Skelton and Brotton were amalgamated under a joint local government board of 21 members. Meetings first Tuesday in each month.
4th January –
At the monthly meeting the Clerk reported that the Court of Quarter Sessions had adopted the two bridge recently constructed on the new road from New to North Skelton and that henceforth they would be County bridges….but they only took over the structural part of the bridges, the roads being still kept in repair by the local Board.
The Surveyor, Mr Ambrose Cross, reported the dangerous condition of a house in High Street, which was unsafe to the people living next door.
Instructions were given to attend to the matter at once, the Chairman remarking that they would have to be more stringent in respect to those “miserable hovels” than they had been.
The Medical Officer reported the registration of 30 births and 7 deaths, being at the rate of 88 and 7 per 1,000 respectively.
10 January –
An application was made by Mrs Pennock for the Board to pay school fees for her three children.
The School Warden stated that the Guardians of the Poor had paid Mrs Pennock’s school fees for 3 months, but discontinued them on finding that 3 of the children were receiving 2 shillings [10p] per week each;
that Messrs Bolckow, Vaughan and Co allowed them a free house and coal
and that two of the children were at work, one aged 16 earning man’s wages and the other 1s 3d per day.
The Board moved that they were better able to decide who should have fees paid and to obtain a list from the Guardians of all those in receipt of the same.

6th February –
At the Guisborough Police Court Peter Entwistle was charged by Mr Thomas Petch of Barns Farm, Skelton with doing wilful damage to turnips. Fined 12s 6d including costs.
13th February –
The Clerk read a letter from the Education Department with reference to the transfer of scholars from the Stanghow Lane Schools.
A letter had been written to the Education Department pointing out that the reason why 80 children were removed to the new school at North Skelton was to avoid over-crowding.
The Department in reply to the Board stated that the arrangements as laid before their lordships had been reversed and that if the Board persisted in sending children above 8 years of age to the North Skelton School there woud be no grant for the year 1884.
1st March –
William Seymour of Skelton was charged with being drunk whilst in charge of a horse at Hinderwell on Februrary 15th.
PC Vokes stated that defendant was riding a horse in a very wild manner in Hinderwell street.
Defendant stated that he had been to his brother’s wedding, where he had taken a little too much.
The Bench said that he had been indulging in a rather dangerous practice and he would have to pay the costs.
7th Mar.
William Bellinger was fined 6d for damaging grass at Skelton.
7th Mar –
Robert Currie, a grocer, of Skelton was killed by a fall from his horse in Trout Hall Lane while out hunting, after riding with Mr Stevenson of Trout Hall Farm.
The Stevensons, who still occupy Trout Hall Farm, seem to have been new arrivals, as at the 1881 census it was in the occupations of William Wood, age 53, born in Northumberland.
12th March –
The last public lecture of the season at the Skelton Literary Club was delivered on Tuesday evening by Dr Richard Ellis, senior surgeon of the Newcastle Ear and Throat Hospital.
“The Phenomena of Sound, Sense of Hearing and the Mechanism of the Human Ear” with experimental illustrations by music and photographic lantern slides.
26th March –
Grace Mitchell and Mary McLane were charged with maliciously damaging underwood in ‘Skelton Hollow’, belonging to Mr J T Wharton.
Mr Barker, a keeper, said they had been very much annoyed by women trespassing in the wood in search of primroses. Fined 1s 8d.
28th Mar –
North Skelton Mine. George Byles, fitter, was severely burnt.
For some years he had been subject to fits and whilst standing near a fire in one of the workshops he was seized with a fit and fell backwards into the fire.
When found his clothes were alight and he was shockingly burnt.
4th April –
The members of the Skelton “G” Company of the 1st Battalion Princess of Wales’ Own Yorkshire Regiment held a ‘Carbine competition’ at the Skelton Park Range.
The scores were –
Pte Winter – 44, Pte Ayres – 42, Pte Peacock – 40, Pte Wardman – 39, Sgt Richards – 38, Cpl Ridsdale – 37, Pte Felkin – 36, Pte T Craven – 32, Sgt Instructor Treen – 32, Pte Elders – 32, Sgt Smith – 31, Pte Holmes – 23.
