Building of Skelton Green School at top of Skelton bank.
It was enlarged in 1892 and 1900.
It appears that 20 Boosbeck Rd had been used as a school.
Tom Curnow in his History of Skelton says that when a Mr Allison bought this house in the 19th century one of the rooms contained 4 school desks and the walls had been used as a blackboard.
Evidently, he says, 8 children paid three pence a week to learn the three R’s.
There is some evidence to indicate that this house was the old Wesleyan School, where the parents of Frank Wild, the Antarctic Explorer taught in the early 1870’s and where Frank was born in 1873. See the page about Frank Wild here.
5th March –
The deputation appointed by the Miners employed at Boosbeck Mines have had an interview with the Royalty owners, who will be affected by the stoppage.
Negotiations for pumping out the water by the Mine owners in the district entirely failed and consequently the last resort was an appeal to the Royalty owners.
The interview with Mr J T Wharton, of Skelton Castle, was not entirely without result, for he enquired whether a reduction of 2 pence per ton would not be a relief to the Mine owners.
It is believed that if the other royalty owners were disposed to make a similar concession that steps would be taken to pump the water out of the Mines.
8th March –
At the Guisbrough Police Court yesterday, a girl named E M Calvert, aged 13, was fined 10 shillings for thefts on the 3rd from the shop of Mr Watson, grocer of Skelton.
12th March –
The retiring members are Messrs S Emmerson and G Robinson for Skelton North Ward. Messrs G Taylor and M Hall for Brotton Ward. Mr Stockdale for Skelton South Ward. Mr R P Petch for Moorsholm and Mr M Blackett for Kilton Ward.

12th March –
At the School Board the subject of giving prizes for attendance and proficiency was discussed.
Mr Charlton proposed and Mr Brighton seconded “that for the purpose of adjudging the winners each percentage of attendance counts as one mark and the pass in each subject, reading, writing and arithmetic counts 32 marks.
Mrs Pennock attended before the Board and complained that her son had been ill-treated at the Stanghow Lane Boys School by a teacher named Ackroyd.
He had been beaten about the head and kicked.
Mr Ellis confirmed that he had seen the boy and he had marks on his shoulder, as if caused by a cane and bruises on his side.
The Assistants had particular instructions not to inflict punishment but to refer all cases to the head teacher and an example should be made.
The Chairman agreed and said at the next meeting he would move that Ackroyd be called before the Board for an explanation or the sack.
30th March –
Old aged pensions did not start until the next century.
The number of families receiving relief in the Guisbrough Union district – exclusive of the Redcar and Marske parishes – is 365 and of this number no less than 259 are over 60 years of age.
Guisborough stands first with 78 [11 between 80 and 90, 26 between 70 and 80 and 41 between 60 to 70.]
Skelton is second with 66 [2 at 90 years of age, 6 between 80 and 90, 27 between 70 and 80 and 31 between 60 and 70.]
Loftus third with 46 and Brotton fourth with 20.
14th June –
Thomas Burdon, an ex-Army man, was charged with assaulting Alice Ellerby at Skelton on the 4th.
The complainant said that she was going across the hills to Skelton Green, when Burdon came up and commenced cursing about the Salvation Army.
He was drunk and she took no notice of him, upon which he struck her once on the head and twice in the eye.
His mother coming up, he shoved Alice in the hedge and tore her clothes.
She said that she would make him pay for it and in reply his mother said:- “If you do, I will make him give you more next time.”
Alice Walker, complainant’s niece corroborated.
Burdon said a quarrel arose through complainant spreading false reports concerning his sister.
He asked for an explanation of this, when defendant turned on him and said:-
“You go and get your fat-headed soul saved, and say nothing more about your sister, or I will split your head open with a big stone.”
Elizabeth Burdon, the mother, corroborated and denied that the complainant was struck at all.
Supt Clarkson said he had several complaints against Burdon, who since his return from the Army had been a terror to the neighbourhood.
