11 Jan 1932.
A memorial window to Major E. Hamilton has been placed in the Parish Church Skelton-in-Cleveland. It was unveiled at morning service yesterday by Colonel W. H. A. Wharton, Skelton Castle.
CLEVELAND QUARRYMEN AND MINERS ASSOCIATION was incorporated into the General and Municipal Workers Union.
6th October.
As Mr W A Thubron, wine, spirit, grocer and provision merchant of 5 High St, Skelton in Cleveland entered a cellar under his shop premises about noon yesterday a violent explosion occurred.
Mr Thubron was badly burned about the head, face and hands.
Assisted by Mrs Thubron he managed to scramble up the cellar steps and had to be attended by a doctor.
The force of the explosion, which was heard and felt for a great distance completely wrecked the shop front.
It blew the glass of a large window to atoms and also destroyed the framework.
Some outbuildings at the rear of the premises were demolished and windows on the first floor were broken.
A fire broke out amonghst the contents of the cellar and within 2 minutes Skelton and Brotton Urban Council's Fire Brigade, with their Fire Engine, were on the scene and under the direction of Capt
Mackenzie soon overcame the outbreak.
Mr Arthur R Cranmer, Surveyor to the Council, Sergt Binks and other Police Officers gave assistance in fighting the outbreak.
Much damage was done to the premises and shop stock, all of which is covered by insurance.
As to the cause of the explosion, at first it was thought that a petrol filling station attached to the business had blown up.
Mr Cranmer expressed the opinion that gas had accumulated in the cellar and exploded as Mr Thubron entered.
It was most fortunate that the petrol tank did not become involved in the explosion or fire as it was only yesterday morning filled up.
Mr Richard Baker, assistant Clerk to the Council, had, so it is understood, a narrow escape as he moved away from the front of the premises only a few seconds before the window was blown out.
The affair caused much excitement in the village.

Thubron's shop, with the Capstan cigarette advertisement, at 7 High Street in the centre of this photograph.
30th January.
Taking advantage of the fear of Communism and the economic depression Adolph Hitler came to power and was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Germany left the League of Nations.
9 out of 10 DO NOT HAVE A JOB.
In the Skelton area the proportion of the workforce registered as unemployed under the National Insurance scheme reached 91 percent.

24th February 1933, Snow Plough clearing road to Moorsholm.

27th February -
Conditions were still very bad for traffic in Cleveland over the week-end, although there was considerable alleviation yesterday.
Bus services over the moors were cancelled and telephone services disorganised on account of the blizzard.
During the week-end scores of men, chiefly unemployed were engages clearing the snow-blocked roads. In Skelton and Brotton urban area between 50 and 60 men were busy yesterday on the Lingdale to
Moorsholm and Brotton to Lingdale roads which were full.
13th April -
North Eastern Daily Gazette.
HEARTBREAK HILL - TRANSFORMATION. [see entry for the year 1931]
A year ago bare moorland giving perhaps a few days eatage to an occasional sheep, now some ten acres of productive market garden, sixty frames, six chicken houses, goat houses, pig sties, twenty beehives [all home made] and last,
but certainly not least, between sixty and seventy men hare at work.
Clearing the land has been a really tough job.

It was all very rough and full of rocks, tree stumps, rushes, broom, bracken, heather and all kinds of troubles and it needed draining too.
[Visiting students, both English and German had helped in the clearance. A local story has it that among them was William Joyce, the infamous Lord Haw Haw, who broadcast scornful messages for Nazi Germany during the Second World
War and was hanged for his treason.]
Nothing has been wasted the rocks have been spLit up and made into goat houses and roads and the bracken used for thatch.
There has been no immediate cash reward for this, but fortunately in each of the three branches of the Unemployed Cleveland Miners Association there have been men who resolved to see through the difficult time when membership was
all work and very little for it.
On the 16th February HRH Prince George, who was later killed in a flying accident during the War, visited Heartbreak Hill.
Major Perryman the instigator of the scheme obtained a 21 year lease from Skelton Castle Estate for the three sites of production, Heartbreak Hill, Dartmoor and Busky Fields, but in the last years of the decade re-armament brought
a new need for iron and steel and the men returned to work in the Mines.
16th September.
Almost 2 acres of grass and young trees on a sloping piece of land at the side of Apple Orchard bank, Skelton were destroyed by fire on Saturday.
As soon as the outbreak was discovered the police summoned voluntary helpers and almsost 30 men attempted to beat out the blaze.
Squire Wharton of Skelton Castle and his daughter, Mrs Ringrose, were on the scene of the fire.

