynton stopped them, when they denied being off the path. Fined 10s 6d each.

30th May –
Francis William Agar, Joseph Bostock and Henry Wilbert Rooks were charged with trespass in pursuit of game at Skelton Warren belonging to Mr W H A Wharton on the 17th.
Thomas Barker saw the men with 2 dogs get up from a rabbit hole.
They had “purse-nestes” in their possession. Bostock refused to be searched and threatened to crack Barker’s skull with a thick stick.
Rooks picked up a ferret and is now in prison for the unlawful possession of this.
The other two were fined 20 shillings each and costs or 1 months hard labour.
31st May –
George Cooper, a Miner at Bell Bros, Park Mine, Skelton was very seriously injured about the head and shoulders by a fall of roof. He was conveyed to the Miners’ Hospital, Guisborough.
6th June –
An excellent concert was given in the North Skelton Miners Institute in aid of a fund for procuring an American organ for the North Skelton Wesleyan Chapel.
30th May –
Francis William Agar, Joseph Bostock and Henry Wilbert Rooks were charged with trespass in pursuit of game at Skelton Warren belonging to Mr W H A Wharton on the 17th.
Thomas Barker saw the men with 2 dogs get up from a rabbit hole.
They had “purse-nestes” in their possession. Bostock refused to be searched and threatened to crack Barker’s skull with a thick stick.
Rooks picked up a ferret and is now in prison for the unlawful possession of this.
The other two were fined 20 shillings each and costs or 1 months hard labour.
31st May –
George Cooper, a Miner at Bell Bros, Park Mine, Skelton was very seriously injured about the head and shoulders by a fall of roof. He was conveyed to the Miners’ Hospital, Guisborough.
6th June –
An excellent concert was given in the North Skelton Miners Institute in aid of a fund for procuring an American organ for the North Skelton Wesleyan Chapel. Granted the class referred to are not Miners.
No Sir. They are in a worse plight than Miners, i.e. some of them.
There are plenty of Miners earning from 120 to 200 pounds per year.
Yet they ask someone else to pay them a pension.
Alas for our consistency. I venture to think that few teachers are getting more than the above and let me ask who deserve better at our hands.
The danger is of us becoming too selfish and cruel in that selfishness. Please allow me to correct Mr North’s statement.
If a teacher pays one or more year and ceases to contribute, for whatever number of years he or she has paid they will receive an allowance at the age limit.
Teachers are only mortal, but not more than Miners.
I pay all honour to them, realising how the weal of the future of my bairns depends upon their good sense, intelligence and conduct.
I am,
Yours truly.

Photograph entitled ‘Beneath the Pines in Skelton Ellers Woods.’
27th June –
A respectable looking young man named John Flemming was charged by Margaret Donally with indecently assaulting her at Skelton on the 16th.
It was said by defence that the case was a trivial one and defendant fined 40s and costs.
30th June –
Letter to Editor.
“Miner” says that there are plenty of his class who are making £120 to £200 per year.
If he is making that much he is a lucky man, but if it be so, I am afraid he is guilty of the sweating system and those who make him his money carry home about �50 to �60 if they have good health.
These are the men who need pensioning, aye, even at 40 or 45 years of age….
No it is the gentleman miner who makes big money and then can say “There’s a possibility of us becoming selfish.”
I am, yours,
ONE WHO THROWS IT OVER THE SIDE. [presumably a filler at the mines.]
4th July –
Henry Kirk, a horse driver in the mines, of North Skelton was fined 10s and costs for trespassing on the railway between Skelton and Saltburn.
William Palmer, Henry Wright, John and Henry Hodgson, Fred and Robert Grainger, all boys, were charged with Ernest Palmer, William Hodgson and Henry Kell, who did not appear, with malicious damage to growing hay in the field of Mr George Brack of the Dairy Farm, New Skelton on the 26th. All fined 5s.
George Hodgson was fined 5s for neglecting to send his child to school.