22nd April –
A young man named Henry Blackett was charged at Guisborough Police Court by his father William Blackett, a basket maker of Skelton Ellars, with stealing a pony value £7.
Thomas Hartgrove, horse dealer of Coatham said that on Monday the 14th the prisoner came to his house in the evening having with him a brown pony, which he offered for sale.
He said he would take £2 for it.
Witness said he could not afford that and offered him 25 shillings.
Prisoner was paid and signed his name as Harry Williams.
Sergeant Heald said he apprehended the prisoner at Hartlepool.
Prisoner said, “The old man would not give me any money, so I took the pony and sold it.”
He was committed for trial at the Leeds Assizes.
3rd May –
At the first meeting of the new Brotton Local Board it was carried that the Board co-operate with Skelton Board in founding and supporting a fever hospital for both districts.
6th May –
At the Redcar Local Board attention was drawn to the extreme inconvenience of a large population like Redcar, Coatham and Warrenby having to go to Skelton to register births and deaths

6th May –
Charles Shaw was charged by Joseph Speechley with stealing from his coal house at North Skelton on the 29th, 2 pigeons value 3s.
William Thomas Jones said he saw Shaw with the pigeons at Brotton and he was offered them for a shilling, but he had no money.
Shaw eventually managed to exchange them for 2 tea cakes.
Sgt Imeson, of Brotton, spoke to apprehending the prisoner at Skinningrove blast furnaces and charging him with the offence.
Prisoner replied – “I got them out of the coal house, when shall I be likely to get a hearing”.
He was charged with a second offence – stealing a hen from Mrs Read of Lingdale. Committed to stand trial.
16th May –
Mr West said his daughter aged ten and seven months died on Thursday from congestion of the brain, which he attributed to over pressure brought on by lessons given to the children in the Stanghow Lane Girls School.
Spelling was the worst.
He produced a book which showed up to 84 words were frequently given in addition to other work and he had heard of 135.
When she went to wash up the pots, she fell into the habit of spelling to herself the name of the article which she was using.
Mr Heslop on the Board agreed with Mr West that at the beginning of the year they did very little in the school, but at the end prior to the examination the children were crammed.
A letter was read from the Educational Department having reference to the alleged death through over-pressure in one of the Board Schools.
The members generally expressed an opinion that Mr West was satisfied with the explanation given at the last meeting, he attributing excessive home lessons to the stringency of the code rather than to errors of the teachers.
After discussing the matter it was resolved that the Clerk answer the letter and point out that the case had been investigated and that they had been assured by Miss Tallantyre and that the home lessons were not compulsory, that no attempt had been made to punish those who neglected home work.
The Board could not hold themselves responsible for the death of the child.
20th May –
Henry Smith, a tramp, was brought up charged by Sgt Imeson with hawking buttons from door to door at Skelton without a pedlar’s certificate.
The officer said he had had several complaints of people going from house to house offering buttons for sale and when people refused to buy they were generally abused.
Defendant had come to his house and said he was unable to find employment and selling buttons was his only means of getting a livelihood.
Defendant, on promising to leave the town was discharged.
13th June –
Mr F Caldeleugh, builder of Durham has just completed a magnificent oak pulpit for the new Church at Skelton.
It is octagonal in form and stands on a curved stone base, springing from a small centre stone, with carved foliage round the upper member. The lower compartment of each panel of the pulpit is filled in with elaborately cut tracery, above which is a text in Old English letters.
The upper panels are of open tracery with curved spandrels, the whole being surmounted by a neat battlemented cornice with carved foliage running right round.
It is from a design by R J Johnson, architect, of Newcastle and the carving has been executed by Mr R Hedley of the same place.
14th to 21st June –
Skelton G Company joined the rest of the 1st Volunteer Battalion of the Princess of Wales’ Own Yorkshire Regiment under canvas at Redcar.