He did nothing but stand about the street corners and when he got drink he assaulted people. Fined 10s and 12s costs.

25th June –
The celebration took place on Tuesday, the streets and private houses being profusely decorated for the occasion.
At noon the school children from Lingdale, Boosbeck, Skelton Green and New and North Skelton to the number of 2,800, assembled at the Market Cross and marched in procession, headed by the Volunteer Band, to the spacious lawn fronting Skelton Castle.
Here a platform had been erected with the lodge gates and this was occupied by Mr J T Wharton, Rev Ellis, Rev F McKenzie, Rev R Leck, Mr Thomas Petch, Mr R P Petch, Mr Heslop, Mr Calow, Dr Shand etc.
Mr J T Wharton in a short speech said that he was unfortunately a great deal older than many of those whom he saw around him.
When he came into that district, 44 years ago, things were very different from what they are now, for they would have to go a great many miles to find the number of people who are at the present time congregated about that place.
There was no village really, but Skelton – and very little of that.
The National Anthem was sung. During the remainder of the day the children partook of tea in spacious marquees erected on the ground and indulged in a variety of sports.
Doulton mugs, instead of medals were presented to each child.
20th July –
Thomas Garbutt of Skelton Mill was charged with neglecting to report a pig in his possession affected with swine fever to the police on the 8th July. He thought this was the same. Fined £2 and 14s 6d costs.
24th August –
Mr Rowland, secretary for the Cleveland Miners Association reported that in the first 6 months of the year there had been 450 minor accidents and 6 fatal ones in the district, including at Skelton Park – 40, Skelton Shaft – 14, North Skelton – 14 and Longacres – 51.
6th September –
On Saturday the members of St John’s Belfry, Darlington had their trip to Skelton in Cleveland, when the following peal etc was accomplished:-720 bob minor, 360 grandsire minor, couRse of Oxford treble bob and by request a peal of bob doubles; tenor 22cwt.
An enjoyable afternoon was spent mainly due to the hearty and convivial welcome accorded them by the Skelton ringers.
17th September –
Although a ladies surpliced choir is not unknown in London, we believe the Rector of Skelton is the first to set the example in Yorkshire, if not the North of England.
Lately ladies have been assisting in the choir and in order to bring about a uniformity of appearance it was determined they should also wear surplices.
Not unlike an MA’s gown, they are exceedingly tasteful, consisting of Scotch lawn, with pleated backs. Purple velvet caps complete the attire.
21st September –
At the Stockton Bankruptcy Court Charles James Clift, who has been a Stationer, Newsagent and Printer at Skelton in Cleveland came up for his first examination. He owed £239 5s to unsecured creditors and his net assets were only £49 2s 8d.
He started business in 1874 with about £30 of stock over the newspaper debts contracted by his predecessors amounting to £70.
He attributed his insolvency to bad trade and heavy rent and was not aware of his position until about 3 months ago.
8th October –
At the meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Local Board new lamps were ordered to be erected between Boosbeck Crossing and Skelton Green.
Also near the new house opposite Skelton Rectory.
The committee also submitted an estimate for putting the roadway at Old Saltburn into proper condition and erecting a new concrete wall at a cost of £200.
This work was ordered to stand over till the question of the maintenance of the Saltburn old bridge over Skelton Beck is settled.
The Medical Officer reported a death rate of 6.9 per 1000 against a birth rate of 28.6.
8th October –
The Skelton Local Board received petitions from several groups in the district asking for allotments, –
“because we are unable to obtain allotments at a reasonable rent and on reasonable conditions by voluntary arrangements between the owners of land suitable.”
Most of them had allotments and rented from the Squire.
The Government had just passed the Labourers’ Allotment Act and it appears the petitioners were under the misapprehension that this gave them the right to an acre of land each.
The Board said that it could obtain land only by compulsory purchase from the owners at a high price which was out of the question.
5th November –
A man named William Daynes, employed at the South Skelton mines, was admitted to the Miners’ Hospital, Guisborough having received a severe injury to his right hand.
