IRON INDUSTRY HAD RECOVERED – and this was again a boom time for the Mines.
4th January –
On Wednesday an inquest was held at Skelton touching the death of Percy Bowes, aged 41.
Deceased was employed as a Filler at the North Skelton Mines and whilst in the act of removing a piece of stone off the road in the Mines about a month ago, he was severely injured by a wagon.
He died from his injuries on the 24th November 1882.
Dr Shand of Guisborough stated the cause of death to have been injury to the lungs, with pneumonia supervening.
10th January –
On Monday a friendly competition between 5 men of the Skelton “G” Company of the 1st North Yorkshire Regiment Volunteers and 5 men of the Coastguard at Saltburn took place at the Skelton range.
On a dull day the scoring was pretty fair and the Volunteers were victorious.
Afterwards the men were given a splendid dinner at the Wharton Arms by Captain Yeoman with toasts, songs and sentiments.

13th January –
On Friday evening the annual ball of the Skelton in Cleveland Agricultural Society was held at the Wharton Arms Assembly Rooms.
A large company were present and dancing kept up until the small hours in the morning.
24th January –
School Board –
The Skelton Village Infant School having become over-crowded, the owner, Mr J T Wharton, without any solicitation on the part of the Board enlarged it at his own cost, providing accommodation for 138 children Therefore the Education Department did not press the Board to build the Infants School at Skelton Green.
In order to secure the regular attendance of children at school, a School Attendance Officer was appointed to devote the whole of his time thereto.
The average attendance in proportion to the numbers on the books had increased from 65 percent in 1880 to 72 percent, notwithstanding that the increased number includes a class of children who are kept at school only by the constant efforts of the Attendance Officer.
The Magistrates were too lenient in dealing with cases of non-attendance.
Next to high moral training and discipline, the first object, the Clerk says, has been to give every child a thorough grounding in reading, writing and arithmetic.
The results of the examinations made by Her Majesty’s Inspector had been very satisfactory.
26th January –
About 46 miners were awarded certificates by Surgeon-Major Hutton of the St John Ambulance Association.
They belonged to No 18 Class from the Clay-lane Iron Company’s South Skelton Mine and No 35 Class of Bolckow and Vaughan’s North Skelton Mine.
They were complimented on the very able manner in which they went through their drill and the oral examination and thanks given to their Instructor, Dr Merryweather, JP.
30th January –
Parish Magazine –
“The inhabitants of Skelton are being aroused from their wonted quietude by threatenings of a contested School Board Election.
Even the Churchwardens are “moved to move” and they have consulted the Overseers, who, afraid of the expenditure, have called in the services of the ‘bellman’, who on Monday – in the name of the joint authorities, the Churchwardens and Overseers – did convene meetings to be held in the various villages in the district for the purpose if possible of avoiding a contest.
18 persons are nominated for the 7 seats, 2 of the number being ladies. We trust that wise counsels will prevail.”
1st Feb –
The Local Volunteers were renamed the 1st Volunteer Battalion, the Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment).
The Headquarters were moved from Richmond to Northallerton.

3rd February –
The half yearly report of accidents in the Cleveland mines showed that in the 6 months to 30 December 1882 there were 304 minor and 11 fatal accidents.
Figures for the Skelton mines were:- Shaft 27. Park Pit 39 and 2 fatal. North Skelton 8 and 1 fatal. Longacres 18. South Skelton 9 minor.
A note added that the data was incomplete and “450 would be nearer the mark than 304.”
5th February –
A largely attended meeting on Saturday night was held in the Drill Hall, Skelton.
It was addressed by the following candidates for the School Board – Messrs Ellis, Hyslop, Hobbs, Petch, Taylor and Toyn.
A number of unruly persons greatly disturbed the meeting.
17th February –
At Guisborough County Court before the Registrar, Mr Tuck, grocer and postmaster of North Skelton sued a married woman, named Mullett, for 19 shillings for goods supplied.
The plaintiff said the defendant was in a position to pay, receiving 2 registered letters from London every week, but the defendant said that she was in receipt of parish relief and that her husband had been confined to his bed for the last 4 years.
Mr Sowerby refused to make any order.

8th February –
Election for 7 members to the Skelton School Board took place in the Infant Schoolroom, Old Skelton.
