Skelton Castle.
January –
Parish Magazine – We have to thank the Skelton and Brotton Local Board for their courteous consideration of Mr Flower’s application for some lamps on the road between New Skelton and North Skelton.
They have deemed to place a sufficient number and we may hope to see them shortly in position.
This will be a great boon to North Skelton people, who have often found it a dark and disagreeable walk between the two places.
OLD CHURCHYARD – It is proposed to proceed at once with the renovation of the Old Churchyard.
Any one desiring to mark the graves of deceased friends, or to clean or repair their monuments are requested to communicate with the Rector or Churchwardens at once.
FIRST AID AND NURSING – The Women’s Ambulance Classes were brought to a successful termination on Thursday evening when Surgeon-Major Hutton examined them in first aid knowledge.
38 members obtained certificates.
The second series of lectures on Nursing will be held on Tuesday evenings in March at 5pm.
24th January –
The first of a series of Concerts in connection with the Skelton and Stanghow School Board’s prize scheme was held on Wednesday evening in the North Skelton Infant School.
By the special desire of the Board, the entertainment consisted of songs and recitations in use in the ordinary course of the school work and ,judging by the result, no better arrangement could have been made.
The room was simply crammed. Even the tops of cupboards being utilised as “coigns of vantage” for the accommodation of the younger members of the audience.
The younger performers acquitted themselves admirably – the tiny dots of 3 and 4 no less than the older ones – all alike speaking their speeches “trippingly on the tongue” or singing their pleasant songs thoroughly ‘con amore’.
The prizes were distributed by Mrs Ellis of the Rectory.
25th January –
At the weekly meeting of the Skelton Literary Society Mr J L Rawlinson of Boosbeck continued the discussion commenced at the previous meeting on “Free Education”.
He was entirely in favour of it, but met with some opposition from the members present.
Feb 13th –
MINE MANAGER – A.Gray, became manager of South Skelton Mines.
February –
The Skelton Sick and Funeral Benefit Society started its second year of existence in a prosperous condition.
The Reserve fund in the Bank is £22 6s 6d and there is £5 13s 10d to the credit of the Funeral Fund.
There was paid to the Sick last year £32 5s at the full rate of 10 shillings per week. The following were elected officers for this year –
President – The Rev the Rector; Secretary – Rev J A Thompson and Sick Visitor – Sergt Armstrong, 71 High St, Skelton.
12 new members have been enrolled and others have been proposed.
STILL IN THE DARK. We are sorry to find there is an unforeseen difficulty in the way of lamps being placed between North Skelton and New Skelton.
The Gas Company’s main which supplied the former village does not run along the highway between the two places as was expected.

Skelton New Church in the High Street, about this time.

February 14th –
Dr Stainthorpe gave an exhibition of pictures by means of his powerful lime-light magic lantern to our Sunday Scholars.
The Drill Hall was crowded from end to end with close upon 700 eager observers, who evidently highly appreciated the pictures as they appeared in rapid succession upon the white sheet.
March –
Parish Magazine –
There are rumours about that we are to have a railway station of our own either at the Saltburn road crossing or Holly Bush Farm.
We trust it may be so. Railway directors are sometimes slow to move unless they see their way to making a good thing for themselves, forgetting that the interests and convenience of the public should be considered.
They probably do not know that a Skelton Station would serve some 4,000 people [leaving the Green for Boosbeck], in Old Skelton, New Skelton and North Skelton.
A business man said the other day that he considered Skelton was fined something like £2,000 a year by having to bring merchandise etc from Boosbeck or Brotton at a charge of 3s a ton, when it could be had from our own station at 1 shilling per ton.
All persons interested should combine to press our claims upon the North Eastern Directorate and keep pegging away with statistics, complaints and other arguments till they give us a Station.
The following measurements from the Ordnance Map are interesting in view of the question.
From suggested site on Saltburn road between bridge and signal cabin [where the road turns into Long Acre] to lamp post at Saltburn lane end, 610 yards, thence to Post Office, 540 yards.
So that this site would be within two thirds of a mile from centre of village.
Holly Bush site is 170 yards further off, or three quarters of a mile from the Post Office, so that either site would come within about half the distance from Boosbeck to the Post Office, to say nothing of saving the tremendous climb over the hill.
