1st January -
Prior to 1834 people with no income, the old and sick, had to claim dole off their local Parish under the Poor Law.
After 1834 they were put in the Workhouse.
Lloyd-George the new Liberal Chancellor said he wanted to lift the "shadow of the workhouse from the homes of the poor" and made a start towards the Welfare State by introducing a small Old Age Pension.
The amount paid was from 1 shilling to 5 shillings [7s 6d for couples] means tested for incomes less than £21.50 to £31.50.
You had to be over 70, of good character, no charges for drunkenness, never been in jail, never refused work and you had to make a personal claim at the Post Office.

First Style Pension Book - 1909.
Christian names are as they appear on the back of the photograph.
The date of the photograph is not presently known.
But there is no doubt that 'Uncle Ben' is Benjamin Seaman, who had married the widow of the previous tenant, Daniel I Clissold on December 1908.
The widow's name was Mary [nee Inman], who died in 1910 and Ben re-married to another Mary [nee Husband] in 1911.
So the reference to 'Edna his wife' is a mystery.
Ben had a brother called George and no doubt this is he.
See here for more about the Miners' Arms.
8th January -
Tom Harker, a miner of North Skelton, was up before the Justices on a charge under the Poaching Prevention Act on the 30th December.
PC Hutchings said that shortly before 6 o'clock in the evening he saw Harker going down the back of Wharton Street, North Skelton and noticed that his pockets were bulky.
As soon as the policeman went towards him, he ran away. The constable chased him and caught him in Vaughan Street.
He found that he had a couple of rabbits in his possession. The animals were warm and their feet were wet.
Harker denied that he had been on any land that day. It was too stormy to go on land in search of rabbits. They had been bought and he denied in Court that he ran away.
The majority of the Justices decided in favour of conviction and he was ordered to pay 10 shillings, inclusive.
8th January -
Thomas Burke, a tramp, was sent to prison for 7 days hard labour for begging at Skelton last Sunday night.
When arrested he had 1 shilling and 1 penny in his possession.
10th January -
John Robert Little and William Vasey Snaith, two youths from Skelton Green, were before the Bench on a charge of breaking the glass in street lamps in Back Lane, Skelton on the 20th December.
They each had to pay 10 shillings in fine, damage and court costs.
Sir A E Pease said that if anyone else came before the Court on a similar charge, he would be severely dealt with.
21st January -
A Miner, named Atkinson, a single man residing at Margrove Park, was admitted to the Skelton Hospital yesterday afternoon suffering from injuries to his foot and head, sustained whilst
working in Skelton Park Pit.
21st January -
The North Skelton Clowns, who annually raise a considerable sum of money for the aged poor, held their supper at the Bull's Head Hotel, North Skelton last night.
A large company were present, the Chair being occupied by Councillor R W Stevenson.
22nd January -
Sydney Nixon of Lingdale, a telegraph messenger, was discharged on payment of 5 shillings costs for riding a bicycle without a light on the 11th.
At the same Court, Joseph Wilson, a tramp, was sent to prison for 14 days hard labour for begging at the township of Skelton on the 17th.
29th January -
John Thomas Winter, a miner of Skelton, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Skelton on the 23rd and assaulting Sgt Gamble on the same occasion.
The Chairman, Sir A E Pease, said that there were a great many previous convictions against Winter and in addition to a 6 shilling fine for being drunk he would have to pay five pounds for the assault
or go to prison for one month's hard labour.
4th February -
James Richardson, a rolleywayman aged 29, was killed.
According to the evidence there was a 'rope sheave' affixed to the roof of the Mine at the point where the tubs left the rails and the deceased, it appeared, failed to dodge it
when riding on the 'set'.
He was knocked off the wagon and dragged along the ground. He died before he could be got out of the Mine.
"He was riding 'in-bye' on a 'set' and, either by striking his head against a 'tail rope sheave' or by
falling off the tub top on which he was sitting, had fallen to the ground between the tubs and been run over."

12th February -
William Ward, a miner of Lingdale, was fined 10 shillings for an act of indecency at the township of Skelton or 7 days hard labour in default.
15th February -
The Skelton Branch of the Independent Labour Party held a public meeting in the Drill Hall, bottom of Green Rd, on Saturday night.
Mr George Lansbury, of London, spoke on the 'Breaking up of the Poor Law System'.
This was followed by a short address on 'The Advantages to be Gained under the Banner of Socialism.'
Mr William Walker of North Skelton presided over a large attendance.
17th February -
North Skelton Mine. Ernest Ditchburn, a miner aged 31, was killed. He was a married man, living at Moorsholm.
One report says-
"He was watching the deputies replace some timber which had been knocked out by a shot, when the roof fell and killed him. The deputies jumped clear."
At the North Skelton inquest his father Newrick Ditchburn gave evidence of identification.
William Shaw who worked with deceased said that they started work on Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m.
They were starting a 'place' away near the 'goaf' [an area of mine that had been worked out and allowed to collapse, by the withdrawal of the pit props.]
After a shot had been fired it was found that a prop under one of the baulks had been dislodged by the stone from the shaft.
Everything seemed quiet.
