The Minute Books of the Skelton Co-operative Society Committee.
18 Jan. J Ross instructed not to give the Butcher's pony any Corn for one month.
22 Jan. Arrangements for the Boosbeck Drapery left in the hands of the Chairman. Decided to allot Mike Palmer to collect money and solicit for orders at Magra and Charltons and J Bearpark to solicit for orders at Lingdale.
The invitation from the Congress Reception Committee to send a speaker at their own expense to address a meeting in connection with our Society on Saturday May 25th was accepted. The meeting to be held at Skelton.
29 Jan. The Funeral of her late Majesty Queen Victoria. Resolved that all shops be closed all day on Saturday, Feb 2nd.

8 Feb. The case of G McLane being summoned to appear before the Magistrates for driving without lights was considered. After hearing McLane's statement it was resolved that Carriage Candles be used in future in place of Xmas dips.
Resolved that a Stable Lantern be purchased.
12 Feb. The Chairman to purchase a parcel of Goods from Brotton for comparison.
12 Feb. Resolved that all coal orders required for the following week be left at the shop not later than Saturdays. All Coals to be paid for to the Cartman on delivery.
Mr Brooks was instructed to attend the Guisborough County Court on Friday re the Metcalfe Bankruptcy case.
19 Feb. Resolved that the Butcher's pony be advertized for sale.

1 March. No reply having been received from the Skinningrove Society re the character and ability of Mr Dorman, Mr Brooks was appointed to visit for information.
12 March. Resolved that the Butcher's pony be taken to Egton Fair if not sold in the meantime.
26 April. Resolved that we take out one Carriage Licence for the Society.
30 April. In connection with the meeting on May 25th decided to engage Mr Sugget's Party and accept his offer to provide 4 Artists for the sum of £3 3s 0d and expenses and the Party to bring their own pianist.
Mrs Nicholson to be allowed to withdraw her Share Capital.
14 May. Decided we allow the Boosbeck Rd "tennants" the wall paper. Price not to exceed 6d per roll.
21 May. Re Convalescent Home. A conference of delegates from Societies throughout the Section was announced to be held in the concert room of the Gilsland Hydropathic Hotel on June 1st.
24 May. Resolved that the heavy cart used for the Coal Busines be repaired.
31 May. Robert Henry Payne be accepted as an apprentice in the Boot and Shoe making business for a term of 4 years. Respecting the £5 premium paid by the Yorkshire Institution for the Deaf and Dumb it was resolved that the same be retained by the Society until the end of the said term and then returned to the Father, John Payne, providing that the said Robert does faithfully discharge his duties during and until the end of the said term.
11 June. Messrs Avery Ltd submitted amended terms for contract as under which was accepted for the Examining, Adjusting and Testing the whole of the Society's scales and weighing machines at the Skelton, Saltburn, Boosbeck and
Lingdale establishments as for the full list submitted, paying quarterly visits for the sum of 27s 6d per visit.

This photograph is believed to be the Saltburn Branch of the Skelton Co-operative Society at a later date.
The reflections in the window look much like the chimneys in Garnet Street where the Branch was originally opened.
See photograph on page 59, but nothing known to date about when the old shop front was replaced.
18 June. The question of purchasing Gilsland Estate for proposed Convalescent Home was considered and question laid on the table.
Our Lady Members be invited to provide Tea for delegation to Saltburn Conference on July 20th and cake be supplied from the Manufacturers.
21 June. Application for sweets made from Skelton Wesleyans no 180, Juvenile Free Gardeners no 212 and Boosbeck Church Sunday School no 150.
Usual grants allowed.
25 June. Decided to have a Members Excursion this year and Managers to meet the Board respecting date and place of trip. Sunderland and Newcastle chosen.
5 July. Mr W Brooks Junr be allowed the use of Horse and Waggon for removing furniture from Boosbeck. 5 shillings to be charged.
26 July. A circular was read re the Robert Owen Convalescent Home Ltd, Gilsland, requesting that formal application be made to be a Member of the Society and to take so many Shares. Referred to Quarterly Meeting.
[Gilsland is a village between Carlisle and Hexham near Hadrian's Wall. Committee decided not to buy Shares at this time.]

Skelton Co-operative Society officials in 1909.

Skelton Co-operative Society officials in 1909.
Photograph kindly contributed by Josie Bland of Skelton,
Copy held by Teesside Archives.

Skelton Co-op Receipt dated 1954 showing 5 Branches still open - and Inflation of the Pound.