5th July –
A mechanic, named Jacob Todd, whilst engaged in repairing the pipes connected with the pump at North Skelton Mines fell down the shaft, but was miraculously saved from instant death by alighting on a scaffold 30 feet below.
He was promptly removed to his home badly shaken.
6th July –
The 26th Annual demonstration of the N Yorks and Cleveland Miners and Quarrymen’s Association was held in a field off Redcar Rd, Guisborough.
Among the many Lodges attending were No 4 Skelton and No 18 North Skelton, with a total crowd of between 4 and 5 thousand.
They were led on a parade through the town by the bands of Brotton, Guisborough, Skelton, Marske, Skinningrove, Eston, North Skelton, Boosbeck, Stanhope and Frosterley.
They were addressed by Mr J H Wilson MP and many others.
11th July –
William Harris, a Miner, was charged with trespassing in pursuit of game on land occupied by Mr William Young at Claphow Farm, Skelton on the 25th. Fined 21 shillings including costs.
13th July –
At the School Board meeting a deputation appointed by the public ratepayers consisting of Messrs John Wood, Daniel Chilvers and David Bannister said they did not want to pay for Teachers’ Pensions.
They had always paid for their own clubs and accident premiums and did not see why they should now pay for people who earned twice their wages.
The Board said no decision had yet been made and the discussion was adjourned.

11th July –
Charles William Hancock, John Taylor and Kenneth Ross, all of Skelton, were each fined 5s for not sending their children to school.
William Jackson was summoned by the Skelton and Stanghow School Board for neglecting to send his son to school.
As he had previously been before the Court, the son, Joseph Jackson, was ordered to be sent to the “Wellesley” Training Ship.
At the meeting of the Skelton and Stanghow School Board, two days later, William Jackson appealed against the Magistrates’ decision committing his boy, to the Training Ship. The Board explained that it was out of their hands and the law would have to take its course.
[The Wellesley was an old sailing ship that had taken part in sea battles. It was now moored off North Shields and used as an approved school.
Schools of this type had been created by the Industrial Schools Act of 1866 to provide education for destitute, often orphaned children or ones like Joseph Jackson, who were deemed to be out of parental control.
Children who had been convicted of more serious crimes were sent to juvenile prisons called Reformatories.
Apart from putting young lads on the right track, the Training Ships had the added advantage of providing servicemen for Britain’s large fleet.
The boys had a hard regime:-
“At half-past four in the summer, or five in the winter, the hands turn up, wash, breakfast, and clean decks. At 7.30 in summer, or 8 in winter, divisions for inspection. At 8.30, prayers, then instruction till 11.30. Play, before dinner. Dinner at 12. Instruction again from 1 till 3.30, then drill or singing. Supper at 4.30, play, then prayer, and to bed at 7.30; except the night school and reading room party, who remain till 8.30.”

“Wellesley” Training Ship.

Boys on the Wellesley Training Ship.
18th July –
James Carter was charged with malicious damage to grass while mushrooming in a field belonging to Mr R W Stevenson at Trout Hall, Skelton on the 13th. Fined 11s 6d.
14th July –
The Juvenile Lodge of Free Gardeners held their Annual Sports on Saturday in the Recreation Ground, Skelton Green. The Lodge seems to be in a flourishing condition having a membership of nearly 300.
25th July –
On Saturday a serious accident befell a horse driver named Wallace Goldsmith, aged 18.
Whilst working in Messrs Bell Bros Old Shaft Mine, Skelton.
It appears that he was in a stooping position doing something to some tubs, when the horse started on and the lad’s head was jammed between the waggon and a piece of timber.
He was conveyed to the Guisbrough Miners’ Hospital and attended by Dr Watts, when it was found he had sustained a severe fractured skull.
He now lies in a critical condition

28th July –
North Skelton Mine. William Allanby, a driver aged 19, died as a result of injuries received on the 7th July.
“He was riding in-bye on his horse, against the rules and was crushed between the timber supporting the roof and the horse, causing very severe injury to his back.”

Green Road, Skelton.
4th August –
This Chapel in Green Rd, Skelton was re-opened on Sunday after having been thoroughly renovated. A good attendance at afternoon and evening services heard two powerful and pointed sermons.
On Monday evening a Concert was given.
9th August –
The work of replacing the old wooden bridge at Old Saltburn by an arch of solid masonry and an embankment roadway has been completed.
A very substantial structure in Pateley Bridge stone has taken place of what was a year ago an insecure and tottering one.
The roadway has been widened and the approach at the east end much improved. Formerly the tide washed under the bridge to great width, but now it is confined to a single arch of 26 feet, sufficiently wide for the rush of the burn and the rest of the space has been embanked with masonry strong enough to defy a stormy sea at high water.
The work commenced in December and fortunately has not been impeded by storms.
Three quarters of the cost of £1,000 will be borne by the County Council with the Saltburn Urban Council and the Skelton and Brotton Council paying an eighth each.
14th August –
Messrs Bolckow, Vaughan and Co’s Longacre Mine, Skelton was laid idle on Saturday through the breaking of the shaft of the winding engine at the commencement of the morning shift.