About 70 Volunteers marched from Skelton headed by their Band.
On the 21st they returned via the beach and were entertained by the North Durham Militia, who are at present under canvas on the links at Redcar.
From there they proceeded to Marske Hall, the residence of their Commanding Officer, Captain Yeoman, where a halt was called and refreshments provided.
Skelton was reached early in the afternoon.
14th June –
The Annual Picnic of the East Cleveland Teachers Association was held at Mulgrave Woods, the members travelling by the new Railway to Sandsend.
16th June –
North Skelton Hope to Prosper 57. Skelton Green 34.
20th June –
On Thursday a boy named John Jackson was in charge of 10 bogies of timber running into Skelton Shaft Mine, when at a place where it is rather steep, he attempted to put a sprag [metal bar to act as brake] in one of the wheels.
In doing so he was knocked down and while trying to regain his position he was again thrown to the ground and crushed between the bogies and the side of the shaft, sustaining severe injuries to his leg and back. He was conveyed to the Miners Hospital Guisborough.
25th June –
Church Magazine.
“The Salvation Army held a great gathering in the woods near Marske Mill.
The usual warlike exercises were indulged in and the proceedings enlivened by solo singing.
The band we hope has not frightened all the feathered minsrels of the wood away.”
28th June –
The 13th Annual Demonstration and gala of the miners was held at Guisbro’ on Wednesday.
Favoured with charming weather it was the third time this town had been selected, but the 2000 miners and wives in holiday attire who flocked in were less than the numbers of previous years.
The various Lodges from Loftus, Brotton, Skelton, Boosbeck, Eston etc marched to the cricket field, near the Railway station, kindly lent by Admiral Chaloner.
On the platform were Mr S Storey, MP, Mr Charles Bradlaugh. MP and Mr Joseph Toyn, Agent and President of the Association.
Mr Toyn said that he was sanguine that the trade indicator was beginning to point upwards and hoped that before long the staple industry of the district would attain a good firm condition.
30th June –
A dinner was given at the Wharton Arms Hotel by Mr J T Wharton of Skelton Castle to the workmen employed at the new Church.
26 sat down. Mr John Wood was elected to the chair. Amongst the company present was the contractor, Mr Caldcleugh.
30th June –
May 25th, David Southwood 4 hours. 27th, Maud Bryant 2 years.
June 8th, Sampson Worth 2 and 6mths. 13th, Edith Minnie Craig 11 months.
18th, Robert William Dowey 1 month. 21st, Earnest Hebden 15 hrs. 23rd, George William Allison, 1 yr 8 mths. 24th, Harry Teasdale 11 weeks.
1st July –
Skelton Parish Magazine

The Saltburn Pier Company, President Mr J T Wharton of Skelton Castle, opened the inclined carriage-way.
A first class band is now playing at stated times and our marine neighbour is about at its loveliest. We trust that these improvements as far as Saltburn is concerned, is but the earnest of “what shall be in the good times coming”.
2nd July –
James Field, aged 18, was found guilty of attempting to commit a rape upon Eliza Jane Wood at Skelton on the 10th June and was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment.
2nd July –
The final meeting of the members of this Society [which was established in 1871] was held on Monday night, Mr John Dixon of Skelton, President, in the chair.
The accounts to date showed that after providing for all liabilities, including the payment of £60 on each unadvanced share, there remained a small balance in favour of the Society, which it was agreed to divide between the existing trustees and President.
The Society was declared at an end in accordance with the rules and votes of thanks to the Officers having been awarded the meeting terminated.
9th July –
“Fatal accident to a Somnabulist.” William Whitelaw, aged 60 was buried in Skelton Churchyard.
He met his death in a shocking manner. It appears deceased got out of bed in his sleep about 12 o’clock on Sunday night and fell downstairs sustaining such severe injuries that he died on Monday evening.”
11th July –
NSPCC started as the ‘London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children’ by Benjamin Waugh.
After five years of campaigning by the London SPCC, Parliament passed the first ever UK law to protect children from abuse and neglect in 1889 and it became the NSPCC.