15th March –
At the meeting of the Skelton and Stanghow School Board Mr Stokes, assistant master at the Stanghow Lane Boys School applied for permission to use the school once a week for the purpose of forming a shorthand class. Granted.
15th March –
At the usual meeting of the Skelton Literary Club the Rev C Johnson read a paper on the “Development of our Postal System”.
Greatly appreciated and discussed by a large audience.
19th March –
The certificates gained by the women’s ambulance class, lately held at Skelton under the management of Dr Dunn, were distributed last night by Mrs J T Wharton in the West End Infant School.
The class is a large one and the presentation took some time.
The class has been reconstructed for a series of lectures on nursing by Dr Dunn with Mrs Wharton as Secretary.
14th April –
The report of the deputation who waited upon the Directors of the NE Railway relative to a railway station at Skelton was considered to be very satisfactory with two sites being fixed on – Saltburn Lane and Faugh Field Lane [Hollybush].
It was decided to instruct the rate collector to prepare a rate of 6d on houses and a penny halfpenny on land for the ensuing year.
A large number of occupiers at High Green presented a petition complaining of the scarcity of water and it was resolved to write to the Cleveland Water Company.
18th April –
A lecture on this subject was delivered on Friday night in the Skelton Assembly Rooms by Mr J Barton MA, headmaster of Yarm Grammar School.
Mr J Crouch, a member of the Skelton School Board, presided and said the matter was rapidly coming forward for settlement.
18th April –
A dinner and social evening to mark the end of the session was held in the Duke William Hotel, Skelton.
It was excellently served by the host, Mr Cromer, and ample justice done to it by the large numbers who attended. On the removal of the cloth and after the usual loyal and patriotic toasts had been duly honoured the toast of the evening “Success to the Society” received with musical honours, was proposed and responded to after which other speeches and toasts followed.
During the evening capital songs were sung by the members for Stockton [Mr Loftus], Brighton [Mr Johnson], Tynemouth [Mr Boynton], Berwick [Mr Allen], Mr Craggs also sang in his usual well-known style.
The member for West Derby [Mr Garbutt] caused much merriment by the reading of an account of a Western Debating Society’s Meetings.
God Save the Queen brought a most enjoyable and harmonious evening to a close.
May –
OLD CHURCHYARD – Parish Magazine – The old Church yard has at last been renovated – the ground levelled and the headstones put upright.
The Rector and the Churchwardens desire to express their obligation to the Squire and to thank him for the public spiritedness with which he undertook the whole cost of the work.

Church Lane.
2nd May –
A meeting was held on Friday last with Mr T Petch in the Chair. 922 were attending the Board schools, 91 at private schools, 24 at schools out of the district and 83 not attending schools.
23rd May –
On Saturday last Mr R Bailey of Hutton le Hole missed a valuable mare out of his stable about 8 o’clock in the evening.
An outcry was made about the matter, when it was discovered that a little child had taken the mare out of the stable and proceeded in quest of Skelton in Cleveland.
The little fellow, whose widowed mother has unfortunately been removed to an asylum, had heard of the serious illness of his crippled brother at Skelton and feeling resolutely determined to see him, he had surreptitiously taken the mare away in order to reach that place.
About 2 o’clock in the morning he was lost in the streets of Castleton and a kind-hearted man of whom he asked the way and who was attending a cow, advised him to dismount and wait.
The child complied and was soon fast asleep.
He, however, was awake before long and anxious to proceed on his journey and at about 6 in the morning he had the pleasure of finding his disabled and apparently dying brother.
7th May –
The 4th Annual meeting of the Cleveland Habitation of the Primrose League was held at the Wharton Arms Hotel, Skelton yesterday.
There were 111 members in Skelton and 1,556 across Cleveland.
[The Primrose League was an organisation that had been founded in 1883 to uphold the Conservative principles of God, the Queen, the country and free enterprise.
It continued throughout the next century and was wound up in 2004.]
7th June –
The meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Board resolved to make a footpath, kerbed and channelled, in front of the Skelton Green Infant School at a cost of £13 3s 4d.
Also a footpath at a proportionate cost from the Miners’ Arms to the end of Trout Hall Lane;
also a flushing tank and sewer at Skelton Green at a cost of £14 10s.
June –
VOLUNTEERS. On Whit Sunday our Volunteers headed by their band, marched through the village to the Parish Church.