Kingston’s Chemist Shop, High Street in 1899.
Items for sale on the window signs include “sheep dips”, what looks like “horse bales”, “tea” and something for “headaches”.
[Photograph kindly contributed by Peter Appleton of Skelton.]
21st August –
Benjamin Payne age 39 of 18 Green Rd, Skelton, was admitted to the Lunatic Asylum, York.
He was “suffering from mania, is very lost, no memory, incoherent”, the cause of which was injury to head.
He had worked at various pits in the area and the 1901 census registers him at the Asylum as a pauper patient, ironstone miner.
He died at York on the 14th October of that year.
He had two children of working age, Thomas 18 and Agnes 16, who were able to move to new addresses, but his 11 year old daughter, Elizabeth, ended up in the Orphanage and Children’s Home, North Ormesby.
His wife and 4 year old son, who was named after him, were taken in by a nephew at 3 Dale Tce, Lingdale
The railway viaduct over Skelton Beck had been completed in 1872 and a passenger service started in 1875
But the train did not stop in Skelton, as the timetable on this page shows. The local populace campaigned loudly way into the next century, before they obtained their own station at Hollybush.[1902].
In the meantime most had to travel a mile or two by foot or horse to board a train at Boosbeck, Brotton or Saltburn.
As can be seen there were first class or third class compartments on the carriages.
One could travel from Boosbeck to Saltburn via Skelton, 3rd class, in 22 minutes or so, about 4 miles, for 7 old pence. [about 3 pence in 2006]
To travel from Boosbeck to Darlington return, about 80 miles, took 2 hours each way and cost 3 shillings and eleven pence.

Saltburn Railway Station.
23rd August –
A young man named Edward Welburn, a shop apprentice of Skelton was charged with riding a bicycle without a light near North Skelton and ordered to pay 10s including costs.
DROUGHT – Notable drought with extended heat waves occurred in the summer of this year.
30th August –
George Laing Taylor, a miner, was summoned for assaulting James Smith by striking him on the mouth at Skelton on the 19th.
Smith said that he remarked to Laing Taylor about the conduct of his brother, who had assaulted a youth at that place and the response was to be struck in the mouth.
Taylor in defence said that Smith and several other young men threw stones at him and he was obliged to defend himself. Fined 2s 6d and 12s 6d costs.
30th August –
For playing pitch and toss at Skelton Green on the 13th, Thomas Lightburn and Arthur Boughen were fined 3s 6d and John Lightburn and Herbert Craine 1s each and costs.
30th August –
Robert Jobson was brought up in custody charged with stealing a butter basket, the property of Dr Merryweather at Skelton and as no one appeared to prosecute the case was adjourned for a week.
6th September –
William Harris, William Ridley, Alfred Hanson, Robert Pennock and John Wood, miners, were charged with trespassing in pursuit of conies on land belonging to Mr W H A Wharton, JP and in the occupation of Messrs Bolckow Vaughan and Co at Skelton.
They were also charged with damaging corn and Hanson was further charged with giving a false name and address. They were fined 5s and 4s 3d costs for trespass, 7s 6d each for damage and Hanson an extra 18s.