11th July –
The Skelton and Stanghow School Board resolved to close the schools for midsummer holidays from this day to August 4th.
The question of school fees being paid in advance is to form the subject of a special meeting.
12th July –
Charles Cork, a driver in Skelton Shaft Mines, was injured by the kick of a horse and removed to the Miners Hospital Guisborough.
18th July –
On Sunday the Cleveland United Mission had a very successful camp meeting on the recreation grounds at Skelton Green. Stirring addresses were delivered by members of the Mission, including the evangelists employed by them.
A procession was made through the village headed by the brass band.
19th July –
At the Guisborough County Court 2 Miners named Kirby and Ruddock brought a case for wrongful dismissal against the Clay Lane Iron Co, owners of South Skelton Ironstone Mine.
The owners defence was that the Miners had shown incompetence and negligence in boring and charging holes by which the roofing timber was shot out.
As a result they had been dismissed without notice having been previously cautioned.
The case occupied several hours before a verdict was given for the Company with costs.
21st July –
A cricket match between 22 of Skelton Green and 11 of the District took place at Skelton Green on Saturday for the benefit of 3 widows of Skelton.
The Skelton brass band rendered some selections at intervals. The 22 scored 101. The 11 scored 112.
22nd July –
John Spence, Edward Harrison and John Shepherdson were charged with damaging strawberries, the property of Robert Bean at North Skelton on the 14th.
Defendants admitted guilt and were fined 7s 10d including costs.
24th July –
A friendly shooting match took place at the Skelton Park Range between Skelton “G” Company of the North Yorks Rifle Volunteers and the “G” Company of the Durham Light Infantry Militia now encamped at Redcar.
The Volunteers shot with the Snider and the Militia with the Martini Henri. Afterwards the competitors were entertained to an excellent dinner at the Wharton Arms.

2nd August –
At a meeting of the Skelton Local Board a communication was received from Mr Bell of Rushpool Hall, achnowledging the Board’s letter offering the sum of £50 for the land in front of the new Church at Skelton and stating that he had been authorised to accept the offer.
The Surveyor reported that the new road at the South-East side of Stanghow Lane School was completed. He was instructed to post notices declaring it to be a public highway, under section 152 of the Public Health Act. It was agreed to call the street “School Road”.
6th August –
The crops are mostly looking well considering the season, which has not been a very good one for gardens. Carrots seem to be a complete failure, but potatoes, peas, onions and cabbages are promising well.
North Skelton [41 gardens] 1st 20 shillings, John Dawson No 13 garden. 2nd 10s, Alfred Brighton, No 12 garden. 3rd 2s, Robert Carver. Commended Richard Morgan and Caleb Worth equal.
New Skelton – [28 gardens] 1st David Granger. 2nd Thomas Prest. 3rd William Clark. c. Mayhew and Lundy.
Skelton High Street. [21 gardens] 1st George Tuck. 2nd Charles Clark. 3rd T Wilkinson.
Back Lane [58 gardens] 1st Robert Slater. 2nd Matthew Burt. 3rd Thomas Hudson. c. George Beaumont.
14th August –
Robert Alfred Jefferson Atkinson of North Skelton was drowned in a reservoir at Bolckow and Vaughan’s Mine. He was playing with another boy called Brough and seeing some floating timber he got upon it and fell into the water.
18th August –
A monument has been erected in Skelton Cemetery. It consists of a pedestal of the best Carara marble resting on a base of native material. The inscription says – “Samuel McCutcheon MD, died 17th September 1883, aged 39 years.
This stone was erected as a tribute of regard for his memory”. He had practised in the Skelton district for 7 years and was universally esteemed by all classes of the community.
24th August –
Joseph Williams was charged with stealing a purse containing 15s 5d from a mason, named Henry Robinson of Skelton, on Redcar racecourse on the 14th.
Mr Robinson said that he was standing near several other men watching a race, when he felt someone at his pocket and turning round caught defendant’s hand as he was withdrawing it. Committed to gaol for a month.
