10th January –
When the Horse drivers decided to strike, Mr Harbottle the manager directed other men to proceed with their work.
As they brought out the horses they were attacked by a great mob of men and boys, who prevented them entering the Mines.
Mr Harbottle was obstructed in his duty and attacked by the mob with sticks, stones and snowballs.
He could pick out Charles Hancock, Eli Mayor and George Purdy among his assailants and asked for warrants against them for assault.
He also asked for another warrant against John Patmore who assaulted George Tuck with a pick shaft.
12th January. –
John Harbottle appeared to a charge of assaulting Charles Hancock in the township of Skelton on the 10th.
Hancock’s brother, James, said Charles was unable to appear owing the severity of his injuries.
Mr Belk appearing for the defendant said that at another hearing his client would be appearing as the prosecutor, as he had been severely ill-treated, as could be seen by the condition of his head.
13th January –
A meeting for the purpose of forming this body amongst the mechanics employed at the various mines in Cleveland was held at the Free Gardeners’ Hall, Skelton.
Between 40 and 40 men enrolled and hoped it would lead to a National organisation.
22nd Jan. –
John Fleming was charged with assault by Joseph White and David White, both miners.
The Whites were forcibly ejected from his public house after causing a disturbance.
10th January –
When the Horse drivers decided to strike, Mr Harbottle the manager directed other men to proceed with their work.
As they brought out the horses they were attacked by a great mob of men and boys, who prevented them entering the Mines.
Mr Harbottle was obstructed in his duty and attacked by the mob with sticks, stones and snowballs.
He could pick out Charles Hancock, Eli Mayor and George Purdy among his assailants and asked for warrants against them for assault.
He also asked for another warrant against John Patmore who assaulted George Tuck with a pick shaft.
12th January. –
John Harbottle appeared to a charge of assaulting Charles Hancock in the township of Skelton on the 10th.
Hancock’s brother, James, said Charles was unable to appear owing the severity of his injuries.
Mr Belk appearing for the defendant said that at another hearing his client would be appearing as the prosecutor, as he had been severely ill-treated, as could be seen by the condition of his head.
13th January –
A meeting for the purpose of forming this body amongst the mechanics employed at the various mines in Cleveland was held at the Free Gardeners’ Hall, Skelton.
Between 40 and 40 men enrolled and hoped it would lead to a National organisation.
22nd Jan. –
John Fleming was charged with assault by Joseph White and David White, both miners.
The Whites were forcibly ejected from his public house after causing a disturbance.

2nd February – 17th February –
On Tuesday an explosion occurred in the mines of Mr T Vaughan, at South Skelton causing serious burns to two men, James Edwards and Frederick Norman.
The injured men had been working in a portion of the Mine near to where there had been a “trouble” on the previous day, and either out of curiosity or for some reason which has not yet been explained, they went into the place where the “trouble” had occurred with a naked light.
An explosion instantly followed and the two men were afterwards found both very severely burnt. They are chiefly injured about the head and upper body, Norman’s condition being the worst.
5th February –
The Rector of Skelton in Cleveland has issued circulars to all whom it may concern, desiring not to be addressed by the laudatory epithet “Reverend”, to which Dissenting Ministers are now legally entitled, but as Dr Gardner, or John Gardner, Esq.
24th February –
Twenty competitors from the surrounding area took part from as far away as Middlesbrough. Many scores of people were turned away from the doors, unable to get even standing room. Mr Gunson from Guisbrough took first prize with Mr Clifton of Boosbeck second.
Mr and Mrs Makins enlivened the Bee with some excellent singing and pianoforte solos
26th February –
On Tuesday, before the Langbaurgh East Magistrates, Henry Lamb, an Ironstone Miner of Lingdale Lane, [old name for Lingdale] was brought up under remand charged with the unlawfully wounding Eliza Wilkins, with intent to murder her on the 5th February 1876.
Prosecutrix was in attendance to give evidence and had to sit during the time, not having yet recovered from the effects of her wounds.
Being sworn, she said that about 10 o’clock that night she went to the Lingdale Hotel for a bottle of cider and in coming out met with the prisoner, who lodged at her house.
