28888 Private DANIEL DRURY.
18th (Queen Mary's Own) Hussars
Died of wounds, age 28, on 22 April 1918.
Born at Skelton in Cleveland.
Son of Catherine Louisa and the late William Drury
of 6, Harker St, Skelton Green, N Yorks.

St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen.
1901. Daniel, aged 11, was living at 6 Harker St and had been born in Skelton.
His father, William, aged 48, worked as an Ironstone Miner at the face and came from Scotton. 1911 census gives Knaresbrough.
His mother, Louisa, aged 53 came from Sussex. She had had 13 children by 1911 and only 6 still living.
He had 3 brothers, James 18, William 9, Walter 2mths and a sister Mary aged 13.
1911 census. The family are still at 6 Harker St. Daniel, now 21, was working in the Ironstone Mines as a Horsedriver, as was his brother William and James worked at the face.
A 3 year old Grand-daughter, Lousa, also lives with them.
The 18th (Queen Mary's Own) Hussars were part of the 1st Cavalry Division.
It took part in most of the major actions where cavalry were used as a mounted mobile force, but more usually where the troops were dismounted and effectively served as Infantry.
Daniel's Medal Card shows that he was not awarded the 1914/15 Star.
The date when he joined his Battalion in France in 1916 or later and any previous action that he may have been involved in is not known.
In the Spring of 1918 the Germans, strengthened by Divisions from the East after the 1917 peace with Russia, launched 3 major offensives.
The first of these was in the Somme region in March when they drove the British back some 40 miles, nearly to Amiens.
The 1st Cavalry Division fought in the Battle of Rosieres, which was a stage in this retreat and many men were killed and wounded.
This is the most likely time when Daniel was wounded as after this the Division were out of action until August.
During the First World War, Commonwealth camps and hospitals were stationed on the southern outskirts of Rouen.
A base supply depot and the 3rd Echelon of General Headquarters were also established in the city.
Almost all of the hospitals at Rouen remained there for practically the whole of the war.
They included eight general, five stationary, one British Red Cross, one labour hospital, and No. 2 Convalescent Depot.
A number of the dead from these hospitals were buried in other cemeteries, but the great majority were taken
to the city cemetery of St. Sever.