Section of Skelton High St, where the Institute was to be built and opened 4th November 1899.
The small buildings in the foreground can be seen on the 1894 map on the previous page. Exactly what they were used for is not known.
The old Wharton Arms Inn stood on this site on the 1856 Ordnance Survey Map.

5th January –
Members were elected to the following:- Finance, Law and Assessment Committee, Highways, Streets and Sanitary Committee. Sewage Committee, Hospital Committee, Fire Brigade Committe.
It was decided that members retire annually, one third in each ward.
The Medical Officer reported that during the past month there had been 47 cases of scarlet fever, 5 of diphtheria and one each of erysipelas, continued fever and enteric fever.

7th January –
William Barker, aged 44, a resident of Lingdale, met with a fatal accident while working as a back-bye deputy at the Clay Lane Iron Company’s South Skelton Mines.
Barker, more familiarly known as “Baggy” and his mate, Edward Watkins, were about to fix up a baulk and he was making the hole for it. Without the slightest warning the top gave way and fell upon him. He must have been killed instantly.
He was well known throughout Cleveland having been an official of the Miners’ Association. He left a wife and a large family. He was buried at New Skelton Cemetery under an iron tombstone.

11th January –
A series of classes dealing with this subject has just commenced at Skelton, the sessions being opened on Tuesday night in the Infants School by Lt Col Steele of the Yorkshire College, Leeds. There was a good muster. Mr W H A Wharton is chairman of the committee and Mr T Petch is Hon Sec.

8th February –
The voting took place on Wednesday under very adverse circumstances, the weather being of the most wintry description.
Thomas Ranson, mines manager, 1,023 – James Thompson, under mines manager, 752 – James Henderson, cashier, 741 – Thomas Petch, farmer – 702 – Isaac Scarth, gentleman, 618 – William Carter, ironmonger, 592 Joseph Crouch, stationer, 466.
Not Elected:-
George Fox, tailor, 454 – William Hughes, clerk in Holy orders, 384 – James Milligan, pit deputy, 341 – William Cawthorn, Co-operative Manager, 334 – Mary Maria Marley, married woman, 209 – J Pate, under mines manager, 180 – Isaac Dawe, deputy, 166 – Charles Smales, junr, miner 105.

19th February –
An inquest was held at North Skelton on the body of Roger Pennock, aged 24, and ironstone mine living at 39 Scarth St, Lingdale.
Elizabeth, the widow, said she last saw him alive on the 29th December in good health and not wrong in his mind.
He left home to go and pay for groceries at Mr Dawson’s at North Skelton, saying he would not be late.
They had had a quarrel on the 28th about him staying out late. He was a generally cheerful and temperate man.
Jane Fenwick, a widow, of North Skelton said the deceased had been at her house 3 weeks before Christmas and said he had a good mind to drown himself and that he had not had a good night’s rest since he married and went to Lingdale.
Mary Ann Smith of 48 High St, Skelton said deceased was at their house from 5 to 7 on the 29th and was sober.
Edwin Ringrose, a miner of North Skelton said while skating on the reservoir at Claphow [Gill] on Saturday he came across the body of the deceased in the water. Verdict – found drowned.

2nd March –
Parish Magazine – A deputation consisting of Messrs R W Stevenson, William Brown, W B Robinson and Joseph Crouch, on behalf of subscribers, waited upon the Rev F Kennedy on Saturday to present him with a testimonial, a purse of gold, on his leaving Skelton.

5th April –
In the Wesleyan School room at Skelton yesterday a new lodge of Good Templars was instituted by Mr J W Carey, D.C.T. Redcar. 18 persons were admitted to membership in the lodge, which was named “Skelton Happy Home.”
[The “Good Templars” was an organisation that had spread to England from America in 1868. Members took a vow to abstain from alcohol.]

10th April –
A miner named George Newstead was summoned for trespassing in pursuit of conies on land at Skelton belonging to Mr J T Wharton on the 27th March. He did not appear and was fined 40 shillings including costs.

23rd April –
John Husband, of New Skelton, was ordered to pay a fine of 5s and 8s 6d costs for keeping a dog without a license. He pleaded poverty.

1st May –
At Guisborough Police Court, William Ward, aged 19, pleaded not guilty to a charge of serious assault on a girl. He was sent for trial at Leeds Assizes, bail being allowed.

14th May –
Jane Burdon, a young woman, pleaded not guilty to assaulting Hannah Husband, a middle aged woman of New Skelton. The parties are neighbours.
Some words passed between them on the 4th and according to Hannah, Jane Burdon struck her on the mouth and pulled her out of the house.
2 witnesses agreed. Defendant denied assault and said Hannah insulted and threatened her. 2 witnesses agreed.
Case dismissed.

