3rd January. –
Henry Grainger, a miner, aged 21, was killed by a fall of ironstone after a shot had been fired.
He was taken to the Miner’s Hospital at Guisborough, but died of shock.
28th January –
A young man named Charles Smith was charged with assaulting and robbing William Seaman at North Skelton on the 25th.
Seaman met Smith at the Bull’s Head public house and “stood him a drink”. After enjoying a couple of hours, Smith offered to see him home at about 8 o’clock.
“That’s right Charley”, the Landlord said.
But this was not because he was the worse for drink, Seaman stated, in fact there was nothing the matter with him except that he was “a bit fresh”. [Laughter in court.]
He had to go to Groundhill Cottages, about half a mile distant, and when withing 200 yards of his house Smith, he alleged, tripped him up and forcibly took from his pockets £1 14s or £1 15s.
The prisoner then ran away, but was apprehended the same night by PC Calvert.
On being charged with robbery the prisoner said, “How are you going to prove it ?”.
He now denied the charge and accounted for 7s 6d that was found in his possession by producing a letter, which contained a Post Office order.
The Bench thought the evidence scarcely strong enough to convict and ordered Supt Clarkson to proceed with the case for further evidence. Smith was discharged.
4th February –
Letter from Thomas Taylor, School Board member.
Some very unpleasant reports have been circulating about our Schools.
We have received the report of HM Inspector on the Stanghow Lane Schools, along with a very good grant of £276 0 4d and added another classroom to the Boys’ department.
Report – Boys. The upper standard have greatly improved. I am glad to note great improvement in the discipline and bearing of the boys, which is due to their careful instruction in military drill.
Girls. The work had greatly improved. Infants. School in good order.
15th February –
John Osborne, Matthew Foster and John Wiltshire of Skelton were charged with trespassing in pursuit of conies at Upleatham on Lord Zetland’s land. Fined £2 and 15 shillings costs between them.

24th February –
In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by George Lamb, of Skelton, in the county of York, Builder.
Notice is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at Messrs. Jackson and Jackson’s offices, 42, Albert-road, Middlesbrough, on the 12th day of March, 1879, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon precisely…..
27th February –
A grand evening concert was given in the Free Gardeners’ Hall, Skelton on Saturday in aid of the North Skelton Soup Kitchen.
Mr Noah House gave the use of the hall and piano and Mr Robert Bell, church organist, acted as conductor.
Close on 200 people could not get in and a repeat was arranged.
The entertainers were the Misses Morgan, Emmerson, Massey and Lark; Messrs Rushton, Ranson,Robinson and the Skelton Glee and Choral Society.
6 March –
Benjamin Bell, a Deputy Overman was killed by a fall of stone.
In company with another deputy called Paine they went to a part of the mine which required some timber putting in and ordered the miners to leave the place.
While engaged in this job part of the roof fell in badly, injuring the deceased.
He was conveyed to his lodging and afterwards to the Brotton Miners Hospital, but his internal injuries were beyond the skill of Dr Merryweather and Dr Kennedy.
He gradually sank and died. He was aged 47 and a single man.
17 March –
Charles Lewis. a horse driver aged 16, was killed when he fell off the front of a set of tubs and had his head and legs severely crushed.
26th March –
In the House of Commons on Tuesday petitions were presented from the Whitby Branch of the Amalgamated Carpenters and Joiners and from Loftus and North Skelton “collieries” in favour of Mr Brassey’s Employers’ Liability for Injury Bill.
[This Act gave the workman the right to sue an employer for compensation, but he had to prove his case. By the Workmen’s Compensation Act of 1897 he only had to show that he had been injured at the place of work.]
31st March –
The South Skelton Ironstone Mines, the closing of which a few weeks ago threw some 300 men and boys out of employment, were re-opened today.
Most to the stone will be sent to the furnaces recently purchased by Messrs Bolckow and Vaughan at Clay Lane. There are hopes of active operations for some time to come.
3rd April –
The contest proved close and exciting, the feeling between the Mining, house and cottage property and the landed interests running unusually high.
Ratepayers meetings were held at Skelton, Boosbeck and Lingdale and were addressed by most of the candidates.
