7th January –
Those engaged in the political warfare believe Mr A. E. Pease will be returned by an increased majority.
A grand meeting of Miners was addressed at North Skelton by Conservative, Mr Henry Broadhurst, MP, but was eclipsed by the inspiriting scene witnessed at Skelton, where speakers included Liberals – Alderman Samuel MP, Mr J M Paulton MP, Mr Joe Walton, JP, and Mr H Broadhurst.
12th January –
This election for the Cleveland Division was rendered necessary by the death of Henry Fell Pease on the 7th of the previous month.
Sir Alfred Edward Pease, Liberal had 1,428 more votes than Colonel Robert Ropner, Conservative.
[Alfred Edward Pease (1857 to 1939) was one of the Quaker Darlington Pease family, famed in this area for Railway, Coal and Ironstone Mine ownership and holding important public positions etc.
He had had a superior education and graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge. He was a Director of Pease and Partners and had been the MP for York since 1885.
Also founder and President of the Cleveland Bay Horse Society.
He would resign in 1902, causing another bye-election.]

Alfred Edward Pease MP.
Cleveland MP. 1897 to 1902.
A praiseworthy incident in connection with the Skelton polling deserves to be recorded. Mr J T Wharton of Skelton Castle, a large land and royalty owner in the district, placed 6 carriages at the disposal of the electors, but – though a known strong Conservative himself – he gave positive orders that no party colours were to be displayed.
The carriage drivers were told that the carriages were simply to be used to bring voters to the poll, irrespective of party and no questions were to be asked.
Mr Wharton recorded his vote at one of the Stanghow-lane Board Schools shortly after noon.
Though 87 years of age, he looked hale and hearty. Lady Dora Yeoman drove him up in a little wicker basket carriage drawn by a donkey.
When he returned, he remarked as he entered his conveyance – “There, I’ve done all the harm I’m going to do to the Liberals.”
26th January –
William Carter and Margaret Carter were charged with neglecting their children by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
8 children were sent out to beg. Carter had admitted that he could earn 30 shillings per week and had been warned as to his treatment of his children.
Inspector Briggs said he visited 47 Cleveland Street, Skelton Green and examined the children.
He found they were in an extremely dirty condition. Their clothes were filled with insect life and their bodies in a dirty state, not having been washed for months. The mattress on which they slept was in a horrible state, being wet and covered with filth. The children had no covering and the atmosphere in the room was foul. There was no food in the house. The underlinen of the 5 girls was filthy and one of the 3 boys was badly flea bitten.
He questioned Carter, who said he did not care for the Society and the Inspector could do what he liked.
PC Brough and Mr J North corroborated the evidence and Benjamin Shutt of Skelton said he had noticed the children begging in a lost condition.
Sgt Calvert had seen the children begging even in the very cold weather and had seen Carter under the influence of drink and had cautioned him as to the neglect.
The family had been under the Society’s observation the last 3 years.
The magistrates adjourned the case for a fortnight, saying, if there was no improvement, Carter would be severely dealt with.
10th February –
Throughout the country the success resulting from the efforts of the officers of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is both notable and encouraging.
Recently several cases have come under the notice of and been investigated by Mr George Briggs, the vigilant Inspector for Middlesbrough and district, who is always ready to act, on the principle that prevention is better than cure, and who to this end, skilfully combines persuasion with fear.
In one at Carlin How the father of the child after failing to take advantage of the opportunity given him to improve was committed to prison. Another in which William and Mary Ann Carter of Skelton were defendants was yesterday considered by the Guisborough Magistrates.
There were 8 children concerned and this case had also been adjourned to allow the parents still another chance. However Insp Briggs was able to report a slight improvement and another month’s respite was allowed.
Carter promised to do his best to meet the wishes of the Society’s Inspector, but urged that when he had paid house rent etc, there was not 1 shilling a week for the maintenance of each child left out of his weekly wage.
15th March –
The Skelton and Brotton sewerage scheme, for which a loan of £15,000 was obtained,was at the last meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Council reported to be completed.
Owing to the pollution of the Skelton beck which runs through the Saltburn Pleasure Gardens an injunction was obtained. After a Government enquiry, the services of Mr D Balfour of Newcastle were called in and under his direction about 10 miles of pipes have been laid. Many difficulties had to be overcome, but is is safisfactory to know that the sewage which runs out to sea will be carried away even at low tide.
25th March –
“The lost animal, which has been about Thirsk for some time, was on Sunday seen several times in the Mowbray and Well district. On Monday night, Mr W Atkinson, veterinary surgeon, on returning from his round saw at a distance what he thought was a dog. He imitated the bark of a dog.
The wolf sat on his haunches and allowed him to get within 6 yards and then made off. It still has a length of chain attached to its neck.
It was again seen yesterday morning by a farmer, who was crossing Nutwith. It was making its way up by way of the Volunteer targets. It was in a jaded and exhausted condition.
The wolf has at length been captured. Though it succeeded in eluding the vigilance of its pursuers on several occasions, it failed to escape a trap set in the vicinity of Ellerby, near Hinderwell, where it was caught and conveyed to Skelton Castle.
A Groom in the employ of Mr W H A Wharton brought the animal to Brotton Station yesterday and it was sent off to Kirbymoorside.
When at the station it did not exhibit any signs of ferocity, but appeared to be rather in a sullen mood.”