Skelton High St.
8th September –
A youth named Walter Elliott of Boosbeck was working on the engine plane at the Clay Lane Iron Company’s South Skelton Mine, when he caught his foot in the endless rope and one of his legs was badly fractured.
12th September –
James Young and Elijah Young were charged with malicious damage to two apple trees at Skelton, belonging to Mr Robert Pinkney Petch on the 26th. The trees in the orchard had been stripped and ruined. Fined £1 each including costs.
ILLEGAL PIGS – Christopher Johnson of Skelton was summoned for removing swine into an infected area without a licence. He had bought the pigs at Farndale and taken them home to Skelton. Fined £1 including costs.
SUPPORT YOUR DAD ORDER – Noah Lockwood of Marske was summoned by Mr Henry Newson, the relieving Officer, to show why he should not contribute to the maintenance of his father, Robert Lockwood of Skelton.
The old man was too infirm to do anything and the son earned 39s per week, in addition to which he had a tobacconist’s shop. Ordered to pay 2s per week.
13th September –
A meeting of representatives of platelayers, [men who laid the railway lines for the movement of tubs of ironstone and waste below and above ground,] was held at the Miners’ Institute, North Skelton. The present rate of pay was 3s 2d to 4s per day and it was decided to apply to the mine owners for an advance.
19th September –
A miner, named Richard Moody, who lives at Moorsholm, was very seriously hurt about the face and upper parts of his body by a premature explosion of blasting powder in the Claylane Iron Co’s South Skelton Mine. He was removed to the Skelton Green Hospital and is progressing.
30th September –
Dalton Taylor, a labourer of Skelton was charged with assaulting Elizabeth Pearson, 10 years of age, of 41 Fenton St, Boosbeck, at Stanghow on Tuesday.
The girl stated that the prisoner joined her and her brother and another lad brambling and after sending the boys away in another direction, took her down the bank, saying that there were a lot of brambles there.
He kissed her and committed the assault complained of. Prisoner said he was just helping her pick brambles.
Sent for trial