The Deputy, William Kyme, who was present, said that they had better commence to replace the prop and just as they were about to start the roof gave a sudden crack and all made a rush
to get away. He did not see Ditchburn turn.
After the roof had fallen Shaw and Kyme returned to the place and found the deceased lying amongst the timber and stone.
A large piece of roof was pinning him down underneath the baulk and they at once started to extricate him.
The Deputy gave the same evidence and said that he thought the cause of the top coming away was owing to a sudden movement in the 'goaf'.
In all his 36 years of Mining he had never known a similar occurrence.
Mr W J Charlton, Mines Inspector of Durham and Mr John Thompson, manager of the Mine were present.
A verdict of Accidental Death was arrived at.
22nd February -
Parish Magazine -
The Members of our CLB gave an entertainment to their friends and relations.
The performance consisted of songs, sketches, funny sayings etc by the CLB troupe of 'nigger minstrels' under the presidency of Staff Sergeant Craven.
The various identities of the minstrels was completely hidden under their effective costumes.
Their was an exhibition of physical drill by a squad of lads under Lieutenant Dickinson.
A collection was made towards providing Prayer Books and Bibles for the CLB Bible Classes.
26th February -
Harry Bennison, of Dixon St, Skelton, aged only 15, was fined 15 shillings for using obscene language at Skelton on the 14th.
PC Hope said the language was used to some young girls in Skelton High Street. Sir Alfred Pease said the Bench were anxious to support the Police in putting down this behaviour.
26th Feburary -
Jane and Joseph Flounders of North Skelton were ordered to pay 7 shillings each for keeping a dog without a license and a further 3 shillings towards the Court costs for allowing the animal to be in the street without a collar.
26th Feburary -
A very successful entertainment in aid of the Working Men's Club Association Convalescent Home was given in the Skelton and District Working Men's Hall last night.
A good audience was presided over by Mr Sam Loftus.
1st March -
An inquest was held this afternoon on the body of Arthur Barnard Cushion, aged 19, who was killed in the threshing machine shed this morning during grinding operations.
George Sayer, the farmer, who employed the deceased said that Cushion was driving four horses attached to the machine, work that he had done before.
Farmer Sayer was upstairs minding the Mill and when he came down he discovered Cushion with his head fast between the yoke of the machine and the wall.
The distance between these was only a few inches. There was nobody present when it happened.
Cushion must have been on the wrong side of the horse.
They had to saw through the yoke to release him and death must have taken place at once for his head was crushed in.
Cushion's proper place was towards the middle of the shed. He did not think that he had been riding.
Dr Russell agreed that death must have occurred instantly.
The Jury agreed that there was not sufficient room between the machinery and the shed wall.
A verdict of accidental death was returned.
5th March -
The Skelton Co-operative Glee Party gave a miscellaneous programme at the Annual Concert in the Skelton Institute on Wednesday last week to a crowded house.
Mr Thomas Varty, Manager of Park Pit presided over the two and a half hours entertainment.
The glee party, consisting of 25 voices had a heavy winter's undertaking of Free Co-operative Concerts. Mr Ben Spires was the conductor with his orchestral Band.
20th March.
Parish Magazine.
Subscriptions are now due . The Collections on the Sunday will be divided between the Medical Missions and the General Fund, that in the afternoon will be devoted to the Skelton Bed in the C.M.S Hospital at Kien-ning in
China which costs us each year five pounds to support it.
[Since the late 1800s the Church, in the face of great opposition, had been trying to spread Christianity to China.]
26th March -
At the Guisborough Court James Smith, a hawker of that place, was fined 7 shillings for acting as a pedlar at Skelton on the 18th without a license.
John Hunter of Skelton and John Rooks of Lingdale, a miner, were charged with being drunk and disorderly at Skelton and fined 10 shillings.
1st April -
The Children's Act came into force. It was an attempt to give young people Rights under the law and protect them from the many abuses that had been prevalent up to this time.
Among many provisions - Parents could now be prosecuted for ill-treatment and neglect. The sale of tobacco and alcohol to children was banned.
They were not allowed to work in dangerous jobs. Young people who broke the law were to be dealt with in juvenile courts and serve time in borstals of character improvement rather than in adult prisons.
2nd April -
On Saturday in the Central Hall, Saltburn the competition for the Ambulance Challenge Cup ended as follows:-
1st South Skelton 321, 2nd Lumpsey 281, 3rd Skelton Park Pit No 2 250, 4th Skelton Park No 1 245, 5th Upleatham 244, and 6th Loftus 163.
3rd April -
Many townsfolk will wish they were living in the Skelton and Brotton areas when the rate collector calls, for this authority makes so little demands on the individual purse.
With its population of over 12,000, the general district rate will be only 9d for the year and during the last 6 months the precept will only be for 3d.
Of course the Poor Rate has to be added, but that will be only 2s 9d in the pound for the year.
This small rate is due to the fact that many of the principal ironstone Mines are in the District and these form the greater proportion of the rateable value.
Although it is also true that few Councils manage so large a District with so much economy and so little loquacity.
5th April -
In the New Inn, Skelton Green on Saturday a 'Smoker' and pie supper took place on behalf of the Old Skelton and Skelton Green Aged People's Fund.