Those elected were – G Robinson, Mines Manager, 1200; Mrs Wharton, Skelton Castle, 1156; C Hyslop, Mine Manager, 882; T Taylor, Shopkeeper, 849; William Charlton, Mine Manager, 847; T Petch, Farmer, 844; J Milligan, shopkeeper and Postmaster 753.
Those not elected were G Hobbs, Engineman, 580; A Ellis, druggist and Postmaster, 382; J Toyn, Miners Agent, 365; J Booth, Checkweighman, 293 and J Scarth, Gentleman, retired.
C Hyslop and T Taylor were members of the previous Board.
[William Charlton, one of the above Board members was born Eston 1852. At this time he was the Manager of Spawood Mine.
His father had been the owner of Slapewath mine from 1864, but his Company had gone into liquidation in 1880.
The terrace houses at Charltons were built for the mine workers there and named after the family.
William Charlton acquired the nickname “Ratchet” Willy after introducing a new ratchet drill into the mines and causing a dispute with the workforce.
The knowledge required for Mine Management was often passed down families and William’s son likewise became a local Mine Manager and then of a Colliery at Tow Law in Co Durham.
In the First World War he became the Commanding Officer of the local 4th Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment as Lt Col Bernard Hedley Charlton. M.C. He was killed on the 22nd March 1918. His story can be read on my website about the 4th Battn. click here.
“Ratchet” Willy Charlton died on the 13th March 1929.]

27th February –
On Monday afternoon a miner named Thomas Cook met with a serious accident at Messrs Bolckow and Vaughan Longacres mine Skelton.
He was in the act of charging a hole with compressed powder and when putting in the last “pellet” the hole exploded. The poor fellow was dreadfully burnt about the face and taken to the Brotton Cottage Hospital.
ST JOHN AMBULANCE. Surgeon Major Hutton examined classes at Skelton Mines and Skelton Park Pit and certificates will be presented by Mr Wharton on the 10th.
26th March. –
A large representative deputation consisting of Joseph Toyn, Miners’ Agent – Alfred Brighton, North Skelton – George Whitbread, Lingdale – Stephen Nicholson, South Skelton – Alfred Blackham, Boosbeck – and William Day, Park Pit waited on Mr J T Wharton of Skelton Castle with a view of soliciting that gentleman’s aid in procuring a new hospital for the Skelton and Boosbeck district.
31st March. –
Longacres Mine. James Moyce, a miner aged 52 of 35 Richard St, N Skelton, was killed when a fall of stone crushed the lower part of his body while he was barring it down.
He died on the Saturday afternoon following the accident on Wednesday.’
Born in Suffolk he had come up North with his family in his 40s to find work.
He left a wife, Eliza, age 51, from St Margarets Suffolk, a son James, aged 20, who also worked in the Mines and a daughter, Emma, aged 12.
5th April. –
George Pearson, age 59, was buried in Skelton Churchyard. “Collector at Mr Wharton’s Halfpenny bridge at Saltburn.”
12th April –
James Lowe and William Lowe, Miners living at Skelton, are now inmates of the Guisborough Hospital suffering from injuries sustained at the Park Pit.
On Monday they were engaged in firing, when they were somewhat severely injured about the hands and face.
12th April –
Mr Arthur Buchanan, the Clerk to the Skelton School Board referred to the growth of the district since the Board was formed in 1874.
There was only one School then and now there were 10. Average attendance was 153 and now it was 1,158.
The Board was originally formed for Skelton alone, the population of which in 1871 was 2561 and it now had increased to 9,000.
However, Mr C Heslop called attention to the decrease in attendance of children in general.
He did not attribute this to the employment of children, but thought something should be done.
Mr Milligan spoke of the fact that children were continually playing about the streets.
It was agreed to instruct the Clerk to issue a bill calling the attention of parents to the powers of the Education Act that made education compulsory.
17th April –
Emanuel Richardson of Skelton was charged by David Barnes with keeping a dangerous dog. An order was made for the dog to be destroyed or kept under proper control. Fined 15s costs.
26 April. –
John Pennock, a miner aged 43, was killed.
He was described as being “shockingly injured by an explosion of powder. while engaged putting the hay wad into a hole just charged with loose powder.”
He lived at 17 William St, North Skelton, and had come from Lastingham, Yorks, about 1877, possibly via Rosedale Ironstone Mines.
He left a wife, Jane, age 42, who came from Osmotherley, Yorks and five children on the 1881 census –
Watson, age 14, Rodger, aged 12, Hannah, age 10, John, age 8 and Robert age 6.