Children on Flowston about this time.
9th October –
A Miner named Ems was admitted to the Skelton Miners’ Hospital suffering from an injury to his head caused by a piece of stone from the top falling upon it whilst working in the Clay Lane Iron Co’s South Skelton Mine.
10th October.
FIRST BUS – The Minute Book of the Skelton Co-operative Society records:-
“Motor car or “buss”, to carry 9 passengers, ran for the first time between Skelton and Saltburn.”
11th October –
Beginning of the Boer War in South Africa.
The British, who occupied Cape Colony, declared War on the Boer [Dutch/German] colonies of the Traansval and Orange Free State, allegedly over the taxation and denial of rights of British citizens who had gone there to exploit the gold mines. A speedy victory was expected, but the Boers used guerilla tactics, which were difficult to combat in the large areas of land involved.
The War continued until 1902.
12th October –
At the School Board it was reported that a lad called John R Hodgson, against whom an attendance order was obtained on the 12th Sept was not attending at all at present.
It was ordered that proceedings be taken with a view of sending the boy to an “industrial school” as being ‘incorrigible’.
[“Industrial Schools” were places where destitute children or those beyond control received a strict upbringing away from bad influences, with a 13 hour day designed to teach them a basic trade.
Reformatories had the same purpose, but were for youngsters who had committed serious or repeat criminal offences.]
13th October –
The inhabitants of Skelton were provided with a musical treat on Saturday when the Cleveland Quaver Club visited the Assembly Rooms to render their choice programme of classical music.
13th October –
A Miner, named Alfred Emms, of Lingdale was on Friday admitted to the Skelton Miners Hospital suffering from wounds received at the Clay Lane Iron Companys South Skelton Miner.
He was severely bruised about the shoulders and had received a severe scalp wound by a fall of stone. Progressing favourably.
13th October –
On Saturday night in the North Skelton Institute a benefit social was held in aid of Mr Robert Stephenson of South Skelton, who has been unable to follow his employment for over 6 months through illness. Dancing was engaged in by a large company to the strains of Mr Robert Bell’s String Band.
17th October –
Thomas Stanson, farm labourer of Skelton was fined 2s 6d and costs for being drunk and disorderly.
George Catton, George Sherwood and Matthew Jollings were charged with playing pitch and toss at Skelton Park Pit on the 8th. Fined 3s 6d and costs.
William Ridley, Aaron Faith, William Harris and Joseph Padgett were charged with playing pitch and toss on the highway between North Skelton and Brotton. Fined 10s and costs.
William George Dunn, labourer of Skelton, was summoned by Emma Dunn, his wife under the Married Women’s Act. She said she wanted her husband to maintain her and 2 children.
The Bench granted an order for 8s per week and intimated that the wife was not bound to live with her husband.
17th October –
Longacres Mine. Ralph Johnson, a miner, aged 31, was killed.
Arthur Smith, a miner of North Skelton, said that he was working in the same part of the mine as deceased.
The accident happened about 1 p.m on Tuesday. He had just 5 minutes previously seen deceased at work breaking stone. Deceased’s mate, Jackson, was charging a hole at the time.
Smith went to his own place, which was 40 yards off and returned when he heard shouts of help.
It was Jackson that shouted. Half a dozen men went to the spot and found Jackson fastened against the side of the prop and Johnson buried underneath the stone. His arms were wrapped round the bottom of the prop. About 6 or 7 tons had fallen from the roof. Johnson was dead when they got him out and Jackson was injured and still unable to give evidence.
Jackson had charged a shot and Johnson had fired it.
In witnesses opinion the shot was opposite a prop and the stone flying away had knocked two props out and let down the beams.
The men were in the act of replacing the props when the roof came down, which could happen two or three minutes after a shot was fired.
Ralph Johnson lived at No 5 Green Road, Skelton and left a widow and a child just 1 month old.
He was the fifth brother of the same family to have been killed by accidents of a similar kind.
There were 9 daughters and 6 sons in the family. The mother died very suddenly not long ago.
The sixth brother is said to be recovering from a serious accident he had in one of the Cleveland pits a few weeks ago.
17th October –
John Henry Mohun and William Harris, both miners of North Skelton, were charged with breaking and entering the shop of Mr William Stead at Carlin Howe Road, Skinningrove on the 22nd and stealing a quantity of gold watches, gold alberts [watch chains] and other jewellery of the value of £200.
Mr Stead was called up at 12.30 a.m and on going to his shop found the shutter had been taken off, the window broken and 4 trays of jewellery missing.
Mohun had been seen standing near the Wesleyan Chapel close by after 11 p.m.
A Miner named Granger was walking on a footpath leading between Lumpsey Mine and Carlin How and found a white parcel in a drain or culvert.
It contained watches. He took it to Loftus Police Station.
The contents were taken out and the parcel made up as it was before and placed back in the drain. Police the kept watch on the place.
At 3.30 p.m on the following day, Mohun left his lodgings and went to ‘Pratt’s Corner’ at North Skelton, where he met Harris and 3 other men. The others left at Millholme Bridge. Harris said that he and Mohun were going to “get them things”.
On taking out the parcel Mohun made an exclamation of disappointment.
The officers observing the place tried to cut them off, but they went an unexpected way. PC Buchan followed them on horseback.
On seeing him, Mohun ran off and by dodging round some trucks at Lumpsey mine got clear away.
A Mrs Pennock of Brotton said he arrived at her house in a breathless condition, saying he had been chased by the police.
Harris was seen at Skelton at 9 p.m and also said he had been chased. Mohun was arrested eventually at ‘Waterhouses’.
The handkerchief in which the parcel was wrapped was identified as his by his landlady, Mrs Graham.
The prisoners were committed for trial at the York Assizes.
18th October –
Yesterday a fire broke out at the house of Robert Nunn in William Street, North Skelton at about 2.30 p.m.
The Skelton Fire Brigade was sent for, as was also Mr Nunn, who was at work at the time.
It originated by the heat from a neighbours fire and had ignited some things in a closet under the stairs and obtained a good hold before it was observed.
Efforts were made by neighbours to quench the fire and by the aid of a plentiful supply of water carried to the scene it was got under control.
The Fire Brigade then arrived but it was to no advantage. The furniture was almost completely destroyed and much damage done to the house.
Every praise is due to the neighbours as the house is in the middle of a row and could have assumed alarming dimensions.
[Robert’s son Benjamin died of wounds, aged 21, on the 25th September 1916 at a base Hospital in Rouen after taking part in an offensive in the later stages of the Battle of the Somme, while serving with our local Territorials, the 4th Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment.]
20th October –
Robert William Carver, a miner of Lingdale, was charged with being drunk and disorderly and assaulting Acting Sgt Dunville and PC Symons at Lingdale.
About 9 p.m. on Monday the police found the defendant causing a disturbance and on being requested to go home he refused and used foul language.
On their attempting to lock him up he became very violent and kicked the Officers. He is an old offender, with previous convictions for assaulting PC Symons. He was sentenced to 2 months prison with hard labour for the assault and fined 2s 6d and costs for being drunk.
24th October –
At Whitby County Court, George Conn of East Loftus, a labourer, sued Thomas Hight, shoemaker, late of Loftus and now of Skelton in Cleveland for £1 rent and damage to property.
Defendant had rented a house belonging to Conn at 2s 9d per week but the rent had been raised to 3s. After a year he left owing 6s. He sent a postal order for 3s and a cheque for 3s but plaintiff could not cash them as defendant had cancelled them.
This was said because plaintiff did not send a receipt within 10 days.
Mr Conn also claimed that Hight had damaged the backyard door by cutting a hole in the bottom to give his poultry access and that all the window sash cords were cut and had to be restored at the cost of 4 shillings.
Also that Hight’s son had clambered all over the roof after his pigeons and broken the slates which would cost 5 shillings.
Defendant kept 2 goats in the wash house and they had wrought great damage to the walls with their horns. The copper in the washhouse was nearly down. Ordered to pay 12 shillings and costs.
27th October –
Mr D T Petch applied for an Ejectment Warrant on behalf of Mrs Elizabeth Petch of Skelton for the ejecting of Joseph Lowe, who was her tenant.
Due notice had been served on Lowe, but he had taken no notice of it and consequently a second notice had been served by Sgt Calvert, which he again ignored.
The Bench granted the warrant to take place 21 days hence.
1st November –
Arthur Henry Swainston, a miner, was charged with indecently assaulting Lizzie Bella Webster, aged 13, at North Skelton on October 28th.
Mr T D H Stubbs of Middlesbrough defended and after hearing the evidence the charge was reduced to one of common assault and a fine of £1 and 13s costs imposed.
SCHOOL LEAVING AGE was raised to 12.
3rd November –
The entertainment provided last week end in the Assembly Rooms, Skelton by Messrs Fordyce and David proved a great success.
The programme comprised several Skelton favourites and the dioramic views were also much appreciated. One of the best ever placed before the Skelton public.
[The ‘dioramic’ effect was achieved by aligning the projection of two matching images by the ‘magic lantern’ of the time and slowly diminishing the first image while introducing a second image.]
4th November –
The £2,000 cost was paid for by the Whartons of Skelton Castle.

