5th January –
Last week a concert was given in the Free Gardeners’ Hall under the able conductorship of Mr Robert Bell, the Church Organist.
It was in aid of 3 poor persons, who have been unable to follow their employment through a long and protracted illness.
The room was kindly lent by Mr Noah House. [Royal George].
Summary conviction of Robert Hall late of Skelton, Wood turner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Stanghow on 31 January.
Summary conviction of Edward Bell of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 6 February.
Summary conviction of Edward Drury of Skelton, Engineman, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at Saltburn on 27 February.
Summary conviction of Joseph Higson of Guisborough, Miner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 29 March.
Summary conviction of Richard Perkins of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 24 April.
Summary conviction of William Loosemore of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 24 April.
Summary conviction of William Stonehouse of Skelton, Joiner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at Saltburn on 18 May.
Summary conviction of Daniel Hill of North Skelton, Miner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 22 May.
Summary conviction of William Barker of Boosbeck, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 28 July.
Summary conviction of William Tibble of Skelton, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Brotton on 14 August.
6th January –
On Monday last an inquest was held before Mr William Robinson, deputy Coroner, on the body of Thomas Johnson, aged 35, Brewer and formerly Beer House keeper, Skelton.
As two young men named F Dresser and J Brown were walking on Sunday morning near the beck that separates Skelton from Upleatham, they found the deceased lying in a field belonging to Mr William Hutton, his overcoat and cap and pipe lying near him.
They immediately communicated with the police.
Thomas Richardson, Butcher, stated that he and the deceased went to Guisborough for some hay and had two glasses of rum before and two glasses after cutting the hay.
Richardson at first wanted to hasten Johnson home, but the latter wanted to stay, hoping the storm would abate, but the former after hearing from a person who had just arrived from Skelton that the road was difficult to travel over, decided to stay all night after loading the wherry with the hay, Johnson not assisting with the loading.
With that intent he went to the Cock Inn and was there persuaded by the Landlord to take the pony and ride home to remove any anxiety his friends might feel by his absence.
He got home with difficulty about 15 minutes past ten

A.E Pease in his 1887 book, “The Cleveland Hounds” says – “The Cock Inn, pulled down a few years ago, was the oldest hostelry in town, and stood where the National Provincial Bank now stands.
The sign of the Cock was the crest of the Scottish Royal House of Bruce or de Brus.”
When he left Johnson he was not affected by the liquor he had taken.
On the following morning he went to Guisborough on business and sent a man for the spade which had been left at the stack.
He got it, but deceased’s overcoat was not there, although it had been left there the night before, when they left the stack.
He did not see deceased again until he went with the police to the place where he was found.
Mr George Brown, Landlord of the Abbey Inn, confirmed the evidence of Richardson, as regards what took place at his house and further stated that Johnson left about 9 o’clock going towards Guisborough.
He was not then apparently affected by drink.
He had offered the last witness and deceased a bed.
James Dyer, Engine driver at Upleatham Mines, deposed that he heard a voice calling “Hilloa” about 4 o’clock on Saturday, to which he answered, but did not go to see from whom the voice came, as he thought it was some Miner returning from work and shouting out as they frequently did.
The jury returned a verdict of “Found dead”.
The extent of the storm in this district may be gathered from the fact that for several days all communiction between Guisborough and the adjoining townships was stopped.
Conveyances, pedestrians and rails alike found it impossible to penetrate the immense drifts of snow and several narrow escapes from death by exhaustion are reported.
At present the roads betwixt Guisborough and Skelton are all but impossible showing as much as four feet of snow on either side.
6 January –
On Monday morning the men employed in the North Skelton mines of Messrs Bolckow, Vaughan and Co, Ltd, to the number of 75, left their employment, pending the settlement of a dispute which has there arisen.
The point at issue appears to be this.
Mr Robinson, the certificated Manager of the company’s Mines, determined to change the mode of payment from “yardage” to “tonnage” prices, and accordingly gave 14 day’s notice of such decision to the men.
This procedure was held on the part of the men to be a violation of one of the rules of the combined council, which enacts that notice of any change in the mode or manner of working of a strictly local character shall be given to the combined Council, whose duty it then becomes to submit the matter to the men and if necessary to appoint arbitrators.
On Monday a deputation waited upon Mr Robinson to impress their views and endeavour to bring about a settlement.
An offer was made on the part of the men, that if the notices given were withdrawn for the space of a fortnight and then submitted to the monthly meeting of the combined Council, work would be resumed and no loss then be sustained by either party.
Mr Robinson, however, we understand, held to the legality of his proceeding and refused to entertain any proposals which implied the contrary.
The matter was formally brought under the notice of the General Council of the Cleveland Miners Association, which sat on Monday at the Station Hotel, Boosbeck, when sanction was given to the action of the men.
The trivial nature of the dispute – which after all is one of precedence rather than of wages – leads us to hope for an immediate settlement.
11th January. –
An inquest was held into the death of Edith Mary Bryant, aged 11 weeks, who had been found dead in its mother’s arms on Friday morning after been in good health on Thursday night.