27th August –
Jane Pennock was charged under the Education Act by Mr Marshall at the instance of the Skelton and Stanghow School Board, with neglecting to send her son, aged 11, to school.
The woman said that she sent her son every day, but he was sent back home because she could not afford to send his fees. She had 5 shillings allowed from the Permanent Relief Fund, and had 3 children with an allowance for each which amounted to 1d a meal for 3 meals a day and 6d a fortnight for clothes.
Two of her sons were working and one brought her 6s 6d per week.
She lived rent free and had coals found.
She was unable to pay the school fees and had applied to the Guardians frequently, but they refused to assist her.
The Bench informed her that the Board of Guardians were the most competent judges in the matter and they had thought that she was able to pay the fees. The case was adjourned.
9th September –
George Raine, a bookmaker, was charged at the Guisborough Police Court with refusing to quit the Bulls Head Hotel, North Skelton on the 3rd.
He was making a book on the St Leger and becoming quarrelsome over a bet was ordered out, when he refused. Fined 10s and costs.
19th September –
A cricket match of two innings was played on the lawns adjoining the Castle between the “G” Skelton Company of the 1st Volunteer Battn of the Princess of Wales’ Own Yorkshire Regiment and the Skelton Castle Cricket Club. Volunteers 32 and 44. Castle 31 and 44.
24th September –
John Almey Taylor, a Miner of Lingdale, was charged with stealing 8 fowls, the property of Robert Horn at North Skelton.
Sgt Imeson traced the theft to the defendant and on searching his home found a quantity of feathers, the heads and stomachs of 8 fowls and some cooked.
Prisoner was committed for trial at the Northallerton Sessions, where on the 15th October he was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment with hard labour.
1st October –
At the Brewster sessions held at Guisbrough the license of James Peel of Skelton, who was summoned and fined £1 recently for selling drink during prohibited hours on Sunday was refused.

The stone came from Glaisdale, Skelton and Skelton Shaft.
The font was brought from the old church along with one of two bells dating from the thirteenth century.
The other bell is in the Victoria and Albert museum in S Kensington, London.
The organ was a gift of rector, John Gardner.
The peal of 8 bells and clock were the gift of J T Wharton. The Anglo Saxon sun dial fragment from the old church was placed in the porch.
The Church clock was made by William Potts of Leeds.
Dec 5th –
Instrument substituting the New Church of All Saints, within the Parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland, for the Old Church thereof, in the County and Diocese of York.
To all to whom these presents shall come the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England send greeting : Whereas a new church has lately been built within the parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland, in the county of York, and in the diocese of York, and has been consecrated and dedicated to All Saints.
And whereas the Bight Honourable and Most Reverend William, Archbishop of York, ‘the patron in right of his See of the rectory of the said parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland, and the Reverend John Gardner, Clerk in Holy Orders, the Rector or Incumbent of the same parish, have, by an instrument under their hands, bearing date on or about the fourteenth day of October, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four, certified to us, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, that it would be for the convenience of the said parish of Skelton-in-Cleveland that the said new church of All Saints, situate within such parish, should be substituted for the old parish church (also dedicated to All Saints) of the same parish.

Skelton Church Clockmaker.
21st October –
Robert Thompson was fined half a crown and costs for being drunk at North Skelton.
J Howe and William Edward were fined 7s 6d for a similar offence at Old Skelton.
22nd October –
At Guisborough Police Court on Tuesday John James Bevin was charged with assaulting Mr J T Wharton of Skelton Castle on the road between Skelton and Guisborough.
Mr Wharton said that when he was near Upleatham Bridge the prisoner rushed out, seized the horse’s bridle and demanded something.
When he started striking him with his arms Mr Wharton struck him back with his whip. [Walter William Blackett was a basket maker, who lived at Skelton Ellars].
Blackett knocked down the prisoner who said he would kill the Squire. Mr Silcock, the Workhouse Master, said that Bevin was brought to the Workhouse from Loftus on Monday night, appeared to be the worse for drink, was very violent and he had to put him in a straight jacket.