The result of Wednesday’s Election was announced at the Board Room:-
Elected. Thomas Petch 592 – Edward Hamilton, jun 577 – Robert Gill, solicitor,560 – Thomas Bell, jun [Bell Bros] 544.
Not Elected. – James Chisholm 467 – R P Petch 308 – R Wilson 69.
A find brass band afterwards paraded the village.
18th April –
Owing to the Durham Coal Miners Strike the whole of the Cleveland blast furnaces have been put on slack blast.
Messrs Bolckow have damped three down and more likely to follow.
Less ironstone being required operations at the South Skelton and the Kirkleatham mines have been suspended.
26 April –
Joseph Harker was fined a shilling for taking a naked light beyond a board warning of a place containing gas in Park Mine.
SKELTON SANITARY AUTHORITY – An Act of Parliament included Moorsholm-cum-Gerrick and Stanghow in the Skelton Local Government District.
The Skelton Sanitary Authority combined with those of Guisborough, Loftus and Brotton into a Board of Public Health and a Dr Keith of Kirkleatham was appointed as medical officer. This dealt with matters like pollution of water supplies, insanitary accommodation, epidemics etc. There were outbreaks of scarlet fever, smallpox, typhoid at these times.
28th April –
At the Skelton new Wesleyan Chapel on Sunday Mr Harker of Bishop Auckland prayed as follows:-
“If we go to war, O Lord, put awd Dizzy ‘et front o’ the battle. Amen.”
29th April –
Mr J T Wharton of Skelton Castle presided at the 20th half yearly meeting of the Pier Co.
It was reported that the pier had sustained very little damage during the recent winter and was now in sound condition.
The hydraulic hoist is now undergoing a thorough overhauling to be in perfect order for the approaching season when it was always in such request.

And a pit-head like wheel. No different to going to work for an Ironstone Miner on a day out.

17th May –
John Dixon of Skelton gave six 10lb tins of compressed corned beef to the Miners Relief Committee of Boosbeck and Lingdale. They were distributed impartially amongst the worst cases in the district.
South Skelton mines had been idle two to three months and others on short time which caused a great amount of distress in the district.”
24th May –
A sawyer named Charles Lowe, aged 20, living at Skelton, met with an accident at Mr J T Wharton’s saw-mill which terminated fatally on Thursday night.
On Wednesday he was sawing wood with a circular saw, when a piece of wood accidentally came in contact with the saw and he was knocked down and seriously injured in the stomach.
SOUTH SKELTON MINE. Acquired by Clay Lane Iron Company.
24th May –
Letter to the Northern Echo.
Emigration to New South Wales.
Sir – I recently read in your paper some letters concerning the treatment of emigrants in New South Wales. My employer advertised only two weeks since for an Engineer and he had 45 applications next morning.
So you see the state of things here, and I hope through your little but plain outspoken paper to try and put a stop to this wholesale dealing in human flesh.
I could mention plenty of names from the Cleveland district – Lingdale, Margrove Park, Boosbeck, Skelton and other places – who have come out here and have been treated like dogs – nay worse.
For my own part, as soon as I raise money I intend returning to England. What a man gets here is blood money, and no comfort.
I remain, yours.
William Brooks,
From Skelton in Cleveland,
Sherwood Scrubs, near Paramatta, New South Wales.
4th June –
In this portion of the Cleveland Mining district the distress amongst the unemployed still prevails to a great extent.
At the ordinary meeting of the Guisbrough Guardians it was reported that during the past fortnight 364 families [embracing 1,052 children] in the Skelton neighbourhood had been relieved at a cost of £86 4s, which was covered by private subscription.
Mr J T Wharton had engaged between 50 and 60 men to work on his estate.

6th June –
A letter to the paper said the tradesmen of Skelton should be remembered for the relief of the recent distress at North Skelton. Some had supplied families for 2 months with goods and never received one shilling.
7th June. –
Owing to the distress a deputation was sent to Messrs Petch and Hamilton asking for relief with a note to say they were willing to do any kind of work in the shape of stone breaking etc.
A few men have been employed in the woods at 2s per day by Mr Wharton.
The men at Long Acres have been ordered to go to work and fill up any loose ironstone they might have in the Mines.
7th June –
At the monthly meeting Mr Downie was re-appointed Surveyor and Inspector of Nuisances for the next 3 years.