11th January –
On Saturday afternoon a handicap foot-race for prizes amounting to £10, promoted by Mr Rowland Bell of Skelton, was run off in a field in the village in the presence of a large number.
M Munro, Guisborough won by half a yard from John Cunion, Skelton, W Dixon, Skelton and J Dowley Redcar.
13th January –
Thomas Easton, a Groom, was charged by PC Cooke with cruelly ill-treating a pony on the 5th at Skelton. One of the animals became restive, when defendant got off, loosed the girth and struck the pony, which fell.
Defendant kicked it to make it rise.
When he saw the officer he went away. Fined 20 shillings.
24th January –
Thomas Richardson, George Voker, Alexander Newell and Edward Sowerby were summoned for being drunk on the licensed premises of James Gladders, Duke William Inn, Skelton on the 17th.
Sgt Haw said that between 3 and 4 p.m. he found the 3 first named in the tap room and Sowerby was in a beastly state of drunkenness in the kitchen, so that he could not stand.
Mrs Gladders said her husband, the Landlord was away from home. Fined 5s each and costs.
James Gladders, the landlord was then charged with permitting drunkenness on his premises.
Sgt Haw said Mrs Gladders ordered the men out and the house had been well conducted hitherto.
The Bench said it would not have occurred had Mr Gladders been present, but he was responsible and would have to pay the costs.
24th January –
Thomas Mitchinson, a Fireman of Skelton, James Clarke, Labourer of Redcar, Thomas Andrew, Labourer of Warrenby and George Andrew, a Soldier of Warrenby were summoned for being drunk and riotous at Warrenby on the 15th.
The defendants had been to some dog racing and had adjourned to the Warrenby Hotel.
Mitchinson left the house about ten and was knocked down by some one with a stick.
He essayed to run away, but was caught by the Constable.
The others were fighting with each other and other persons. Mitchinson was acquitted and the others fined 5 shillings each and costs

26th January –
An unprecedented event in the modern annals of Guisborough Police Court occurred today.
There was not a single charge of drunkenness upon the charge sheet.
15th February –
Summary conviction of Henry Sanders of North Skelton, Miner, for selling three quarts of beer to John Carter without a licence. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
16th February –
PC Cooke charged Charles Broughton with being drunk and riotous in High St, Skelton on Saturday the 6th.
There had been a “polling match” [School Board Election].
Officer said defendant was drunk, cursing and swearing as he went along.
Defendant said Mr Hamilton and Mr Petch were candidates and various parties had canvassed him for Petch, who was said to be the Miners’ candidate.
They told tales about his master Mr Hamilton, who he had voted for.
This led to a party of Miners following him up the street.
On the Bench was Mr Wharton, for whom Hamilton was Agent.
He said if he had known the circumstances he would never have signed the summons. Case dismissed
19th February –
At Messrs Pease’s Reading Room, Stanghow a numerous audience witnessed an entertainment.
The Skelton amateurs combined with the Stangowians gave an excellent and amusing programme.
It concluded with a dialogue written by Mrs Adkin entitled “Temptation or a Workhouse boy’s honesty”.
21st February –
Summary conviction of James Howarth, John Hudson, George Brown and Robert Kitching, all of Brotton miners, for playing a game of chance called pitch and toss with coins on a public footpath. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
25th February –
William Ward, an ironstone Miner, aged 48, has expired from the effects of intemperance at Skelton Green.
The deceased had been drinking for some days and on Sunday evening he returned home drunk and lay on the kitchen floor with a bottle of rum beside him.
During the night he consumed about half the contents of the bottle and early the following morning, on his wife attempting to awake him she found him quite dead.
At the inquest she stated that she wanted him to go to bed, but he refused and she left him on the floor.
Between 3 and 4 she got up and took him a cup of tea and then found him dead.
Dr McCutcheon attributed death to a ruptured blood vessel produced by excessive drinking.
7th March –
Summary conviction of William Marshall of Skelton, Horsedriver, for trespassing in the daytime in search of game on land belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire and occupied by the said John Thomas Wharton and Henry Robinson at the township of Skelton.
17th March –
John Pennington, Gamekeeper, summoned William Loose Moore for trespassing in pursuit of game on land belonging to Mr J T Wharton on the 7th. Fined 10s and costs and reprimanded. Henry Petty was charged with a similar offence at Skelton on the 9th and fined 10s, costs and cautioned.
20th March –
At the York Assizes Edward John Philips, aged 25 pleaded guilty to unlawfully assaulting Rachel Hodgson with intent to ravish her at Skelton on the 2nd November. He was sentenced to 18 months prison with hard labour.
28th March –
Summary conviction of Alexander Jenkins and William James Smith, both of Lingdale Lane, for maliciously damaging the fences of land occupied by Robert Pinkney Petch at Skelton

30th March –
Summary conviction of John Nelson of Lingdale Lane, Joiner, for maliciously damaging a fence and wheat growing on land belonging to and occupied by Thomas Vaughan. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
1st April –
Opening of the railway line from Saltburn over the Skelton Viaduct.