It appears that a waggon had come off the road and by some means he got his fingers crushed between the buffers, 2 of them being severely crushed.
5th November –
At the monthly meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Board a deputation consisting of John Gibson and Fred Winter [Skelton], George Mallett [Groundhill] and Thomas Herring and Charles Clark [Boosbeck] attended to discuss their recent application, the first in the country, under the Labourers’ Allotment Act.
Mr Gibson explained that the conditions under which gardens were held at present were not reasonable.
Firstly, because the tenants were liable to be discharged without notice and therefore had no confidence in preparing the ground or planting winter vegetables.
Secondly, as to crops and buildings, they were not allowed to grow corn upon this land, although the soil would benefit greatly by having corn sown at intervals.
They were not allowed to build a pig-sty or shed upon the rented land, although this would be a great benefit to a working man, as it would provide food for his family and manure for his garden.
Thirdly, as to rent, many of the gardens were let at the rate of £4 per acre per annum. Others paid £6 per acre.
They petitioned the Board to approach their Landlord.
It was pointed out that there was only one garden unlet at New Skelton and there were many applicants for it.
Mr Herring representing applicants from Boosbeck Road said he had had a garden for 2 years, but had to wait 5 years to get it and paid rent to Squire Wharton.
The petitioners had never expected to get land under the Labourers Allotment Act at 17s 6d per acre as had been stated at a previous Board meeting.
He had seen Mr Hamilton the Skelton Estate Agent and been treated with the greatest courtesy, but on visiting the Estate Office, Mr Tutin could not have treated him worse if he had been a vagrant.
The deputation left and the Board discussed the matter, Mr R P Petch pointing out that at North Skelton many gardens were in a shameful condition.
The Clerk said the average garden rent was £2 13s per acre.
Mr Richardson thought that the men had great cause for complaint and it was resolved before taking further steps the applicants should submit their grievances to the landlords.

8th November –
This morning Messrs Yeoman, Bolckow and Clarke, sitting as Magistrates at the Guisborough Petty Sessional Court heard a painful case regarding a young woman named Alice Morton, the daughter of respectable parents.
She had taken up with a man, who the Chairman of the Bench described as “a lazy, drunken reprobate.”
The police stated that he was in the habit of staying with her at lodging houses, ill-using her and compelling her to beg for food.
On Saturday the Skelton Police Constable observed her begging in that village and on her leaving the Rectory asked her what was her business.
She gave her name as Alice Forster and said her husband was a Miner of Brotton who had been laid up with a broken leg.
Enquiries showed this to be false and she was put in custody. The man Yates had however had his leg broken some time ago.
The Bench admonished her and advised her to leave the man and return to her parents or seek some honest means of earning a living.
19th November –
George Mockett was admitted to the Guisborough Miners’ Hospital on Tuesday suffering from a severe scalp wound received at Messrs Bell Brothers’ Skelton Shaft Mine.
26th November –
At the Guisbro Police Court a respectable looking man named Thomas Little, described by Police as a local preacher was charged with stealing a batten of straw, value 6d, the property of Messrs Bolckow Vaughan and Co.
He was employed as an Engineman at the mine and had to pass Wet Furrows farm on his way home.
For some time past the farm bailiff and labourers employed at the prosecutor’s farm, Wet Furrows, North Skelton, had missed straw from the straw-house and seen portions of it scattered on the footpath leading to Lingdale, where the prisoner resided.
On the 14th PC Calvert concealed himself near the straw-house, where he saw the defendant enter and immediately leave with a batten of oat straw on his back.
Prisoner said, “Patten gave me it”,
The defence was that permission had been given in consideration of Little having several times saved sheep from being lost and had turned cattle from the highway into the fields. Robert Graham, the farm bailiff, James Patten and John Wiltshire denied the defendant had any authority to be on the premises and at no time had he received permission to take straw.
Fined 50 shillings or 2 months hard labour. The money was paid at once.