He stabbed her in various parts of the back, producing 6 wounds.
John Ashmore Cook and William Johnson, Miners, said they were near the Hotel and saw the prisoner strike Mrs Wilkins, but did not see a knife.
Cook heard the prisoner say – “You &*%£&&, I will mark you tonight.”
Catherine Wilkins, the daughter of the prosecutrix, said that about 8 o’clock in the evening of the 5th February, the prisoner was sitting in his home with a two bladed knife in his hand.
He said- “I mean to kill somebody tonight before I go to sleep.”
And on being asked who, he said, pointing to Mrs Wilkins – “That &$**&$, that sits there.” and threw a bottle and a candle at her.
Doctor McKutcheon of Skelton said that he found 6 stab wounds upon the body of Mrs Wilkins.
There were 4 on her shoulder, another below the ribs on the Left side and another on her Left arm.
She lost a great quantity of blood and was not well yet.
Several of the cuts were still unhealed.
Police Constable Teasdale said he apprehended the prisoner on the night of the outrage. When charged, he denied it.
But, on searching him, the two bladed knife produced was found in the Right hand pocket of his trousers, wet with blood.
Upon being formally charged and cautioned, prisoner said he could only say that he was very drunk on the night in question and could not remember stabbing any woman.
He was committed for trial at York Assizes.

1st March. –
In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by George’ Tiplady, of Skelton, in the county of York, Grocer and Draper.
Notice is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at the offices of Mr. J. H. Draper, in Finkle-street, Stockton-on-Tees, on the 17th day of March, 1876, at one o’clock in the afternoon precisely…..
2nd March –
The recent prevalence of scarlet fever in Cleveland is reported to be abating in the Skelton, Brotton, Moorsholm and Castleton districts.
At Skelton and Castleton the schools had to be closed in consequence of the rapid spread of the disease and at Brotton, where the disease made its appearance in a milder form, the outbreak was attribtued to a number of Skelton children being admitted to the Brotton school.
In each place, however, the disease appears to have had its origin in the existing defective sanitary arrangements.
At North Skelton, where there were 33 cases a few weeks ago, there are now only three and an almost gratifying improvement is reported in some of the other affected villages.
3rd March –
John Brady was brought up at the Guisborough Police Court on Thursday on a charge of bestiality at Skelton.
Committed for trial at the approaching York Assizes. This was a capital offence up to 1836.
8th March –
A considerable time was occupied by the Local Board in discussing matters connected with the drains on Mr Ritson’s property on the Green, Mr R Ditchburns at Boosbeck and in Robinson Street, belonging to various owners.
Mr D T Petch remarked that fever was very prevalent on the latter property.
The Surveyor was ordered to make the drains according to the plans and charge the cost to the owners.
A new fencing is to be placed round the ‘well’ on the Cross Green.
28th March –
On Tuesday last, the Annual General Meeting was held at the Old George Hotel, in connection with the above club to elect Officers and arrange other business for the ensuing season.
John Thomas Wharton, Esq had again given the ground near the Castle for the use of the Club.
The officers elected are as follows – Master W H A Wharton. President. Mr James Elliott, Vice-president. Mr M Wilson, Captain, Mr Noah House, Treasurer. Mr J Richardson, Secretary. Mr J Bell, assistant secretary. Committee Messrs Golightly, Thompson, Mattson, Bearpark and Drury
1st April –
On Tuesday, Thomas Gray, a Miner of Skelton, was charged with cruelty to a horse on the 10th inst, by wounding it with a pick, inflicting a severe wound several inches in depth on its hind quarters.
Mr Pettinger of Middlesbrough, prosecuted for Messrs Bolckow and Co, the owners of the animal.
Mr James of York defended and submitted that the case did not come withing the meaning of the Act of Parliament and was an act of negligence committed in self-defence and not of wanton cruelty.
The Bench thought it a proper case for investigation, but dismissed it.
1st April –
At a meeting of the Whitby Highways Board regarding Cleveland Waterworks, Capt Turton, the Chairman said that he had no sympathy with that Company.