Iron ore from the newly opened Mines at North Skelton and Longacres could now be taken quickly to the furnaces at Middlesbrough.
A Mr William Gladders drove the first train.
23 April –
Summary conviction of John Farrow, Stephen Harland, Thomas Harland and Richard Savage, all of Skelton labourers, for maliciously damaging grass growing on land belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire and occupied by Ralph Lynas.
24th April –
Summary conviction of George Worth for assaulting and resisting Richard Gospel Brough of Skelton in the execution of his duty as a police constable.
Summary conviction of Richard Perkins for assaulting James Cooke in the execution of his duty as a Police Constable. Offences committed at the township of Skelton.
26th April –
Summary conviction of Hannah Riley and Isabella Johnson, both of Skelton singlewomen, for maliciously damaging trees and underwood growing on land belonging to and occupied by John Thomas Wharton esquire at Skelton
29th April –
A young female named Susannah Taylor, belonging to Skelton, was yesterday brought before the magistrates at West Hartlepool on a charge of wandering about without any visible means of subsistence and without being able to give a good account of herself.
PC Soley said that he found her upon the banks between West Hartlepool and Seaton Carew and that she had loitered about the beach for the past nine or ten days and was mostly in men’s company.
Mrs Elizabeth Jones of Carr House, stated that the girl Taylor was in the habit of wandering in front of the house and that on Monday morning, about 6 o’clock, she saw her, from the window of her sleeping apartment with two men.
Questioned by the Bench, she stated that her parents lived at Skelton, but that she ran away from home because her father thrashed her.
It transpired that she was lately apprehended at Guisbrough for stealing wearing apparel. The Bench committed her for one month.
20th May. –
Skelton Park Pit. John Jefferson, a Platelayer aged 26, was killed.
He was riding a waggon laden with sleepers and as it was rounding a course it unexpectedly left the rails and deceased was thrown to the ground.
He was much injured and at once removed to his home, where Dr McCucheon attended him, but he died shortly afterwards.
30th May –
Summary conviction of Joseph Shepherd of Saltburn by the Sea, Secretary to the Miners’ Association and Mary his wife for maliciously damaging grass growing in a field belonging to and occupied by John Thomas Wharton esquire. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
2nd June –
Summary conviction of Alfred Willows Miner and Thomas Smallwood Joiner, both of Skelton, for trespassing in the daytime in search of game on land belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire and occupied by George Codling. Offence committed at the township of Skelton

2nd June –
Two youths, William Hudson and Joseph Henry Turner Jenkins, both of Skelton, were yesterday sent to prison for a month.
They had broken into a cabin on the premises of Messrs Gjers, Mills and Co, Slapewath and stole two hand lamps and a vest on the 28th May.
2nd June –
A young man named John Wilsher was charged with assaulting Joseph Cunion jun at Skelton on the 24th.
Cunion said that he went to join in a sweepstakes at quoits, in which Wilsher and several others were about to take part, but Wilsher objected to him and this led to some angry words between them.
Some minutes afterwards when Cunion was lying on the ground watching the game, Wilsher kicked him in the face and ran away.
Cunion followed him to his father’s house when Wilsher, the elder, interfered and during a fight which ensued between them, Wilsher junior came out of the house with a heavy stick and struck Cunion two blows to the head which immediately rendered him insensible.
He was carried home by two neighbours and has since been under the care of Dr Merryweather.
Wilsher admitted the charge but pleaded that he received considerable provocation.
The Bench regarded the assault as a most cowardly one and ordered the defendant to pay a fine £1 and £1 12s 6d costs. A charge of assault by Cunion on Wilsher, the elder, was dismissed.
7th June –
An important sale of part of the glebe lands belonging to the Rectory of Skelton in Cleveland took place at Skelton on Friday.
The lands comprised 17 acres, 3 roods and 36 perches and was divided into 7 lots.
Each lot was sold at considerably above the reserved price, the total purchase money being £7,400. The purchasers were Mr J T Wharton, Mr John Dixon, Mr Christopher Jackson, and Mr Thomas Robinson.
9th June –
Robert Beal, the younger, was charged with stealing timber from a building that was in course of erection for Mr J T Wharton.
The wood belonged to Mr Carrick of Skelton.
PC Brown was on watch and chased the lad all the way home and into his house where his parents prevented him being arrested.
His defence said he suffered from water on the head and his very appearance showed that he was either deranged or disordered in his imagination.
The Bench gave him 21 days prison without hard labour. Case against his parents for obstruction was dismissed.
16th June –
Alfred Willow and Thomas Smallwood were summoned for trespass in pursuit of game on the farm occupied by George Collings at Skelton.
A three parts grown hare was pursued by 4 men and 2 dogs and killed.
Willow made a terribly dramatic innocent defence of his puppy.
Several previous convictions were put in, which, he said happened “just the same way” by accident [laughter in court].