10th December –
A Concert was given by the Rifle Corps under distinguished patronage on Monday night at the Bull’s Head Hotel, North Skelton in aid of the funds of the Shooting Club.
Selections both vocal and instrumental were rendered in good style and taste and reflect great credit upon the performers and Mr Robert Bell for his efficient services both as a pianist and violist.
In fact Mr Bell was never heard to greater advantage during the 23 years he has been before the public.
His pupils, Mrs Todd, the Misses Lacon, Castle and Ranson acquitted themselves worthy of their teacher.
Prof Holmes in his wonderful whistling and imitations of song birds, animals etc was a treat rarely to be heard.
17th December –
The Skelton School Board have granted £8 for the purchase of articles necessary for the musical drill. They are a harmonium, Indian clubs, dumb bells and calisthenic poles.
24th December –
Yarm played North Skelton in the second round of the Cleveland Cup, and the conclusions of a football writer are strong and to the point.
He says the match resulted in the
– ‘most blackguardly and disgraceful scenes ever witnessed on a football field,’and that the responsibility for this rested ‘chiefly with the Yarm spectators and some of the team.’
The score was eight goals to three in favour of North Skelton; and Mr John Reed, jun., who was the referee, writes:-
‘Every score made by the visitors was appealed against on the ground of ‘off-side,’ and as the two umpires systematically disagreed, the onus of deciding against these appeals vested entirely with me.
The first and second goal given to North Skelton caused some grumbling, the third and fourth ignited a blaze of indignation, the fourth and fifth produced hoots and yells, and so on until the eighth goal was got, when the Yarm people were dancing madly.
Mr Reed thus describes what followed upon the conclusion of the match:
‘After blowing the whistle I walked smartly away from the crowd, it would have been foolhardy to have gone to it, and would only have involved my friends in the melee that would certainly have ensued.
For a minute all was quiet, then horrible yells rent the sky, from which I knew my proceedings were noted.
Soon I felt a panting and cursing behind me; so in self-defence, I stopped.
The intruder used very violent language, which, summed up, meant he wanted to kill me.
I protested there was not time ; for at a good pace came streaming, like red Indians at the charge, a couple of hundred reckless hobbldehoys and half-drunken men.
Quickly throwing my overcoat into the face of the first assailant as a feint, the next instant I took the open country at top speed.
The situation was intensely funny.
Here was I speeding down the valley from the unrighteous of Yarm, but, if I had been caught, it might have been the opposite to funny.
The intent was to put pour me into the river; but as the evening was cold and frosty, naturally there was an objection on my part.
If I had no fear I certainly had the wings that fear lends, and I soon lost the foe and gained the shelter of a kind and friendly house.’
Bearing upon this, the Cleveland Association have instructed their Secretary to take legal proceedings against those spectators who threatened and assaulted him.
Such disgraceful proceedings should be firmly dealt with, or football will lowered to the level of the prize ring.
26th December –
The following is the only record of his death found to date. It is taken from a report of the quarterly meeting of the Cleveland Miners’ Association, held in the Temperance Hall, Saltburn, on the 28th Dec, with Mr Joseph Toyn in the Chair.
Touching reference was made to the death of Mr Stephen Emerson of Hollybush Farm, Skelton, special mention being made of the facts that Mr Emerson allowed the Miners the use of a field for the first demonstration in May 1872, when no other person would do so.
And that he had had never been absent from a demonstration since the commencement of the Association.
The General Secretary was instructed to convey to Miss Emerson, the sister of the deceased an expression of the sympathy of the meeting.
The Agent and General Secretary, Messrs William Hollingworth and J Passmore, Skelton, were appointed to represent the Association at the funeral on Thursday.
The funeral service took place in Skelton’s new Church in the High St and he was buried in the Cemetery at New Skelton.

Stephen’s grave in New Skelton Cemetery.
The stone was refurbished in gold lettering in 2018. See 1897 for death of Hannah Emmerson.