Consequent upon Mining operations for ironstone, the springs and becks in the neighbourhood of Skelton, Carlin How and other places have been either dried up or so polluted as to become unfit for human drinking.
The reservoir at Lockwood Beck has been found an utter failure from the simple fact of its not holding water.
The Cleveland Waterworks Company came in the most autocratic manner by Act of Parliament and seized a portion of his Estate as a reservoir.
8th April –
A second cricket club is now being formed in Skelton under the auspices of Stephen Emmerson Esq [of Hollybush Farm], who has kindly given a field for the use of the members.
The first meeting to elect officers took place on Tuesday, when a large company was in attendance.
The following were elected. President, Mr Gladders. Vice, Mr Ayres. Captain, Mr Matson. Secretary, Mr Skipsey. Assistant, Mr McLane. Treasurer, Mr Haigh. Committee, Messrs Ed Reid, Andrew Lawson, Stevenson, Craven, Smailes, Lewis and Sergeant Beiley

12 April. –
Skelton Park Pit. Edward Lewis aged 22 was killed by a fall of stone while ‘baring’.
He suffered a broken leg and other severe injuries.
‘The accident occurred immediately after he started work in the morning. He had fired a shot the previous day and a loose piece of stone had fallen.’
18th April –
Elizabeth Wright, age 29, and George Wright, age 1 week, of Dimmiedale were buried at Skelton Church.
“Mother consumptive and prematurely born infant buried in one coffin.”
3rd May –
Held in Skelton. Mr Toyne presiding. Resolutons were carried in favour of the County Franchise Bill and Mr Ramsay McDonalds bill securing to workmen compensaton for injuries received other than by their fault.
9th May –
A sad affair occurred at North Skelton on Sunday.
A large party of gamblers, about 100, began a game of pitch and toss.
The police on account of the many complaints had proceeded to North Skelton, the whole of them being in plain clothes.
They saw the game was divided into three schools and behind a hedge got within 10 yards of them.
Sgts Sivers and Hall and other Constables jumped out ‘while the coins were in the air’
They created so much consternation amongst the men that they scampered off in all directions.
The police officers gave chase and after being pursued 150 yards one of the men stumbled and fell.
He was picked up in an unconscious state and died before he could be removed from the ground.
An Inquest was held on Monday when these facts were spoken to. Mr J S Johnston said he was a Surgeon and Physician residing at Brotton and the Doctor to North Skelton Mines. On Sunday afternoon about one o’clock, he received a message to the effect that a man had dropped down whilst being pursued by the police.
At the request of the police he visitied North Skelton to view the body and found the deceased quite dead.
A cursory examination of the body did not show any cause of death.
He told the people they might remove the body to his residence at Brotton and here he made a closer examination and found great discolouration about the neck and thighs.
From examination and from the evidence he heard he was of opinion that the fright might have caused the heart to stop and producing syncope might cause death.
The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased had died from injuries caused by the fall.
At Guisborough Petty Sessions men were charged with playing pitch and toss.
13th May –
John Davis had £3 5s stolen by Frederick Eva on the 6th.
They slept together in lodgings at N Skelton. Eva was committed to prison for 6 weeks.
Thomas Simpson, John Addley and Frederick Pasco were fined 10s 6d for damaging a fence at Skelton.
Sarah Raine and Jane Ripley of Lingdale for a similar offence on Mr Wharton’s Estate at Skelton were fined 8 shillings.
17th May –
William Todd, William Smith, Thomas Bailey, Thomas Simpson, Henry Stephenson, James Cox and Thomas Boothby were charged with playing pitch and toss at North Skelton on the 7th.
They said that they were there only to watch.
Mr Ayrton pointed out the “disgrace” of attending such proceedings and fined them a shilling each with costs.

20th May –
Francis Oxendale was fined 8s for being drunk and riotous at Skelton. After going to the miners demonstration he became maddened and conducted himself in an outrageous manner.
22nd May –
Mark Peel, a young man, was charged with refusing to quit the premises of James Elliott at Skelton.