5th May –
Peter Baker was charged with being drunk at North Skelton on the 26th.
He stated that he had been teetotal for a considerable time, but was taken ill and took a drop of whisky, which immediately got into his head. Fined 5s and costs.
9th May –
For many years Miners who were injured in the ironstone mines had to be conveyed to either Brotton or Guisborough hospitals.
Some had died on the way.
A deputation of Miners asked Mr J T Wharton for his co-operation in building a new hospital closer to the Skelton Mines and he responded by offering a piece of land on Skelton Green, as well as a donation of �120.
Mr Wharton has promised £50 and Mr W H A Wharton a similar sum.
Messrs Bell Bros owners of Shaft and Park mines have promised £100; Clay Lane Iron Co, owners of South Skelton, £50 and Messrs Pease and Partners owners of Lingdale mine, £45.
Other subscriptions are anticipated and the erection of the hospital will shortly commence.
10th May –
At the Skelton School Board yesterday, a joint memorial from the head masters and mistresses was read, stating that corporal punishment was a necessity for school management.
Mr Charlton proposed and Mr Milligan seconded, that the original resolution of the Board, which provided that all cases of punishment should be entered in the log-book should be adhered to. Carried.
11 May. –
South Skelton Mine. Robert Watson, a horse man aged 61, was killed.
“While engaged removing two trucks he got his foot fast in crossing points and the trucks went over him.”
15th May –
On Whit Monday the bicyclists and tricyclists of the North Eastern district met for second time at Middlesbrough.
Skelton Bicycle Club had 3 representatives who took part in handicap races.
1st June –
Medical Officer, Dr Stainthorpe, reported a case of Scarlet Fever in Charlotte St, New Skelton and a case of enteric fever in Skelton.
He recommended flushing the whole of the drains with a solution of carbolic acid to be done at once and defective drains to be remedied.
8th June –
James Johnson, a Miner at South Skelton Mines was admitted into the Miners Hospital Guisborough suffering severe injuries.
He had been engaged in drilling a hole into which he had placed the usual quantity of powder, but a little more wadding than usual.
On ramming the charge home the powder exploded and he was shockingly burnt about the face.
Hopes are entertained for his recovery.
13th June –
At a meeting of the Skelton and Stanghow School Board, the Treasurer’s account showed a balance of £602 0s 6d in hand.
A letter was read from the Education Department sanctioning the accommodation of the Stanghow Lane Schools for 200 boys, 200 girls and 100 junior mixed children.

16th June –
The Skelton ‘G’ Company of the 1st Volunteer Battalion, Princess of Wales’ Own Yorkshire Regiment went into Camp at Redcar for a week’s drill and training.
Capt Yeoman and Lieuts Wharton and Hamilton in Command.
There were 65 rank and file. Colour Sge Boynton, Sgts Wray, Marshall, Richards, Smith and Sgt Instructor Treen making 74.
The Company in their new regimantal dress looked smart and soldier like.
23rd June –
A dinner was given by Capt Yeoman at the Wharton Arms Hotel in honour of Private Ayres winning the Ebor Challenge Cup.
Songs were sung at intervals and all went “merry as a marriage bell.”
27th June –
Mr E Hamilton, manager of South Skelton mine, has started a six monthly prize for horse-drivers with rewards of 5 shillings to £2 for the best kept pit horse.
Black marks were awarded for anyone heard swearing.
“Our inspection of horses at South Skelton mines is held on Wednesday next, the 27th inst, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.
As arranged I put in my appearance at the pit mouth, where I met Mr E B Hamilton, Mr E Hamilton, Manager, Mr House, resident viewer and Mr Barker of Middlesbrough, who officiated as judge.
Before going down into the mine I was struck with the general cleanliness of everything about the ‘pit heap’.
The whole of the wood and iron work had been painted, the tramways and roads about the pit were in thorough working conditions, free from any obstruction whatever, which, to my mind, whether above or below ground, is one of the best preventatives against accidents by waggons etc.
I also percieved, posted on the pit top, notices cautioning miners against smoking when near the powder magazine and against careless ‘charging and ramming of holes’.
So far as the outside of the Mine was concerned, every care seemed to be taken to protect the workmen.
The first business, of course, after reaching the bottom, was to get lamps and afterwards to get our ‘eyesight’ in order to be able to see with them.
