5th April –
The head of every household had to fill in the following details of everyone in the house on this night –

The national census of this year recorded the total population of England, Wales and Scotland as 33,015,701.
The population of Skelton [including Lingdale, Boosbeck and N Skelton.] was 6382.
There were 3596 males and 3133 females.
The number of inhabited houses was 1275 with 435 uninhabited and presumably in process of being built.
Situated at the corner of Northgate and Church Lane, Guisborough, it had been built in 1838/9 to accommodate 130 individuals.
At this time the Census showed 6 registrations of Skelton folk:-
Robert Hutton, gamekeeper, age 74.
Robert Easton, ironstone miner age 77.
John Elcoat, agricultural labourer, imbecile, who had been there in 1881.
Clara Andrews age 17.
Sarah Marshall age 8.
Maria Marshall, age 6
John Leng age 3.

2nd February –
At a meeting of the Skelton Literary Society Dr Burnett of Saltburn treated the members to an excellent paper on the “Evolution Theory”.
Dr Dunn was elected a library trustee of the Skelton Free Library.
9th February –
Parish Magazine –
A successful concert was held in the Infant School on Monday evening in order to raise funds for the purchase of a harmonium for the use of the Girls’ Sunday School and the Band of Hope.
Mr Robert Bell presided at the piano and also gave two violin solos in capital style.
9th to 13th March –
BLIZZARD. An easterly blizzard brought snow to virtually all England.
20th March –
The Clerk was instructed to advertise for 2 assistant Masters and an Assistant Mistress at salaries of £40 per annum.
Also to prepare an extra precept on the Overseers of Skelton and Stanghow for the sum of £460, part cost of the proposed additions to the North Skelton Infants and Skelton Green Infants School

7th April –
Smugglers descendant, late of the White House, died at Glenhowe, Saltburn by Sea, aged 63 years. Interment at Skelton Cemetery.
10TH April –
Mr R P Petch’s motion for the purchase of a steam roller was adjourned for a month.
Tenders for sustaining the wall, channelling and erecting a railing in Green Road, Skelton and Mr Gladstone’s tender of £48 12s 6d was accepted.
An animated discussion took place in relation to the Cross Green at Skelton, which resulted in the Board resolving that no objection would be lodged should Mr J T Wharton, the Lord of the Manor, choose to close same, only leaving access to foot passengers.
17th April –
A deputy, named Bailey, residing at Skelton, while employed in the Park Mine, Skelton, yesterday took a violent fit of coughing, which resulted in death. Deceased leaves a wife, but no family.
1st May –
At the hirings held at Guisborough on Tuesday, the following were the average wages:-
Girls £12 to £15. Young girls £6 to £10. Men £18 to £22. Ploughmen £12 to £16. Lads £6 to £10.
1st May –
At the Guisborough Police Court on Tuesday 9 miners named Thomas Harrison, Thomas White, Charles Milligan, Charles Locke, William Baxter, Thomas Wilson, John Holly, George Stokes and Francis Baxter were fined sums ranging from 4 to 7 shillings for playing pitch and toss in the township of Skelton.
1st May –
In a game played at Loftus on Saturday, the home team defeated North Skelton by one goal to nil.
There were a good number of spectators, the proceeds being for the benefit of Worth, a North Skelton player, who had his leg broken when Loftus were playing at Skelton on April 11th.
8th May –
At the monthly Board meeting Mr J T Wharton said that since his return from the Continent he had an interview with the General Manager of the N E Railway Company and found the proposed plans hardly met the requirements of the Board, the said plans only providing a passenger Station.
Mr Wharton had promised to present the site for the proposed Station and also the land required for the road from the highway.

18th May –
Mr R W Stevenson, farmer of Trout Hall, Skelton, was on Saturday the recipient of a handsome saddle from the members of the Gordon Highlanders Football Club, for that Gentleman’s kindness in allowing the above club the use of a field gratuitously during the past season.
The presentation was made by Mr Pattinson, the worthy host of the Wharton Arms Hotel. A very jovial evening was spent.
1st June –
In the district of Skelton at the present time there is a considerable consensus of opinion respecting the reports which have appeared recently in the local press respecting an intended part enclosure – leaving access to foot passengers only – of the Skelton Cross Green or Market-place by the Lord of the Manor.
The Skelton and Brotton Local Board having pledged itself not to interfere in the matter should the Lord of the Manor put the idea in operation.
A large number of the inhabitants are, it is said, opposed to the scheme.
The question at present is the chief local topic.
The arguments of the opposition appear to outweigh the few in favour of the part enclosure.
No doubt should the Green eventually be enclosed [except to foot passengers] it will debar a large porportion of the younger part of the population from indulging in the pleasure of visiting the various itinerant shows, menageries, circuses etc, which have been in the habit of locating on the Cross Green as the most convenient site in the district.
More than this, a considerable loss will be sustained by the ratepayers losing the fees charged and collected by an officer of the above Board, which in 12 months amount to a fair sum.
And again, there is the question of ‘right’.
In looking up T Whellan and Co’s “History of North Yorkshire”, published in 1859, I find that John Fauconberg who had livery of his lands in 1320, and who built the great chapel at Skelton Castle, [but since destroyed] obtained a Royal grant of a market at Skelton on Saturdays and a fair on Monday, and the 3 following days in Whitsun week, instead of a market which he and his ancestors had held there on Saturdays.
Further a Butchers’ market was held on Fridays.
The question of the Cross Green has been for a number of years one of rather a vexed nature.
It is hoped that ere long the matter will be brought to an amicable settlement.