Defendant was in a state of intoxication and became so quarrelsome he was obliged to be ejected.
The Landlord was hit in the face, but defendant said that he was being used so violently he had to do so in order to escape.
A witness said the Landlord used the defendant shamefully in turning him out.
The Bench agreed that he had used too much violence and case dismissed.
23rd May –
At the Skelton School Board it was resolved that the Masters be instructed to use no prayers in the schools except the Lord’s Prayer and that the Bible be read without comment.
30th May –
Christopher Mitchison, Henry Mitchinson, Thomas Mitchinson, John Brown and Robert Todd were charge with being drunk at Skelton on the 21st.
PC Brough said that the conduct of the defendants was disgraceful and PC Cooke corroborated.
A witness said the policemen knocked one of the defendants down and ill-used him.
In consequence the Bench could not agree and case dismissed.
20th May –
Francis Oxendale was fined 8s for being drunk and riotous at Skelton. After going to the miners demonstration he became maddened and conducted himself in an outrageous manner.
22nd May –
Mark Peel, a young man, was charged with refusing to quit the premises of James Elliott at Skelton.
Defendant was in a state of intoxication and became so quarrelsome he was obliged to be ejected.
The Landlord was hit in the face, but defendant said that he was being used so violently he had to do so in order to escape.
A witness said the Landlord used the defendant shamefully in turning him out.
The Bench agreed that he had used too much violence and case dismissed.
23rd May –
At the Skelton School Board it was resolved that the Masters be instructed to use no prayers in the schools except the Lord’s Prayer and that the Bible be read without comment.
30th May –
Christopher Mitchison, Henry Mitchinson, Thomas Mitchinson, John Brown and Robert Todd were charge with being drunk at Skelton on the 21st.
PC Brough said that the conduct of the defendants was disgraceful and PC Cooke corroborated.
A witness said the policemen knocked one of the defendants down and ill-used him.
In consequence the Bench could not agree and case dismissed.
BELLE VIEW – sandstone house on the Hills built.
7th July –
Questions were asked in the House as to why in June the Guisborough Police Court had to be adjourned for a week as no Magistrates turned up when a dozen cases from Redcar, Saltburn, Skelton and other places some distance away were to be heard.
Even the last train failed to bring any of the “Great Unpaid.” The train service was blamed.
11th July –
John Shaw was charged with being drunk and riotous at Skelton on the 17th ult and was fined 5s and costs.
Joseph Valler was charged with the same offence by PC Foreman and fined the same amount.
11th July –
John Kaye, a miner, was charged by John Pennington with trespassing in pursuit of game on Sunday morning on land belonging to J T Wharton at Skelton and was fined 10s and costs

22nd July.
Micheal John Hedman, aged 44, was sentenced to 12 years penal servitude for committing a rape on a little girl under seven, the daughter of a miner called Mark Martin of N Skelton, with whom prisoner had lodged.
25th July –
Elizabeth Harrison, a young girl, was charged by Richard Knaggs, grocer of Skelton, with buying goods on 4 occasions at his shop saying that they were for Mr Palmer, a machineman of Skelton.
Mrs Palmer said that she had sent the girl for items in the past, but was away from home at the time of the offences.
Others said the girl had brought to them items which were identified.
She was committed to trial at Northallerton Quarter Sessions.
29th July –
On the 19th and 20th inst, a 2 day match was played on the ground of the Skelton Castle Cricket Club, under the patronage of J T Wharton Esq.
The great attraction of the occasion was a match between Casey and Robson’s Clown Cricketers and the above club.
The Clowns appeared in their usual clowning character and were a source of amusement throughout the 2 days.
Each morning previous to the wickets being pitched they paraded the District, some on donkeys and others in carriages, preceded by the Skelton Band.
Although the weather on Wednesday morning looked very unfavourable it ultimately changed for the better.
The village soon began to assume quite a holiday aspect, visitors arriving from all parts.
The tradesmen closing their places of business at noon, very soon the large lawn in front of the castle was well patronised and had a very lively appearance.
Mr James Elliott of the Wharton Arms provided the refreshments upon the ground and also the dinner.