A great improvement was reported to have been made by Mr Wharton in the widening of the highway at the West end of Skelton, but a new drain was required and the Surveyor was order to lay it and to metal the new portion of the roadway.
The Surveyor stated that a number of trucks of unbroken slag and whinstone had been ordered since the last meeting of the Board and the material was being broken by the men selected by the Relieving Officer at 2s per ton.
Notice is to be served upon the owner of the house occupied by “Jack Andrew”, a well-known character at New Skelton, which is reported to be in a filthy condition.

About 1877 to 97. He is shown here standing between PCs Henderson and Thornton, who served elsewhere in the Riding.
8th June –
On Tuesday morning last a fine lamb of over 28lbs was missed from a field occupied by Messrs Bolckow and Vaughan at North Skelton.
Sgt Haw and PC Calvert noticed peculiar boot-marks at the spot where it had been killed and a short distance off a man taking great interest.
The officers accosted him and found the nails in his boots to correspond with the footmarks.
He was taken into custody at the lock-up in Skelton and gave his name as Thomas Boscombe, a Miner of Lingdale.
His house was searched, but nothing found.
His wife feigned illness and lay on the floor.
The officers were induced to take up the oil-cloth covering and found a small piece of boarding had been cut to form an ingenious trap door.
Underneath they discovered the carcase of the lamb and a quantity of leg bones.
Boscombe will appear before the magistrates on Tuesday.
He was found guilty and sentenced to 15 months imprisonment.
10th June –
The North Skelton and Longacres Mines were started this morning. The iron trade was still slack and this was blamed on a lessening in the export of pig iron to Germany, which had recently imposed protection measures.
23rd June –
A serious accident occurred at the East End of Skelton last Friday.
A little girl had been sent out with a perambulator with 2 children in it, the youngest being about 8 months old.
She left the pram for a while standing unattended, wnen by some means it set off down a hill and ran into a miller’s waggon which was coming from the opposite direction.
Both children were carried under the horses’ feet.
The oldest had its thigh broken. The youngest had its skull fractured and very little hope is entertained for it.
24th June –
On Monday an excellent concert was given in the new Concert Rooms, Skelton under the auspices of the Cleveland Agricultural Society.
The room, which is a new one, is well adapted and was tastefully decorated with banners, flags and evergreens whilst appropriate mottoes adorned the walls.
2nd July –
At the North Riding Quarter Sessions the Rating Committee had before them representatives of the Guardians of the Guisborough Union, who claimed a further reduction in the rates in consequence of the depression in trade having caused many of the mining villages to be unoccupied.
The committee felt it could not allow temporary causes of depression to make any reduction in the fixed rateable value of houses that were empty.
After some debate about the legality they heard an appeal from Mr Buchannan, Solicitor of Guisborough and Clerk to the Skelton and Brotton Local Board on behalf of the ratepayers of Kirkleatham, Marske, Brotton, Skelton and Moorsholm, who alleged that they would be most unjustly burdened if the new basis of the County rate was adopted.
He referred to the unparalleled depression in trade throughout the Cleveland district which had resulted in a great depreciation in the value of all assessable property, which was divided into 4 classes – ironstone Mine, house property, blast furnaces and agricultural land.
The mines were rated on an assessment made in 1875 when the letting value was 5 shilling per ton.
This had now fallen to 3 shillings per ton and he submitted the assessment of Mines should therefore be reduced by two fifths.
A similar reduction, he contended, should be made in the assessable value of cottages, shops etc, which fluctuated in value with the state of the iron trade and the actual reduction that had taken place was one third.
In respect of Skelton, agricultural land made up just about one twelfth of the total rateable value.
If it were necessary to make appeal ad misericordiam, no case could be made stronger than that of the Skelton township, in which very recently in one week upwards of 1,700, out of a total population of 7,000, were in receipt of parochial relief, and those people were clearly suffering from distress of an unparalleled character.
The working classes were not now in a position to take the description of houses they used to do, as the great majority of them were on the brink of starvation.
The Court decided that no further reduction could be entertained or allowed and as a new return of the property tax would be made in the present year, no alteration be made in the present County rate basis.
7th July. –
The Primitive Methodists of the Guisborough Circuit held a “monster” camp on Sunday at Boosbeck Rd, Skelton Green.
