The Minute Books of the Skelton Co-operative Society Committee.

9 Jan. The Chairman reported an interview with Mr Ross, who wished to offer an apology to the Committee and asked for his Notice to be withdrawn. Resolved he must attend a meeting and give an explanation as to his conduct.
Messrs Woods to supply us with another 6 trucks of Coal next week.
Saltburn branch to be supplied with an Asbestos stove and Boosbeck Butchers with a Gas Stove.
Decided to arrange the Cottage Property account as a separate item on the Balance sheet.
12 Jan. Mr Ross's notice to be withdrawn and that in future Willie Ross be permitted to take charge of the Horse and Cart when necessary.
16 Jan. A letter from Miss Ainsworth of the Womens' Liberal Associaton soliciting subscriptions for Mrs Lightwing and a Benefit Concert.
19 Jan. Election of an Apprentice to the Grocery Business. W A Plews 5, D W Baldwin 3, Alf Beer 2, Albert Johnson 1, George Carver 1. Plews elected age 14.
23 Jan. A deputation appointed with the Chairman to enquire and arrange a suitable place at Boosbeck for shoemaking.
30 Jan. Gardeners Seeds be ordered from "One and All", London.
2 Feb. Two delegates to attend the Branch and Bakery opening celebrations at Hartlepool.
Mr Wilson to attend Tuesday's meeting respecting the increase of Debts.
9 Feb. Mr H Wilson tendered his resignation giving notice to leave the employ of the Society in 14 days, enclosing a letter in
lieu of meeting the Committee as requested. Resolved Mr Wilson be cashed up on Saturday and be paid a week's wages in lieu of working. Mr G Johnson was appointed to take charge of Saltburn Branch.
Resolved that we advertize in the N E Gazette and Chronicle for a young lady to take charge of Skelton Boot and Shoe Dept.
The 106th Quarterly statement was read. [giving October 1873 as the date of Skelton Co-op opening] showing a net disposable profit of £610 8s 9d. It was decided to pay a Bonus of 1s 10d in the pound in the General and 1s 0d in the Butchering Business.
16 Feb. Several young ladies were received re the vacancy in the Boot and Shoe Dept. Miss Smiddy of Norton wrote offering her services for 22 shillings per week and was unanimously voted for the appointment.
27 Feb. It was resolved by 5 votes to 4 that Mr Agar's services be dispensed with forthwith. Mr Agar interviewed the Committee and offered an apology for his conduct and expressing his regret at what had occurred.
9th March. A Petition was received from Boosbeck calling a Special General Meeting of the Society for the 17th inst re the dismissal of Mr W W Agar. The petitions was signed by the requisite number of Members according to Rule 16.
The Committee proceeded to appoint a Manager for Boosbeck Branch Drapery. 4 Gentlemen made personal applications and 5 by letter.
Mr J S Jackson age 24 at a wage of 28 shillings per week was selected.
Resolved that Lingdale branch stock be insured for £300 and Managers furniture for £100 with the Co-op Insurance Co.
13 March. Miss Smiddy's request for the Boot shop to be washed out each week be granted.
The price of Tobacco to be raised as follows 2 pence for half an ounce. 3 and half pence for 1 ounce and 6 and half pence for 2.
16 March. 1000 circulars to be printed for Seeds and 1000 for the Boosbeck shoemaker.
23 March. The Chairman reported that Mr Agar, late employee, had been supplied with Goods from the Society at Wholesale prices for the purpose of selling again. Mr Hodge be instructed not to sell Mr Agar any Goods under 15 percent profit for ready money and that a statement be submitted to the Committee showing the amount of Goods purchased from the Skelton Drapery Dept.
30 March. A recommendation be placed on the agenda to consider the advisability of reducing the rate of interest allowed on Members Capital from 5 to 4 percent.
6 April. The Chairman be instructed to see Mr Easterby re the runaway Horse.
17 April. Resolved that the sum of one shilling be paid to the boy who helped stop the runaway Horse.
4 May. Mr Brooks raised the question of a mis-fit suit of clothes at Boosbeck Drapery Dept. Decided to have the suit before the Committee for inspection.
Some discussion took place re the falling off of the Boosbeck Drapery trade and resolved to instruct Mr Hodge to attend the next Committee meeting.
8 May. Messrs Cawthorn and Brooks were instructed to solicit orders with a view to improving the Boosbeck Drapery Trade.
15 May. Resolved we advertize in the Co-op News and the Whitby Gazette for a Shoemaker and Repairer.

Saltburn Branch in later years.
18 May. Robert Adam, age 13, won the Committee ballot for an Errand Boy at the Saltburn Branch.
25 May. An application for an advance of wages, signed by the whole of the Employees was read. Adjourned to next meeting.
1 June. Resolved that the price for the Mare be fixed at £22 and the cart at £5. Not to be sold under £3.
5 June. The application from the Employees for an advance in wages was further considered. Majority not in favour.
12 June. Application on behalf of Lingdale Wesleyan Sunday School Treat. 140 Scholars. 2s 6d granted.
Resolved that the Sun Blind for the Saltburn Branch Shop be procured.
19 June Application for sweets on behalf Sunday School Treats. Magra Park Wesleyans No 150, Lingdale Primitive Methodists No 175, Skelton Prim Methodists No 154. Usual grants allowed.
28 June. Decided to ask the Co-op Union to forward 1,000 pamphlets for distribution advocating Ready Money Principles.
6 July. Mr J Ross was called up re his conduct with the Mare and Foal.
17 July. Resolved that the Apprentices and Errand Boys be given a Free ticket for the proposed excursion to Newcastle Wholesale.
10 Aug. Decided to have Mr Ross's old Waterproof Coat on the Board for inspection before passing the order for a new one.
4 Sep. The question of having the shed in the Field tarred to be left in the hands of Mr Jackson.
7 Sep. Mr Gill made application for 6 dozen cups and saucers for Boosbeck Church Tea.
Decided to have the cellar of Skelton Central thoroughly cleaned and white-washed.
18 Sep. Resolved the necessary alterations to the Gas brackets in the Hardware Dept be made.
2 Oct. Re the accident to the Trap at Lingdale. The youth who threw the jumping cracker was ordered to appear before the Board at the next meeting.
14 Dec. The necessary Lamps be procured for our several waggon conveyances in conformity with the By Law issued by the Authority.
Application from the 1st Battalion Volunteer Co for Xmas Shooting. 14lbs of Beef granted.