Skelton Institute First Right.
Parish Magazine –
The building is the gift of the Squire.
It contains a handsome reading room on the ground floor, with large billiard room containing two tables on the first floor, together with a room for library and in an adjacent building providing a large lecture hall with two committee rooms behind the platform.
The Squire reserves the right to resume possession of the buildings if they are used for sectarian or political purposes or if not governed and regulated for the poor and benefit of all parishioners alike.
The Institute will be managed by a president, treasurer and secretary together with a committee of 14 members, consisting of:-
2 Churchmen, 2 Methodists, 2 Conservatives, 2 Liberals, 2 farmers, 2 tradesmen, 2 miners – one half of whom are to be elected annually.
The names to be laid first before the Squire.
A goodly crowd gathered round to witness the ceremony.
The Chairman, the Rev R J Ellis proposed a vote of thanks to the Squire and read a letter from Mrs Wharton, expressing her disappointment at not being able to open the Institute being forbidden to leave her room and saying she trusted it would be a lasting means of establishing sociability and good feeling among our friends and neighbours, adding, “will you tell the miners from me how great and earnest is our wish to sympathize with them in their joys and sorrows”.
The letter ended with a touching appeal to all to help a subscription she was starting for the wives and children of those gone to fight for our Queen and Country.[Boer War].
The Squire replied to the votes of thanks and spoke very strongly against gambling and bad language, which he regretted was so very common in our villages.
A tea was held in the Drill Hall at which something over 500 sat down.