Redcar, New Marske, Marske,Upleatham and Saltburn societies met in Marske Lane about 200 yards out of Skelton at 8.30 a.m.
Brotton and North Skelton friends met at the lane end leading to Saltburn.
Stanghow, Lingdale, Moorsholm, Boosbeck and Margrove met at Skelton Green.
Kildale, Newton, Upsal, Guisborough, Mount Pleasant and Dunsdale met at Guisborough Cemetery.
The whole of the societies sang popular hymns in passing through the various villages.
By the time Skelton Market place was reached there was a large army.
At 9 a.m Bro. Renton Bowers preached in the Market place, after which they all sang through the streets to the camp field.
There was much preaching and hymn singing and at 5 p.m Bro J Dack of Loftus preached a sermon, after which a love-feast was held with about 5,000 persons present.
A large boiler had been procured and tea was provided, but most had brought their meat with them.

9th July –
John Smith, a Shoemaker residing at Skelton, was charged with travelling on the Redcar and Saltburn Branch of the North Eastern Railway in a second class carriage with a third class ticket on 21st June.
He admitted the charge, but said he got into the carriage at Middlesbrough in a hurry and did not realise his mistake until he got to Saltburn.
He offered to pay the difference but the ticket collector refused to accept.
Fined 1s and costs, as some doubt about intention to defraud the Company.
At the same Court William Beel of Boosbeck, miner, was charged by John Pennington of Skelton, gamekeeper, with trespassing in pursuit of conies on land belonging to Mr J T Wharton. Fined 5 shillings and 10s 6d costs.
15th July –
Charles Broughton, a Deputy at the Park Pit Mines was charged with being drunk, disorderly and assaulting the police at Skelton.
PC Brough found the defendant in the High Street in an intoxicated state.
He was shouting, swearing and challenging persons passing by to fight him.
As he would not go home quietly the Constable was obliged to take him into custody.
He became exceedingly violent and struck the Officer on the head and breast.
He was escorted to Skelton Police Station with great difficulty and resisted all efforts to search him until Sergeant Haw came to assist.
Defendant said he had been to his “rent dinner” and taken too much punch.
He could not remember the assault and asked for leniency.
His wife complained that the publican had got her husband drunk.
Admiral Chaloner on the Bench said he could be fined £20 or 6 months prison.
In the circumstances he was fined £1 for the assault and 10s for drunk and disorderly conduct.
16th July –
This remote part of Cleveland has been somewhat enlivened during the last 3 weeks by the preaching of a young lady named Cantrill.
She was born at Redcar and about 22 years of age.
She joined the Salvation Army and her methods resemble those of Mr Booth.
She left Mr Booth’s Army and joined the “Evangelists”. She is now home on a visit to her mother, who lives at Skelton.
She has been conducting services in the Wesleyan Chapel, Boosbeck and from 80 to 90 persons have been converted, some of whom were the roughest the Cleveland mines can produce.
On Monday many were unable to get in.

1st August. –
A public meeting at the Bull’s Head, North Skelton was addressed by Joseph Toyn, Agent for the Cleveland Miners Association.
He commenced by singing “A song for the Working Man.” and went on to say what could be achieved by being united.
Mr Dunn, secretary of the Association followed.
He said the last time he was there it was to pay relief, but times were better now.
20 years ago they had far longer hours and now enjoyed many liberties and privileges.
8 hours was enough for any man to work down the Mines. [cries of Hear, hear and cheers].
He spoke of Laws that should be changed in relation to gatherings, judges having too much power and quoted the cases of a man at Boosbeck given 15 months prison for stealing a lamb worth £1 and a Bank Manager at Guisborough given 3 months for embezzling £500.
2nd August –
We understand that the output of these Mines is to be considerably reduced.
Between 400 and 500 men and boys are engaged at these Mines and the services of one third will be temporarily dispensed with.
5th August –
The Skelton Co-operative Society held its anniversary on Friday.
An excellent tea was provided at the Wharton Arms Hotel to which about 600 sat down. Songs were rendered in capital style.
8th August –
At the half yearly meeting held at the offices at Saltburn the chairman, Mr J T Wharton reported that the reservoir at Skelton might be expected to be completed in 3 months time.
