5th January -
At the Skelton and Brotton Council Meeting the Medical Officer reported for the last month - one case each of Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever and Measles and 2 cases of Erysipelas.
A grant of £10 was made from the rates for the provision of comforts for Road Construction Companies in France.
War bonuses were made:- £30 to Mr A R Cranmer, acting Surveyor and Inspector. 6s per week to the Councils Workmen. £10 to Mr William Jackson, assistant Overseer for Skelton.
It was decided that application be made to the Police Authorities for permission to have some of the public street lamps lighted during the early part of the evenings.
6th February -
The right to vote was extended to men over 21 and women over 30, raising the total number of voters nationwide from 800,000 to 16 million.
25th January -
A miner named Joseph Toulson was admitted into Brotton Cottage Hospital suffering from a fractured leg, received whilst at work in North Skelton Mine on Sunday morning. He had only been at work a few weeks after having recovered
from a previous accident.
19th February -
At Guisborough today John Lightburn, Addison Lightburn and Samuel Perry were fined 15s, 10s 6d and 6s respectively for playing pitch and toss on the 3rd February on a road between Skelton Green and Lingdale.
6th March -
During Monday National War Bonds to the value of £17,437,550 were sold with more figures yet to come in.
All the urban areas in Cleveland are putting forth efforts to comply with requests. When Loftus,
Redcar, Guisborough and Saltburn are doing so well, it is regrettable that in Skelton and Brotton urban areas, so far, no steps have
been taken to fall into the line which is being taken up with so much enthusiasm and rivalry throughout the country. An inaugural meeting is called for.
9th March -
The 4th Yorks Battalion said farewell to Ypres for the last time and were ordered back to the Somme area, where commencing on the 22nd March they would face the first of three German offensives at the Battle of St Quentin.
The Germans had signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on March 3, 1918 bringing a cessation of hostilities with Russia. This had allowed the Germans to greatly strengthen their Divisions on the Western Front.
The plan to capture Amiens and move on to Paris was successful at first and the Germans advanced some 30 kilometres, but,
it is said, went so fast that they lost their means of supply.
The Allied forces, which had been under separate command were brought under the control of the French General Foch,
who staged a counter-attack, which served to halt this initial German "push".
26th March -
At Guisborough today Arthur Kirk, a miner of North Skelton, was fined 7s 6d for displaying a large light on his bicycle at Guisborough on March 15th.
7th April -
The food supply at home had been controlled up to this time by local food councils and much advertising asking the population to economise in every way.
Now rationing had to be introduced for the whole country.
People had to nominate a particular Butcher, food retailer that they were going to use, have their card stamped and stick to each one in future.
Books were issued with detachable coupons allowing each person 1lb of uncooked meat, 6 ozs of butter and margarine, 2 ozs of lard, 4 ozs of bacon, 8 ozs of sugar and 1 and a half ozs of tea.
Queuing for food became the norm in many parts.
To save coal and electricity restrictions were brought in to limit public lighting and rail services were reduced.
The great call for wool for Army uniforms and equipment caused a clothing shortage and prices were beyond the means of the poorest.
Ration Cards issued 1918.
Bread was never rationed, but the white loaf that people had grown used to disappeared
Bakers had to resort to substitutes for pure wheat flour and produced loaves that were dark in colour and rough in texture.
Rationing had good effects in that it prevented the rich from hogging everything on the black market, although no doubt much of this carried on. Many people became healthier, with none of the gross obesity that we see today.
More importantly no one starved to death, as happened in many other European nations.
The Government requisitioned millions of acres for more home agricultural production.
More agricultural workers were called up to serve in the forces and the age limit for conscription which had up to this time been 41 was raised to 50 and even to 55 for men with specialist qualifications.
Women were called upon to do even more "men's work"
All these actions helped Britain win the war of Food attrition.
From Hollybush Farm,
Skelton in Cleveland.
To The Prosecution of Felons, Association.