The Company is now under the Command of Captain Hamilton as Captain Wharton has been promoted and now Major of the Battalion.
June 22nd –
FLOWER SERVICE – Parish Magazine – 2.30 pm Childrens’ Flower Service will be held in All Saints Church, High St.
Last year the church presented the appearance of a flower garden and when all the bouquets were raised in the air the effect was remarkable.
And we hope to see the pews in the North and South aisles filled by their elders, as the centre of the church will be by the young folk.
At the close of the Evening Service the flowers will be sent to the Hospitals and Workhouses in the neighbourhood to be distributed amongst the poor and sick.

Skelton Cross Green about this time.
The building behind the horse and trap was a draper’s shop and has now been demolished.
June –
RAIL STATION – “The Directors of the North Eastern Railway Company are a long time in making up their minds about our proposed new Station
We hear they have twice visited the ground and have applied to the Chairman of the Local Board for further information as to population of the district etc.
Our local authorities might with advantage stir them up again or they may think that we do not very much want a Station.
We hope the best site may be chosen and one as near as possible to Skelton and that the building may be put in hand at once.
Parish Magazine:-
“When we are on the subject of improvements, surely now is the time for the Local Board or somebody, to take steps for the erection of a light bridge for foot passengers across the Skelton Beck.
The footpath across the fields to Saltburn might be considerably shortened if taken along the right hand side of the wood, instead of through it as at present, under the second arch of the railway viaduct and then across a plank bridge to a point near the hand gate on the Saltburn side.
The road is at present unsafe in the dark and crossing the water is difficult even in daylight.
Were it improved, we might expect to see a good deal more of the Saltburn visitors, to say nothing of the advantage to ourselves of being able to reach Saltburn in less time, with less difficulty and with less dangers than at present.
This might be attended to at once, while the Railway Station question is still “under consideration”.
It was said some time ago that our Local Board had determined to put down some asphalt footpaths after the fashion of the Scarboro ones.
While the question is before the members, we should like to suggest that a favourable site for the experiment would be at the end of High Street, Skelton, on the south side opposite to the church and that at the same time the footpath should be extended to the Cemetery.
Considering the hundreds of foot passengers who daily pass along this particular piece of road, including the Stanghow Lane school children, it is hardly to our credit that this provision for their safety and comfort has not been made before this.
The path in front of the Cemetery might also be widened sufficiently to admit of two persons walking abreast upon it.
If this suggestion be carried out and found to be a success, the path might afterwards be continued, when the parish admitted of the expense, to North Skelton.
It is rather hard upon its twelve hundred inhabitants and four hundred at New Skelton, when they visit our ‘metropolis’, to have to walk in the middle of the road and take their chance of being run over, to say nothing of our convenience at Old Skelton when we desire to visit the Cemetery, the Schools, New Skelton or North Skelton.
July 23rd –
The Treat was given to the Sunday scholars of the Drill Hall and Infant Schools, Skelton.
400 children, together with their teachers, were entertained with tea and games on the lawns, kindly lent by Major Wharton.
Several balloon ascents afforded considerable amusement to the young folk
After tea – sweets, nuts and a large quantity of toys were distributed amongst the children.

Skelton Green Post Office, Boosbeck Road.
29th July –
This was made to Mr Wharton in recognition of his services to Skelton.
In the past the Squire has made many gifts to the Parish and thrown himself heartily into every plan for the improvements of the place.
The gift of upwards of £2,000 towards making the new road to North Skelton.
The land for the Cemetery.
The land for Stanghow Lane and other Schools.
The noble tower of the new Church, with its clock and bells at a cost of £4,000.
The erection of the Miner’s Hospital.
Are some of the instances of his readiness to provide for the public benefit and make Skelton what it ought to be.
Besides these he, we understand, offered to provide all necessary school accommodation for the district and to find the money for expenses of education, so that no working mans’s child should cost its parents more than twopence a week.
This offer, however, was not accepted. It was determined that an illustrated address, together with an album containing the names of subscribers, should be presented to Mr Wharton.
Subscriptions were not to exceed five shilling each.
On accepting the testimonial Mr Wharton spoke of the changes he had seen since he came into possession of the estate in 1843 – when the village was small, exceedingly poor, and out of order.
Huge improvements had taken place and if he was the cause of these he was very happy.