13th August –
At Guisborough Petty Sessions yesterday a wooden-legged man, named Robert Hanks, was charged with being drunk and riotous, assaulting the police and tearing a police officer’s uniform at Skelton on Saturday night.
The prisoner, maddened by drink, had created a disturbance in the main street of the village and declining to go away at the request of Sgt Haw and PC Gospel Brough.
He was seized by the officers, who proceeded to remove him to the neighbouring lock-up.
In this, however, they had a troublesome and difficult task, as the prisoner, letting himself down on his back, shot out his wooden leg in all directions in a bewildering manner, staggering one officer and dazzling the other, the Sergeant being so seriously belaboured that he was almost rendered unfit for duty.
According to the Sergeant’s statement he received 2 severe blows from the prisoner’s wooden leg, one on the back of the head and the other under the latter making him that “he couldn’t move his jaw next morning”.
Being for a few moments ‘hors de combat’, the prisoner turned his attention to Gospel Brough and throwing his arms round the legs of the Constable he fixed his teeth in the blue unmentionables and tore them to the extent of 18s damage.
A young man coming to the assistance of the officers, a wheelbarrow was procured, the prisoner bundled in and then wheeled off to the ‘durance vile’.
The prisoner on being asked what he had to say to the charge replied that “he couldn’t remember a thing about it.”
Admiral Chaloner, the Chairman of the Bench, said he had rendered himself liable to 6 months imprisonment for the assault, but as he did not appear to have been before the Court before they would only commit him to prison for 6 weeks with hard labour.
For being drunk and riotous fined 10s and 12s costs and he would have to pay for the damage to the uniform.
22nd August –
A meeting was held at Skelton Green to consider the claim by Messrs Bell Bros, who seek to take one halfpenny per ton off the men working at Park mines.
It appears the halfpenny was put on in 1876 by Messrs Forster and Allinson, arbirtators, and the owners say the causes for this no longer exist.
The miners state that this is not so and their wages are as low as they can possibly go.
28th Aug. –
Joseph Barker, a miner aged 24, was killed. “A fall of ironstone while he was drilling a hole, a piece of stone which had been shattered by a previous shot fell without warning.”

In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition against Christopher Lawson, of 13, Boosbeck-road, Skelton Green, in the parish of Skelton, in the North Riding of the county of York, Engineer, Grocer, Provision Dealer, and Beer Retailer. Upon the hearing of this Petition this day, and upon proof satisfactory to the Court of the debt of the Petitioner, and of the trading, and of the act of Bankruptcy alleged to have been committed by tbe said Christopher Lawson having been given, it is ordered that the said Christopher Lawson be, and he is hereby, adjudged bankrupt….
2nd September –
John Breckon of Skelton Green was charged with selling beer to drunken persons. Fined £2 10 and 10s costs.
8th September –
A man named Nicholas Baker, who left North Skelton some few months since for America, has lost his life through an accident in one of the mines there.
Baker and a man named Guest, who was killed at Huntcliffe Mines last week were “mates” and fast friends in Cleveland.
On Thursday, the day that Guest met his death a letter was received from America announcing the death of Baker.
A messenger was despatched from North Skelton to Brotton to inform Guest of the melancholy news from America.
At the same time a messenger was sent from Brotton to North Skelton with the sad tidings that Guest had been killed.
The messengers met on the road.
The deceased leaves a wife and 6 children to grieve his loss.
13th September –
The competition took place on the Park Pit Range on Monday for the silver cup and several money prizes.
The distances were 200, 500 and 600 yards, five shots at each. A strong wind blew from the Right point:-
Lance Corporal Johnson – 42.
Sgt Harrison – 40.
Lance Corporal Walker – 35.
Sgt Instructor Treen – 34.
Sgt Wray – 33.
Pte Warmington – 11.
Pte M Wilson – 10.
Pte S Wood – 10.
After firing had ceased the company adjourned to Mr Maughan’s the new Wharton Arms, where a very nice spread had been provided by the Officers of the Corps and which was presided over by Senior Lieut Wharton, who proposed the “Queen and Royal Family”, which was honoured in a right loyal way.
Next followed the “Officers of the Corps” by Sgt Instructor Treen, then the toast of the evening, the “Winner of the Cup”, Lance Cpl Johnson, to whom a very high compliment was paid by his rival for the liberal way in which he filled and passed round the cupm much envied, yet manfully and nobly won and to which he suitably responded, this being the second occasioin he has been successful.