Chairman and Gentlemen,
At a time like the present, I think it is only right that some reference should be made with regard to the effect the War has has had on us as representatives of Agriculture and Business.
Every paper we take up we read of the Submarine menace, which is playing such havoc with our supplies.
In the next column we read of the scheme of land cultivation, which is a scheme to enable us to increase our home prodiuction of food, so as to make us more independent of the foreign supplies.
Apparently we do not seem to be able to cope with the Submarine menace, so we must get to work at once and increase our store at home so that hunger does not steal in upon the Nation:
and you know hunger is the breeder of discontent and revolution.
Seeing that our Council has not wakened up to the fact that something should be done, I propose that we as representatives of the landowners, tradesmen and farmers of the district should send a deputation to the Council,
pointing out, that if this scheme is to be a success, we must get to business at once so that the land can be obtained, ploughed and dug, so that it gets the necessary frosts.
It is essential that the Committee should be formed of 1. Landlords. 2. Tradesmen and 3. Agriculturists.
The first to offer the land - which should be at a reasonable Rent - the second to arrange the financing part, distribution and storing of the produce, and third to manage the cultivation, choosing the seeds, manure etc.
Now Mr Chairman and Gentlemen,
As I have said before, that this Association being representatives of every trade etc and the oldest in the District I think it its duty to take this matter up earnestly and prosecute it with the vigour our Forefathers showed as
the history of this Association proves.
It was nothing for them to set off on those lonely moor roads and follow these "felons" for several days.
Now if they could do that, I think we could sacrifice a little of our time to this other scheme which is a matter of National importance.
If we do it will be taking a big step towards defeating the Kaiser in his object of starving us out and also help the poor to keep their homes together and so relieve the rates.
And it will go down in the records of our Association, as glorious work well done and will be something to look back upon.
I think at all times this Association should be usefully employed and not be turned into something that is obsolete and an Association that has nothing to show but records of a glorious past.
Let us make a start in the New Year and get into action.
Find the uncultivated land [don't plough out good pastures that have taken 20 years to lay down], but the land that is not producing food of any kind.
Next organise labour for digging and have a ploughing day where possible.
Organise Whist Drives, Football matches etc for finance.
Get potatoes bought now when they are cheap. Also fertilizers.
I now leave it to you Gentlemen whether this Association should take on War work or just meet like old women to talk of things of the past.
Yours Truly,
Stephen Emmerson.
9th April -
Having lost many men in the retreat on the Somme in March, the 4th Yorks Battalion were ordered to the River Lys area to the West of Armentieres.
With fresh reinforcements they faced another German onslaught attempting to take Ypres and reach the Channel ports. It advanced around 20 miles, before being halted with French assistance at the cost of about 120,000 men on each side.
9th April -
Ralph Brown and Joseph Roper, two eleven year olds, along with Harold Jackson, aged 12, all belonging to North Skelton, were charged at Guisborough today with damaging the doors and windows of the North Skelton Council's Infant's School on March 29th.
The School is temporarily closed and the boys had broken in and done damage to some furniture.
The parents of Brown and Roper were ordered to pay 30s and 10s damage each and Mrs Jackson, whose husband is in the Army, was fined 20s and 10s damages.
11th April -
66706 Pte WILLIAM GEORGE PAWSEY, 1/6th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers, was killed in action, aged 18.
Son of Ann E Pawsey, of 2, West Terrace, Skelton-in-Cleveland, Yorks and the late Thomas Pawsey.
Family and War Service page.
12th April -
3569/220435 Private GEORGE WILLIAM SEAMAN. 10th Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment, killed in action, aged 24.
Born at Storwood, near Pocklington, East Yorkshire. Enlisted at Saltburn, N Yorks.
Family and War Service page.
12th April -
A meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Urban Council at North Skelton showed an estimated expenditure of £11,280 3s 11d.
With estimated receipts of £4,576 8s 11d, the amount needed from the Rates was £6,704.