He had begged in the morning to be allowed up and he was given breakfast and set to work.
Subsequently he was seen out of town.
Whilst in Court the prisoner tried to feign insanity. He was sent to prison for 2 months hard labour.
4th November –
John Coleman, Henry Shepherdson, Andrew Turnbull, William Harding, William Kyme, Robert Harrison, Benjamin Peck, Jesse Springett and James Bean, all young men, were charged with hunting rabbits on the 23rd October last at Skelton on land in the occupation of J T Wharton and Thomas Petch.
PC Calvert saw Shepherdson ranging a wood named ‘Hutchinson’s Plantation’ and the others ranging a field.
A rabbit ran into a dead fence and all the defendants at once made for the fence and tried to get it with their dogs.
Defendants said they were ratting in the beck and a water hen flew to the fence and they ran after it.

7th Nov –
In the County Court of Durham, holden at Stockton-on-Tees and Middlesborough, transferred from the County Court of Yorkshire, holden at Northallerton. A Second and Final Dividend of 4d. (making 4s. 4d.) in the pound has been declared in the matter of a special resolution for liquidation by arrangement of the affairs of William Cansick Harrow, late, of Skeeby Mills, near Richmond, in the county of York, but now of Barton, in the said county, William Harrow, of Commercial Street, in Middlesborough, in the said county of York, and Stephen Harrow, late of Skelton Mill, in Cleveland, in the said county, but now of Boulby Grange, near Lofthouse, in Cleveland aforesaid, late trading together at Skeeby Mill aforesaid, at Commercial-street aforesaid, and at Skelton Mill aforesaid, as Millers and Dealers in Corn and Flour, under the style or firm of W. Harrow and Sons, and will be paid by me, at the offices of the South Durham and North Yorkshire Wholesale Traders’ Association Limited, No. 134, High-street, Stockton-on-Tees, on and after Wednesday, the 12th day of November, 1884, between the hours of ten and one on Wednesdays and Saturdays…..
10th November –
Mr Alfred Hill, President of the Cleveland Institution of Engineers in his inaugural address and quoting the local Ironmaster, Sir Lowthian Bell, said:-
“The Cleveland ironmasters pay to the owners of coal, limestone and ironstone, for Royalties the sum of 3s 9d for every ton of pig iron made.”
He went on to show that in 1883 no less than £327,481 was paid to those ‘Lords of the Mine’ in Cleveland alone.
In Germany and France the Royalty amounts to 6d and 8d per ton respectively and the Cleveland Ironmasters, at the German rate, are thus handicapped in the race for sales to the extent of �282,835 per annum. There was a strong feeling in many quarters that as the Royalties for the invention of the blast furnace had passed into the possession of the people, the landowners had no right to impose what amounted to an oppressive tax on material that was extracted hundreds of feet below ground level.
Nothing was done to change the system.
21st November –
A letter was read from Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools who had been struck by the wretched attendance at the Skelton schools and said if this could be raised to even 80 percent it would raise the grant to considerably over £200.
INFANT DEATHS – Scarlet Fever. Burials at Skelton Church. 22 January. Mary Lizzie Hodgson of Skelton aged 7. 18th April Edith Maud Rippon of Fogga, aged 2. Mary Ellen Huntreds of Fogga aged 7. 24th April Hannah Jane Dale of Lingdale, aged 11.
25th November –
On Monday the Cleveland Foxhounds met at the Zetland Hotel, Saltburn.
A fine young fox had been seen in the grounds of the Saltburn Improvement Commissioners and the huntsman took the dogs down to the low gate where they at once took up the scent and ran Reynard close to the Skelton Road, where Mr W H A Wharton was waiting with his terriers.
These turned the fox and he quickly ran through Mr Andrew’s wood, back into the grounds.
Here he had the misfortune to meet the hounds and was quickly killed below the gangway.
Had he retraced his steps towards Skelton a fine run would have been the result.
The Halfpenny Bridge which crosses the valley was thickly crowded with spectators.