The evening was spent in harmony, the following being the programme.
L/Cpl Johnson – “Maggie May”, encored “Meet me in the Lane”. Private Hutton [20th] – “Tom Bowling”. Pte Ward – “Bread, Cheese and Ale”. Mr H Sanderson – “Brave Boys”. Sgt Instr Treen – “The Ruin of Honest Hearts”. encored “Wait till you get it”. Pte Battersby – “Emigrants Farewell”.
16th September –
A middle aged man named Stephen Oliver, a Miner at North Skelton pit, appeared on a charge of assaulting a little boy named John William Emerson, aged no more than 8
It was stated that the child was playing in his Grandfather’s garden at North Skelton on Friday last, when he happened to drop a piece of iron near one of the plants in defendant’s garden.
The defendant immediately ran after the child and struck him upon the head with a garden implement commonly known as a “gripe”.
The blow caused two serious wounds and he had to be carried home.
Defence said the child had annoyed him by pulling up cabbages in his garden.
Magistrates severely censured him for his cowardly act and imposed a fine of £1 and costs.
16th September –
Two rough looking fellows, named Henry Long and John Whittleton, were charged with having taken 10 rabbits on land in the occupation of Thomas Petch at Skelton.
Squire Wharton’s head gamekeeper, Mr Pennington, was going his rounds with a couple of keepers, between 3 and 4 o’clock in the morning, when they found the 2 prisoners on the land with all the necessary implements for night poaching.
After a slight resistance they were captured.
Both were armed with bludgeons and had stones in their pockets.
Whittleton said that he had been accused of striking one of the keepers.
“I did not strike him, but I wish to ******* I had, I can tell you.”
They were sent to gaol for 3 month’s hard labour and ordered to find sureties for good behaviour for 12 months.

30th September –
A check is now being given to the extensive emigration of Miners from Cleveland, which has for many months been in progress and by which 500 miners and their families have left the district, chiefly for New Zealand and America.
The fuller employment now given is also benefitting the funds of the Miners Union, which were largely drawn upon to meet the distress that existed in Rosedale, and in Cleveland by the stoppage of the mines.
Voluntary relief to the extent of over £800 has been recently given out of the funds of the Miners Association to mitigate distress in Rosedale, Skelton and other mining districts, in addition to help solicited from land and Mine owners.
It is estimated that the number of iron Miners in the Cleveland district is reduced to under 6,000.
1st October –
A Fish Hawker, named George Bulman or Bulmer of Lingdale Lane, was yesterday charged with being drunk and disorderly at North Skelton on the previous Tuesday evening.
PC Calvert said he found the defendant in Richard St about 10 p.m. shouting at the top of his voice “Fresh herrings” and as he was not effecting a very good sale, he broke out in occasional curses, loud and deep, and kicked violently at several doors.
The Officer asked him what he meant by his conduct, when he showed fight, and it was with the greatest difficulty that he could be induced to go away.
Bulman, in defence, said the Officer turned his light on him suddenly and dazzled him. [Laughter in court.]
Everything was quiet until then and he supposed he gave the Officer a bit of his mind.
The Bench considered the case proved and ordered him to pay a fine of 5 shillings and costs.
The defendant, amidst much laughter, asked if the magistrates would be good enough to “strap him”, until he got his pay, but the request was refused.
8th October –
An exciting match was played at North Skelton Cricket Ground between the Miners of North Skelton selected by Harrison and the Miners of Longacres selected by Reed.
The sides batted twice and the bowlers were always on top. N Skelton 36 and 46 beat Longacres 19 and 54.
25th October –
The old and well tried Club held their usual weekly meeting on Thursday night, in the commodious and comfortable room of Mr J T Wood, High Street, which has recently been obtained for the purpose of holding their ensuing winter’s session therein.
Mr Alex Ellis ably presided. The evening was spent profitably in the hearing of “brilliant recitations and impromptu orations”.
27th October –
A large meeting of the lodges of the Skelton and Brotton District took place in a field provided by Mr G Robinson, manager of North Skelton Mine.
The various lodges displayed their banners and were headed by brass bands.
Over 2,500 people with a good sprinkling of the fair sex attended.