The rateable value of the area is £134,373 18s 10d giving a required rate of 1 shilling in the pound, to be levied by half yearly instalments of sixpence.

Fred Appleton, of 3 Wood's Yard, Skelton and a Bandsman of our local 1/4th Yorks Battalion was given leave to come home and marry in April 1918..
His bride was Hannah Mary Fawcett of 18 Harker St, Skelton Green, the daughter of Robert and Hannah Fawcett, standing behind them.
13th April -
200840 Pte WILLIAM JAMES CRIPPS, 4th Bn Yorkshire Regiment, was killed in action, age 21.
The son of George and Bessie Cripps, of 61 Boosbeck Rd, Skelton Green, Skelton-in-Cleveland, N Yorks.
He is buried at Longuenesse (St Omer) Souvenir Cemetery.
Family and War Service page.
15th April -
202876 WILLIAM BENNISON , 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment), died aged 23.
The son of Thomas William and Sarah Jane Bennison, of 9 Park St, Skelton-in-Cleveland, N Yorks.
Family and War Service page.
17th April -
20388 Gunner FRANK ERNEST SCURRAH , 41st Battery of the 42nd Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery, died aged 21.
Son of Charles and Charlotte Scurrah of 17 William St, North Skelton, Skelton-in-Cleveland, Yorks.
He is buried in Pernes British Cemetery.
Family and War Service page.
22nd April -
28888 Pte DANIEL DRURY ,18th (Queen Mary's Own) Hussars, died of wounds, aged 28.
Son of Mrs Catherine Louisa Drury, of 6, Harker St, Skelton-in-Cleveland, Yorks.
Family and War Service page.
25th April -
115618 Gunner JOSEPH PICKERING WILKS , "B" Battery, 94th Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery, died aged 22.
Son of Mr J P and Margaret Wilks of 35 Wharton St, North Skelton, N Yorkshire. of 35 Wharton St, N Skelton.
He is buried in the Westoutre British Cemetery.
Family and War Service page.
26th April -
By this time the local Territorial Battalion had seen so many casualties and changes of personnel that the number of local men in it were few.
After suffering heavy losses on the Somme and Lys in the previous two months it was by now made up of many raw recruits.
The Aisne was supposed to be an area where they could rest and train.
Unfortunately it was the area where the Germans had chosen to open their third Spring offensive.
The 50th Northumbrian Division, to which the 4th Yorks belonged, was one of only 4 divisions to take part in all three German attacks.
27th May - Third Battle of the Aisne began in the French sector along the Chemin des Dames.
Most of the local Battalion and the rest of the 50th Division were either killed or captured.
The Battalion ceased to exist as a fighting unit.
3rd May -
On Friday, Mr G Goodwill of Carlin How, the clerk and colector to the Skelton and Brotton Councils Electricity Supply was admitted to Brotton Hospital in an unconscious condition, suffering from concussion of the brain.
He was found lying on the roadway near the Workmen's Club at North Skelton. A short time before the accident he was seen on his bicycle holding on to the rear of a motor lorry as it went through North Skelton village and it is surmised that the speed became too great for him and he was thrown from his machine.
His condition was critical when he was taken to Hospital, but a recovery is now being made.
27th May -
235003 Pte FREDERICK BANNISTER , 4th Bn Yorkshire Regiment, was killed in action, aged 22.
The son of George and Elizabeth Bannister of 143 High St, Skelton, N Yorkshire.
He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Soissons Memorial along with 4.000 others.
Family and War Service page.
Pte Richard Matthew Thorpe.
[Photograph kindly contributed by his Great Niece, Dorothy Harris of Saltburn by Sea.]
28th May -
Mr and Mrs Eli Smith of Skelton have had official news that their son Pte Eli Smith [Blaster] of the East Yorks Regiment has been missing since April 25th. News wanted.
1st June -
All who are interested in the movement to establish aged workers' homes in the Cleveland mining area will be delighted to read that with characteristic generosity Colonel W H A Wharton of Skelton Castle has come forward with a magnificent gift of �3,000.