June –
RAILWAY STATION – Parish Magazine – We understand that at last the plan for a passenger station at Skelton is ready, but there will still be some delay before it is carried out , as no provision has been made for merchandise or cattle or coal.
The Squire had interviewed the Directors and assured them that we want a goods station, with cattle dock and coal depot, as much as a passenger station, at the same time offering them, as a gift, the land required for the purpose.
Also for a road to come out near the first bridge between New Skelton and North Skelton.
24th June –
Two young men, brothers, named Robert Jackson [married] and Sandy Jackson [single] of New and North Skelton respectively, were yesterday injured by a shot in Long Acre Mines, Skelton.
Robert the most seriously injured was removed to the Skelton Green Miners’Hospital.
26th June –
At Guisborough Police Court on Tuesday John H Wilds was charged with deserting his wife at Skelton on the 29th ult.
He was ordered to take his wife out of the workhouse, where she had gone and pay the costs.

26th June –
At the same court a youth named Brown was sent to prison for one month’s hard labour for wandering about without any visible means of subsistence at Skelton on Monday night.
Whit Sunday –
The Skelton Volunteer Corps had their Church Parade. Assembling at the Drill Hall, they marched under the command of Captain Hamilton to the Parish Church, their band headed by Sergt-Instrutcor Treen leading the way.
It was said some time ago that our Local Board had determined to put down some asphalt footpaths after the fashion of the ‘Scarboro’ ones.
While the question is before the members, we should like to suggest that a favourable site for the experiment would be at the end of High Street, Skelton, on the South side opposite to the Church and that at the same time the footpath should be extended to the Cemetery.
Considering the hundreds of foot passengers who daily pass along this particular piece of road, including the Stanghow Lane school children, it is hardly to our credit that this provision for their safety and comfort has not been made before this.
The path in front of the Cemetery might also be widened sufficiently to admit of two persons walking abreast upon it.
If this suggestion be carried out and found to be a success, the path might afterwards be continued, when the Parish admitted of the expense,to North Skelton.
It is rather hard upon its twelve hundred inhabitants and four hundred at New Skelton, when they visit our ‘metropolis’, to have to walk in the middle of the road and take their chance of being run over, to say nothing of our convenience at Old Skelton when we desire to visit the Cemetery, the Schools, New Skelton or North Skelton.
8th July –
Watson Pennock was charged with assaulting Henry James Shepherd at Skelton on the 20th June.
Complainant was walking across some fields when the defendant’s dog started following him.
He attempted to get it to go back, but it would not do so.
Defendant came up and knocked him down and blackened both his eyes. Ordered to pay £2, including costs.
31st July –
A miner named Charles Clarke, whilst following his employment in the Park Mines, Skelton, on Saturday, sustained a fracture of the ribs through falling on a large piece of stone.
15th August –
At the ordinary monthly meeting of the Skelton and Stanghow School Board Mr W Charlton moved that after September 1st the Board adopt the Free Education scheme.
The Board taking the last year as an example will sustain a loss of £17 7s 10d.
Mr Charlton gave notice to move that all children attending the Board’s schools be supplied with all books etc free.
It was resolved to give the children a holiday on August 31st to celebrate the event.
The wardens reported that the number on the books was 1,704 and the average attendance was 1,331 or 78.1 percent. The fees collected in the last quarter were £19 0s 3d.

19th August –
Two boys, Daniel Crow and William Brack were summoned for damaging turnips in a field belonging to Mr R P Petch at Skelton and were fined 10s each.
September –
MOTHERS’ MEETINGS Parish Magazine.:- “North Skelton – The mothers’ meeting, conducted by Mrs Ellis [curate’s wife] in the Mission Room, Richard St, will commence on Monday, November 2nd at 3pm and be continued, God willing, weekly on Monday afternoons during the winter season,
All mothers in North and New Skelton are invited to attend.”