31st March –
We are glad to note that the village of North Skelton is to receive a substantial memorial of Her Majesty’s Jubilee. By the kindness of Messrs Bolckow, Vaughan and Co and Mr W H A Wharton, the village will soon be in possession of a handsome iron building, containing billiard room 36 by 24 feet, Reading room 24 by 19 feet, Lecture Hall 60 by 24 feet and 2 smaller committee rooms.
8 April. –
South Skelton Mine. George William Jackson, a miner aged 27, was killed by a fall of stone from the roof of his working place.
R D Bains, in his Mines Inspector’s Report (C 8819), Durham District (No. 4) said –
The Deputy, when making his examination previous to the shift commencing, found that the stone forming the roof of the place where the deceased man and another were to work, was not safe.
He told them both not to go into the place until a baulk was put up.
They, however, walked straight in, took their clothes off, and took their drills etc into the face, and just as they got there some of the stone fell and killed this man.
This is one of the accidents that should not have happened.
If these men had done as they were instructed by the Deputy, and kept out of the place until it had been made safe it would not have been my duty to record this accident.
Acts of Parliament and rules are passed and drawn up for the safety and protection of persons employed, but if they are not carried out, as in this case, they become absolutely useless.
21 April –
John Cheesman, aged 63, was killed by being run over by a full set of loaded tubs, when returning to the pit Shaft just after his days work was done.
Report by R D Bain, Mines Inspector –
This accident happened on the “engine plane” as the deceased man was coming to the shaft after his shift was finished.
In passing through the landing he was told that the engine set might be signalled to start at anytime.
It was, however, five minutes afterwards before it started and after having travelled about 250 yards the runrider, finding some of the tubs were off the way, signalled to the hauling engineman to stop the set, and on that being done he went back and found deceased had been caught and killed by the set.
On the opposite side to the one on which he was when found there was a space of 6 feet between the tubs to the side of the plane, and refuge holes were provided at required distances.
The set runs very slowly, about 4 miles per hour, and it is difficult to account for the accident occurring.
Tombstone in New Skelton Cemetery.

Tombstone re-lettered in gold, July 2018.
7th May –
Whitby Gazette – “One more very old standard has been removed from amongst the Skelton people in the death of Miss Emmerson of Hollybush Farm, at the ripe age of 93 years.
By her death they lose one of the most hospitable people in the Parish. No matter when any of her many friends called in to see her, they were always made welcome in the best possible way.
She was very kind and generous and many of the old friends who chance to pass the old Holly Bush Farm will miss the familiar face located there for nearly 93 years.
The funeral took place on Monday, at Skelton Cemetery and was attended by a large number of friends, tradespeople and farmers from the district, wishful to pay their last tribute of respect to their departed friend.

Hollybush Farm, Skelton. Hannah Emmerson and Alice Emmerson.
13th May –
A meeting of the Skelton Polling District was held yesterday at the Drill Hall, Skelton, in connection with the rejoicings at the return by a handsome majority of Mr A E Pease, the member for the Cleveland Division.
25th May –
3 youths, Richard Norton, Albert Cuthbert and John Pratt were charged with damaging a fence on the 16th at North Skelton. PC Brough saw them on the banks near Hutchinson’s Wood, where they damaged trees and fences. Previous complaints had been made. Fined 10s each.
21st June –
The inhabitants of the many towns and villages in Cleveland have for some time past exhibited considerable interest in the Jubilee celebrations.
Owing to the generosity of Squire Wharton, who promised to double the amount received in subscriptions, the fund at the disposal of the Skelton committee enables them to provide handsomely for both old and young.