On Wednesday the Clowns gave a concert at the Free Gardeners Hall, Skelton and on Thursday at the Cleveland Hall, Brotton.
8th August –
8th August –
George Wear, Miner, who did not appear, was charged with being drunk at Skelton on the 3rd. Charged by PC Brough and fined 5 shillings and costs.
12th Aug. –
Alexander Ellis, chemist of Skelton, was fined 1 shilling [5 new pence] for allowing his dog to be at large during past fortnight

12th Aug. –
Lancelot Barker, Veterinary Surgeon of Skelton. Leaving employment. Examined all the horses in Boosbeck mines and found them in good order.
15th August –
On Monday last, the Loyal Wharton Lodge of Odd Fellows held their third Anniversary.
[The Oddfellows were groups of people who organised together to protect and care for their members and communities at a time when there was no welfare state, trade unions or National Health Service.]
After a special sermon at the Parish Church by brother the Rev P Ahier, the members went in procession through the village to a field kindly lent by R Petch Esq, where in a marquee, a sumptuous dinner was partaken of by about 230 members.
19th August –
James Colrain, Thomas Hebden and William Bland were charged with damaging a plantation, the property of J T Wharton and were fined 6d with 6d damages and costs.
Fred Dixon and Robert White were similarly fined for damaging grass at North Skelton.
Charles Hardwick, Obadiah Hardwick, John Collard, Richard Collard, Fred Dunn and Richard Gill were charged with same offence at Skelton and fined 3d with 3d damage and 9 shillings costs.
24th August –
George Archard, a Miner of North Skelton has expired after suffering nearly a fortnight’s agony through the effects of a fall down Huntcliff.
On the 8th, he and a mate descended a narrow and dangerous path down the cliff to reach the sands.
After 200 yards the deceased slipped, fell head over heels to the bottom and sustained serious injuries to his head and arm.
26th August –
John Roeder, William Roeder, Thomas Law and Henry Furness, all lads, were charged with damaging a quantity of beans and peas growing on land in the occupation of Robert Thompson at Skelton. Fined 5s and costs.
31st August –
At the fortnightly meeting of the Guisborough Guardians on Tuesday, Mr John Dixon of Skelton gave notice that he would move, a month hence, that a pension of £20 per annum be given to the late Workhouse Master, Mr Gardiner, and a pension of £10 to their late Matron, Mrs Gardiner, for the rest of their lives.
They had been in their service for 18 years and having saved the Union £200 a year during the whole time they had been with them, he thought they deserved the pension he proposed
31st Aug. –
In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by Thomas Vaughan and George Neesham, both of Middlesborough, in the county of York, Iron Masters, Iron Manufacturers and Ironstone and Coal Mine Owners and Bolt and Nut Manufacturers, carrying on business as Thomas Vaughan and Company, at Middlesborough aforesaid, and at Clay-lane, South Bank, and South Skelton, all in the said county of York, and at Bishop Auckland,Whessoe, Woodhouse Close and Soutb Medomsley, all in the county of Durham, and also carrying on business as the Cleveland Bolt and Nut Company, at No. 30, Bushlane, Cannon-street, in the city of London, and at Middlesborough aforesaid.
Notice is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named Thomas Vaughan has been summoned to be held at the offices of Messrs. Robert Fletcher and Company, No. 3, Lothbury, in the city of London, on the 21st day of September, 1876, at four o’clock in the afternoon precisely….
11th September –
It was noted how the land in this area had risen to enormous values.
“The landowners, without any outlay of effort of theirs, had by the discovery and enterprise of Mr Bolckow and Mr Vaughan, their barren rent-rolls changed into magnificent incomes. A small property of 20 acres inside the Cleveland Hills, for which its owner would have been glad to have taken less than £1,000 before the discovery of ironstone, has brought him upwards of £40,000 in the shape of royalties.”
The influx of people to work in the Mines meant the value of building land also increased and it was the landed gentry and the Mine owners who for the most part built the streets of Miners terrace housing, thereby increasing their rental income.
17th September –
A respectable looking man named William Wood was charged by Emma Osborne with assaulting her son, John Henry at Skelton.