Amongst those present were the Castle party – Mr and Mrs John Thomas Wharton, Mr and Mrs William Henry Anthony Wharton, Archdeacon Yeoman, [Yeoman Street] the Hon. Miss Dundas, Mrs Yeoman, Mrs Ellis, Miss Yeoman, Miss Sophy, and Miss Laura Yeoman, Mr C C Ellis.
The Subscribers were – The Rev Ellis, the Rector; J A Thompson; Doctors Dunn and Shand; Mr and Mrs William Scarth of Rounton Grange; Mr Sayers, Guisbro; Mr D Petch, Liverton; Mr D T Petch, Hobdale; Mr T Petch, The Barns; Mrs Dickinson; Messrs. William Brown, I Dixon, A Tate, J Wilson, G King, J M Gowland, J Elliot, J Pattinson, M Young, J R Hood, N House, T Varty, A C Cromar, R Horne, J Smith, A Ellis, J W Witts, H T Allinson, R W Stevenson, G Atkinson, J Crouch, J Morgan, G Andrews, R Kidson, J Wood, T Wright, T Shepherd, R Young, T Taylor, J Calow, Capt Lynas etc.
8th July –
It is proposed to have a united gathering of the Clubs of the Parish.
They will march together from the Cross Green, in full regalia, to the Parish Church.
The Free Gardeners, the Oddfellows, the Shepherds and others have signified their intention to be present.
The Free Gardeners and Oddfellows, adult and juvenile sections, will meet at their respective Lodge rooms and march to meet the procession of Shepherds from Lingdale and Gardeners from Boosbeck on the High Green.
The joint procession will then march from Dr Dunn’s corner to the Cross Green and thence to the Parish Church.
The Pride of Lingdale will meet at their Lodge room at 1.15 and the Miner’s Pride, Free Gardeners of Boosbeck at 2pm.
The Skelton Free Gardener’s Brass Band will head the procession.
A later entry shows that 1,000 people attended this gathering and the church proved “too small for the congregation”.

Tom Ward.1856 – 1930.
Thomas was the eldest son of William Ward, the old gentleman pictured on Chemist’s Corner on the page for 1901-1902.
Pictured here in his later days tending the Skelton Church grounds as Warden.
He was a Deputy in the Ironstone mines and lived in these times at 7 Yeoman St and then in Robinson St.
He had qualified as a lecturer for the Temperance Society and travelled about Cleveland addressing their meetings.
[Photograph kindly donated by Alan Ward.]
12th August –
M Garner, a youth aged about 18, whilst following his employment at the Long Acre Mines, Skelton, yesterday met with a severe accident by a fall of shale from the roof
He had one leg broken and the other badly injured and was also severely cut about the head.
He was removed to the Miners’ Accident Hospital at Skelton Green.
25th August
Two large meetings of Miners at Guisborough and Skelton for the purpose of considering the proposition of the Cleveland Mineowners to reduce the wages of the men.
The Miners had suffered a reduction of 10% 2 months ago and were now asked to take another 5% cut.
The trade was improving, the price of No 3 pig iron, which regulated the wages, had been going up for some weeks and the stocks of pig iron, forunately, was coming down.
It was resolved to oppose any reduction.
26th August –
William Ward, a fish dealer, was charged with being drunk whilst in charge of a horse and cart at Skelton on the 8th. Fined 2s 6d and costs.
September –
‘SKELTON PARK’ WITH SEATS. – Parish Magazine The Local Board or somebody has been doing a little in the way of road making or mending on the Hills.
We hope the work may be carried a little further, The footpath from the Post Office to the top sadly needs attention.
At a little expense of wood, gravel and labour, one or two winding paths might be made and also a few plank seats put here and there.
If anybody will give us £15 we could do all that is suggested and so start what might be called Skelton Park.
5th September –
A Skelton Miner name Peel, married and residing at Cleveland Street, High Green, Skelton was severely injured by a fall of stone at South Skelton Mine on Monday morning.
27th September –
Skelton will be heavily handicapped today in their match with Middlesbrough in the first round of the Cleveland Amateur Cup Competition.
12 of their players have been suspended for engaging in a medal competition during the close season.
4th October –
An interesting gathering took place at Skelton Castle. Mustering at the Cross Green they marched each detachment under its own banner and headed by the Skelton Brass Band to the Castle.