Alderman G B Hobbs has received a letter enclosing War Bond Certificates for this amount to provide homes for veteran workers of the District.
Interest will accrue on these from April 16th and the Bonds will be redeemed in 1925.
8th June -
200951 Pte RICHARD MATTHEW THORPE, 4th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment, died of wounds, aged 20, as a Prisoner of War.
The son of Richard Pickles Thorpe and Emma Eliza of 61 Wharton St, North Skelton, N Yorks.
Born Carlin How, N Yorks.
Richard is buried in the German extension of the Chambieres French National Cemetery, Metz.
Family and War Service page.
13th June -
A supplement to the London Gazette contains the following Military Medal award:-
Pte A Brigham, Kings Royal Rifle Corps, of Skelton.

Arthur, Duke of Connaught, third son of Queen Victoria.
19th June -
The people of Skelton in Cleveland today had an unexpected compliment paid to their village, for, thanks to a suggestion by Mrs Wharton, the Duke of Connaught consented to include it in the list of places visited by him today.
His Royal Highness motored from Kirkleatham on his way to Guisborough and was received with rousing cheers from nearly a thousand children, who lined the road from the Red Cross Hospital to the village green.
On seeing the Royal visitor alight from his car the little ones commenced the singing of the National Anthem, which they rendered with much enthusiasm.
In front of the Old Soldiers Home, which during the Boer War and some years afterwards Colonel Wharton maintained for convalescent Soldiers, and which is now used as an annexe of the Wharton Red Cross Hospital, there were drawn up wounded soldiers and nurses from both the Skelton and Cliffden [Saltburn] Hospitals, as well as representatives of the Red Cross detachments and other patriotic societies.
The Duke was received by Colonel and Mrs Wharton, who afterwards presented Miss Wharton [one of the Quartermasters at the Hospital], the Rector, the Rev H M Drake and Mr Tommy Varty J.P., the Manager of Skelton Park Pit.
Following this His Royal Highness entered into conversation with the wounded soldiers and also had a word for several local men who, having fought in the War, are now out of the Army, no longer fit for service, through the loss of limbs and wounds.
The interest of the Duke in children was revealed by an incident which succeeded this.
The Royal visitor expressed a wish to walk down among the little ones, who had received him with all the enthusiasm of which juveniles are capable. He stopped to talk to several of the boys and girls as well
as to a number of the teachers and had a special word for a little boy, who has two Uncles, who are now Prisoners of War.
Before leaving His Royal Highness signed his name in the Red Cross Hospital visitors book, which was produced by the Matron.
This is the second signature of a Field Marshal, which the book contains, as on a visit to Skelton last year Viscount French entered his name.
A large crowd of villagers watched the proceedings and the Royal party had a hearty send-off, leaving for Guisborough.
26th June -
Acting Sgt Ward and PC Metcalf of Lingdale had an exciting chase for half a mile after Oswald Hallam, a North Skelton Miner, on June 18th.
About 9.30 in the evening, as they suspected he had been on land in pursuit of game. When caught a sporting gun was found in his possession.
At Guisborough he was fined 10s 6d under the Prevention of Poaching Act. He said he went to try and get a rabbit on some allotments.

Pte J R Scollen.
8th July -
Private J R Scollen has just resigned from the North Riding Police Force to join the 3rd Yorks Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment.
15th July -
Final phase of great German Spring push, the Second Battle of Marne, begins
Allied superiority at sea was making it impossible for the Germans to maintain supplies to its troops and civilian population and they were beginning to weary and revolt against the privations this was causing.
23rd July -
At Guisborough today, Leonard Leeks was charged with a breach of the Mines Regulations at North Skelton on July 11th.
Leeks was acting as "onsetter" at North Skelton Mines and part of his duty was to have gates fixed on the cages when men were being sent out of the Mine.
He neglected to put the gates on to the cage when a number of men were being drawn to the surface.