Dr Thorney presided and a most enjoyable evening was spent.
8th April -
In the Skelton Ward those elected were Thomas Varty 215, R W Stevenson 168, W H A Wharton 166, R Frankland 157.
Not elected - R Gott 156 and J Wood 144.
23rd April -
Thomas Burkett and Fred Porritt, two tramps, were charged with assaulting PC Kendry at Skelton and Porritt was further charged with begging there.
Burkett was also charged with assaulting Edward Peat, a Skelton miner. He was sent to prison for 6 months hard labour and Porritt got 2 months.
29th April -
The new Chancellor Lloyd-George introduced a Budget to "wage implacable war on poverty and squalidness". By raising income tax, death duties and capital gains tax it caused uproar among the landed gentry.
The House of Lords, which was packed by the aristocracy, caused a constitutional crisis by refusing to pass it, thus leading to a General Election and eventual limitations on their powers with the Parliament Act of 1911.
30th April -
Richard Pickles Thorpe and Charles Dale, both of North Skelton, were fined 13s 6d inclusive for being drunk and disorderly at Skelton on the 17th.
[Richard's son, also Richard, died as a Prisoner of War on the 8th June 1918.]
1st May -
Fire Brigades from various parts of Yorkshire assembled at Saltburn today on the occasion of the Yorkshire Fire Brigade Friendly Society.
After the Society Meeting a procession headed by the Skelton and Brotton Fire Engine and the Hope to Prosper Silver Band of North Skelton was then made round the principal streets of the
A visit was paid to the grounds of Rushpool Hall and in the afternoon the members witnessed the launching of the lifeboat.
3rd May -
On Saturday the NCOs and men under the command of Captain H R French marched from the Armoury, Skelton to Lingdale through Boosbeck returning to the Wharton Arms, Skelton.
At the close it was announced that 24 recruits had enlisted. In the evening a smoking concert was held .
Image contributed by Chris Holmes of Carshalton, Surrey.
3rd May -
The body of Bertram Henry Wilson, aged 12, the son of William Henry Wilson, of 17 Thomas St, New Skelton was recovered from the reservoir close to Long Acre Pit, North Skelton early
this morning.
He left Sunday School shortly before noon yesterday and accompanied a companion, who was taking his father's dinner to the Long Acre Mine.
The boy Wilson did not go as far as the Mine, but remained near the reservoir and it is supposed that he had accidentally fallen into the water, which is about 10 feet deep.
A jury at the inquest on the 4th returned a verdict of 'accidental death' and asked the Deputy Coroner to communicate with Bolckow and Vaughan and Co urging the desirability of having the reservoir fenced in.
[The reservoir was still there in the 1940/50s with no fence. I remember trying to catch the plentiful newts' By then it had silted up to about 2 feet deep.]
10th May -
Under the auspices of the Skelton Charity Society, a parade, headed by the Skelton Old Prize Silver Band and followed by the Clowns' Band and the Cycling Club, took place through
the principal streets.
Subsequently three 'push ball' matches were played in a field kindly lent by Mr K Ross. The proceeds were in aid of the Aged People's Fund.
[Pushball was a game that had been invented in the USA and was popular in the early 1900s.
It involved two sides on a field usually 140 yards (130 m) long and 50 yards (46 m) wide, with a gigantic ball 6 feet (1.8 m) in diameter and 50 pounds (23 kg) in weight.
Occasionally, much heavier balls were used.
The sides usually numbered eleven each, there being five forwards, two left-wings, two right-wings and two goal-keepers.
The goals consist of two upright posts 18 feet (5.5 m) high and 20 feet (6.1 m) apart with a crossbar 7 feet (2.1 m) from the ground.
The game lasted for two periods with an intermission.
Pushing the ball under the bar counted 5 points; lifting or throwing it over the bar counted 8.
A touchdown behind goal for safety counts 2 to the attacking side.]
14th May -
Bernard Laurence and Barney Dunlavey, two tramps, were charged with being drunk and disorderly at Skelton on the 11th.
Laurence pleaded guilty and was given 7 days hard labour, while Dunlavey pleaded that he was not drunk and got 14.
When arrested both men laid down on the ground and declined to walk.
At the same Court Charles Wilson, another tramp and an old offender in the district was committed for one month's hard labour for begging in Skelton. He pleaded that he had only asked for his breakfast.
24th May -
Hugh Buckley, aged 23, a labourer of North Skelton was at Middlesbrough today sentenced to one month's imprisonment for having neglected to pay the arrears in the maintenance of his
wife, a sum of 21 pounds.
28th May -
At a special Court at Guisborough today, Thomas Hall, described as a labourer of no fixed abode, was sentenced to 3 months imprisonment for sleeping out at Skelton.
He was apprehended by Sgt Walker and had previous convictions against him.
28th May -
Amy Haywood of 29 Park Street, Skelton charged her husband John William Haywood with persistent cruelty and was granted a separation order, with payments of 10 shilling per week.
31st May -
Frank Dobson, aged 16, of 39 Harker Street, Skelton Green was summoned at Guisborough on Tuesday for having allowed his dog to be at large without a name on the collar.