5th December –
Mr W S Dixon, the honorary secretary of the Cleveland Bay Horse Society has issued the first volume of the Society in which the origin and characteristics of the horse are discussed.
He wrote that the whole of the Cleveland class of horses is divided into 3 great families, to one of which almost every horse of note belongs.
The mention of the name of any one of them will recall names as familiar to every farmer as his own family name, those being “Dart”, “Barley Harvest” and “Farmers’ Glory”, better known as the “Hob Hill Horse”, the property of John Weatherill of Hob Hill Farm, Skelton in Cleveland, but of whose history little is known.
Tradition says that he was bought out of a drove at Yarm Fair, without a pedigree and beyond his services little is known, except that he lived to an advanced age.
The Hinderwell, Loftus and Skelton Agricultural Societies have done good service in encouraging this famous breed as the increasing number of meritorious exhibits at each succeeding show amply proves.
6th December
Representation of the People Act. Now any male over 21 and occupying land or property with an annual rateable value of £10 could vote and this increased the number of adults now eligible to 24 percent.

19th December –
The Deputy Clerk reported that 11 parents had been summoned before the Guisborough Magistrates for neglecting to comply with the provisions of the Education Act and in 9 cases fines of 5 shillings each were imposed and in other cases orders were made for the regular attendance of the children at school.
The Chairman gave notice that at the next meeting he would move that in all Board schools the doors be closed at 9.15 each morning and 1.45 each afternoon to ensure more punctual attendance.
23rd December –
A young Miner, named John Winter, was charged with assaulting PC William Milburn at Skelton on the 20th and also with damaging the officer’s uniform to the extent of 16s 6d.
The officer said that Winter had been ejected from the Royal George Inn and was creating a disturbance in the street.
He asked him to go away and defendant struck him in the face. He closed with Winter and they both fell to the ground.
As he was trying to get the handcuffs on he seized the officer’s thumb with his teeth and left visible marks of his savageness, which were shown to the Bench.
He also kicked the policeman on the neck and bit and scratched like a madman.
Defendant’s father and mother prevented the officer from taking him into custody.
James Collingwood, Alfred Tate, James Ross and James Rich all testified to the assault.
Defendant said he was never thrown out of the public house and that the officer pushed him down and nearly squeezed the life out of him. A fine fo £4 19s 6d was imposed and paid.
24th December –
Yesterday morning a miner named Michael Grainger was seriously burnt about the face and chest in Longacres Mine.
He was conveyed to Brotton Cottage Hospital and attended by Dr Dunn of Skelton. It is feared that poor man will lose his eyesight.
29th December –
On Friday night Sgt Kirton arrested a farm labourer at Skelton named William Andrew on a charge of stealing two coats and a pair of boots from Richard Watts of East Loftus, with whom he had been lodging the same morning. Remanded.
30th December –
A meeting was held in the large hall of the Miners’ Institute at Skinningrove to consider the possibility of introducing the Cambridge University Extension Scheme into the mining villages of Cleveland.
[This scheme was in operation in other parts of the country whereby University lecturers gave tutorials locally and led in some places to the opening of Colleges for further education.]
The mineowners, Pease and Co and Thomas Hugh Bell had already promised pecuniary aid and as the main subscribers among others had selected Skinningrove and Skelton as centres.
Mr Robert Rowland, president of the Miners Association said that it only by spreading education to the masses that England could maintain her position in the world.
30th December –
Elizabeth Skillings summoned her husband William for assaulting her on Christmas Day at Skelton.
Defendant admitted assault but pleaded provocation.
Complainant said her husband was out all the day and come home drunk with another in the same condition.
He assaulted her raising big lumps on her head.
William Skillings said his wife used her tongue too freely in the street.
He could have stood her “jaw” if she had let it off in the house, but not in the street.
Sir Joseph Pease on the Bench found there was not enough cause for the complaint.
He warned defendant that he must not in future touch his wife, as it was not a man’s action to strike his wife.
Case dismissed. Mrs Skillings said her husband had sold up their home on Monday.