It was a serious breach of the regulations framed for the safety of workmen. Mr Frank Robinson, the Mine Manager, said he was at the surface of the Mine when the cage with the men arrived at the top.
Leeks pleaded Guilty and was fined �3.
25th July -
A Miner from Skelton, named John Argent, was killed this morning in North Skelton Mines when the roof collapsed and covered him up.
Some time elapsed before he could be extricated.
2nd August -
Under the new Coal and Lighting regulations 3 applicants were interviewed by the Skelton and Brotton Council on Friday.
Mr Gardener of Stockton was selected at a salary of £150 per annum.
6th August -
Sgt F W Wilson, Royal Engineers, the eldest son of Mr and Mrs W H Wilson of Bertram House, New Skelton has been awarded the French Medaille Militaire for great gallantry in the field.
He joined the Colours soon after the War broke out and has been in France nearly 3 years.
He was previously awarded the Military Medal and bar for bravery at the Front.

8th August -
The Amiens offensive - German forces are pushed back to the Hindenburg Line. "A black day for the German Army"
28th August -
Lectures in cheese-making have been given by Miss E O Masters in the Skelton Castle Home Farm, the facilities having been granted by Colonel and Mrs Wharton of Skelton Castle.
The arrangements were made in conjunction with the North Riding County Council. Miss Masters instructed her audience how to make several types of cheese, including Wensleydale.
30th August -
A highly successful show of garden produce took place at the Skelton Green Schools on Saturday afternoon, arranged by the Skelton Allotment Holders Association. The potato and cabbage classes were of a hig order and some excellent vegetable marrows. Dairy produce, industrial work and children's penmanship and drawing were also exhibited.
A large number of visitors were entertained by the Skelton Silver Band.
1st September -
200301 Pte AARON THORPE , 4th Bn Yorkshire Regiment, died as a Prisoner of War, aged 23.
Son of Mr Henry and Mrs J. A. Thorpe, of 32 Park St, Skelton-in-Cleveland, N Yorks.
He is buried in the Berlin South-Western Cemetery.
Family and War Service page.
7th September -
At the Council meeting it was decided that the Cleveland Water Company be informed that some parts of the Council's area were without adequate supply. The Company said that they were doing their best.
10th September -
53650 Pte ALBERT EDGAR WINFIELD , 10th Bn West Yorkshire Regiment, killed in action, aged 19.
Son of William and the late Hannah Winfield, of 18 Boosbeck Rd, Skelton-in-Cleveland, N Yorks.
Family and War Service page.
22nd September - .
42062 Pte FRANK MORGAN , 1/4th Bn East Yorkshire Regiment, died as a Prisoner of War, aged 27.
The son of Charles and Bessie Morgan, of 21 Vaughan St, North Skelton in Cleveland, N Yorks.
Family and War Service page.
27th September -
British forces break through the strong Hindenberg Line at several points and Germans in full retreat.

Fluctuations of the 4 year battle, 1914 tp 1918.
27th September - .
27360 Pte FRANK HARKER , 4th Yorks Battalion and the 14th Battalion of the Warwickshire Regiment, was killed in action, aged about 35
The son of Hannah and Robert Harker of 9 Bolckow St, N Skelton, N Yorkshire. of 9 Bolckow St , N Skelton.
Family and War Service page.
29th September -
35888 Pte DAVID E JARVIS. , 2nd/4th Bn, Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment), was killed in action, aged 31.
Son of Thomas and Mary Jarvis of 27 Richard St, N Skelton, N Yorkshire.
Husband of Mrs A Jarvis, of 6 Foster St, Brotton, N Yorks.
Family and War Service page.

Sunday School Bible presented to my mother, Ethel Cook. In January 1917, aged just 8, she had lost her Dad, Cpl Herbert Cook M.M, who died of wounds near Albert, Somme.
Of the 100 men on the Skelton War Memorials he is the only one with a gallantry award.