I was informed that the object the owners of the Mines – the Clay Lane Iron Company – had in view was to inculcate amongst the horse-drivers kindly habits towards the horses and to do away with swearing down the pit.
In order to accomplish this commendable object, at Midsummer and Christmas prizes of £2, £1, 15s, 10s and 5s are given for the best kept horse, the age of the horse and the work it has performed for the 6 months previous, to be taken into consideration by the judge.
This half yearly system has a tendency to make every person connected with the horses careful, for I noticed, however slight the defect, the keen eye of the judge detected it at once.
After visiting the stables, which for cleanliness were quite in keeping with what I had seen above ground, the animals were trotted out for inspection.
The first was a bay horse named Charley, 10 years old, height 17 hands 3 inches and the driver’s name being John Richardson.
Charley’s work however had only been light and the driver had only been with it 7 weeks. The horse was in excellent condition.
I ought to notice that Mr Barker asked for a whip, but there was none forthcoming.
The second horse was called Gilbert, a fine brown animal, 13 years old, 16 hands 1 inch in height. The driver’s name was Barnicott.
7 out of 13 years Gilbert had been down South Skelton Mines, but he looked no worse for his incarceration.
One particularity about this horse is that has a happy knack of taking care of himself and whilst he has not objection to and will pull one waggon with a will, if there are two hung on to him he at once argues the point with the driver until one is taken off. The driver was said to be a good lad.
Tinker and Champion seem to have been fortunate of late, their work being describes as very light. The driver in both cases, R Phillipson, has only been with 7 weeks.
Jack, a fine brown horse, 16 hands 1 inch in height, driven by J Aidley, also looked well. This boy has been driving 39 weeks.
Bob, a black horse, 14 years old, 15 hands 1 inch in height, driven 6 weeks by W Gibbs, obtained the first mark. Bob came down the Mine at an early age, 4 years old. He has been working hard for 10 years and is not superannuated yet.
Royal, another black, driven by J W Taylor, looked exceedingly well and from the manner in which he threw out his hind legs, irrespective of the company he was in, he did not feel very bad either.
Punch, 5 years old, was awarded the first prize. This animal was described as a good worker and considering that he has been pulling up an incline at a gradient of 4 inches to the yard, he deserved first honours and the driver who has been with him 31 weeks, a word of praise.
Captain, driven by F Fawcett, was in good trim. Smuggler, a splendid brown horse, 5 years old, driven by J Sanderson, was to use the words of Mr Hamilton, ‘fit for a fair’. In answer to the judge, the driver stated that he and the horse were the best of friends and he never used a whip. The yes and no Sir of this boy contrasted favourably with the others, who forgot the ‘air’
Jumper, who had been driven 39 weeks by F Drew was also in fine condition, as were Dick and Turpin, driven by R Richards and R Jackson.
It is worthy of note that not one of the 13 drivers has a black mark against him, which speaks volumes for the success of the system, adopted only by Mr E Hamilton.
The inspection over the judge was called to look at the horse gear, which was found to padded and every precaution was taken to prevent skin being rubbed off.
The following boys received prizes and were commended –
£2 F Pringle, £1 J Barnicott, 15s J Sanderson, 10s F Drew, 5s J W Taylor, W Gibbs and F Fawcett being highly commended.
As there are no associations for prevention of cruelty to animals down the Mine, I can recommend the system as being worthy of imitation by other Mine owners in the District.
And the drivers for six months have not been heard to swear an oath or they would have had a black mark against them.
4th July –
“A severe thunderstorm passed over the Skelton district on Tuesday.
The electric fluid struck the top of a house occupied by Ralph Weatherill, entered the garret, struck a picture and cased clock, passed down the pendulum, from thence to the bedroom where 3 children were in bed.
Eventually it passed through a window with terrible velocity, breaking 3 panes of glass.”
7th July –
The Seventh Annual Show of the Skelton District Agricultural Society was held on Thursday in a splendidly situated field near Skelton, which had been placed at the disposal of the Committee by Mr J T Wharton. J.P.
28th July. –
TRESPASS FINE. William Backhouse was fined 7s 6d for trespassing on land owned by W D Petch.
31st July –
Matthew White, a Miner, was summoned at Guisborough Police Court for assaulting PC Calvert in the execution of his duty at North Skelton.
The Officer heard a disturbance near the railway bridge and found the defendant drunk and stripped to his shirt.
