The Minute Books of the Skelton Co-operative Society Committee.
Jan 10. Resolved that the Fire Policy for the late Boot and Shoe sale room be not reduced at present and that the amount insured for number 80 High Street be increased to £1000. Also that the house occupied by the Secretary be insured for £250 and furniture for £50.
17 Jan. Mr Atkinson, the Manager, be instructed to wait upon James Ross [coal leader] in connection with the Assault case and point out the Committee intention if he is convicted.
21 Jan. Resolved that English Wheat be reduced to 11 pence per stone.
Mr Varty and the Secretary to try to get estimates for making the road in the Back Street.
24 Jan. We accept the offer of the Wholesale to purchase 200 sacks of Flour at 21 shillings, providing the quality is A1.
28 Jan. The application from Mr Richardson on behalf of the Primitive Methodist Chapel, New Skelton be granted and that 2s 6d worth of Sweets and Fruit be given.
The Skelton and Brotton Urban District Council be asked to make the road in Back Street, Skelton and that the Surveyors be asked to supply an estimate.
The Chairman and Mr Gardiner gave a very satisfactory report of the opening of the Birtley Co-op Tin Works.
31 Jan. Mr Robert Knaggs be permitted to exhibit his style of Framing in the Hardware Window.
4 Feb. The pair of Gents Dress Shoes be returned to the Wholesale and the customer be supplied with a new pair.
We accept the suggestion of the surveyor re Back Street improvement viz 12 inches of Slag and 3 inches of 2 inch Flint be put in and a channel made on the South side. And the Council be asked to take over the road when completed.
7 Feb. Mr Calow of Lingdale offered to dispose of his stock of Drapery to the Society.
18 Feb. Resolved that we advertize for Tenders in the Northern Echo and Gazette for paving the Back Street situate behind the Society's premises in the High Street with the Improved Diamond Slag Bricks.
The Manager and Mr Stodge to inspect.
A letter was read from Mr J Gowland complaining of the delapidated state of the wooden shed rented by the Society from Messrs Carrick and asking the Society to repair it.
The question of purchasing Mr Kingston's shop. [Chemists adjoining] be adjourned.
Proposed that the Society assist the Women's Guild and offer to pay half the rent providing they succeed in getting a suitable room.
Resolved to pay a bonus of 2s 3d in the pound on the General Dividend 1s 6d Butchery and 1s 8d Coals.

Photograph kindly contributed by Josie Bland of Skelton,
She was presented with it by Michael Greensmith, who worked for Skelton Co-op in the 1980s as a van driver, and was given the job around that time of clearing out the Co-op attic.
11 Feb. Mr Atkinson to make enquiries tomorrow at Boosbeck that he make an effort to compel certain persons who owe to the Society to pay up at once.
25 Feb. Some discussion on the Subject of having a speaker on Co-operation at the Forthcoming Demonstration [Miners]. Chairman appointed to see Messrs Toyn and Hobbs on the subject.
A bell communicating with the Office be fixed at the Shop door.
28 Feb. The Secretary to write to the Local Co-operative Committee requesting those Members of the Miners Union to vote for a special speaker on Co-operation at the forthcoming Miners' Demonstration.
Resolved to invest £10 as Share Capital in the Northern Tin Plate Productive Society at Birtley.
3 March. Resolved we pay Mr J W Whitely the whole of his Share Capital with the exception of £2.

6 March. The total Hardware sales be shown as a separate account in the weekly statement.
10 March. Mr Atkinson to procure a stove for the Millinery Room.
13 March. We take out a Plate Licence for the sale of Watches and Jewellery and that we stock a show case. Mr Hodge to take charge of the Department.
17 March. Proceedings to be instituted against any person or persons found trespassing on the Fields belonging to the Society.
24 March. Mr Hodge be instructed to draw up a Bill advertizing the Millinery, Boot and Shoe, Hardware and Tailoring Departments and 50 large posters to be printed.
14 April. Resolved that we purchase the 3 glass cases from Mr Gardiner for the sum of 8s 6d the lot.
The purchase of Watches and Jewellery not to exceed £30.
21 April. The contractor for work improving the Back Street to excavate the 41 cubic yards and the Society to find the leading to take away the material.
Contractor to find the Bricks and material and that the best Lock and Grip bricks be used.
24 April. In future any Member specially appointed by the Committee to attend to any duty on behalf of the Society be paid at the rate of one shilling for each attendance.
28 April. A letter was read from Mr W P Robinson, Surveyor, on behalf of the Skelton and Brotton Urban District Council requesting the use of 2 of the Society's horses and a man for the Steam Fire Engine when required in case of Fire and for Brigade practices.
Resolved that we offer the Council the use of 2 horses for the sum of 7s 6d each practice and that the driver be paid by the Council. Also that special arrangements be made in case of Fire.