Willow fined 21s and Smallwood 14s 3d or 14 days hard labour
21st June –
North Skelton –
22 Feb. W Allinson, leg injured by wagons.
29 Mar. William Sutton, bruised foot.
19 Apr. G Clayton, severe cut in hand by stone.
25 May. Thomas Jackson, severely cut about body by wagons.
Park Pit –
5 Apr. J Loomore, burnt by gas.
17 Apr. Arlin Leng, foot crushed by pumps.
7 May. T Kitson, foot crushed by fall of stone.
20 May. J Jefferson, killed by wagons.
21 May. J Kime, finger run over by wagons.
South Skelton –
23 Apr. W Smith, severe injury to head and hand.
1 May. E Storges, crushed finger.
21 May. H Stock, kicked in face by horse.
27 May. J Piggens, injury to head and foot by fall of dogger.
28 May. R Walker, injury to arm.
Some others were not logged.
21st June –
A first prize of �30 was competed for at Price’s Running Grounds by the following brass bands: The Linthwaite, The Wyke Temperance, the Felling, the Saltaire, the West Hartlepool [4th Durham Artillery], the Wyke Old Brass and the Skelton United.
22nd June. –
In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by James Gladders, of Skelton-in-Cleveland, in the County of York, Innkeeper.
Notice is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at my offices, 36, Gostford-Street, Middlesbrough, on the 5th day of July, 1875, at twelve o’clock at noon precisely…..
24th June –
Yesterday afternoon a gala in aid of the funds for building a new Wesleyan Chapel, Schoolroom, and Minister’s house, at Skelton in Cleveland was held in the romantic grounds of Mr J T Wharton, JP.
The old chapel and schoolhouse have been purchased by the Local Board of Health and the members of the denomination desirous of having a place of worship worthy of themselves and a populous village like Skelton, have started in earnest with the good work and new premises, which are expected to cost between £3,000 and £4,000 will shortly be under way.
26th June –
William Raynor, a respectable attired young man who worked as a cashier at Thomas Vaughan’s South Skelton ironstone mine was charged with appropriating to his own use certain moneys which had been entrusted to his care.
He was the Treasurer for a fund that was collected to present a testimonial to Mr White, the late manager of the Mine.
He purchased a watch from Mr Michaelson of Middlesbrough and represented that he had paid £20 10s for it whereas he had paid only £10 10s and altered the receipt to match his story.
He was sent for trial at York Assizes and bailed for £100 surety

28th June –
On Saturday afternoon, Mr William Robinson, the Deputy Coroner for the District held an inquest in Skelton on the body of Thomas Wright, aged 27, who was killed by a fall of stone, whilst at work in Park Pit on Thursday, the 25th.
The deceased and another Miner named William Hutchinson were blasting stone and after firing a shot they went to see what quantity had been brought away.
They had nearly reached the face when some loose stone came suddenly away and falling upon the deceased, he was so seriously injured that he shortly afterwards expired.
He was only recently married.
The words on his headstone in old Skelton Churchyard read –
“Dangers stand thick through all the ground to push us to the tomb”

5th July –
A youth named William Hudson, aged 17, who has just completed a month’s imprisonment in Northallerton Gaol, was taken before Admiral Chaloner at Guisbrough on Saturday, on a charge of having stolen 2 vests and a muffler from Mr Petch’s granary at Skelton.
The stolen property was found in his possession. Case remanded
6th July. –
The monthly meeting of the Skelton Board of Health was held on Friday evening. Mr E Hamilton presiding.
The dwelling of a man named Thompson, which was said to be owned by a person named Carter, was reported by the Medical Officer [Mr M’Cutcheon] to be in such a condition the he would not live in it 24 hours.
Attention was called to the filthy state of one part of North Skelton and Ricey Hills, arising from bad drainage.
At the latter place there was a long row of cottages and owners, Messrs J M Pearson and Christopher Jackson, having failed to take their drain to a main sewer, the drain was allowed to empty itself into a channel by the side of the highway and an abominable nuisance was thus created.
After a short discussion it was decided to take proceedings against Messrs Pearson and Jackson under the Nuisance Removal Act, if they declined to take steps to abate the nuisance.
An old man, named Jesse Gilmour, who had given the Board a considerable amount of trouble by keeping his donkey in the scullery at Skelton Green, to the great annoyance of some of his neighbours, was again the subject of a brief but interesting discussion.
The Chairman said that, although they did not wish to be harsh with the old man, they must have their bye-laws respected.
It was then resolved that, if the donkey was not removed to suitable quarters before the next meeting, he [Jesse, not the donkey] should be summoned before the magistrates.
Several persons having infringed the bye-laws by building sculleries in their yards without submitting plans to the Board, the sculleries were ordered to be pulled down.
The Surveyor produced his estimate for the ensuing year, but, as it was based on the assumption that the Mines would be satisfactorily rated very shortly, it was decided, as there was no hope of any such thing, that he should make out another estimate.