The mother said her boy returned home very distressed, covered in marks and bruises and said Wood had thrashed him with a walking stick.
The boy showed the Bench large black bruises.
Another boy of 9 said the two had been flying a kite which came down in defendant’s field.
When they went for it Wood ran after them and took the little one behind a bush.
Defendant denied touching the child and only chased them causing the boy to fall while getting through the fence.
Bench thought there was insufficient evidence and case dismissed.
21st September –
Summary conviction of William Thomas, John Hicks, Charles Dixon and Thomas Blinkey, all of Brotton labourers, for maliciously destroying turnips growing in a field occupied by Thomas Hall. Offence committed at the township of Skelton

27th September –
Emanuel Ellmer, builder of Skelton was summoned by Mr Makins, surveyor to the Local Board with contravening the bye laws by building 2 houses without having deposited the plans.
29th Sep. –
John Thomas Wharton of Skelton Castle borrowed £10,000 from local Farmers George Andrew [‘Whitehouse’, the son of John Andrew the Smuggler] and Robert Stevenson of Guisborough.
See page 23 of Contributed emails for more about this

6th Oct. David Reeves. Back of hand severely cut whilst taking drills out of wagon.
27th Oct. Samuel Preston. Arm broken, through being run over by timber tram.
5th Nov. Arthur Gilbert. Foot bruised by fall of stone.
24th Nov. Thomas Gray. Foot crushed between cage and ‘kepts’.
29th Nov. Joseph Gill. Very serious cut on the face through being kicked by a horse.
9th October –
A rate of 6d in the pound on houses, 4d on cottages and 3 halfpence on land was made.
A stable and a cart house were approved for the Local Board and Skelton Cooperative Store.
10th October –
Alfred Rogers was charged with being drunk and riotous at Skelton on the 3rd. Fined 5s and costs.
16th October –
Summary conviction of John Oakley of Skelton, Tinner, for keeping fireworks in his shop without a licence. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
28th October –
This was held in the Club Room on Thursday evening, the 19th.
Dr McCutcheon, of Skelton Green, presided most efficiently.
Mr John Harland, the Headmaster of the Stanghow Lane Schools and Secretary of the Club read a masterly and thoughtful essay on Alfred Tennyson, the Poet Laureate.
The club is already well supported and an instructive programmed has been filled up for the next 3 months.
This club is the only attempt to supply healthy recreation and instruction during the winter months as there is neither Library, news room or anything of that kind in the village.
28th Oct. –
Jewett Hardy, a Deputy in Park pit, was fined 6d for failing to place a danger board a sufficient distance from a place containing gas.
He stated he had examined the workings with his Davy lamp and thought after the lapse of half an hour the air would have permeated, but he went into the working and an explosion took place.
1st November –
Robert Chippenton, Robert Sutton and Charles Sutton were charged by PC Brough with damaging a wall, the property of Thomas Carter at Skelton on the 25th.
Great damage had been done and police had been told to make an example. Fined 6d and costs.
4th November –
Summary conviction of Thomas Small of Skelton, Horsedriver, for throwing fireworks in the highway. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
8th November –
Summary conviction of Philip Bailes and Joseph Jolby, both of North Skelton, miners, for trespassing in the daytime in search of game on land belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire and occupied by George Codling at Skelton.
8th November –
An Irishman, named John Williams, was charged with cutting and wounding Mary Pollard, a married woman, by throwing a glass at her head and striking her with a poker.
He was further accused of assaulting her husband James Pollard with a coal rake.
All the parties reside at North Skelton.
There had been a friendly gathering at William’s house, but the guests got drunk and in the end there was a general disturbance.
Mrs Pollard said that she went to seek her husband and on knocking on William’s door and asking if her husband was there, Williams replied –
“Yes, you *******, take that”, throwing at the same moment a glass at her head.
The glass broke and she was cut somewhat severely over the eye. Mr Pollard, interfering on his wife’s behalf received two knock-down blows by Williams and was disabled for a time.