He tried to persuade the defendant to go home, but was struck several violent blows.
The on-lookers jeered at the Officer and stoned him.
Ordered to pay £1 fine and costs or a month’s hard labour.
MINERS ACCIDENT HOSPITAL built on Boosbeck Rd, Skelton Green.
Directory records Messrs Merryweather and Dunn as medical officers there.
Tom Curnow, in his History, recalls seeing the ambulance racing to the Hospital with an injured miner.
“It was more like a coach really, made of polished wood with frosted glass windows and drawn by horses. Several times I have seen the horses galloping along the road towards Skelton Green and the ambulance bell clanging. Like a flash the news would spread through the village to cause concern as to who had been injured”

31st July –
Charles Thomas, a travelling showman, was summoned for cruelty to the animal by keeping it in an improper place.
Inspector Cape of the SPCA examined the animal at North Skelton and found it in a box with just room to stand up and lie down.
Defendant said it was not right and would remove it.
He always took it out when it was quiet and invariably kept it clean.
Bench considered the calf had not been properly treated, but this time the case would be dismissed.
4th August –
The surveyor, M Cross, reported to the Skelton Local Board that the cost for stand pipes to be fixed in the street for the water would be £10 5s each, but he did not know about the price the water consumed would come to.
5 August. –
John Peel. a miner aged 48 died of injuries received on 3rd August.
A local paper describes that he was killed “by explosion of powder, supposed to have been lit by squib instead of match.”
John lived at 31 William St, North Skelton and had been born in Norwich, Norfolk.
He left a wife, Rose, age 41, who had been born in Neurala State, India and was presumably the daughter of a British serviceman.
He had two children at the census of 1881, Rose, then aged 7 and Charlotte 5.
They had been born at Rosedale, Yorks. There seems to have been a movement of Miners from there to the Skelton Mines, as the 1881 census shows.
8th August –
Yesterday at Guisborough before Mr James Lowther. MP. Frederick Southwood and William Lobb, Miners, were each ordered to pay 10s 3d for using obscene language at Skelton on the 29th July.
14th August –
William Raine, T Smith, T Wilson and William Legg, all youths, were fined 7s 9d including costs for damaging a pea field belonging to Mr R W Stevenson at North Skelton on the 5th.

17 August. –
Skelton Park Pit. Hugh Rowe or Raw, a miner aged 32 was killed.
“He had lighted two shots in a place, one of them not going off at the time.
He went back too soon, when it exploded directy injuring his face in a terrible manner and nearly severing his windpipe.
He died about half an hour after the accident. “Inquest held at the New Inn, Skelton on 1st October following. Attended by Tommy Varty, manager, who explained with map of the workings where the accident occurred.
Mr Atkinson, the Assistant Government Ispector was present. Mr Raw had been warned of the dangers and other witnesses gave evidence to this effect.
18 August. –
Percy Saunders, an ex-Indian Army officer was drowned in the “German Ocean” at Saltburn, near where Skelton Beck outflows.
He was attempting to save the life of a Thomas Goddard, who had hired a bathing machine and then got into difficulties.
Thomas was saved by others.
Percy was rescued by a boat, but efforts to revive him failed. A large procession and Saltburn Brass Band attended.
All the shops in Saltburn were closed and the blinds in private houses drawn.
Saltburn did not get its own cemetery until 1889.
25th August –
A serious accident occurred at South Skelton shaft. He was conveyed to the Miners’ Hospital at Guisborough.
His leg was afterwards amputated a little below the knee by Dr Shand. The boy is as well as can be expected.
5th Aug. –
Henry Hull was fined 10s 6d for stealing peas from John Oakley at Skelton.
26th Aug –
VOLCANO. Eruption of Krakatoa, one of several in this year, was said to lower world temperatures by a significant amount.
28th August –
Isabella Tindale charged Hannah Dobson with assaulting her at Skelton on the 22nd.
Isabella said that she went to a neighbour’s and Hannah came in and without any provocation struck at her and pulled her by “the head of the hair”.
Several witnesses were called.
Hannah said – “they both did what they could”. Fined £1 including costs.
6th September –
The Mine was officially inspected on behalf of the men.
The whole of the working places were found to be well and sufficiently timbered.
A good current of air passed through all the headways and working places except for 3 which could easily be remedied by placing “brattice” cloth at the places named.