Mr Plews to assist in the Boot and Shoe Shop on Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock.
The Manager be permitted to use the Society's name as the giver of a special prize for Butter at the Skelton Agricultural Show.
2 May. The Boot and Shoe shop in future to be kept open during meal times and that Mrs Addison and Mr Plews make the necessary arrangements to be in attendance.
8 May. Chairman gave the report of his interview with Mr Tutin and Mr Ridsdale concerning the Back Street.
We accept the offer of Mr Ridsdale to do the excavating and paving for the sum of £14 and also accept the offer of Mr K Ross to cart the sand and bricks required.
The Butcher Manager be instructed to make arrangements to supply Members residing at Skelton Old Shaft with Butchers Meat once each week with the cart.
The Quarterly Balance Sheet showed a disposable balance of £738 0s 9d and it was proposed to pay a Divident of 2s 6d on the Ordinary, 2s 3d on the Butchery and 1s 8d on the Coal.
26 May. The Butcher Manager be instructed to purchase a suitable paper for use in the Butchering Dept and that the practice of using old Newspapers be discontinued.
Mr Rixham be allowed to withdraw £8 of his Share Capital.
29 May. The Stokesley Auction Mart Co account for Cattle be paid.
2 June. Confirm the arrangement made by the Chairman to accept Mr Brown's offer of £2 5s to include his portion of the Back Street in the improvements.
5 June. The Drapery Manager be instructed to purchase 2 Ladies Bycycles from Messrs Sayer and Co, Birmingham.
9 June. We will give the Magra Park Primitive Sunday School sweet meats and nuts to the value of 3 shillings, 6 shillings worth be given to the Skelton Wesleyan Sunday School Treat.
16 June. An appeal was read from Mr Holmes, Secretary to the Juvenile Lodge of Free Gardeners asking for loan of Tables and Crockery for their Annual Tea. Granted.
19 June. An appeal was read from Mr R Ranson on behalf of the North Skelton Primitive Methodists Annual Treat. 5 shillings worth of food to be given.
23 June. An appeal was read from Mr Robert Stevenson on behalf of the Skelton Parish Church School Treat. 400 Scholars and Teachers. Also requiring loan of a Waggon. 10 shillings of kind be allowed and Manager to decide about the waggon.
7 July. The Manager and Mr Clayton to wait upon Mr Kingston in connection with the Back Street and drains.
14 July. Five shillings worth of goods to be allowed towards the North Skelton Wesleyan Sunday School Treat.
24 July. Bamboo Goods as per Skelton Draper Order Book be bought from the Wholesale Society.
28 July. Mr Brooks and Mr Jackson appointed to represent the Skelton Society at Loftus coming of age.
31 July. The shop to be closed all day on Wednesday, 12 August, for the purpose of allowing the Employees the privelege of attending the Co-op Productive Exhibition.
4 Aug. Resolved that we invest £20 in the Kettering Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Society Ltd.
11 Aug. Resolved that we invest £20 in the Leicester Co-operative Productive Boot and Shoe Society.
25 Aug. Mr Cawthorn instructed to wait upon Mr Jos Sockel in connection with his Debt.
1 Sep. An extra Gas Burner to be added to the Shoemaking shop.
22 Sep. The shed situate in the Field rented from W H A Wharton Esq to be let to Joseph Larder of New Skelton at 1 shilling per week.
9 Oct. George Johnson's term of apprenticeship being completed in the Grocery it was resolved that he be re-engaged at a wage of 20 shillings per week.
13 Oct. Resolved that the necessary Brass Rods for the exhibition of Mantles in the Central Drapery Dept be purchased.
16 Oct. Resolved a second incandescent lamp be purchased for the Office.
28 Oct. The President in affecting terms spoke of the value and esteem in which our late lamented Manager, Mr Atkinson, was held and the great loss sustained by the Society.
The shops to be closed at 1 o'clock on the occasion of the interment of our late Manager.
6 Nov. An extra 200 balance sheets to be printed for distribution in the neighbourhood of Lingdale.
The rate of wages for overtime worked in the Grocery Dept be 5 pence per hour for Johnson, Smith and Easterby and 6 and a half pence for George Slater.
10 Nov. An additional 12 copies of the Co-op News be ordered weekly.
Two waterproof coats to be procured for use of Butchers.
11 Dec. Decided to purchase 2 dozen copies of "One and All Gardening" annuals.
18 Dec. Proposed that we grant the Volunteers a Ham for Xmas shooting.
22 Dec. Mr C Clark on behalf of the Bellringers of the Parish Church made application for a donation. 5 shillings granted.
Proposed a suitable headstone to be placed in the cemetery in memory of our late Manager.