Dr Scoresby-Jackson of Loftus, tended Mrs Pollard and confirmed a severe cut and blow to the shoulder, neither of a dangerous character.
William’s defence endeavoured to show that Mr Pollard had struck Mrs Williams and a counter charge was brought against him and one Thomas Shaw, another witness in the case.
The evidence was conflicting and the Bench decided to dismiss the latter two charges.
However, they considered the charge against Williams was brutal and unprovoked.
Sentenced to prison for one month with hard labour and ordered to pay the costs, in default of which, he would be incarcerated for an additional 14 days.
11th November –
Summary conviction of William Lawson of Skelton, butcher, for obstructing the highway by leaving a cart standing there for half an hour. Offence committed at the township of Loftus.
17th November –
Summary conviction of William East of Skelton, bricklayer, for assaulting Emma, wife of John Bailes of the township of Skelton, Miner. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
20th November –
Last Saturday the Coroner, Mr William Robinson, held an inquest at North Skelton on the body of Abraham Butcher, aged 43, who met with his death on the previous day through falling down between two waggons.
21st November –
The School Board directed the Clerk to take immediate steps to borrow the £4,200 sanctioned by the Education Department for the Stanghow Lane Schools.
It was felt there was no need to proceed with the Back Lane Schools at present. [they were never built] as Mr Wharton offered to allow the use of the National School as an Infant School
23rd November –
Summary conviction of Jesse Barker, John Ward and Edward Hardy for keeping a dog without a licence and Miles Maughan for keeping two dogs, when he only had a licence for one.
All offences committed at the parish of Skelton.
24th November –
Jane Bradley, a married woman of North Skelton, was charged with maliciously damaging some groceries and provisions, the property of William McDonald on the 20th.
McDonald was a lodger at Mrs Bradley’s house and on complaining of his tea and sugar being inferior to what they should be, she threw everything he had out of the window into the back yard and told him to get lodgings elsewhere.
The Bench recommended the parties to settle the case between them.
Summary conviction of William Barker of Boosbeck, Miner, and Joseph Shackleton of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at Boosbeck on 17 October.
Summary conviction of John Rooks of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at Boosbeck on 3 December.
13th December –
At Guisborough Petty Sessons before Admiral Chaloner, Rev Canon Yeoman, J B Rudd, J Merryweather, J T Wharton and R Yeoman Esqs.
William Balland and William Lowe, two young men, were charged with assaulting James Holland, a Miner at Skelton.
The complainant was returning from work he overtook the defendants and two other men.
They were under the influence of drink, followed him and commenced to strike him down.
PC Brook said he was called to assist and found the complainant much ill-used and bleeding from the face.
Defendants said he used abusive language to them. Fined £1 each and costs.
13th December –
John Floyd, a Miner of Skelton, was charged with stealing a woollen scarf, the property of John Sterling, a Publican of Guisborough.
Floyd said he thought it was the property of one of his mates. Case dismissed on payment of costs.
16th December –
Mr John Dixon, a Merchant of Skelton, entertained a large number of the freeholders of Lingdale to dinner.
Among those present were Messrs Joseph Toyn, Watson, Joseph Woodward, D T Petch and Robert Petch.
The purpose of the gathering was to commemorate the growth of the place to an unusually prosperous community situate in the very heart of the Cleveland mineral district, some 2 miles South of the equally flourishing community of Skelton.
But whereas the annals of Skelton date back to remote antiquity, Lingdale in all but name is a place of yesterday’s growth.
Mr Dixon of Skelton is the principal property owner on which the town stands.
In proposing a toast to “the Town and Trade of Lingdale” he said that there was a lane from Skelton to Lingdale, called Lingdale Lane and the town in consequence had been called that.
But this ought to be changed and in future should be called Lingdale.
It was little more than 4 years since the place was started.
On the 8th January 1872 he sold to Robert Myres the first peice of ground and Mr Longstaffe built the first house.
By May 1876 there were 480 houses and now they had 570 with a population of 3.500 souls.
Schools were being erected at a cost of £5,000, a Church was to be commenced and there was already a Wesleyan Chapel.