3rd September –
Robert White and John King, Miners, were brought up on remand charged with being on the 29th August at 1 o’clock in the morning, armed with bludgeons and stones, in a certain field called the ‘Lawns’, in the vicinity of Skelton Castle, for the purpose of taking rabbits.
John Pennington, Gamekeeper, said: “On Wednesday night I was watching in company with William Barker, Jonathan Sanderson and PC Brough.
In consequence of hearing my dog bark I went along the wood side to a grass field.
I saw something in the grass and laid down and watched.
Several men got up and began to move away. I called out to my mates for assistance.
I called “Hey out, they are here”.
They went into the field about a hundred yards and commenced to throw stones at me. I was not hit by the stones.
King stepped forward with a stick upon his shoulder and hit me on the head. [Sticks were produced, formidable weapons].
I was struck by a second man. It was quite dark. I am sure it was King. I fell to the ground from the blows.
When I got up my mates were fighting with the poachers. The fight continued until two were taken into custody.
I saw White having a tussle with PC Brough, who was on the ground. The prisoner White was biting his finger and was also armed with a bludgeon. The others went away. I searched on the ground after and found the nets, bags, stones, 13 rabbits and bludgeons.
I have bruises on my elbow, knee, shoulder and head.
Dr Dunn said Sanderson was too ill to come that day and would not be able to attend for 2 weeks. He had one of his arms broken and a large wound on his forehead.
Cross-examined by King the Doctor admitted that his was the worst cut.
The prisoners were committed to take their trial at Yorks Assizes and allowed bail of £50 each.
On the 12th November they were sentenced to 12 months imprisonment.

10th Sep –
William Woodroof, a Miner, aged 57, died as a result of injuries received on 7 August.

13 September –
At a meeting of the Skelton School Board it was resolved to accept the offer of Messrs Pease and Partners for the establishment of cookery classes, on condition that the necessary cooking arrangements could be satisfactorily settled.
2nd October –
William Fawcett, Thomas Craven, William Richards, William Groves, David Jones, Thomas Savage and Dalton Taylor were charged with gambling on a public highway.
PC Brough concealed himself behind a hedge on Airy Hill at Skelton on Sunday afternoon on the 23rd.
He watched the defendants playing pitch and toss in the lane.
Savage called 2 witnesses to prove that he was 3 miles away and was discharged.
The rest were fined 5 shillings each with costs.

2nd October –
The Post Office at Skelton is now open for telegraph business.
7th October. –
An inquest was held at the Green Inn, Skelton Green into the death of Lucy Wright.
Deceased was somewhat advanced in years and had been cleaning an upstairs room when on stepping onto the landing she missed her footing and fell to the bottom.
She was seriously injured, but lingered some time after the accident.
9th October –
2 boys, George and John Jones were each fined 1s and 6d costs for damaging a hedge on Mr Stevenson’s land at Skelton.
They had pulled down the hedge while gathering blackberries.
9th October. –
Frederick Carter, Miner of Skelton and Rebecca Jane Carter, his wife were charged at Guisborough Petty Session with assaulting Sgt Hawes with intent to do him grievous bodily harm.
The were also charged along with George Pearson and his wife Lydia of assaulting Sgt Stones.
The two male prisoners had been summoned for drunkenness last Tuesday, did not appear and were fined 10 shillings and costs.
When they appeared late and “elevated” the Court turned them out.
Sgt Stones, who now lies at the Guisborough Hospital, stated that he and Sgt Stones were proceeding to Skelton in Mr Walton’s brake when they passed the 4 prisoners on the road.
They alighted near the Cemetery Lodge to speak to someone and George Pearson came up to Sgt Stones and said – “Now you ********, you have had it your way today.”.
Sgt Stones replied – “Well, you were summoned for 10.30 a.m and should have been there.”
After more threatening language he struck Sgt Stones a savage blow in the face, causing his mouth to bleed profusely.
The Sgt got him down and while he was trying to handcuff him, Carter came up and hit him several times on the head.
Sgt Hawes pulled him off and Carter struck him in the face almost stunning him. Sgt Hawes tried to handcuff him.
Mrs Carter encouraged her husband on. Carter managed to get up and his wife savagely pulled the Sgt’s whiskers.
In the struggle that ensued both Sgt Hawes and Carter fell to the ground and in that fall the Sgt’s leg was broken.
Carter continued to strike him after this. Sgt Stones corroborated the evidence and added that he was kicked and struck by Mrs Pearson.