The Clerk suggested that, instead of the various rates, which at present existed, there should be a consolidated rate, which would prove more satisfactory to the whole of the ratepayers.
9th July –
Isaac Edward Pollard, age 10, the son of a Miner had been sent to live with friends at Lingdale, because there was no school at North Skelton, woke at midnight and asked for a drink of cold tea.
Afterwards became very sick and died.
19th July –
Summary conviction of William Burn of Skelton, Miner, for assaulting Allan Thompson of the township of Skelton, Farmer.
28th July –
John Pitts, a Miner of Skelton did not appear to answer a charge of gathering mushrooms on the 19th and thereby damaging grass on the farm of Thomas Stevenson and owned by Mr Wharton. 2s 6d fine, 1s damages and costs.
August –
A Public Health Act was passed to combat filthy living conditions and the diseases that resulted.
Among many stipulations new houses had to have running water and proper sewerage drainage.
Household waste had to kept in a movable receptacle which the local authorities were charged with emptying weekly

3rd August –
The second Annual Meeting of the Skelton Co-operative Society was held on Saturday last in the new Store, High Street.
The building consists of Front Shop, Show and Store rooms, Committee and Reading room and home for Store keeper.
It is not quite finished, but so far advanced as enabled the Society to have a tea meeting, followed by a public meeting in the Show Room.
At the latter meeting the chair was taken by Mr J Toyn, the President of the Society, and were addressed by Messrs Woodward and Fowler, Skelton, who each, in a short speech, expressed their faith in Co-operative principles and gave their experience of the benefits, resulting from their being Members of the Skelton Society.
The Chairman then introduced Mr White, President of the Middlesbrough Co-operative Society, who stated that he was led by his daughter to join the Middlesbrough Store and showed from the Dividend of £2 the first quarter, he accumulated £20 to £30 by leaving the Dividends in the Store and how useful such gains were in times of need and the working men might by becoming a Member of such Societies render himself more independent.
The Middlesbrough Society now transacted business to the amount of abhout £900 per week and had a Store valued at £5,000, free of any Mortgage and paid 2 shillings in the pound, per quarter, as a bonus to Members.
Everything, he said, was done on the ready money principle and the Books were open for inspection of all so that all could see that everything was transacted in an open and straightforward manner.
He showed by relating several anecdotes of facts within his own experience the good results obtained by persons joining Co-operative Societies.
Difficulties they must have at first, but by continued perseverance they would eventually succeed.
The motto of the Society must be ‘Go on’
Mr O Davis, Middlesbrough, said he would prefer to address infidels to co-operation and he felt he should be able to convert them.
Some, he said, joined to benefit himself alone, but a true co-operator would not be content with that, he would feel the spirit of the Great Teacher of Nazareth, the spirit of Love to his neighbour.
Co-operation would lift them out of the trammels of poverty to the platform of Liberty. Co-operation aimed at something more than a mere matter of £ s d, it aimed at an improved condition of the working man; a state by which he could leave his mark behing him and when he left the world others would say of him, ‘He did well in his time and his memory is dear.’
The greatest foe to co-operation was the working man himself, those who had distrust in their fellow working man and had mean notions of dishonesty in the Managers, but each could be silenced, if not converted, by the method referred to by the last speaker, viz by the Books being always open for inspection.
He never knew any ready money business to fail.
By it they could get the best goods and clothing at the most reasonable rate, besides the bonus to be received every quarter.
Happy homes could be got by Co-operative Building Societies and when disputes arose between master and men, the latter could not be turned out of his house.
He wanted working men to gain more intelligence and not spend their money in gambling, horse racing and such like.
The more wisdom, the better co-operation.
They would rise above their present condition by mutual help, and he called upon all co-operators to get others to their ranks.
Mr Barker, Treasurer of the Middlesbrough Society and Mr Wilks, also from Middlesbrough and Mr Robinson of Lingdale delivered short addresses
Votes of thanks to the Chairman, the visitors and to the ladies for the tea closed a very interesting meeting.
At a Meeting of the Members following, 1s 6d in the pound on Groceries and 6d on Flour was declared to be paid to Members and half that bonus to non-members.
The new Store will be opened in a few week’s time.
4th August –
Sergeant Haw summoned John Ragan, Labourer, for being drunk, creating a great disturbance and gathering a big crowd at Skelton on the 31st July. Fined 10s and costs.
Summary conviction of Thomas Wilson of Skelton, Labourer, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Marske on 11 July.
Summary conviction of Charles Shaw of Boosbeck, Miner, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 8 July.
Summary conviction of Joseph Simpson of Skelton for being drunk in the railway station. Offence committed at the township of Marske on 21 [blank].
Summary conviction of Joseph Winter and William Ainsworth, both of Skelton, Miners, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at Boosbeck on 14 August.
Summary conviction of Richard Moolan and Joseph Winter, both of Skelton, Miners, for being drunk in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 21 August.
Summary conviction of Alexander Newell, painter, Henry Mitchinson. miner, Christopher Mitchinson. miner, Richard Todd. miner, William Todd miner and James Brown, miner, all of Skelton, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Skelton on 9 October.
