The Minute Books of the Skelton Co-operative Society Committee.
1897 and 1898.

5 Jan. Flour to be bought from the Wholesale Society. E Super 29s, Super 27s and Fines 25s.
Mr Jex to inspect the Manager's house with a view to improving same.
8 Jan. The account for "mannureing" the Field as presented by Jas Ross to be paid.
12 Jan. Stocktakers appointed. Skelton Grocery - Mr Jex, Skelton Drapery - Messrs Clayton, Startwick and Varty, Skelton Boots - Mr Palmer, Boosbeck - Messrs Brooks and Gardiner, Saltburn - Messrs Russell and March.
22 Jan. Decided to allow the Manager of the Shoemaking Dept to purchase some leather from Messrs Gunson and Ableson, Guisborough.
29 Jan. We record our role in favour of the proposal of the Wholesale Society to grant the sum of £100 to the Indian Famine Fund.
Calico as per order to be bought from Messrs Bagley and Wright, Oldham.
Manager's house to be painted and cleaned and suggested alterations to Coal house be carried out.
2 Feb. Mr Clayton be appointed to see Mr Addison concerning the Wringer promised for a Member at Lingdale.
9 Feb. Resolved to purchase a new oven for the Manager's house.
The applicants for "tennants" of the Manager's house was balloted for. H Hodge 3, J Ross 3, J Sanderson 2. Next voting Ross 5, Hodge 2.
Resolved that Garden Seeds be bought from the Agricultural Association Ltd, Deptford.
16 Feb. Resolved that the price of Carbonate of Soda be reduced from 6d to 4d.
19 Feb. Resolved that we purchase a Weigh Machine for warehouse from Messrs Avery, Birmingham.
23 Feb. On the motion of Mr Varty it decided that providing the strike arranged by the Railway Men was not settled in the morning that a fortnight's supply of Flour be bought from Leethams.
Proposed and seconded that we advertize in the Co-op News and North Eastern Daily Gazette for a young man to take charge of the Drapery and Boot Dept at Boosbeck.
26 Feb. Decided that the Journeyman Grocers be paid for the extra time worked in soliciting orders at Lingdale until better arrangements be made.
2 March. Confirmed that 2 cycles selected by Mr Hodge from the Wholesale be bought. Confirmed by Chairman's casting vote.
Arrangements for insuring the plate glass window at Boosbeck. [End of Book one]
22 Nov. Decided to ask for tender for Hedging and Wykeing the Field. Mr D Gullon be let the work at 3 shillings per chain.

Unidentified photograph found in Skelton Coop attic.
Probably past President of Committee.
25 Nov. An application was read from Boosbeck Station Staff for subs towards their Annual Dinner. 5 shillings granted.
6 Dec. Mr Marshall interviewed the Committee and stated that J Buttery had given him verbal notice to leave the employ of the Society on Saturday and asking the Committee to reconsider the wage question.
Resolved not to alter the former decision to increase Buttery's wage and we do not accept the notice given to Mr Marshall as a legal one and Secretary to write the Solicitor respecting same.
Mr White be allowed to withdraw £15 and £50 from his Share Capital.
9 Dec. The Tailors sub-committee to make enquiry concerning the complaint re Gaiters from Mr Mann, Charltons.
13 Dec. An application from the Volunteers for Prizes for the Xmas Shooting. Beef to the value of 10 shillings be given.
16 Dec. The list of Old Debt was submitted and the following sub-committee appointed Messrs Rowland, J Clayton and Mr Jex Chairman.
The Managers be instructed not to strike off any old debt without the authority of the Committee.
30 Dec. J Ross interviewed by the Committee concerning the engagement of R Dunning's Horse and Rolley to cart New Marske Groceries.