The Minute Books of the Skelton Co-operative Society Committee.
11 Jan. Resolved a deputation of Jex, White and Brooks inspect the Sausage Machine and report.
15 Jan. Resolved we order 1 Truck of Coals from Bolckow and Vaughan.
Mr Cawthorn to be instructed to wait upon the several persons owing money to the Society and urge upon them to pay the same.
Stocktakers appointed for Skelton Grocery and Boots, Skelton Drapery and Milinery, Boosbeck and Saltburn Branches.
28 Jan. That we take over the entire management of Coal Department and arrange for purchasing Horse and Cart for leading coals. Also arrange for engaging man for that Department.
Resolved that we give checks [dividend] on Coals this Quarter.
That the profit derived from the Coal Department be thrown in with the General Dividend.
19 Feb. The secretary to make enquiries as to Bread baked from Dunston Flour gaining the First Prize at the Exhibition Show, Guisbro and if correct to inform the Committee of the Wholesale Society.
That we purchase seeds this season from Messrs Kent and Brydon, Darlington.
22 Feb. Secretary to write to Wholesale Society respecting the pair of inferior Boots returned to Wholesale and complaining of delay of Mr Jackson replacing same.
12 March. Secretary to write for catalogues of Sausage Machines.
A sub committee was appointed to assist the Womens' Guild Committee in arranging for a Concert.
22 March. After considerable discussion re Sausage machines it was resolved that the old Chopping Machine be repaired and a new block purchased.
That we purchase a new Silent Sausage Machine Size No 2 in John Hunt's Catalogue, list price £10 10s.
The Manager to purchase a Horse for the Coal Department.
19 April. Proposed that we change the private Wholesale trade mark to the word "Sutherland" and that the same be used for all new goods received.

Boosbeck Station. North Skelton station was not opened until 1st July 1902. Up to that date Boosbeck Station was the nearest. Truck loads of coal were delivered here and distributed by the Co-op and others by horse and cart to Skelton homes for the open fires. The Co-op Committee debated having their own coal shed here.
3 May. Proposed that we purchased a truck of Lambton Near Best Coal at 14s 6d per ton.
Arrangements to be made for proposed trip to Dunston Flour Mill, Newcastle from Boosbeck Station on May 22nd.
7 May. The Saltburn Branch Apprentice, Walter Watson's term of 5 years having expired, his Indentures were handed to him by the President.
Some discussion took place respecting Barker and Barr, Coal Leaders and decided to leave it to the Manager to remind them of the rules.
10 May. Financial report accepted and recommend a Dividend of 2s 2d in the pound in the General, 1s 6d Butchering and 2s 0d Coals.
14 May. Straw hats, Ribbon to be bought from Messrs J Gratham and Co, Newcastle.
Recorded that Mr Johnson, Cutter, be given to understand that if he fails to make a profit on his own individual work, that is the statement of work done by him should equal the amount paid him in wages, failing that a notice to be given him to terminate his engagement with the Society.
6 June. Mr Brooks brought a complaint from Mrs Ward of Boosbeck respecting the charge for making a Boy's suit. Mr Johnson instructed to wait upon Mrs Ward and explain reason for making such a high charge.
7 June. Mr Johnson to be allowed 2 days "holliday" next week.
11 June. Mr Johnson to be dismissed from the employ of the Society.
14 June. Resolved that we allow Mrs Ward to take the Boy's suit for the sum of 6s 6d under protest.
21 June. The Shoemaker be instructed to make up the number of miners' riveted Boots to 20 pairs.
Mr J Sanderson be instructed to make the necessary alterations to Cloak bought by Mr Gill free of cost.
25 June. A note be sent of Mr W Cawthorn concerning complaints re Danish Butter not in stock.
28 June. Resolved that the application for 2s 0d worth of sweets for the Childrens' Treat in connection with the Primitive Methodists of North Skelton be granted. Aslo the Wesleyan Sunday School picnic.
Resolved that we purchase the improved patent Blood Tipping Cart exhibited at the Royal Show, Darlington by Randell of North Walsham for sum of £10 10s.
5 July. A complaint was received from Mrs Cook and others regarding the small quantity of Coal carted as a load.
9 July. Harry Springett be appointed Errand Boy for the Saltburn Branch. Wages 5s 0d per week.