The Institute as it was being demolished in 1994.
Behind the Institute in the Demolition photograph you can just see a row of smaller buildings. James Wilks of Skelton, who worked at the Co-op in the 1990s informs us:-
When I worked there, the very first building next to the steps was where the Co-op Van was kept & further along in the middle was where we dumped the cardboard boxes where a recycle lorry came weekly.
They were the only buildings the 1990s Co-op used. The building second along from the steps used to be the old Butchers [and Slaughter House].
I sneaked in through an old window connected to the garage & there was a very old walk-in fridge & meat hooks still on the ceiling.
John Wilkinson had the two garages at the end near the Fire Sation & all the rest were unused.
Behind these buildings was an allotment, [now the Skelton Civic Pride public Garden], which in the 1950/60’s was tended by Horace Lane, who lived at 34 High Street, next door to Edna Lamb at 36 and Mr Rix at 32.
7th November –
To the Editor of the Northern Echo.
Sir, – As President of the Guisborough branch of the Soldiers and Sailors Families Association may I beg my neighbours and friends to help me by subscribing on behalf of the many wives, families and, alas, in some instances widows, who have so bravely and loyally sent out their dearest and their best to fight for their Queen and Country.
Believe me, yours truly,
BESSIE S M WHARTON, Skelton Castle,
November 4th, 1889.
8th November –
A Skelton miner named William Bennett was charged with being a suspected poacher at Skelton.
PC Boynton stated that at 8.30 on October 31st he saw the defendant coming from land belonging to Mr W H A Wharton.
He noticed that his pockets were bulky and on searching him found 4 nets and net stakes in his possession. Ordered to pay 21s or one month’s hard labour. The nets etc were ordered to be destroyed.
13th November –
There was a large gathering in the Miners’ Institute in aid of the Christmas dinner fund for aged miners of the village.
The principal feature of the evening’s proceedings consisted of “Reminiscences from an Old Soldiers Diary”, given by Mr W Walker of North Skelton, who was formerly in the East Surrey Regiment.
Mr Walker in an interesting manner described a voyage to India by the Cape of Good Hope, a march through our Oriental Empire and gave details of the life of a soldier in the Far East and the incidents of the return journey by way of the Suez Canal.
His remarks were punctuated here and there by military and patriotic airs played in a superior style by Mr Robert Bell’s Orchestral Band.
17th November –
At Guisborough County Court before his Honour Judge Templar, Messrs Joseph Harris and Sons of Manchester sued Richard Pennock, an old Miner, of North Skelton for £2 5s, which was the balance on the cost of a watch. A traveller of the firm sold the defendant a watch in 1894 for £5 15s to be paid in instalments, with a 15s discount if the payments were regularly kept up.
The defendants wife had paid £3 9s up to July last, but nothing since and said Richard had been ill.
His Honour thought the discount should still be allowed and gave judgment for 30s and costs to be paid at 2s per month.