May –
Parish Magazine – We were glad to hear the other day that our new Urban District Council had ordered certain steps to be taken with a view to local improvements.
Amongst the rest, enquiries as to cost of flagging the footpath in front of the Wharton Arms and asphalting other footpaths, to say nothing of a much desired bridge over the Skelton Beck, near the railway viaduct.

29th May –
On Wednesday evening a miscellaneous entertainment was given in the Primitive Methodist Schoolroom at Brotton by the members of the North Skelton Singing Class.

13th July – 7th August.
The Cleveland Division was held by the Liberal, Mr H F Pease, with 4,762 votes to Col Ropner, Conservative, 4,175.
Nationally Lord Salisbury’s Conservatives had the most seats and allied with the Liberal Unionists, who had split the Liberal Party over the Irish question, had a large majority in the House.

Lord Salisbury.
Prime Minister 1885-1886, 1886-1892 and 1895-1902.

15th July –
At Middlesbrough Police Court, Reuben Crawford, a labourer, hailing from Skelton, was charged with drunken and riotous behaviour on Saturday at an Election meeting.
Deputy Clerk: “Do you admit the offence ?”.
Defendant: “Well, aa was at a political meeting and the one wi’ the white ‘at asked if onybody had questions to ask. An officer said that defendant had a large crowd gathered round him in East Street. He was drunk.
Defendant: “No doot aa was drunk, but they wadn’t let me on t’bogie to ask questions. Aa’m only 35 and never been locked up before.”
The Stipendiary to the Defendant: “Birds in their little nest agree. The Conservative bird and the Liberal bird must learn to live in the same nest without fighting.”
Defendant: “Aye, aye, ad agree with that, but each bird hes a reet to ‘spress an opinion.”
Fined 10s. Defendant as he was conducted away continued to remark that when questions were asked they should be accepted and answered.

18th July.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of the twenty-first section of an Act passed in the thirty-eighth year of the reign of Her present Majesty, entitled “The Births and Deaths Registration, Act, 1874,”

, Sir Brydges Powell Henniker, Bart.,Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, have,, with the sanction of the Local Government Board, ordered and declared that on and after the 1st day. of August next, Marske, Sub-District of Guisborough Registration District, as now constituted, shall be sub-divided, and that Skelton. Stanghow, Upleatham,and Saltburn-by-the-Sea Civil Parishes; shall be constituted a separate Registration, Sub-District-,’to be called and known as Skelton Sub-District.
General Register Office, Somerset House, London.

27th July –
The Ninth Exhibition by the Horticultural Society was held.

Besides plants, cut flowers, fruit and vegetables, a large number prizes were given for different articles of ladies’ work, freehand drawing,carving, fretwork and penmanship. There were also several classes of poultry, rabbits etc.

8th August –
The Saltburn District Council, subject to the approval of the Skelton Council accepted the tender of Messr Earnshaw and Co of Stockton to build a bridge over Skelton Beck at Marske Mill at a cost of £63.

18th August –
A Special Service was held for members of the Parent’s Union.
An address was given by the Rector on the responsibilities of parents towards their children in training and educating them both by word and example.
The importance of beginning, very early, to form the character of a child was insisted upon.
The necessity for home influence of the right sort.
It is strange that so many parents who love their children and are anxious that they should do well, are satisfied to leave their moral training to the schools and churches, or anybody, without themselves enquiring how it is being done or even if it is being done at all.
shewing as much care as the gardener who neither weeds his garden nor turns over the soil and leaves anybody to scatter in any kind of seed and yet expects, somehow, to find a satisfactory crop at harvest time.
The size of the congregation was a significant hint of the indifference with which the subject is treated.
One might have expected that the Church would be crowded out, but it wasn’t.

19th August –
The Finance Committee of the Skelton and Brotton Urban Council met on Friday to consider the question of borrowing money to carry on the sewage disposal works now in progress to carry the district’s waste out to sea.
They decided to borrow £10,000 to be repaid in 20 annual instalments. The Clerk intimated that he had numerous offers from persons willing to advance the money.

23rd August –
An accident occurred on Saturday morning at the South Skelton Mine, when a youth named William Jefferson had 4 toes taken off by the falling of the cage.
He was conveyed to the Skelton Miners’ Accident Hospital and is progressing favourably under the treatment of Dr Merryweather.

25th August –
The Committee held a Church Parade. Meeting at the Lodge Room they proceeded to Dr Merryweather’s, corner of Boosbeck Rd, where they met the Boosbeck brethren.
Accompanied by Skelton Brass Band and members of the Clubs in full regalia they marched via the High Green, Park Street and up the High St to the Parish Church, collecting on the way.
After the service New Skelton and North Skelton were visited and contributions solicited.

25th August –
North Skelton and Normanby Rovers have been admitted to this combination which now embraces the above two clubs and Charltons Rovers, Brotton, Loftus, Skelton and California Rangers making a total of 7.