PC Bywater spoke to having seen the dog chasing cattle in a field at Skelton Green at 9.30 in the evening. He followed the dog to the home of Dobson who was ordered to pay the costs of 5s 6d.
11th June -
The Cleveland Hounds are shortly to remove to new kennels, which are being built for them on the most approved plans.

Fox hunt meets at Skelton Castle.
A postcard of the time says -"The gentleman with the high hat and long coat is Dr Burnett, Miss Petch's doctor."

Cleveland Hunt on the top promenade at Saltburn by Sea.
These are in the grounds of Skelton Castle, the home of Mr W H A Wharton, Master of the Hunt for over 21 years.
He intends to hunt the hounds only on alternate days during the coming season with his kennel huntsman, Mr W Rees.
Plenty of litters of foxes have been notified.
18th June -
In respect of the death of Ernest Ditchburn, who lost his life on February 17th [see above] a scheme for the apportionment of money paid into the Court by Bolckow and Vaughan and Co
was approved by Judge Templer at Guisborough County Court.
Of the 262 pounds paid in the widow receives 28 and the 5 children 234 among them.
The 4 boys received 4 pounds 10 shilling per annum until they reach 14 and the girl the same sum until she is 16.
18th June -
George Hulston, a Miner, residing at Saltburn was crushed about the ribs by a fall of stone in the Long Acre Mine and was removed to the Skelton Miners' Hospital.
18th June -
James Fewings, a tramping labourer, was charged with sleeping out at Skelton, the previous night.
The Police said that numerous complaints have been made to them by farmers as to their hay being pulled out of the stacks by tramps.
Fewings was found under a haystack at Skelton.
Fewings pleaded that he had walked from Scarborough that day, a distance of 38 miles and was on his way to Middlesbrough to seek employment.
He could not reach Guisborough in time to get a ticket for the Workhouse and thought he was doing no harm resting under the haystack.
The Bench sent him to prison for 14 days hard labour.
19th June -
The early North Eastern Camp of the CLB will be held at Whitby, where they will assemble for a week's training and exercise.
Our Company under the command of Captain Mitchinson will assemble at their headquarters at the Church Rooms at 5 and march to North Skelton Station to entrain at 5.47.
22nd June.
Alfred Leach, a Miner of Skelton, was today at Guisborough fined 10s 6d [52 new pence] for assaulting Alfred Hardy, another Skelton Miner on June 11th.
Hardy said that he was sitting down by the roadside when defendant came and accused him of having given him away to the Police.
Leach struck him and knocked him down and continued to assault him when he was on the ground.
Leach said that Hardy was the agressor and what he did was in self-defence.
23rd June.
Parish Magazine A treat was provided to the children attending our 3 Sunday Schools at the Church Rooms, Infant School and the Mission Room, North Skelton. All did ample justice to the tea, but the Sports were spoiled by rain.
It may not be generally known that we have a large staff of teachers, 42 in number.
23rd June.
25th June -
The delegates of the Miners' Lodges will meet at Middlesbrough for the quarterly Council meeting.
The annual Demonstration on July 7th will be held at the Recreation Ground, Skelton Green, kindly lent by Mr W H A Wharton.
A scheme of working the Eight Hours Act has been agreed to and the only question remaining is the hours of the Mine Deputies.
27th June -
Parish Magazine -
The children made a pretty sight when the procession was formed outside the Church Rooms to walk up to the Church, headed by the Volunteer Band under Band Sergeant Smith.
June 27th to July 13th -
27th Robert Thornton, aged 7 of N Skelton, 30th Walter Rowe, infant of Prospect Place, 13th Dolly Thompson, infant of Skelton, 18th Alice Bell, aged 1y 5mths of New Skelton, 21st Lillian Cooper, infant of N Skelton.
29th June -
Robert Marshall, described as a tramping seaman was at Guisborough Court today committed to prison for 14 days for begging alms Skelton this morning.
30th June -
The North Skelton 'Hope to Prosper' band turned out to greet Mr and Mrs Herbert Samuel at the start of the Liberal campaign.
When the MP arrived he found the Suffragettes with a large crowd around them in the Recreation Ground, but when he rose to speak their audience considerably diminished.
2nd July -
Benjamin Seaman, George Wilford, Edward Futter, John Lowe and Austin Thomas, all miners of Skelton, were charged with playing "banker" on June 20th at Skelton. Fined 7s 6d each and Futter and Lowe discharged.
At the same court Walter Holden, a North Skelton miner was fined 15 shilling for being drunk and disorderly.
3rd to 17th July -
The Regimental Camp will be held this year at Richmond, N Yorks.
This movement for Home Defence seems to have caught on at Skelton. We have not for many years seen so many on parade as now march past on a Saturday evening following their band, which we understand has the honour of
being band to the Battalion, of which our Company forms a part.
We hear that Captain French has received leave to recruit an additional 25 beyond the number assigned to Skelton, which will bring the number on the roll, including the Band, to 160.
5th July -
Robert Young of Skelton claimed that two dogs belonging to William Wedgewood of Lingdale had worried one of his lambs causing £2 damage.
Wedgewood's defence claimed that the animals were in his brother's house at the time, but the Magistrates decided to convict and ordered him to pay the damages and 15s costs, with an order to keep the dogs under control.