The advert below, placed by the Ministry of Munitions in 1919, shows that in the above places during the War, there were temporary Camps of wooden huts set up with the intention to house workers to help man the East Cleveland
Ironstone Mines.
Many local men between the ages of 18 and 40 had volunteered for the fighting Services by 1915 and it was becoming clear that more would be needed. Conscription was introduced in 1916.
Production at the Mines and Steelworks therefore must have initially dropped, but nothing was done, as no one expected the First War to last as long as it did.
The British Artillery on the Western Front were eventually so short of shells that they had to be rationed, which caused a National scandal, loudly deplored in the Press.
The solution was that on the 2nd of July 1915 the Ministry of Munitions was created under the leadership of the energetic David Lloyd George, who had been Chancellor.
Iron and steel and other industries associated with the production of Munitions were taken over by the Government with strict employment rules imposed. The War was to be fought on the home Front as well as on the Continent.
The Ministry grew to become the Nation's largest employer and eventually was supplying Munitions to some of our Allies.
The photograph below of the 'Loftus' Camp, but actually on the Carlin How side of the Kilton Beck Valley, shows that similar groups of timber dwellings must have existed at Skelton, Boosbeck and Eston. The exact locations at these
places are not presently known.
They were built by McAlpines at a cost of £75,000 and in total were meant to have the capacity to house 2,760 men.
Between 1916 and 1918 6,000 Australians volunteered to serve in Munitions in the UK, but they were divided across all of Britain.
Howard Wilson of Skelton History Group has kindly contributed Death Certificate proof that at least one of them lived in the Loftus huts, another in Carlin How and were employed at Skinningrove Steelworks.
And the following extract from the 1920 book 'The Iron and Steel Industry of the United Kingdom under War Conditions' by Sir John Hunter, who was the Director of Iron and Steel Production:-
To furnish the proportion of ore, which it had been estimated the Cleveland Mines would contribute to the total called for by the basic iron programme, additional labour, amounting to 2,700 men, was required.
At the same time it was anticipated that it would not be possible to obtain the release of local men, who had joined the Colours; and in any case no risks could be taken.
Since no housing accommodation was available for imported labour it was decided to erect hutments, and these were located in 7 different camps in order to secure an adequate distribution of the men in relation to the Mines.
As it turned out, the Department was able to obtain the release from the Army of over 1,000 Miners belonging to the District; and, since these men were accustomed to the work, they were probably equivalent to double the number
brought in from outside.
On the other hand, the whole of the large increase in production was not required and the Camps were not put to the use for which they were originally intended.
They were converted to military purposes, a part being made over to the Air Board and the remainder loaned to the Army.
Herbert Samuel, the local MP, stated in the House of Commons on the 27th November 1917:-
Those huts were completed many months ago - last summer and autumn. Not one miner has ever been thought to occupy one of those huts.
All that has been done is that about 500 Cleveland miners, who had enlisted, [but not considered fit for general service] were released from military service and brought back to their own homes.
Several hundreds more, whose release was applied for, have not been released and the output of iron-stone has been increased by the labour of these 500 men.
So far as that purpose is concerned the £75,000 spent by the Ministry of Munitions for the accommodation of the miners was sheer waste.
Whether the huts were eventually used for other purposes mentioned is not presently known.

Mining Camp Huts below Carlin How [Duck Hole] Ironstone Mine during World War I.
The advert below shows that huts similar to these were also erected during the First War at Skelton, Boosbeck and Eston. The book quoted above says they were also built at 3 other local places and eventually were
handed over for use by the Military Services.

Advert in Sheffield Daily Telegraph 20 June 1919.
10th October -
The Guisborough Magistrates today bound over for 6 months Robert Reginald Batterbee, aged 16, for stealing a £1 Treasury note from the shop of Mrs Emma E Dack of High St, Skelton on Sept 6th.
It was alleged that he entered the shop and took the note from the till on the counter.
The note was found by PC Bean of North Skelton concealed in the roof of the closet in the yard of the house where his parents live.