Summary conviction of James Barns of Skelton, miner, for being drunk and riotous in the street. Offence committed at the township of Guisborough on 30 October.
4th August –
William Knaggs of Skelton summoned Thomas Richardson for assaulting him on the 27th July.
Complainant is the owner of horses and conveyances at Saltburn.
On the evening in question the parties met on the road between Saltburn and Skelton after a cricket match.
There had been some dispute previously about the fare to be charged for conveying some cricketers from Skelton to Saltburn Station.
Defendant was being driven along the road by Mr James Gladders, when they overtook the complainant, who asked for a ride and was told he could not have one for less than a shilling.
Complainant then chaffed defendant, called him an old woman and other names, which led Richardson to dismount from the dog cart and according to Gladders, a regular pugilistic encounter took place. Fined 20s including costs.
8th August –
Summary conviction of William Clarke of Lingdale Lane, Miner for trespassing in the daytime in search of game on land belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire and occupied by Messrs Bolckow Vaughan and Company. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
16th August –
Summary conviction of George Scimin of North Skelton, labourer, for maliciously damaging grass growing on land belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire and occupied by George Codling. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
24th August –
Summary conviction of Mary, wife of John Gott, of Skelton, Miner, for assaulting Hannah daughter of John Young of the township of Skelton, Miner. Offence committed at the township of Skelton.
26th August –
Summary conviction of Alfred Willows of Skelton, Miner, and John Riley, Brakesman, for trespassing in the daytime in search of game on land in Skelton belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire and occupied by William Wood.
30th August –
Saturday was a holiday among the Miners of the Cleveland district and a monster demonstration was held at the village of Skelton.
The members of the Union gathered together in the Market place, which presented a lively appearance.
Numerous banners and flags of various colours and bearing illustrative figures and inscriptions made known the chief of the different lodges that were represented:-
The Miners’ Pride Lodge No 5 of Lofthouse – The Marske No 6 – The Friendship Lodge No 8 of Skinningrove – The Prospect Lodge, No 4, of Skelton – The Onward Lodge, No 16 of Eston.
There are 4,500 members of the Cleveland Miners Association
The various lodges formed in procession and headed, some by brass bands and others by drum and fife bands, the District Banner being borne on before, walked to the field of Mr Stephen Emmerson of Holly Farm.
The announcement of a gala, celebrated bands and various games drew in even more people.
“The field in which the meeting was held is situate on the declivity of a hill to the south east of the village and from it a view of the pretty seaside town of Saltburn, the bold promontory of Huntcliffe and the wide expanse of sea dotted with “colliers” and fishing smacks.”
A public meeting was held at which various speakers from around the country addressed the crowd from a waggon, with a table in front for reporters.
One of the main topics was the Franchise.
Every man who “was not a pauper, criminal or lunatic” should have the right to vote.
The monopoly of land was another issue.
“There were thousands of acres that were uncultivated, owned by single individuals.
With the small holdings system, if these persons were compelled to sell their land at reasonable prices, men would not be obliged to emigrate to foreign shores.”
But much of the crowd were out of earshot, enjoying a day off work, sun bathing in the grass or attacking baskets of sandwiches.

1st September –
The Members of the Loyal Wharton Lodge of Oddfellows [Manchester Unity] held their anniversary on Monday last.
[Societies of Oddfellows had originated in the early eighteenth century and by this time there were lodges all over Britain and throughout the colonies.
In the days before the welfare state they had developed a system of friendly societies, whereby members could contribute and receive basic protection against the financial problems that illness, unemployment and death can bring.]
The Skelton Lodge assembled in their lodge room and marched to the Church, headed by the Skelton Lower Edge Band to hear an excellent sermon by the Rev Ahier
Afterwards they visited Skelton Castle and perambulated the principal streets of the parish.
They sat down to a good dinner provided by Mr Lightfoot at the Green Inn and in the afternoon adjourned to field where many enjoyed a dance and watched foot racing.
There are now 160 members with a fund of £180.
10 Sep –
James Gladders, landlord of the Duke William, fined for permitting drunkenness on his premises.
James was the brother of William Gladders, noted above as the first passenger train driver to cross the Viaduct to Skelton.
21 Sep –
In the Matter of a Special Resolution for Liquidation by Arrangement of the affairs of Thomas Jenkinson, of Westgate, Guisborougb, and High-street, Skelton-in-Cleveland. both in tbe county of York, Tailor and General Draper, trading as T. Jenkinson and Son.
The creditors of the above-named Thomas Jenkinson A, who have not already proved their debts, are required, on or before the 30th day of September, 1875, to send their names and addresses, and the particulars of their debts or claims, to me etc…….
27th September –
The Railway Jubilee, the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Stockton and Darlington Railway was celebrated all over Cleveland.
Special trains were run in all directions. Processions and festivities were held in all the towns.
Skelton Castle, Rushpool Hall, Saltburn Pier were all thrown open in this area to anyone with a Jubilee Ticket

From “The North Riding” by W J Weston, 1919.