16th September –
“On Wednesday morning the old village was astir to see the wedding of Miss Hannah Petch, second daughter of Mr Thomas Petch of The Barns, to Mr H J Nightingale of Loftus.
A large congregation gathered in the Parish Church to witness the ceremony conducted by the Rector and the Rev J A Thompson BA.
The bride was attired in white bengaline silk with veil and wreath of orange blossoms.
The Bridesmaids wore pale blue merino dresses with large white hats,trimmed with ostrich feathers and carried baskets of roses. On leaving the organist, Mr R Bell, played Mendelssohn’s Wedding March.”
25th September –
John Gardiner, Miner, was charged with contravening the rules at Long Acres Mine, Skelton on the 14th inst.
Mr Thomson, Manager of Mines for Messrs Bolckow Vaughan and Co stated that defendant was seen to use a copper stemmer when charging a hole instead of a wooden one and with using undue force.
The practice was a most dangerous one and only 2 months ago they had an accident at the same Mine through the same cause.
Defendant, who said it was done in mistake, was fined 15 shillings including costs.
21st October –
Mary Moore, aged 17 and married, was charged with stealing a gold wedding ring belonging to Martha Lee of Skelton.
The prisoner, an Eston girl, married a Wisbech man, who had come to this district to seek work, but the pair had gone into Cambridgeshire again, prisoner taking with her the ring.
She was on visiting terms with Mrs Lee.
The magistrates took a lenient view and ordered the girl, wife and mother to come up for judgment when called upon.
The decision was greeted with some applause.
4th November –
Parish Magazine:-
MISSIONARY MEETING – “The annual missionary meeting held in the Drill Hall, when a lecture, illustrated by diagrams, entitled “The Gods of India and the Drowning Child” was given by Rev A H Bowman, late missionary in India.”
“The holders of missionary boxes are requested to send them in to Mr Thompson of 91 High Street for the half yearly emptying.”
“Work is proceeding for the bazaar to be held at Christmastide for the fund for completing our Parish Church Organ.
We would remind our readers that sewing meetings will be held fortnightly on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 8 in the Infant Schoolroom to which any worker with skilled and willing fingers will be welcomed.”
Our hopes were raised a few days ago by the sight of loads of white bricks laid by the side of the road between the end of Skelton High Street and the Cemetery.
But they were rather dashed when we found that the Local Board only contemplated channelling, without providing the footpath so urgently needed along the side of that narrow roadway.
The footpath might be run along the top of the bank if excavation cost too much on either the north or south side of the road.
If bounded on the field side by an iron fence would not take up much more land than is now occupied by the hedge.
A further great improvement would be to round away the corner of Mr Robinson’s garden, next to Mr Robert Wilkinson’s shop, opposite the Wharton Arms.”

Today we take turning on the tap for clean, healthy water for granted.
When fresh water was first piped to local villages by the Cleveland Water Company, it brought about a revolution in the age old practice of carrying it from the spring or pumping it from the well.
It was also an obvious revolution in public health and many diseases and deaths, particularly among children, were eradicated.
At first taps were installed in the back streets, to be shared between several houses.
This is the actual sketch made by John Wood, joiner and undertaker of 3 East Terrace, Woods Yard, Skelton, for a wooden cover for the taps in Park Street, at a cost of £1 4s 6d.
7th November –
At the meeting of the Board in connection with the sewage scheme it was decided to purchase a purifier from Messrs Slack and Brownlow, provided they would insert 9 in inlet and outlet pipes and additional side taps.
It was decided to hire the Guisborough steam roller for use on the road between Skelton and Saltburn.
Mr McLane’s tender for tree guards was accepted.
It was the Board’s intention to carry out the proposed alterations to Cross Green at Skelton.
Plans for making additions and alterations to the Primitive Methodist Chapel were approved.
The Medical Officer reported only 2 cases of scarlet fever [one fatal] in one house at New Skelton.
7th November –
William Barker, a gamekeeper in the employment of Mr J T Wharton of Skelton Castle has just met his death in a shocking manner.
He lived in the house next to Kilton Castle and it appears that whilst crossing a bridge near Ness Hagg, part of the structure, which is not in the best of condition, gave way precipitating the unfortunate man into the stream some 30 feet below.
He was found early yesterday morning after a diligent search had been made when he was missed. The deceased had a large cut over the eye, the face being much discoloured and the jaw broken. He was familiarly known as “Laddie Boy”. He leaves a widow
18th November –
Mr Thomas Petch presided over yesterday’s meeting of the Guisborough Board of Guardians.
Mr S H Merryweather was appointed the Medical Officer of the District of Skelton at a salary of £40 per year and also public vaccinator.
Plans were approved of the proposed alterations at the Workhouse.
18th November –
Edward H Bostock, the proprietor of Bostock and Wombwell’s Menagerie, was fined £2, including costs, for obstructing the highway for about 24 hours on the 3rd at Skelton.

Bostock and Wombwell’s Menagerie blocked the road at Skelton.
December –
DOCTOR LEAVES – Parish Magazine – We regret to announce that Dr Dunn is shortly leaving Skelton.
Ill health compels him to seek a warmer climate. During the time that he has lived amongst us, as assistant and then partner with Dr Merrywheather and as parish doctor and house surgeon at the Hospital, he has made many friends, not only amongst his patients, but amongst others too. It is intended to present him with a testimonial before his departure.

Skelton High St at the end of the 19th Century.
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