Skelton and Brotton UDC Fever Hospital situated on the road between Lingdale and Kilton closed down and contents sold.

Skelton and Brotton Fire Brigade attended and water was drawn from the mill race. Fire Superintendent Cranmer was in charge.
The land, which is a short distance from the road adjoins the Saltburn golf links and is part of the Zetland Estate.
21st September.
Skelton and Brotton UDC Fire Brigade yesterday received a call to a fire in a bungalow occupied by Mr and Mrs Robert W Armstrong.
When the Brigade arrived they found the house locked up and no one at home.
Access was gained by breaking the front window. The outbreak was found in the kitchen, which was filled with dense smoke.
Fanned by the draught when the window was broken the smouldering articles burst into flames and burned fiercely.
The Brigade prevented the fire from spreading to other parts of the bungalow, but not before much damage was done to the contents of the kitchen.
Amongst other things destroyed was a valued grandfather's clock. It is thought that the fire originated with an electric cooker.
Mr T Brown, a neighbour, raised the alarm.

Skelton Fire Engine outside the old Fire Station at the bottom of Green Road.
The only person identified to date is George Judson, who ran the Royal George from 1941 to 1961, on the Left of the 4 men standing behind the water hose.
The man sitting next to the driver is almost certainly A. R. Cranmer, Surveyor to the Council, and Superintendent of the Fire Brigade at this time.
The instruction on the Station door is - 'TO CALL BRIGADE -Break glass and ring bell'
See page 79 of Skelton Stories, 'Skelton on Fire', for another later photograph of this same vehicle with trailer pump attached.

November 6th.
At last night's meeting of the Skelton and Brotton UDC, over which Mr D W Dixon presided, an application from Mr A R Cranmer [acting Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector] for permission to join H M Forces was
considered at some length.
The general view expressed was that seeing Sergt R S Moon, the Surveyor [who was present at the meeting, prior to leaving for the Continent, he having received permission to serve in the Sanitary
Corps] had obtained leave of absence and that Mr Cranmer was undertaking his own and the Surveyor's duties, he would be doing his duty by statying at home and discharging a necessary public work.
A resolution was unanimously adopted to the effect that Mr Cranmer was considered indispensable.
25th December -
The Golden Wedding of the last couple to be married in Skelton Old Church [reportedly].
Richard and Emma Thorpe [nee Leeks].
Their son Richard Matthew Thorpe had been killed in the First War on the 18th June 1918, aged 20.
Ten years later they were to die within hours of each other, Richard aged 82 and Emma 78. They had a "double funeral".
[Information and newspaper cutting kindly contributed by their Great Grand-daughter, Dorothy Harris of Saltburn by Sea, N Yorks.]

Robert Flower, at this time was a single man, aged 22 and a Miner at Park Pit.
At the National Register made in 1939 Robert was still single and living at 1 Harker Street, Skelton Green with his Dad, William Edward, aged 51, born in Skelton, and his mother Magaret E, aged 49, born in Lazenby, N Yorks.
Two younger children were still living with them, Thomas, 17, a "Farm Labourer, Pig Breeder and Poulterer at Home" and Winsome May, 14, Unpaid Domestic Duties.
His older sister Gertrude and brother James had left home.
As had his brother William "Tiger" Flower, who was to die, age 27, in Egypt in 1940, while serving with the Royal Engineers.
He is buried at El Alamein. See the page for this year
and his Memorial page here.
You would guess that the watch was an award for some special deed. Perhaps local newspapers will tell us more when they become available.
Fattorini & Sons, were a National firm of precious metal workers, who interestingly made the FA Cup that was used from 1911 to 1992.

Skelton 1st Wolf Cubs in 1933.
Those identified are Charles Holmes, centre row fourth from the Left. The lady standing on the Right in the back is Ethel Pigg, Herbert's sister, who was the Akela for a number of years.
Standing on her Right is Alan Richardson, and third from the Right in the Middle Row is his younger brother, Denis. These two were the sons of Herbert's sister, Dorothy Ellen.
[Photograph kindly contributed by Charles' son, Chris of Carshalton Surrey.]