30th September –
South Skelton.
1st June. Thomas Heap, injury to hand and arm by shot.
7th July. John Briggs, injury to finger.
21st July. George Fawcett, finger end cut off.
2nd August, David Green, severe internal injuries by cage.
13th August, John Lightfoot, severe injury injury to finger by stone.
2nd September, John Anderson, severe injury to leg by wagons getting away.
9th September, William Wrigley, severe injury to head and face.
13th September. Samuel Jackson, severe injury to ankle and foot by fall of stone.
North Skelton.
1st June. Alfred Brighton, injury to head by fall of roof.
19th June. William Clark, severe injury to head and body by lifting stone.
22nd June. James Pollard, finger broke lifting stone.
8th July. Edward Shepherd, severe injury to knees and lower part of body.
8th July. B Stammers, severe cut on head.
Park Pit.
25th June. Thomas Wright, killed by fall of stone.
2nd August. R Gott, severe injury by fall of baulk.
10th August. John Smalley, arm cut by fall of stone.
29th October –
Summary conviction of James Walker and Matthew Henderson, both of Skelton miners, for maliciously damaging grass growing on land belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire and occupied by William Wood at Trouthall Farm, Skelton.
3rd Nov.
London Gazette. Education Department, Whitehall.
The Parish of Stanghow, in the county of York, has been united to the School Board District of Skelton. Now to be known as the United District of Skelton and Stanghow..
3rd November –
Summary conviction of Thomas Robinson of Skelton, blacksmith, for committing a nuisance on the platform of Saltburn by the Sea railway station

4th November –
Summary conviction of Robert Castor and Robert Lee, both of Skelton miners, for maliciously damaging the underwood of a plantation in Skelton, belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire.
6th November –
A somewhat serious outbreak of typhoid fever has occurred at Skelton. Ten cases are reported in the last few days.
13th November –
A brutal outrage on a married woman was investigated at Guisbrough Police Court.
The prisoners were Robert Moore, Edward Brown, Joseph Mudd and John Smith.
The first named is a Fireman at North Skelton and the other 3 Miners, residing at Lingdale Lane.
They were charged with assaulting Frances Lumley, wife of George Lumley, a Miner of Guisbrough.
Mrs Lumley, notwithstanding that she is near her confinement, had gone to Guisbrough Fair, got drunk and at a somewhat late hour was seen being carried by the 4 prisoners into the Applegarth, a large pasture, which forms part of Admiral Chaloner’s Grounds.
They were lifting her over a style, when a respectable man, named Robert Mayes, went past and seeing the helpless condition of the woman, and the evident intention of the men, he at once sought for the police.
3 Officers were soon on the scene and the prisoners were taken into custody.
Mayes stated that the poor woman was being rather dragged than lifted over the stile when he first saw her and he told the prisoners to leave her alone, but they took no notice of him.
PC Tiplady said he was on duty on Tuesday evening near the Abbey Inn, when her heard shouts of “Police” and on proceeding along the Churchyard footpath to the Applegarth he met the last witness who informed him of the outrage the prisoners were committing on Mrs Lumley.
On going into the Applegarth he found the four prisoners around her and it was evident that they intended to criminally assault her.
He caught hold of one of the men and the others took to their heels, but PCs Pinkney and Foreman coming up at that moment, they were pursued and captured after a chase of about 600 yards.
Mrs Lumley was removed on a stretcher to the police station in an insensible state and it was found that she has sustained a severe wound on the head.
She had had a quantity of drink and considering her condition, she was at first in a rather dangerous state.
Supt Prest informed the Bench that Mrs Lumley had been several times convicted for drunkenness and she was informed that the next time she was brought before the magistrates on that charge she would be sent to prison with the option of a fine.
The prisoners, who had nothing to say in defence, were committed to prison for 2 months each, with hard labour and default of paying the court costs would be given another 14 days

19th Nov. –
South Skelton Mine. John Ellis, a boy working as a Horse-driver in South Skelton pits slipped and fell under a wagon.
His leg was severely torn and though he was taken home and progressed for a time, mortification set in and his leg was amputated. He afterwards died.

1st December –
Jane Husband summoned George Ridgard, shopkeeper, for assaulting her at Skelton on the 20th November.
Complainant said he went to her house on Saturday night and demanded 5 and a halfpence.
She told him to call again.
He called her some improper names, struck her in the mouth knocking one tooth out and administered a black eye.
Defendant pleaded that this was the way she had paid the debt. She struck him first and he stood in his own defence.
Admiral Chaloner on the Bench thought it was an aggravated assault.
Even though the woman did box his ears, it was not necessary to knock a tooth down her throat.
Fined 40s and costs.
1st December –
Christopher Fenwick admitted having been drunk and riotous near the Wharton Arms, Skelton on the 27th Nov. Fined 5s and costs.
6th December –
The district which embraces the important villages of Skelton, North Skelton, Boosbeck and Lingdale seems unable to rid itself of its fever epidemic.