22nd June –
Parish Magazine:-
Her subjects all over the world enthusiastically joined in celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Accession to the Throne of Victoria, the Queen, Empress of the British Empire.
And our Parish was in no way willing to be behind its neighbours in expressing its loyalty and thankful appreciation of the wonderful advance which has been made in every respect during the record reign of our record Queen.
As the Parish is widely scattered, it was determined to have the festivities at six different centres – Skelton, North Skelton, Lingdale, Boosbeck, Slapewath and Moorsholm.
Children under 15 years of age and people over 60, numbering in all some 4,000 had an excellent meat tea and were presented with a Jubilee Beaker, made specially for the occasion for us by Doulton and Co.
The Parish Church bells rang out merrily at 8am and flags displayed in all directions announced a general holiday.
The children, gaily dressed in summer attire, the majority displaying the National colours as sashes or favours assembled at the Hospital [Boosbeck Rd] and Cross Green.
At 2pm the Skelton Brass Band stepped off from the end of Boosbeck Rd, followed by the Green children, marching four abreast and on reaching the Cross Green, picked up the Skelton children and with them up the High Street, presenting a most impressive spectacle.
Two large banners and many small flags fluttering in the breeze, added liveliness and colour to a spectacle such as Skelton has rarely, if ever, seen before.
On reaching the Dog Kennels field, where a spacious marquee, 130 ft long, had been erected, the children and parents gathered round the platform outside and sang two verses of “God Save the Queen” After short speeches by the Rector, Mr Clayton and Mr Fox, hearty cheers were given for the Queen and then for the Old Squire and his son and the other contributors to the day.
Besides the free tea and beaker, each child received an orange, a handful of nuts and another of sweets.
The Old People receiving a packet of tea or tobacco. At 10 o’clock the Beacon fires at Hobhill and Brotton Warsett blazed up, proclaiming that the never-to-be-forgotten day was at an end.

Victoria, Diamond Jubilee. 1897.
Beaker presented to each child in Skelton.
[Kindly contributed by Owen Rooks.]
14th July –
Yesterday whilst a miner named John Neasham was following his employment at Messrs Bell Bros, Park Pit Mine, Skelton, a quantity of stone suddenly came away and almost buried him beneath it. Several of his fellow workmen were speedily on the spot and removed the debris. Neasham was conveyed to the Miners’Hospital, Guisborough. He received surgical attendance by Dr Shand and was found to have sustained serious injuries to the head and shoulders.
16th July –
The following local exhibition has been awarded by the Technical Instruction Committee of the North Riding County Council to Joseph Morgan of North Skelton, a pupil at Stanghow Lane School, tenable at Guisborough Grammar School.
2nd August –
George Jackson Wright, aged 18, the beloved son of Thomas and Elizabeth Wright of Skelton, was drowned at Saltburn.
He had been bathing with two others, Sanderson of Skelton and Youll of Newcastle and they had all got out their depth.
Being unable to regain the shore a boat was manned and sent out to their assistance. The other two were picked up in an exhausted condition but Wright sank before the boat could reach him
20th August –
This was an important day at North Skelton on the occasion of the formal opening of the New Institute.
The buildings…evidently meet a want in the place besides adding very much to the appearance architecturally.
They have been erected at the joint expense of the firm of Bolckow and Vaughan and the Squire, Lieut.Col Wharton, while the members [some 800 men] have provided the furniture and billiard table etc.
Mrs Wharton, who was introduced by Alfred Pease.Esq MP declared the Institute open. An illuminated address was presented to Mr and Mrs Wharton.
In acknowledging the Squire said that he and his family wished to do what they could to advance the interests of the men in every way.
He called attention to the notices placed in the rooms forbidding swearing and gambling.
He hoped that the Institute would help the members to raise themselves morally and intellectually.
He assured them that the habit of bad language was not manly, as some of them seemed to think and added no weight to what they said but had quite the contrary effect.

North Skelton Institute opened August 1897.
21st August –
Jane Ableson was charged with stealing 5 pairs of children’s bright leather slippers, the property of John Featherstone, boot and shoe dealer of Skelton, on the 17th July.
She had been several times previously convicted and was now ordered to pay a fine of £20 or be imprisoned for 3 months.
1st September –
On the application of Superintendent Clarkson at Guisborough Police Court and order was made compelling George Ridley of North Skelton to contribute towards the maintenance of his son, who was sent to the Wellesley Industrial Training Ship at North Shields for not attending local schools.
8th September –
On Tuesday Arthur Henderson and John Parker, lads, were charged on the information of PC Brough with damaging a wall at North Skelton the property of Mr W H A Wharton of Skelton Castle. Ordered to pay 2s 6d damage and 11s costs between them.
9th September.
North Skelton Mine.
On Thursday afternoon, George Kay, a 16 year old assistant fitter of North Skelton, residing with his parents, was killed in a shocking manner.
He was walking down a self-acting incline to fetch a tool with which to do some repairs to drilling machine pipes.
Tubs were going up and down the incline at the time and he went into a refuge hole to allow the empty set to pass him.
After it passed he came out, forgetting about the full set coming down the incline.
He was caught by these waggons and dragged a distance of 40 yards and it is surmised that the whole “set” of 10 waggons passed over him.
His body was terribly mutilated, one arm being torn off and picked up 10 yards away from him. His head was cut open and one of his legs was twisted completely round.
He was lying in the middle of the roadway quite dead.
He had just started work down the pit on Monday.

