The Minute Books of the Skelton Co-operative Society Committee.
3 Jan. Resolved that one stone each of 3 inch and 4 inch Rose Nails be purchased for the purpose of fencing the Field and the Estate Agent to supply the necessary drain pipes required.
13 Jan. The account presented by J Ross for carting fencing from Ricey Hill to be paid.
20 Jan. Resolved that new "Steelyards" be purchased for the Butchering Dept and the old ones sent for repair.
Resolved that Cartman be instructed to collect the thorns in field for making the hay-stack's bottom.
31 Jan. An application was read for subs to the New Skelton Primitive Methodists Bazaar.
3 Feb. The Drapery Manager to be allowed to purchase one Gent's Bicycle from Harris of Coventry.
7 Feb. Messrs Gullon and Wallace appointed to put a fence around the haystack.
10 Feb. The Bellman's services in crying the Quarterly meeting be dispensed with.
17 Feb. All Goods required in future [ordinary and special] must be entered in the Order Book and come before the Committee for their approval. No Goods whatsoever must be purchased except special orders without the Committee's sanction. Any Departmental Manager failing to carry out these instructions will be strictly dealt with.
21 Feb. Mr R Petch made application for the usual grant of £1 10s od for Special Prize for Butter given by the Skelton Agricultural Society. Granted.
28 Feb. Mr Jex in the Chair. Hanson, Bell, Clayton, Hugill, Thompson, Wallace, Brooks, Gardner, Russell, Jackson and Treasurer Alcock.
Mr Jackson introduced the question of canvassing for orders and proposed that soliciting orders in some of our districts near the shops be discontinued. Decided not to alter the present arrangements.
Mr Thompson appointed on the sub-committee for Debt.
3 March. The question of heating the Drapery Shop was introduced. Decided the question to stand over for 3 months.
Resolved that the sub-committee measure the land at Boosbeck Station for the proposed Coal shed with a view to get an estimate of the cost.
7 March. A report was submitted by PC Hutchings showing that 3 boys, Granger, Wright and Hodgson were caught breaking fences in the Society's field. The Chairman was appointed to wait upon the parents of the boys and report.
Resolved that 1 ton of Normanby slag manure be bought.
10 March. Mr Agar be permitted to allow Mrs Allison of Lingdale to have 2 suits on credit.
No Coals to be supplied to Members without an order from the respective Manager.
14 March. Resolved that the Society take up the Agency for the Harris Cycles.
17 March. The order for Blakey How to be confirmed with the exception of Skipping Ropes.
21 March. Resolved that we contract for 1,500 dozen Candles from the CWS.
14 April. Resolved that the Front of the Central Shops be washed and varnished and that Mr Holland be engaged to do the work.
18 April. Resolved that the propietor of the Newcastle Supply Stores Co [shop adjacent to the Co-op] be informed that the Committee raise an objection to the extension of their warehouse above the dwelling house yard wall.
Resolved that W Palmer be bound Apprentice to the Grocery Department.
25 April. Mr Brooks made application on behalf of Charltons Brass Band for a prize. Resolved that we allow 28lbs of Irlam soaps. 7lb each of different makes.
9 May. Resolved that we send a Representative to the Sale of the Dwelling House belonging to the late Mr Outred and we bid to the amount of £150 for same.
12 May. The Quarterly statement showed a net disposable profit of £884 16s 1d. Recommend a Divident of 2s 6d on the General, 2s 0d on the Butchery and 1s 0d on the Coals.
16 May. Resolved that a Waggon cover be bought from the Scottish Co-op Wholesale.
Mr Holland's estimate for painting the outside of Saltburn Branch, Garnet St was considered too high at £7 and the matter postponed for 3 months.
Mr McLane to be allowed to withdraw £66 of his Share Capital.
30 May. Mr Hodge made application on behalf of J Godsmark, late apprentice, for a Testimonial, which was granted.
After some discussion it was decided to have Tea and Special Meetings this summer in connection with Educational Dept of the Society.
2 June. Applications were made for subscriptions for Sunday School Treats. Magra Park Sunday School, number of Scholars 150 and Skelton Wesleyan 190. Grant allowed.
Necessary repairs to be done to the Cupboard in the Boot and Shoe shop and Mr Lovesey, New Skelton be given the work.
6 June. Resolved we send a delegate to the Staithes Conference.
Applications were made on behalf of the Lingdale Wesleyan Sunday School 130 Scholars and Skelton Primitive Methodists 150. for their Treats. Usual grant allowed.
13 June. The purchase of a Horse from Mr Harding of Moorsholm for £33 was confirmed.
The question of purchasing Boosbeck Road property was considered and the Chairman was instructed to attend the sale with a view to purchase, the limit of purchase being £455.
16 June. The Chairman gave a report of Sale of property which was purchased for the Society for the sum of £408. Secretary was instructed to forward a letter to Mr W C Trevor, Solicitor, Guisborough to prepare the conveyance of the said property.
Mr Ross to be paid 5 shillings per week for 2 weeks for attendance to the new Horse.
23 June. Application on behalf of the North Skelton, Primitive Methodists Sunday School Treat 180 Scholars. Also Lingdale Primitive Methodists. Usual grant allowed.
Resolved that the grass be cut by machine and that we advertize for tenders for cutting, winning, stacking and thatching.
27 June. Decided to procure copies of schedules of photographic prizes from the Agric Assoc Ltd for distribution amongst the amateur photographers in the Society.