16th October –
Another successful gathering of the Liberal Association branch was held last night in the Free Gardeners’ Hall, Skelton, the spacious room being crowded.
Mr Hobbs, secretary of the Cleveland Miners Association presided, supported by Sir Joseph Pease MP and Mr Haviland-Burke of the Eighty Club.
The Chairman expressed his pleasure in being present to hear the political questions of the day discussed and especially that problem – the Irish problem – which seemed as far from a satisfactory solution as ever it was. [Hear, hear.]
He reminded the audience that the Skelton Political Debating Society would commence its winter session very shortly – that it would resume its debating hostility to the Conservative members who were so worsted last session. [Laughter and applause.]
17th October –
At the Loftus Police Court James Boothby, a miner of North Skelton was fined 21 shillings for drunkenness.
November 4th –
Mrs William Wharton of Skelton Castle laid the foundation stone for Moorsholm Church.
The land was offered by Robert Petch, farmer of Liverton.
The building was paid for by the Whartons of the Castle.
Parish Magazine:-
At the opening ceremony to show how the population had increased, the curate explained…in the Rural Deanery, which takes in Moorsholm to Stockton, there were only 13 churches and 13 clergymen.
Up to the present time they had increased to 21 churches and 45 clergymen.
After the ceremony a good number of the visitors and friends adjourned to the Mission Room, where a sumptuous tea was generously provided by the people of the village.
Proceeds towards a new harmonium or some article for the church.
In the evening a Temperance Meeting was held, when the room was crowded….several pledges were taken at the close.“
12th November –
Considerable dissatisfaction has been expressed by the Cleveland Miners with the decision of the masters to refuse the demand for an advance in wages of 5 percent.
The lodges at Lingdale and North Skelton have passed resolutions to press the demand to the extent of giving in their notices.
12th November –
The Cleveland Mineowners have given their decision on the application of the Miners to establish a standard 8 hours day for all men and boys working underground.
“The Managers have had the whole matter under careful consideration and have decided that it could not be carried out without considerable increase of cost, which the owners are not prepared to incur.
It would be difficult to get the Miners’ work away without someone having to work more than 8 hours.
Further the men are asking for what is not customary in the coal mines.
Therefore the employers cannot see their way clear to make the change asked for.”
16th November –
A muffled peal announced the funeral of Mr David Thomas Petch of Hobdale.
As church warden, as member of the Board of Guardians [of which he was many years Chairman] and other public bodies, he had gained a large circle of friends.
The pulpit, which was one of his gifts to the Church was draped in black.
28th November –
A football match at Charltons cottages on Saturday ended – Charltons Rovers 5, Skelton Gordons 1.

9th December –
Parish Magazine:-
“In connection with the Band of Hope, a Temperance Meeting will be held in the Drill Hall, when a lecture, entitled “A Peep at the Drinking Customs in England” will be given by the Rev William Askwith, illustrated with magic lantern slides.
A small charge will be made for admission to cover expenses. Day scholars – 1 penny, other children under 15 -twopence, Adults 3d.”
INFANT DEATHS During 1890 there were 49 burials of infants at Skelton Parish Church.
31st December –
Two gentleman in the Wesleyan Circuit have generously promised to contribute the sum of £80 per year for the maintenance of a Minister for Skelton Parish, who shall reside in Skelton.
From Bulmers Directory of this year.
Skelton people who committed offences appeared before the Petty Sessions at Guisborough Town Hall, which were held every Tuesday at 10.30.a.m.
They would be judged by Magistrates who were selected exclusively from the local Gentry, among whom were:-
Wharton John Thomas, Esq., D.L. of Skelton Castle, R.S.O.
Wharton William Henry Anthony, Esq. of Skelton castle, R.S.O.
Pease Sir J. W., Bart., M.P. of Hutton hall, Guisborough.
Pease Henry Fell, M.P., of Saltburn-by-the-Sea.
Pease Alfred Edward, Esq., M.P., D.L. of Pinchingthorpe house, Guisborough.
Pease Arthur, Esq., of Cliffe House, Marske-by-the-Sea.
His Honour Judge Turner E. R., M.A. of Rosslyn villas, Saltburn-by-the-Sea.
Clarke J. W., Esq. of Guisborough.
Dr Merryweather James, Esq. of Guisborough.
Yeoman Robert Charles, Esq., M.A. of Marske hall.
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