5th July -
The Demonstration will commence at 2 p.m. with Mr Herbert Samuel. MP, as the principal speaker.
Miss Christabel Pankhurst has arranged to take advantage of the large gathering expected to be present by holding a meeting and addressing them on the subject of 'Votes for Women.'
at the conclusion of the Demonstration.
9th July -
All the Mines were idle on account of the Cleveland Miners Demonstration at Skelton. The streets of the East Cleveland villages were early filled with miners and several bands making their way.
The gathering was the first held at Skelton Green and the first time that a Cabinet Minister raised his voice from the platform of the Cleveland Miners Association.
It was also the first occasion when a Demonstration has taken place amidst the excitement of a bye-election with a Member of the Government fighting for his seat.
It has been a hard year for the Associations finances with the dispute of 1908 and the trade depression during the past year.
Still for his small contribution of 3d per week the Miner has an organisation to fight on his behalf and if his health breaks down special medical treatment which would not otherwise be available. If convalescence is required he can stay in of the homes which exist for the recuperation of health.
The afternoon's proceedings commenced with the usual demonstration. It was a pretty spectacle with about 20 bands taking part, carrying beautiful large banners.
There was also a parade of the New Skelton children in the Recreation Ground.
9th July -
A bye election was called on the incumbent Mr Herbert Samuel, Liberal, being appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
An 83.5 percent turn out saw Samuel retain the seat with 6,296 votes to 5.325 for James Windsor Lewis, Conservative.
A display in Richardson's shop window at Guisborough shows items that were to be presented to James Windsor Lewis, who was the Conservative candidate in the 1909 Cleveland constituency bye election.
James Windsor Lewis, as a Lieutenant in the Welsh Guards, would be killed by a German shell on the 6th June 1916.
Rushpool Hall.
14th July -
Parish Magazine -
Scarborough was the chosen place. Our party which numbered about 100 were all in good time to catch the special excursion train which left North Skelton at 6.30 a.m.
Chief among the new sights was the New Marine Drive, which has proved to be a very expensive luxury for the Scarborough ratepayers.
The 3 penny Ride Round the Town in the Electric Tram Cars seemed to be very popular with our people.

Skelton Church Choir.
The Rev R. J. Ellis, with white beard is in the centre of the middle row, with Curate Learoyd on the Right and Curate Hodgson on the Left of the same row.
30th July -
Parish Magazine.
Our Day Schools will break up and reassemble on August 30th. We regret to announce that Mr Rixham after 20 years service, is retiring from the post of Headmaster of the Stanghow Lane Boys School on account of age limit.
He previously served the same office at Lingdale for 8 years.

9th August -
A great day in the History of Cleveland Liberalism took place at Rushpool Hall in a Demonstration in support of the Budget, by kind permission of Mr Jospeph Walton. M.P.
[See 29th April. Lloyd George's budget and crisis.]
Mr Walton took the Chair at 3.30 and Mr Winston Churchill, President of the Board of Trade, spoke.
He was supported by the local MP, the Right Hon Herbert Samuel, M.P., Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Mr Joseph Albert Pease, Chief Liberal Whip, Mr Joseph Toyn and a number of Members of
Parliament from various constituencies.
The Hall grounds were thrown open at 2 p.m. and admission was free.
Ladies were admitted by ticket only, but only to those who could guarantee good conduct.
Mr Herbert Samuel moved the following resolution of the 'Budget League':-
"That this Meeting records its entire agreement with the proposals of the Budget;
believes that, without increasing the cost of the necessaries of life or hampering industry, they will secure for this and future years the money needed for the Navy and for social
organisation, will vindicate Free Trade, will relieve local burdens and promote land reform.
And this meeting further pledges itself to support the Government in carrying the Budget into law and in guarding the constitutional rights of the House of Commons.
Tea was provided at 9d per head.
A buffet was provided and sittings of 400 commenced at 4.30. 5.15, and 6 p.m.
Music was provided by the Skelton and Brotton Bands.
9th August -
'A mountain out of a molehill', was the figure applied by Mr H Hoggett, solictor, to a charge of assault preferred at Guisborough Magistrates Court against William Armistead, described as a Manager of basic
slag works, who resided at Balmoral Tce, Middlesbrough, by Miss Catharine Minnie De Legh, of Coatham, Redcar.
[Major De Legh was a hero in the action at Ypres in 1915.
Relationship to him not yet traced. See my 4th Yorks Battalion website.]
The case which arose as a result of the recent anti-Suffragette demonstration at Rushpool Hall, provoked considerable interest on Teesside, both parties being well known.
A lengthy hearing was concluded by the Justices imposing a fine of 3 pounds.
Complainant was represented by Mr R E Wethey, who characterised the offence as a most unwarrantable and unprovoked assault, carried through in a most offensive and savage manner, all the more
astonishing when the Justices had before them a respectable man and one holding an important and responsible position.

Sir Joseph Walton.
Owner of Rushpool Hall
Liberal MP for Barnsley.
The incident occurred at a political demonstration held in the grounds at Rushpool Hall on the afternoon of August 4th, at which the principal speaker was Mr Winston Churchill.