Mr Joseph Toyn, Miners Agent, addressed them and said what a change had come over the district since the Miners Association began.
To start with only the kindness of their esteemed friend, Mr Emmerson of Hollybush Farm provided them with a field.
They had not got the 2d extra per ton, but furnaces were being re-lighted and prospects were better.
They should be thoroughly organised and “the time was come when all should be closely allied together and thoroughly federated throughout the land and, when such was the case, they would obtain their rights.” [Cheers].<
31st October –
A man named William Todd left his home at North Skelton apparently for a walk.
On Wednesday his wife received a letter from him to the effect that by the time she received it “he would be no more”.
It was written from Newcastle. Nothing further has been heard of his whereabouts.
1st November –
Notice has been given by the 200 men working at South Skelton mines, owned by the Yorkshire Bank and which belonged to the late T Vaughan and Co, that they will come out on strike unless they receive an advance of 1d per ton.
They allege the 1d was taken off them in March last on the understanding that they would receive it again when trade improved.
6th November –
At the fortnightly meeting of the Guisborough Board of Guardians the principal matter was the appointment of a Registrar of Births and Deaths for the Marske district in the place of Mr Charles King of Marske.
The District is an important one and embraces among other places Redcar, Coatham, Warrenby, Marske, New Marske, Saltburn, Skelton, Boosbeck and Lingdale, the aggregrate population being something like 20,000.
Of the 48 applicants the Chairman thought that Mr E Ellis, Chemist of Skelton, had some claim.
He was the present vaccination officer, whose post was an unremunerative, but onerous one and he had performed it satisfactorily for some time.
Mr Ellis and Mr Farthing of Marske were proposed and Ellis was elected only by the casting vote of the Chairman.
In the following years there were complaints from the people who lived some distance from Skelton having to travel 6 or more miles to visit the Registrar.
17th November –
At North Skelton Mines on Friday an accident occurred to a miner name Hughill.
The poor fellow had finished his day’s work and had got to the pit bottom to come up the pit.
It being leaving time, there were a good many men at the pit bottom waiting to ascend.
Many of them had no patience to wait their turn to ride, but crushed to get in and through this Hughill is probably maimed for life.
Both of his feet got under the heavy cage and were very seriously injured.
17th November –
A meeting was held at North Skelton to consider the actions of Mr Hamilton of Rigwood, agent to Skelton Castle who for a considerable time had been trying to prevent the public travelling across the fields by ‘Hagga’ Farm to Saltburn.
He had put up a fence near ‘Holly Farm’, the residence of Stephen Emmerson and his sister Hannah, “the Miners’ friends”.
70 year old, Hannah, on being blocked, ordered her servant to tie the horse to the fence and pulled it down.
Consequently she and her servant had been served with a writ.
Mr A Brighton roused the meeting.
It was a battle for the ratepayers to keep the long-trodden way open.
Did they intend to allow honourable old people to be put upon in this way ? Cries of “No No Never.”
Mr Emmerson said he had been that way uninterrupted for 70 years and cement, lime and other commodities had been brought by that route in carts.
A deputation headed by Mr Toyn was appointed to see the Squire on the matter.

Close to where the crash occurred.
17th November –
A collision between 2 mineral trains occurred on the Brotton branch of the North Eastern Railway on Friday afternoon.
A laden train of ironstone was coming out of the Longacres Mine siding belonging to Messrs Bolckow, Vaughan and Co, bound for Middlesbrough.
At the same time a similar train from Messrs Bell Bros “Cliffe Mines” [Huntcliffe] was proceeding down the main line, the gradient at this point being rather strong.
The signals were against the ‘Cliffe’ train, it is said and were not observed.
The Longacress train Engineman, seeing the danger, put on full steam with a view of joining the main line before he was overtaken, but his efforts were not quite successful.
The Cliffe train struck 5 wagons in the rear, causing considerable damage and injuring the permanent way.
Neither engine was thrown off the rails, nor was any one hurt seriously, but the traffic was delayed for several hours, both ways being blocked.
The passengers from Loftus and Guisborough to Saltburn and vice versa had to change trains near the scene and walk over the damaged portion of the railway.
3rd December –
3 young men named William King, Moses Windross and Thomas Carter were yesterday before the magistrates on a charge of trespassing on the estate of Mr J T Wharton at Skelton.