North Skelton Miners.
2nd October –
The new danger boards for the banks round Skelton way have now arrived and by this time will be erected.
The local cycling club has been very energetic in the matter and has provided the necessary posts and in addition has erected the same.
If clubs in other districts where there are banks of a dangerous character would take a similar interest and undertake to erect the boards supplied by the Union, the whole of the district would soon be safe-guarded and as a result fewer accidents would occur.
6th October –
Addison Lightburn, of Skelton, was charged with assaulting Joseph Gilbert at Skelton Green on the 26th September.
The parties were in the Green Inn between 8 and 9 p.m on that night and a quarrel began about Gilbert being outside the Miners’ Union.
Lightburn struck the complainant over the right eye, blackening it.
Fined 17 shillings, including costs.
2nd November –
A young man named William Bean, residing at No 47 Park Street, Skelton has been admitted into the Miners’ Hospital, Skelton suffering from severe injuries to his head received whilst at work in Bell Bros Park Mine.
His head was scalped and one ear nearly torn off and he is now in a critical condition. He was at work in the engine plain and fell in front of an empty wagon which was attached to the rope. He was dragged a considerable distance before the wagon could be stopped.
A miner named George Mallet, residing at New Skelton, was also admitted into the same institution on Monday morning suffering from burns to his arms and shock to the system caused by some blasting powder exploding upon him whilst following his employment in Park Mine.
25th November –
At Ripon on Wednesday, Dora Donnison aged 21, otherwise Annie Ellerby, of Skelton in Cleveland, a shop assistant, was charged with having on the 5th July last stolen a bicycle, value £5, the property of Fred Smith, of High Skellgate, Ripon, bicycle maker.
Inspector Booth stated that the prisoner hired the bicycle for an hour and did not return it.
She was traced through Yorkshire, Derbyshire and other counties and the bicycle was recovered at Rainham in Essex.
Annie had just been liberated from gaol at Derby, where she had received a month in gaol for obtaining food and lodging under false pretences.
She was remanded and on her next appearance was committed for trial at Leeds Assizes.
3rd December –
On Tuesday, a miner named Joseph Ouseley, aged 50, of Charltons Cottages, had his leg fractured by a fall of stone, whilst at work in Messrs Bell Brothers’ Old Shaft Mine, Skelton. He was conveyed to the Miners’ Hospital at Guisborough and is progressing favourably.
14th December –
An inquest was held at the Miners’ Hospital, Skelton on the body of Thomas Henry Brenton, aged 47, who had died suddenly. He was a miner at Bell Bros Old Shaft Mine, and went to work at 5.30 a.m on Saturday. He went down the pit and was about to commence work when he staggered and fell.
His mate Thomas Dales and Thomas Metcalf, deputy, assisted him but he died within 15 minutes. He had been subject to fits for several years. Verdict was death from natural causes.

Ironstone Pillar from Skelton Park Mine.
This column of Ironstone is believed to have been cut and sculpted at this time.
In 1929, when Park and other local mines were owned by Dorman Long it was taken to an exhibition at Newcastle and when last heard of it stood in the grounds of Newcastle University.
From the Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society 1978:-
This impressive specimen is in the form of a single column 33 inches square at the base and tapering slightly through its height of 9 feet 4 inches.
The provenance of the pillar, ‘Skelton Park Mine’ is deeply cut into its West face and ‘Skelton Park Mines’ on the East.
It is an almost complete sample of the Main Seam of the Cleveland Ironstone Series of Middle Lias [Jurassic] age in its best development.
It lacks only the so-called Sulphur Band, a pyrite bearing oolite up to 6 inches thick, which normally caps this seam.
The mining property of Skelton Park, which was worked from 1872, lay near the Northern limit of occurrence of the Main Seam, where the ore is not only thickest, but also richest, averaging approximately 32 percent metallic iron.