5th October -
At the Council meeting a War bonus of £50 was granted to the Clerk and Sanitary Inspector.
The Medical Officer reported 33 cases of Measles.
Referring to people suffering from Tuberculosis, Colonel Wharton stated that he had some beds in Northwood Sanatorium, near Harrow and would be glad to let anyone have the use of them.
Arrangements were made throughout the Council's area to collect money for the King's Fund for the assistance of disabled Soldiers and Sailors.
12th October -
The Skelton in Cleveland branch of the Independent Labour Party have passed resolutions expressing growing indignation at the persistent repression of working-class liberties in the suppression of free speech and Press and protesting against the harsh and vindictive sentence passed on John Maclean, whose immediate and unconditional release is demanded.
[Maclean was a Scottish Communist, who was opposed to the War and had been imprisoned for Sedition earlier in the year. He later became the representative in Scotland of the Russian Bolsheviks.]
The meeting also expressed "admiration of the absolutist conscientious objectors" consistency and courage, which they have maintained in their stand for liberty of conscience, strongly protested against their continued imprisonment and called for their immediate and unconditional release.
15th October -
At Guisborough today, John Watson Guy, a wine and spirit merchant, of Skelton was charged with trespassing after Game on land belonging to Colonel Wharton of Skelton Castle on October 4th.
Peter Mills, head Game-watcher on the Skelton Estate, explained that he saw Guy enter a field in the occupation of Mr K Ross and commence to range. A covey of partridges rose and he fired. He afterwards fired at a pheasant.
The witness went to Guy, who said that he had permission from Mr Ross to shoot rabbits on the land. He denied that he fired at winged game and declared that he only shot a rabbit.
Fined 20 shillings.
29th October -
Charles Scott, a Skelton miner, was today at Guisborough fined 15s 6d and 2s damages for breaking down a fence belonging to Mr Allan Thompson, a farmer of Skelton Green on Oct 17th.
The complainant said that he wished to put a stop to the practice of people going over the fence.
9th November -
The German Kaiser should have been hanged, along with his Generals, as War Criminals, as happened to the German leaders after the Second World War. Instead he was allowed to abdicate and live the rest of his life in comparative luxury in Holland, while those British lads still alive returned home to unemployment.
11th November -
Fighting ceases at 11 a.m.
21st November -
204041 Pte HARRY RUDD, 13th Bn Yorkshire Regiment, Died of wounds in the UK, aged 24. The son of John William Rudd and the late Emma Rudd of 23 Harker St, Skelton Green, N Yorkshire.
Family and War Service page.

7th December -
At the Council meeting the Medical Officer, Dr Stainthorpe, reported 61 deaths from Inluenza. The total death rate was 63 per 1000, which was close upon half the rate for the year. Altogether there were 91 deaths registered for the month.
The Council decided to ask that all places of worship, picture halls and other places of public resort be temporarily closed on account of the Influenza Epidemic.
[The Flu Pandemic killed 50 to 100 million people, world-wide, between Jan 1918 and Dec 1920.]
The housing question was considered and several of the Members spoke of the urgent need for more dwelling houses being provided in the District.
Reference was made to cases where 2 families have to live together in one small house.
14th December -
The Coalition Government which had run Britain during the war issued MPs who supported them with a letter of endorsement and the election became known as the "Coupon Election".
Bonar-Law's Coalition Conservatives won 332 seats and Lloyd George's Coalition Liberals 127, giving them a 200 majority in the
Lloyd-George continued as PM. Labour made gains, but the Liberals split and Asquith lost his seat.
In Cleveland the Liberal, Herbert Samuel, who had been the MP since 1902 also lost his seat to the Coalition Conservative, Sir Park
Electioneering was limited by the influenza epidemic which prevented public meetings.

Sir Park Goff. MP for Cleveland 1918 to 1923 and 1924 to 1929.
Next Page 1918 to 1919.
Previous Page - 1917.
Contents Page.
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