All four prisoners were committed for trial at the next Quarter Sessions
23rd October –
George Lewis, a Carter, was summoned this Tuesday for being drunk in charge.
He was found madly galloping a horse and cart down the roads at Skelton, while he was senselessly drunk. Fined 10 shillings and costs.
25th October –
The mayor of Darlington and others brought an action against Thomas Broderick of North Skelton for £3 11s the value of 17 tons of lime at 4s per ton.
Defendant said a tenant of his had put it on some land to kill weeds, which it had failed to do.
He had a sample tested and it was useless. Another witness said it did the job. His Honour found for the plaintiff.
Full amount to be paid plus costs.
31st Oct –
“Yesterday afternoon Mr W Robinson, deputy Coroner, held an inquiry at North Skelton into circumstances attending the death of Francis William Stephenson, aged 2 and a half, son of a widow residing in that village.
Deceased’s brother, a youth of 15 had placed on the kitchen table a large pot containing hot tea and during his absence the child upset it, the scalding tea falling upon his face and and chest.
After lingering in great agony he succumbed to his injuries on Sunday.”
24th November –
William Haw, a simple looking individual, was charged with robbing a North Skelton Miner named Thomas Hudson of 14s 2d on the 17th.
On the day in question Hudson was at Brotton and got a “sup of drink”.
When he left to go home he had 15s or 16s in his pocket.
On the way he sat down and went to sleep. When he awoke he only had 1s 6d.
The tramp came along and said to some boys that he would see him safe home.
The boys were suspicious and secreting themselves they watched the prisoner rifle Elston’s pockets and make off with the contents.
They at once informed the police, who arrested the culprit the same evening.
Haw pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 3 months prison with hard labour.
9th December –
On Saturday afternoon at Guisborough Hospital Mr W Robinson, Deputy Coroner held an enquiry touching the death of Thomas West, aged 71, who was injured at Skelton Park Pit on the 12th October.
Deceased was employed as a Labourer and was assisting to hoist sacks of corn when the chain of the hoist broke.
One of the sacks fell on him and his leg was broken.
He was taken to Guisborough Hospital where he died on Friday.

The nearest hospital for casualties from Skelton Shaft and Skelton Park Ironstone Mines until the one at Skelton Green was opened in this year, 1883.

NORTH SKELTON INFANTS SCHOOL was built in this year and was enlarged in 1892.
11th Dec –
A Yarm parish magazine states – “the hurricane of December 11 – 12th, was the worst that has visited for at least 20 years, lifting tiles, slates, chimney pots and hay stack tops all over the town and countryside.”
17th December –
Representation were made to Mr G D Trotter of Upleatham Hall to request that the Earl of Zetland consents to opening out of Hazel Grove at Saltburn and Rifts Wood and to the Local Board to make and maintain footpaths therein.
Also to allow a walk to be made across Mount Shandy to Skelton Mill.
Another resolution moved by Mr Toyn urged the Local Boards to arrange for the erection of a bridge across Skelton Beck at Marske Mill.
18th December –
A youth named James Walker was charged with a breach of his indentures of apprenticeship.
Mr Thomas Lowe, a Bootmaker of Skelton, said that about 2 years ago young Walker was bound to him for a term of 6 years.
He seemed to like his trade but about 5 weeks ago he mysteriously disappeared leaving a note wishing Mr Lowe, “Goodbye.”
It was not difficult to trace him.
The boy said that he ran away because Mrs Lowe was always nagging him about eating so much.
He bore it as long as he could.
He also informed the Bench that his mother “bound” him to Mr Lowe by false pretences.
She had told him, after he came out of the Middlesbrough Industrial School, that his father was dead and induced him to go to Mr Lowe.
His father was still alive and employed at the Brittania Ironworks in Middlesbrough.
The Bench decided Mr Lowe would have to do his part and treat the lad with consideration.
Young Walker would have to return to his employ and fulfil his part of the the agreement.
Failing to do so, he might again be summoned and committed to gaol.
Defendant – “Then I would rather go to gaol at once than go back to Mr Lowe.”
Chairman – “Well that is a point for you to consider. We order you to go back.”
Defendant – “But, I do not mean to go”.
NEW CHURCH BELLS Six bells for the new Church, which was built in Skelton High St in the following year, were cast by John Taylor and Co of Loughborough.
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