At the meeting of the Skelton Board of Health on Friday evening the following letter on the subject from Dr S McCutcheon, the Medical Officer of the Board was read:-
Gentlemen – I have to report that Scarlet Fever is still very prevalent in this district.
The disease is not confined to any particular locality. There is scarcely a street in either Skelton, Boosbeck or Lingdale quite free.
We had seven deaths from this cause alone during the month of November.
I am glad to say that this disease is now assuming a milder type and that we have not had a fatal case since November 25th.
As to isolating the infected cases and preventing the spread of the disease, I can only say that any efforts I have made have proved almost futile.
It is altogether impossible, in my opinion, to prevent people visiting their sick neighbours and friends and thus carrying the germs of the disease from house to house.
My observations on scarlet fever as to locality might be repeated with regard to enteric fever.
There is scarcely a street in all my district where enteric fever has not occurred within the last 3 years.
I may just state that I have at present one or more cases in the following streets – High St, Green Rd, Park St, Boosbeck Rd, Harker St, Cleveland St, Fenton St, North Tce, Scarth St, and Dixon St [Lingdale], in all about 15 cases.
I only had one death from this fever during the present outbreak.
1st December –
Jane Husband summoned George Ridgard, shopkeeper, for assaulting her at Skelton on the 20th November.
Complainant said he went to her house on Saturday night and demanded 5 and a halfpence.
She told him to call again.
He called her some improper names, struck her in the mouth knocking one tooth out and administered a black eye.
Defendant pleaded that this was the way she had paid the debt. She struck him first and he stood in his own defence.
Admiral Chaloner on the Bench thought it was an aggravated assault.
Even though the woman did box his ears, it was not necessary to knock a tooth down her throat.
Fined 40s and costs.
1st December –
Christopher Fenwick admitted having been drunk and riotous near the Wharton Arms, Skelton on the 27th Nov. Fined 5s and costs.
6th December –
The district which embraces the important villages of Skelton, North Skelton, Boosbeck and Lingdale seems unable to rid itself of its fever epidemic.
At the meeting of the Skelton Board of Health on Friday evening the following letter on the subject from Dr S McCutcheon, the Medical Officer of the Board was read:-
Gentlemen – I have to report that Scarlet Fever is still very prevalent in this district.
The disease is not confined to any particular locality. There is scarcely a street in either Skelton, Boosbeck or Lingdale quite free.
We had seven deaths from this cause alone during the month of November.
I am glad to say that this disease is now assuming a milder type and that we have not had a fatal case since November 25th.
As to isolating the infected cases and preventing the spread of the disease, I can only say that any efforts I have made have proved almost futile.
It is altogether impossible, in my opinion, to prevent people visiting their sick neighbours and friends and thus carrying the germs of the disease from house to house.
My observations on scarlet fever as to locality might be repeated with regard to enteric fever.
There is scarcely a street in all my district where enteric fever has not occurred within the last 3 years.
I may just state that I have at present one or more cases in the following streets – High St, Green Rd, Park St, Boosbeck Rd, Harker St, Cleveland St, Fenton St, North Tce, Scarth St, and Dixon St [Lingdale], in all about 15 cases.
I only had one death from this fever during the present outbreak.
“All I have to say is that the man William Bennett struck me in the face; and I ain’t forced to tell you how many times he did hit me am I, Sir. I fell down.
I don’t know whether from a blow or in the scuffle.
He kicked me on the legs and they are bruised. He gave me a black eye when he struck me.
There were Kime and Briggs in the house and they did nothing to protect me.
By the time my husband came back I had got away into Kime’s house.
Bennet has lodged with me about 12 months and not a quieter man could be when he is sober.”
PC Brough said he was called to the house.
Mr Warner had told him that a lodger had taken possession as he had done on previous occasions.
He had given him notice to leave a fortnight ago, but he would not go.
He saw Mrs Warner who had a bleeding lip and told him what had happened.
Bennet had told her that he would make a ‘Wainwright job’ of her before he was done.
The doors were fastened up and he had to break a window and search the place.
He found Bennett concealed in an upstairs closet.
His face was all over blood. He had been to wedding party in the village and there got assaulted.
Bennett denied touching Mrs Warner and had no other defence.
Mr Wharton on the Bench said both cased had been clearly proved.
In all these kicking cases he hoped the Bench would inflict a fine, but also sentence the offender to 6 months hard labour. [Sensation].
For the assault on the husband he must pay a further penalty of 20 shillings and costs or another month’s hard labour.
The witnesses Kime and Briggs were then called forward.
Mr Wharton said neither seemed to have taken a manly part for preventing the assault.
It was disgraceful for any man to see a woman struck, much more kicked, without taking part in the encounter.
In his opinion both these cowardly witnessess ought to have a good wopping himself. [Hear, hear from the court.]
COME ON BORO. – Middlesbrough Football Club was started by the local cricket club for something to do in the winter.

[This picture was kindly contributed by Peter Appleton, August 2006.]