9th August -
Ideal weather favoured the Annual Parade and Gala of this Society on Saturday.
The Parade was headed by the Territorial Band of the 4th Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment, which marched through all the principal streets and then into the field.
This field was kindly lent by Mr Pearson. After the competitions, a grand concert was given by the Stanghow Lane and Skelton Green School boys.
17th August -
At a Children's Court at Guisborough this afternoon, Joseph Beadle, George Templeman, Edwin Wilkins, Benjamin Harrison and Matthew Dawson, all boys of North Skelton, were fined
for damaging corn belonging to Thomas Robinson, farmer.
Beadle and Wilkins, who did not appear, were ordered to pay 8 shillings and the others a shilling less.
20th August -
Walter Holden, a miner of North Skelton, was charged with refusing to quit the Bull's Head Hotel, North Skelton on the 7th. He failed to appear.
PC T Hutchings said that when he served the summons on Holden, he said - "Have you brought me another £5 note."
Mr W Richardson, prosecuting, said Holden was a violent, bad character. He was forbidden to enter the Hotel, but on the day in question he entered in an intoxicated state and began using bad language.
The landlady, Mrs Goodall, spoke to him and asked him to leave, but this he declined to do and got hold of her by the arm and twisted it.
He would not leave until he heard that the police had been sent for. Fined £3 or one month with hard labour.

Bulls Head Hotel, North Skelton. Demolished in 2018.
26th August -
Robert Shaw, a Miner of Skelton, was severely injured at the Longacres' Mine yesterday by a large portion of the roof falling on him.
He was at once attended to and taken to the Miners's Hospital.
2nd September -
A meeting of the Mineowners and the Miners, over which Sir Hugh Bell presided was held yesterday.
Matters affecting Skelton and Skelton Park Mines were referred to Mr W Charlton.
At Skelton the question was in regard to certain places alleged to be excessively hot to work in and at the Park Mine it was about men being sent home for coming late in the morning.
6th September -
George Jackson, of Brotton and Harry Dawn of Skelton wer admitted to the Brotton Cottage Hospital on Saturday suffering from injuries received through roof falls of stone in Lumpsey and
Longacres Mines.
7th September -
Robert Pearson and Alfred Sholbrook, both Miners of Skelton, were this afternoon ordered to pay costs on a charge of game trespass.
It was alleged that on the the 1st Sept the allowed their dogs to range the land between Skelton Park Pit and Skelton Green.
9th September -
Yesterday a deputation from the Cleveland Miners' Association had an interview with the Drivers and Leaders employed at Skelton Park Pit with reference to their action in tendering
Notices in support of a claim for an increase in wages.
The youths were strongly advised to withdraw their Notices and were assured the Executive would do all in their power to further their claim.
Mr Varty, the Mine Manager, promised to remedy any local grievances, but said the general claims would have to go before the Mineowners.
The advice was accepted and Notices withdrawn.
10th September -
Thomas Porritt of Brotton was charged with frequenting for the purpose of book-making at Skelton on the 1st.
He was watched by Sgt Walker and PC Hutchings and seen to be moving backwards and forwards between the North Skelton Institute and the Bulls Head Hotel last Wednesday.
He received several slips of paper and on being taken into custody a number of slips relating to horses running that day and a book containing 81 bets were found on him
Many of the bets related to horses running that day or the following day. Most of these were shilling bets.
Porritt told that Court that all he did was to call at certain houses and gather slips. He then sent them away to a commission agent. He got a few shillings for doing this and did not know that he was doing wrong.
Owing to ill health he had been unable to work for 2 years.
The Bench fined him £3 3s including costs and ordered the papers to be confiscated.
17th September -
Thomas Hall and Joseph Hall, both miners of North Skelton, were charged with assaulting Frances Harrison, their landlady, at North Skelton on the 12th.
Frances said that she ordered Thomas Hall out of the house on Saturday last. The next day he came for his working clothes.
Whilst she was going to give them to him, he came into the house and knocked her down. He also used bad language.
His brother Joseph also joined in.
The defence story was that Frances asked Thomas into the house and immediately set upon him with a stick.
Case dismissed.
Thomas was then charged with stealing a pair of boots, the property of a fellow lodger, Joseph Gray, which he took away with his clothes. The Bench decided there was no felonious intent and dismissed
this as well.

9th October 1909, Yorkshire Gazette.
17th September -
Walter Codling, a miner of North Skelton, was ordered to pay £3 12s 6d and costs, being the arrears under an order to contribute towards the support of his mother, who was in the Workhouse.
September -
Parish Magazine - Mrs Ellis, vicar's wife, invites the help of the old members of this Guild in making garments for the poor and needy in this Parish.
Though there is not the same distress in Skelton that is to be seen and felt in other places from poverty and unemployment, there are yet widows, orphans and aged people, who need our sympathy and help and to whom a warm
garment or two for winter wear will be a boon. Or give some cast-off articles suitable for children or aged poor.
28th September -
Daniel Chilvers body found. See next page for story.
1st October -
William Wright and John Jackson, two youths belonging to Skelton, were charged with letting off fireworks in the High Street, Skelton.
Wright, who appeared was ordered to pay the costs, while his companion who failed to attend was penalised to the extent of 10s 6d.