The Rooks brothers of 8 Thomas St, Skelton in 1899,
Probably at the Confirmation of the youngest Allan.
Thomas, left, served throughout the First War and survived.
James, right, was medically discharged with TB and took his own life in 1919.
Alan, in front, was killed on the 14th September 1916 during the Battle of the Somme.
18th November –
Last night at the Miners’ Institute at North Skelton an enthusiastic audience, who had met to give a send-off to 3 reservists belonging to the place.
Their names were Marley, Codling, and Keeley, who have been summoned to rejoin their Regiment, The Princess of Wales’s Own Yorkshire, now mobilising at Aldershot.
Many local dignitaries were present. Each reservist were presented with a pipe, tobacco, tobacco case and a card portrait of Mr Wharton and Skelton Castle.
The Skelton Volunteer band were present and played Rule Britannia, Auld Lang Syne and the National Anthem. A considerable amount of money had been collected for the men who were leaving.
19th November –
Parish Magazine:-
Collections were made in aid of the wives and children of our soldiers [including reservists] and sailors who are called out on account of the war in South Africa in all our churches.
Calling out the reserves has intensified the interest felt by all classes in those who have gone out to fight our battles, for it means calling out men who are engaged in different occupations side by side with and who are living in many cases with their wives and children in our streets.
When the bread winner is called to leave his work and join again his old regiment it means not only leaving wife and children, who may never see him again, but leaving them without his wage to live upon, dependent upon the much smaller allowance paid to a soldiers’s wife.
And even this is not paid in the case of a large proportion who are not, as it is called, on the strength of the regiment.
The same applies to regular soldiers who have married without leave.
England demands that this time the wives and children and, alas,in some cases, the widows and orphans, shall not be left unprovided for and that the heart of the soldier shall be cheered as he bravely bears the hardship and peril in the field that we “at home are taking care of the wives and kids”.
Besides the collections we hear that the members of the St John Ambulance Associations in the Parish have contributed over £12 for Red Cross work in succouring and nursing the wounded at the seat of war.
And at the “set off” on Monday, when our people turned out in their hundreds to see off the reservists from Saltburn Station, they gave a practical turn to their cheering by subscribing upwards of £5 , which they handed to the wife of the married one.
21st November –
Yesterday the 3 Reservists of Skelton, W Marley, B Keeley and W Codling left their homes. Their Regiment the Princess of Wales’ Own Yorkshire are mobilising at Aldershot and they have been ordered to report to Richmond.
They were accorded a most enthusiastic send off by the miners of the village, who assembled in hundreds. Skelton High Street presented a lively scene quite unusual in the village.
The band of the Skelton Rifle Volunteers turned out in uniform and headed a procession which soon formed, the 3 men being carried shoulder high.
The band preceded them all the way to Saltburn and after crossing the Halfpenny Bridge they were again carried to the Railway Station.
As the 5.41 train was signalled out the band struck up “Auld Lang Syne”.
23rd November –
It has been arranged that the Cleveland League match between Guisborough Priory and Skelton on the 2nd December shall be a benefit match for the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund. Half the average receipts and all surplus will be given to the fund and the townspeople’s interest should mean a large attendance.
12th December –
Samuel Walker was charged with being drunk in charge of a horse and cart on the 10th. Superintendent Clarkson and Inspector Bolland were driving on the road from Guisborough to Skelton when they met the defendant with a waggonette near Skelton Ellers.
His horse was down on the road and he himself being helplessly drunk. They had to put the vehicle into a field and locked up the defendant at Skelton. Fined 15 shillings including costs.
19th December –
The Literary Institute at North Skelton was crowded with an enthusiastic audience, when a concert was held promoted by the committee of the North Skelton Lodge of the Cleveland Miners’ Association in aid of a fund for providing seasonable gifts for 16 aged and infirm workmen living in the village.
20th December –
Harry Barwick, a shoemaker, was charged with breaking several lamp glasses, the property of the Cleveland Gas Company, at Skelton on the 3rd December. He was ordered to pay 7s 6d damage, £1 fine and costs – in all £2 0s 6d.

20th December –
Eleanor Mitchell Lowe, a respectably dressed young woman, whose address is 78 Seymour Place, Bryan-stone Square, London, was brought up in custody charged with stealing one diamond gipsy ring, one diamond and sapphire breast pin and one gold collar stud, value �25, the property of Lieut Alexander Fitzgerald Watts of Longhull, Guisborough on December 13th at Skelton Castle.
Lt Watts was on a visit to the Castle and reported the missing items to the police.
Jessie Collins, the Castle housekeeper, said Miss Lowe came to the Castle on the 4th as maid to a lady who was visiting Mrs Wharton, the wife of the Squire.
She left on the 13th. On one day while she was there Jessie noticed that she was wearing a breast pin similar to the one produced.
She would have had to pass Mr Watt’s bedroom whilst going to her own apartments.
Inspector John Bolland of the Guisborough Police and Supt Clarkson was at Skelton on the 13th when he apprehended Miss Lowe on her way to Saltburn Railway Station.
She was taken to Skelton Police Station and searched.
On being charged she replied, “I have nothing to say.”
When they began to examine her satchel, she thrust her hand into it and drew forth some tissue paper, in which were wrapped the stolen goods.
She said, “Here are the ring and pin. I don’t know whatever made me do this. I am ruined for life, but I hope you will do the best you can for me.”
She was further charged with stealing 2 blankets, 2 large plated dinner forks, 3 small forks, 2 dessert spoons, 3 tea spoons, 3 egg spoons, a china cup and saucer and 2 towels, the property of Mrs W H A Wharton.
Jane Blenkinsopp, a maid at the Castle, said she went to Skelton Post Office with Miss Lowe with 2 parcels and William Wood, assistant to Mr Kingston, postmaster, confirmed addressing the labels to a place in London.
James Moore, a detective with the Metropolitan Police went to Seymour Place and found the parcels with the stolen items.
Miss Lowe was committed to the Quarter Sessions for trial without bail.
At the Northallerton Quarter Sessions, held on the 5th January 1900, she was sentenced on 2 charges to a total of 18 months in prison with hard labour.