26th August –
An ambulance competition was witnessed at the Brotton Show on Saturday. The teams consisted of 4 each and the conditions were rendering first aid – viz, stretcher work, bandaging, applying splints, artificial respiration etc.
The first prize of 3 guineas was won by H Wright’s team from Lumpsey Mines and the second went to John Pratt’s team from North Skelton.

Footbridge over Skelton Beck near Marske Mill.
First one was built in 1895 – see ad below.
This later photograph shows the water cascading from the decaying mill race on the right.

25th September –
On Monday night in the Drill Hall, Skelton, Mr Henry Vivian of London gave an interesting lecture entitled, “A Solution of the Labour Question.”

He advocated the extension of co-operative principles throughout the industries of the country.
Working men must not only be admitted to share in the profits of their industry, but should be encouraged to share in the risks and responsibilities by owning part of the capital.

25th September.-
Yesterday Mrs Peel, the wife of Colonel Peel and the daughter of the Rev J McCartie, vicar of Wilton, Cleveland, was killed by being thrown from a pony carriage near Skelton Rectory.
She had driven over from Kirkleatham, where she and her husband have been residing for the last 12 months, to call on the Rector of Skelton. He was not at home at the time.
The pony’s head gear had, it is said, been taken off to give the pony a drink and something frightening it away it galloped against some railings. Mrs Peel was pitched violently out of the carriage on her head and was killed instantly.
Colonel Peel left Kirkleatham for India a few weeks ago, after an 18th months holiday and the greatest sympathy is felt for him as well as for the father and relatives of the deceased lady.
Both she and her husband were well known as constant visitors to Redcar.

October –
SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARY – Parish Magazine – Mr Batty, the librarian of the Sunday School Libary, after arranging the old books and purchasing ten pounds worth of new ones, proposes to open it to the children of our Sunday Schools on December 1st.

29th October –
Thomas Hugill was ordered to pay a fine of 10s and costs for obstructing the traffic along Cleveland Street, Skelton Green on the 14th by allowing a conveyance to stand by the kerbstone.

2nd November –
At the monthly meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Urban District Council a letter from the Manager of the North Eastern Railway Company was read, saying that he had given instructions that the trucks of nightsoil should be unloaded at once and at an early hour of the day.
A general rate of 5d in the pound and a burial rate of 2d in the pound was sealed by the Board.

9th November –
Major W H A Wharton, only son of Mr J T Wharton of Skelton Castle, is to be married early in December to Miss Elizabeth S M Harrison of 35 Cadogan-terrace, London, only daughter of the late Rev R J Harrison.

18th November –
Every school in the Skelton and Stanghow Board area has now been supplied with the Darlington patent slate board, which is now of world wide reknown.
It has all the advantages of a slate without the liability of breakages.

20th November –

At the Guisborough Police Court on Tuesday William George Dunn of Skelton was summoned for neglecting to maintain his wife and child.
Defendant did not put in an appearance and an order was made for the payment of 10 shillings weekly.

SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE – Each year prizes were given for attendance at the Sunday Schools.
Skelton and New Skelton boys went to the Drill Hall at the bottom of Green Road.
The girls attended the Infant School.
North Skelton boys and girls had their own. A double first was awarded to those who never once missed attending in the morning and again in the afternoon.
A first class prize to those who made 98 attendances or more.
Marks were deducted for bad behaviour.

27th November –
A Concert was held in the Wharton Arms Assembly rooms under the auspices of the Skelton Brass Band for the Instrumental Fund.
A number of ladies and gentleman took part including Dr Merryweather before a large and appreciative audience.

4th December –
On Tuesday, a Miner named Samuel Scuffins of Skelton was charged with assaulting Michael Wilkinson on the 24th November. Defendant struck complainant on the face. Fined £1 including costs.

6th December –
At a meeting in Skelton it was resolved that the power of appointing Overseers of the Poor and Assistant Overseers should be handed over to the Skelton and Brotton Urban District Council.

Sunday School Attendance Prize, A Bible.
Thomas Rooks was aged about 7 and lived at 8 Thomas St, New Skelton.
He fought in the First World War and survived.
This image and others on this site have been kindly donated by his son,Owen.

17th December –
39 men and boys belonging to Skelton were summoned for playing pitch and toss. PC W Clarke stated that on Sunday morning, the 1st, he and PC Brough concealed themselves in a plantation on a road that leads from North Skelton to Saltburn at a place known as ‘Garden Slag’ and saw the defendants and many other persons begin to gamble.
He took the names of the defendants in his book before he came out of the wood.
PC Brough said many complaints had been made about the extensive gambling transactions that took place in the Skelton district on a Sunday.
Some who did not appear were fined 8 shillings, the elder ones 6s 6d and the younger 6s – plus Court costs.

21st December –
It finished up its seventh year of existence,
It has experienced a very heavy year in sick calls having paid out to members a total of £124 16s 4d.

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