2nd October -
Letter to local Gazette.
Mr A W Hughes writes - A correspondent informs me that within the grounds of Skelton Castle there used to be two fish ponds, one of which has, since the present Squire Wharton was a
boy, been allowed to dry up.
In the vicinity of this now dry fish poond was, and perhaps still is, a milestone, a horse mounting stone, or a guard stone, which used to be the point of meeting of the various
police patrols night and day.
My correspondent says he sat on it often waiting for his men to turn up, during a period of from 48 to 20 years ago.
It would be interesting to know if it is still in existence. It was carved 'Gisboro'
5th October -
Arthur Morgan and William Kitchen, miners employed at Messrs Bolckow and Vaughan & Co's Long Acre Mine were charged with having committed a breach of the special rule in mines, by neglecting to give a verbal warning that
they were about to fire a shot, which was likely to hole into another working place.
Joseph Bean, a pit deputy, said the men had been warned about doing this.
On Saturday a man named Bennet was injured on the head by a piece of stone as a result of a shot being fired through.
Morgan said that he had shouted "Fire" and thought he heard a reply from the adjoining place, but the deputy said they were supposed to go round and check that the men were out.
Mr John Thomson, the manager, said he did not desire to press the case, but give a warning to the miners of the district.
Sir Alfred Pease on the Bench said a mistake had probably been made, but it involved the safety of their own mates and they would have to pay only the Court costs.
13th October -
Parish Magazine - He was the guest of the Squire and Mrs Wharton at Skelton Castle. The Drill Hall was turned into a Drawing Room and there after tea in the Church Rooms, Mrs Wharton received the local Church workers.
The Church Lads Brigade and Scouts formed a guard of honour.
At night the Parish Church was crowded by working men, between 900 and 1.000 finding seats to hear the Archbishop preach.
22nd October -
William Boyes of Dunsdale, a horse-driver in the Skelton Shaft mine, was charged with a breach of the rules by neglecting to exercise care in the management of a horse, so as to prevent injury to the animal, himself or others.
He had been told by a workman named Alfred Simpson not to pass a certain trap door.
Boyes was bringing down a full tub of ironstone and Simpson told him that an empty tub had been "rapped" [signalling system of metal clappers] away.
Boyes, ignoring the caution, went on and the tub went off the rails. The empty set came on, the horse was struck on its hind quarters and knocked down.
It was a miracle that both Boyes and the horse were not killed. If the tub had not left the rails it is doubtful whether there would have been sufficient time for him to have got into a siding.
Mr Tommy Varty, the Mine Manager, said he did not want to press the case, but give a warning that more care should be exercised by the driver lads in obeying those over them.
Fined 12s 26d.
Meet at the Council Offices, High St on the first Friday in each month.
Members for Skelton North Ward were:-
Robert Cross [butcher, N Skelton].
Thomas Varty [vice chairman] [manager Park Pit].
W H A Wharton.
John Wood.
William Templeman.
Robert Walter Stevenson.
For Skelton South Ward:-
James Milligan.
Henry T Allison
Noah Teasdale.
2nd November -
Stephen H Rowe, a miner of Margrove Park, was charged with trespassing in pursuit of game at Skelton Warren.
He was seen near some rabbit burrows and when he saw that he was under observation, he bolted, leaving his net and ferret behind. He did not appear in Court and was fined £1 and costs.
5th November -
Fred Elbridge, of 14 Bolckow St, Guisborough, met with a nasty accident whilst cycling on Sunday afternoon.

Two handled Loving cup, made by Swan China, England. Date not presently known.
A Loving Cup is a shared drinking container traditionally used at Weddings and Banquets.
The bottom of the cup says - "Model of Loving Cup originated by Henry of Navarre, King of France." 1572 to 1610.
He attempted to ride down the steep bank, leading from Skelton Green to Skelton and losing control
of his machine, dashed into the wall of a house near the turn in the bank.
He was severely injured about the head and was taken to the Skelton Miners' Hospital, where his injuries were found to be of a serious nature.
5th November -
Mary Ann Bell summoned her husband, Michael Bell, a miner of Skelton, for persistent cruelty and applied for a maintenance order against him.
Defence and prosecution said they had agreed on an order for 8 shillings, but the Court wanted to hear some evidence.
Mary said that they had been married for 7 years and she formerly kept the Green Tree Inn at Brotton. She then went to Saltburn and took in visitors and afterwards to Redcar, where she kept a Temperance Hotel.
Her husband, however, still lived at Skelton with his mother and only came to see her at week-ends.
He used her very cruelly, taking her by the neck and used threats to her.
He had also kicked her and his bad conduct had gone on ever since they were married. She had been forced to see a doctor through his ill-usage.
On the 2nd August they moved from Guisborough to Skelton and she had to practically do the removal herself. She alleged that he threatened that he would hang her and she would be put in Skelton Cemetery, which would be the last
place for her.
On the 29th October he had threatened to use a knife on her. When she married Bell, she had a good sum of money, but he had gone through it in horse-racing. He had caused her trouble lately because she would not part with her
The order for 8 shillings was granted.

Skelton Co-operative Society officials in 1909.