4 July. Messrs S Emmerson and R Gullon to cut, win and thatch the Hay for the sum of £6 10s be confirmed.
Resolved that the form of letter suggested by the Co-op Union to communicate with our local M.P. re Sugar duties be forwarded to the Member, A S Pease Esq.
11 July. Mr C Plews, shoemaker, made application for 2 days "holliday" this week. Granted.
Mr McLane to be charged the sum of 4 shillings for the hire of horses and waggon for Hay loading.
18 July. Complaint was made concerning one pair of shoes breaking across the toe belonging to Miss Ainsworth. 1 shilling and sixpence allowed.
21 July. An agreement to be entered with the "tennants" of the new Boosbeck Road Property allowing a Fortnight's notice either side and Rent to be collected Fortnightly.
Mr Clayton made application for letter of introduction to the Wholesale Society's premises on the occasion of the visit of the members of the Womens' Liberal Association to Newcastle on Monday.
1 Aug. Mr J Walton's account for use of Horse be paid.
11 Aug. An application was made on behalf of the Juvenile Free Gardeners Treat, number of Members 54. Usual Grant allowed.
15 Aug. A letter to be forwarded to the CWS concerning Flour being dark and dry.
Mr Wilson of Saltburn Branch be requested to attend the next Committee meeting re the small profit at the shop.
22 Aug. An application was made on behalf of the New Skelton Juvenile Rechabites Treat [Temperance Society organisation]. Usual grant allowed and use of Tables for Tea.
The shops to be closed on Monday 28th for the Employees Annual Excursion.
29 Aug. Messrs Thompson and Hugill were deputed to waited upon the boy [Calvert] Father re broken window.
12 Sep. Resolved that we send a representative to the property sale at Lingdale on the 13th with a view to purchase House and Shop and arrangements be left in the hands of the Chairman. Limit of purchase to be £321.
15 Sep. The Boosbeck sub-committee gave a report re the interview with Mr Snowden, Lingdale re the House and Shop to Let. Resolved to offer £20 for a lease of 5 years.
22 Sep. A specimen circular was submitted by the CWS for advertizing Mantles etc for the Drapery Dept. 1,000 copies to be ordered.
We accept the offer of Mr Snowden to lease the house and shop for the yearly rental of £26 plus rates for a 5 year lease.
29 Sep. Resolved that the Butcher's blood cart be repaired by Mr McLane.
A complaint was received from J Buttery that Jas Ross had abused him without reason.
10 Oct. Extra entry before the Minutes -
Motor car or "buss" to carry 9 passengers ran for the first time between Skelton and Saltburn.
13 Oct. On account of the delay in delivery of Flour from Dunston it was resolved to ask the Loftus Society to let us have a few sacks.
Mr Marshall to paint the Butcher's Blood Cart.
17 Oct. Resolved that Mr G Archer, Boosbeck Rd be allowed the necessary wall paper for House and that no roll to exceed the price of 8d.
On behalf of the Institute Committee Mr Clayton made application for the loan of crockery on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Literary Institute.
20 Oct. Resolved that Mr Hugill be allowed to store a quantity of wood in the Hay Loft of Boosbeck stores for the sum of one shilling.
24 Oct. Letter to be sent to the Harris Cycle Co stating that the cycle is on our premises at their risk.
27 Oct. Mrs Addison, Boot Dept tendered her resignation. Resolved to advertize in the North Eastern Gazette and Daily Chronicle for a thoroughly practical young man to take charge.
31 Oct. Mr Sanderson be instructed to see Mrs Addison concerning her debt in the Tailoring Dept.
14 Nov. The Chairman and delegates were appointed to meet Mr Garner respecting his offer to sell his House and Land to the Society.
18 Nov. Resolved that we ask the Cleveland Gas Co to put in Gas and supply the necessary fittings required for the new Lingdale Branch.
Mr Hodge made application to be allowed to visit the Wholesale re purchase of Xmas toys.
24 Nov. Resolved that Patent Medicine and Tobacco Licences be taken out for the new Lingdale Branch.
The Wholesale be requested to forward a sample loaf of Ginger Bread from Crumpsall Works.

Lingdale Co-op. Opened December 1899 as a Branch of the Skelton Co-operative Society.
28 Nov. Mr Garner's lowest price for his house being £550 it was rejected. Mr Clayton reported it was now offered for £450.
Resolved that an Entertainment be given at Lingdale on the occasion of the opening of the new Branch. The engagement of the Concert Company was left in the hands of Mr Clayton.
1 hundreweight of Ginger Bread to be ordered for each shop.
2 Dec. The Slippers complained about to be returned to the Wholesale.
Resolved that the proposed Concert at Lingdale be a Free one to Members and Friends.
5 Dec. Lingdale Concert to be on Friday the 15th and Mr Hobbs to give a short address on Co-operation.
The Rent for the House at Lingdale to be fixed at 3s 6d per week.
12 Dec. On hearing H Hill's explanation and reason for absenting himself from Business on Friday it was resolved that one week's Notice be given him on salary to leave the employ of the Society.
22 Dec. Resolved that 14lb of Beef be allowed the Volunteer Shooting Club.
A coke stove to be put in Boosbeck Butcher's Shop and a Gas stove in the Lingdale shop.
29 Dec. Mr Adam, Boosbeck to give the Committee an explanation of length of "holliday" he took in Xmas week.
Mr J Ross be given 14 days notice form Dec 30th to leave the employ of the Society.
J Buttery to be cautioned as to his future conduct while on Business for the Society.