Martin John Videan.
Co-op Secretary. Aged 32 in this year, 1895.
Committee Meeting Minute below showing that he won a ballot to be the tenant of 87 High St.
His son. Sgt Stanley Videan, King's Royal Rifle Corps, was killed South of Ypres on the 20th June 1916.
Martin was still on the Co-op Committee in 1940.
19 July. Mr J Ross be paid the of 6s 6d for extra attendance to the Horse and Trap.
23 July. Resolved that we give permission to four persons to purchase 10s 0d worth of groceries and provisions from each of the following [Skelton] tradesmen. Mckenzie, Tuck and Thompson, Dowson and J Taylor.
Mr John Waite signed Indentures agreeing to bind his son, Thomas Waite, to the Society for 5 years to learn the Grocery business.
2 Aug. The pair of girl's boots purchased by Mr W Jackson be returned to the Wholesale with a complaint and Mr Jackson to be supplied with a pair to take their place.
13 Aug. Flour to be purchased from the Co-op Wholesale and that the Secretary be instructed to remind them of General complaints regarding the quality.
Proposed that we purchase sample goods from Messrs Tucks [North Skelton] and the Loftus Society.
That Mr Cawthorn be allowed his "holliday" next week.
17 Aug. Present. Mr Clayton in the Chair. Messrs Brooks, Jex, Varty, W Jackson, Clark, J Hanson, R Alcock, G W Gardner and Treasurer.
Resolved a stove be purchased for Office as per list.
27 Aug. The cart used by the Butchering Dept to be cleaned.
Application of Mr Featherstone of Skelton and Mr Lightburn of Milbank St, Skelton to become tenants of dwelling house in the High St be considered.
30 Aug. Mr J Wilson to be allowed to withdraw £4 of his Share Capital.
Resolved we send two delegates to the Newcastle Quarterly Meeting.
6 Sep. Arrangements be made for having 50 Posters and 4,000 hand bills printed in connection with Mr Vivian's Lecture.
William Brooks, late apprentice, be engaged as counterman for Boosbeck Branch and that his wages be £1 per week.
That the words "to all classes" be added after the word "instructive" on Bills for Lecturer.
17 Sep. Complaints of 12s 6d Miners'Boots. Resolved that we discontinue making them for the present.
1,000 bills to be printed to advertize cheap Drapery Sale.
Question of the Manager attending Stokesley Show to be left in his hands.
20 Sep. Secretary to write to the Mineral Manager, Darlington asking for an interview respecting the changes made for "Dammages" by the North Eastern Railway Co.
Circular from the Committee of the Wholesale inviting a Member of the Committee and the Manager to the formal opening of the Irlam Soap Works.
Resolved we send 2 delegates to the Skinningrove Conference.
1 Oct. Mr A Tate be engaged to paint and paper the house adjoining the Office and that the Society's wall paper be used.
We subscribe 5s 0d to the Boosbeck Primitive Methodist Chapel Fund for the loan of the Chapel for Lectures.
Resolved that we purchase 2 dozen copies of "Labour Co-partnership" per month for 3 months for a trial

The Boosbeck Branch of the Skelton Co-operative Society.
A lovely Victorian building to the Right of the Horse and Cart.
4 Oct. Mr Atkinson, Manager, to ascertain the correct price of Lambton Seconds at Boosbeck Station and that the Society's Coals be sold at the same price.
8 Oct. Resolved that we offer the Front Door to Mr Scott for the sum of 20 shillings.
Letter was read from H Brown asking the Committee to allow him to leave the employ of the Society on Saturday. Granted.
Resolved that we advertize in the North Eastern Daily Gazette and the Northern Echo for a youth as Improver in the Butchering Dept. Applicants to apply personally on Tuesday at 7 o'clock.
11 Oct. The following sent in applications for the house at 87 High St. Henry Ward, Rev H R Walker, R Featherstone, John Lightburn, S Boughen, J Sanderson and M J Videan. Result of ballot - Videan 7 votes.
Unanimously resolved that the Secretary be accepted as the "Tennant" at a yearly rental of £14 clear.
Complaints were received from Boosbeck and Saltburn concerning American Cheese. Mr Cawthorn and Wilson be requested to attend the Board Meeting on Tuesday first.

Its appearance today has been ruined, as with so many nationwide, by a cheap conversion of the ground floor.
15 Oct. Eight young men as applicants responded to the advert for Improver to the Butchering Dept. J H Hill of Thornaby elected by 7 votes, wages 18 shillings per week.
18 Oct. Mr W Jackson laid a complaint concerning Children Boots, Wheat Sheaf Brand. A letter to be sent to the Committee of the Wholesale.
29 Oct. Resolved that Mrs Oak's boots be returned to the Wholesale Society and secretary to write explaining the defects.
16 Nov. The sub-committee reported their inspection of the Butcher's Cart. Resolved it be repaired.
26th Nov. Mr Varty introduced the discussion on the increase of Share Capital and pointed the advisability of reducing same. It was resolved to compare Members Shares with their purchases and report.
20th Dec. Resolved that the President with Mr Jackson and the Manager be deputed to wait upon W H A Wharton Esq with respect of the bad state of the road behind our premises in the High Street.

The shop in earlier times.