Skelton Co-operative Society officials in 1909.
Photograph kindly contributed by Josie Bland of Skelton,
She was presented with it by Michael Greensmith, who worked for Skelton Co-op in the 1980s as a van driver, and was given the job around that time of clearing out the Co-op attic.

William Mott.
Headmaster of Skelton Green Junior School.
Skelton Co-operative Society Committee Member from 1905. President 1923 to 1956.
Lived at 92 High Street, Skelton.
[Photograph kindly contributed by - James Wilks of Skelton.]
6th November -
The concerts arranged by the Skelton Old Prize Silver Band in aid of the instrument fund continue to be well patronised, there being a good attendance on Sunday night.
Mr John Holmes made a capital chairman. Miss Varty, LARCM, of Skelton was the accompanist to the performers.
6th November -
The monthly meeting of the Skelton and Brotton Council declared a rate of 3d in the pound, the lowest in Britain.
A deputation from the residents of North Skelton asked for an improved train service. Trains that do not stop at North Skelton Station should do so and a later train from
Saltburn was required.
Attention should be given to the state of Machine Lane, the footpath from North Skelton to the Station, the drains in the village, the condition of the back streets and the
smoke from the new chimney at the Mine.
The Chairman promised that their views would be considered.
12th November -
William Bell, of Skelton, a groom, was charged with breaking into the dwelling house of Isabella Bell, his Step-mother between the 6th and 8th November and stealing a case of silver dessert spoons and other articles of the value
of £5.
Isabella said that she lived in Skelton High Street and on the 6th she left the house securely locked up.
When she returned on the 8th, she found the bedroom door had been forced open and a large box ransacked.
A desk had been broken open.
She had had occasion to turn William out of the house on Saturday, owing to his conduct.
When arrested William said -
"I got into the house with a key and I got the spoons and the violin cover, which was mine."
He had tried to dispose of the spoons and pleaded Guilty.
Sentenced to 14 days imprisonment.
19th November -
Thomas Hall, of no fixed abode, a native of Skelton, was charged with sleeping in a railway carriage at Saltburn, without having any visible means of subsistence on the 14th.
Supt Rose said that Hall would not work when it was found for him. He was absolutely lazy and had been convicted at that Court as a rogue and vagabond.
He asked for him to be committed to Northallerton prison to undergo hard labour until the next Quarter Sessions, when he could be dealt with as an 'incorrigible'.
The Bench complied with his request.
23rd November -
Harry Wilson, a young man of Richard St, North Skelton was fined one pound at Guisborough today for stealing two pheasants, value 5s 6d, from the shop of Richard Randall, game
dealer of Saltburn on Nov 20th.
A Mr Simpson saw the birds fall from under Wilson's coat and informed Mr Randall, who in turn told the Police.
Wilson pleaded guilty and said it was through drink.
2nd December -
7th December -
Joseph Thompson, Joseph Park, John Robert Leek and Charles Jackson, all Miners of North Skelton were charged with trespassing in search of game on land near Machine Lane, Skelton, in
the occupation of Mr R W Stevenson on Sunday.
PC Hutchings told the Court that from a place of concealment he saw the defendants with 3 dogs go to some rabbit holes and set nets.
They all pleaded guilty, except Jackson, against whom the case was dismissed because the policeman had made a mistake.
Those guilty were fined 10 shillings and the nets were confiscated.
23rd December -
Harriet Calvert of Park Street, Skelton sought a maintenance order from her husband Arthur W Calvert, a mine tipper, employed at Lingdale.
The application was made on grounds of desertion and this was not denied. Mr Hoggett for Arthur said the parties had agreed on 8 shillings.
Mr Robson, for Harriet, denied this and said 12. The Bench fixed the payment at 10.
South Skelton mine was acquired by Bolckow and Vaughan.
10 houses were built on Boosbeck Rd, Skelton Green. 8 houses were built in Thomas St, New Skelton.
Dec 24th -
Paddy White was injured at South Skelton Mines.
At the invitation of Mrs Wharton of Skelton Castle a number of ladies and gentlemen,
the latter including the medical men from Saltburn and the mining centres of Skelton, Brotton and Loftus attended at Brotton on Tuesday
night to consider the formation of 2 Detachments [male and female] of the British Red Cross Society.
Mrs Wharton presided and also on the platform were Lady Bell, Squire Wharton and Dr E J Burnett of Saltburn, who acted as Secretary.
Mrs Wharton explained that the Red Cross was non-political and had been brought into existence in case of an invasion of England.
Lady Bell said that in the event of an invasion the Territorial Army would do the fighting and the Red Cross assist by attending to the wounded and conveying them from the field of battle.
The North Riding of Yorkshire was divided into 19 petty sessional districts, each of which had a Red Cross representative, who would find a helper or leader in as many townships as possible.
On the suggestion of Col Wharton, it was decided that a central committee should be formed for organising the detachments.
For Skelton Councillor Thomas Varty [manager Park Mine] and Mrs Mackenzie were appointed.

Skelton Castle with old car and chauffeur. Card posted in Skelton in 1909.
Next Page - 1909 - Murder in Skelton Beck.
Previous Page - 1908.
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