They were seen pursuing a hare with their dogs by Barker, an under-keeper.
Windross, who had been 3 times previously convicted, was ordered to pay a fine of £1 and the other two 10s.
17th December –
George Baldwin, a miner, was summoned by the Skelton and Stanghow School Board for the non-attendance of his child, James, aged 8, at the Lingdale School on the 17th.
It was a test case to settle the vexed question of the pre-payment of weekly fees.
The boy had been sent to school, but was refused admission as he he did not have his payment.
A letter from the Government Education Department was read out giving guidance on the matter and justifying the Board in their action. Fined 5s and costs.
19th Dec. –
In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by John Cook, of Skelton Green, in the Parish of Skelton, in the county of York, Grocer and Beer Retailer, and of the Havelock Inn, Page-street, New Hendon, in the county of Durham, Beerhouse Keeper.
Notice is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at the offices of Mr. Thomas M. Barren, Solicitor, 20, High-row, Darlington, in the county of Durham, on the 6th day of December, 1879, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon precisely….
20th December –
A man named William Riley, aged 52, a Blacksmith and formerly the Landlord of the Green Inn, Skelton met with a serious accident last Monday.
Deceased was going to his work early in the morning when his foot slipped and he fell upon his dinner tin, causing an injury to his bowels.
He was found laid on the highway by a man who was passing and with a little help returned home.
Next day he was taken very ill and was attended by Dr MacVie until his death on Friday morning.

20th December –
On Tuesday, Matthew Forster of Skelton, a Miner, was charged under the Poaching Prevention Act with coming from land where he had been in pursuit of game and having in his possession 2 rabbits, at Skelton. Fined £1 and 10s 6d costs.
23rd December –
12 months ago the Mines were almost at a standstill.
Soup kitchens were established and the Guardians were relieving the people.
Already most of the Mines are working full time and no doubt others will start again.
At Skelton we paid a visit to Mr T Taylor and Son.
Their windows are profusely decorated with all kinds of Christmas cheer.
On the opposite side of the street Mr Bearpark has a nice display, as can be said of Mr Wood.
Mr Clift, the Stationer, has an excellent display of toys. Mr Harker also has a good show.
Mr Wilson of Saltburn who has a branch at Skelton has a fine show of pork.
30th December –
On Monday evening the inhabitants of North Skelton met at the Bull’s Head Inn for the purpose of holding a meeting to consider what steps they should take in order to prevent Mr John Thomas Wharton stopping the footpath from North Skelton to Saltburn.
As soon as a few were congregated together, ‘mine host’ of the Bull’s Head informed those assembled that they could not hold the meeting there for the purpose it was convened.
That being the only place in the village suitable for holding public meetings, the men were in a fix.
A good deal of talk was indulged in as to the action of the Landlord and it was ultimately agreed to hold the meeting in the open air.
The men at once left the room and took their stand at the back of William Street.
From what was said we gleaned that the Miners would in all probability lose their gardens if they persisted in claiming their right of way.
This action on the part of ‘the powers that be’ was condemned strongly and from the feeling the of the meeting we judge that the Miners will part with their gardens before their Rights. Shortly after the meeting commenced Miss Hannah Emmerson came to the meeting
She was lustily cheered.
She said that Mr Emmerson spoke to Mr Hamilton [the Skelton Estate agent] on Sunday, when the latter said that he intended making an new road, but was busy at present doing away with the road in dispute.
He told Mr Stephen Emmerson that he had better give up the case.
The houses in North Skelton were Mr Wharton’s and he could turn the occupants out at a fortnight’s notice.
He advised Mr Emmerson to tell his sister to stop the case.
Mr Emmerson said that it had been a road ever since he could remember and that they could trace it back 114 years.
It was shown in the Ordnance Map, which Mr Hamilton acknowledged.
Mr Hamilton said that the new road was for Miners only and that they could stop it when they thought fit.
He was going to send her [Miss Hannah Emmerson] another writ for pulling down the fence a second time.
The conduct of Mr Edward Hamilton was censured by the meeting.
A further meeting will be convened at Skelton as early as possible and a subscription list will be opened out for the purpose of raising funds to carry on the case.
The men are determined not to give up their ‘right of way’.