Messrs Pease, who wherever they put down their feet seemed to bring prosperity, he heard, were about to provide an Institute for their men.
Mr Toyn, Secretary of the Miners Union responded to a toast to the “Miners of Cleveland” by saying the he hoped the time was coming when all disputes would be settled without either strikes or lock-outs.

Over a 10 hour day’s pay – with a fine of 5 Pounds for not having one.
It was also an offence to allow a dog to roam free. A Ellis, Skelton’s Chemist was fined for this in a case above.
The licence fee stayed the same until the Act was repealed in 1987, by which time, after decimilisation, the sum was a derisory 37.5 new pence and many people ignored the requirement.
gave the following people in Skelton for this year:-
Clergy and Gentry – Reverend Philip Ahiea.
Under Steward for Squire Wharton of Skelton Castle – George Stubbs.
All Saints church – Rev John Gardner LL.D, Rector, Rev J W Waithman, Curate.

County Police Station – Sergeant Robert Haw.
Postmaster, Baker and Confectioner – George Arthur
“Letters from all parts arrive at a quarter past eight morning and are despatched thereto at half past five evening”
Schoolmaster – William Francis. ‘Wesleyan School’, Green Road.
The Education Act of this year introduced attendance committees where there were no School Boards and placed a duty on parents to ensure their children were taught the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.
Architect/Surveyor – Benjamin Broadbent.
Baker – William Stokoe.
Blacksmith – William Carter.
Boot and Shoe Makers – Joseph Husband, William J Hodgson, William Knaggs, John Lewis, Thomas Lowe, William Smith.
Butchers – George Lawson. James Lofthouse, John Lofthouse, Robert Wilkinson.
Cartwrights and Joiners – Mark Carrick, Leonard Wilkinson, James Wood.
Chemist and Druggist – Alexander Ellis, Thomas Taylor.
Farmers – George Andrew, [Whitehouse], George Codling, Stephen Emmerson [Hollybush], Robert Petch, Thomas Petch, William Wood [Trout Hall].
Insurance [Royal] – Matthew Wilson.
Fruiterers and Greengrocers – George Ridgard.
Gardeners and Seedsmen – John and Matthew Brooksbank, William Harker.
Grocers – John Leonard Bearpark, Skelton Coop Society Ltd, John Dixon, [also ‘seed, guano, hop and provision merchant’], William Langstaff, Edward Henry Stobbs, George Tiplady, [NewSkelton], Joseph Wilson.
Hairdresser – Henry Ward,
“Duke William”, James Gladders,
“Green Inn” John Lightfoot,
“New Inn” Henry Hutchinson,
“Old Royal George” Noah House,
“Whartons Arms” James Elliot.
Ironmongers – Thomas Robinson.
Mineowners:- Skelton Park Pit and Carlin How, Bell Brothers.
South Skelton – Thomas Vaughan.
Bellscliffe, N Skelton and Longacre – Bolckow; Vaughan

[Variously named Longacre, Longacres and in the Middle Ages the site was “Langhacres” in “Scelton”.]
For more information on Long Acre, click here.
Joiners and Builders – Robert Carrick, George Slater, Joseph Thompson.
Drapers – William Blackett, William Knaggs, James T Wood.
Miller – Nathaniel Stonehouse.
Milliners and Dressmakers – Mary Dormand, Thomas Wheaton, James Thompson Wood.
Painter – John Gowland [also plumber], Thomas Pattinson, John Ridsdale, William G Tate.
Professor of Music – Robert Bell
Saddler – Thomas Pattinson
Tobacconist – Thomas Frank
Shopkeeper – Joseph Barker, George Todd, Robert Ward.
Stone masons – John Husband, George Lamb, William Mclean, James Sharpe.
Surgeons – Atkinson S C, Samuel Mccutcheon. James Merryweather.
Tailor – James Jaques, John Lowe, Thomas Moor Co, John Wood.
Veterinary surgeon – Lancelot Barker. [left employment in this year]
Watch and clock makers – Richard Batters.
Wine and spirit merchants – Thomas Robinson
Valuer Thomas Taylor.