3803 Private DANIEL TAYLOR.
4th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment.
Killed in action, aged 39, on the 17th September 1916.
Enlisted at Saltburn by Sea, N Yorks.
Husband of Eliza Taylor, of 6 Prospect Place, Skelton-in-Cleveland, Yorks.
Thiepval Memorial.
1901. Daniel, aged 23, was living at 15 Charlotte St, New Skelton and working as an Ironstone miner below ground. He had been born in Marske by Sea, N Yorks
His mother, Sarah, age 46, is a Widow and had been born in place unknown, Norfolk.
He had a sister, Margaret, 20, born Marske and a younger brother Charles 12, born Skelton.
1911. Daniel, now 33, is listed as a Boarder at 6 Prospect Place.
The Head of the household is John Robert Robinson, aged 49, a Widower, born in Guisborough, N Yorks.
It appears John Robinson has married Daniel's mother Sarah and she has died.
Daniel has married Eliza [maiden name not traced] and they have two children, little Daniel, aged 4 and John Robert, 2 months.
Daniel's sister Margaret also lives with them.
Daniel's Medal Card shows that he was not awarded the 1914/15 Star and therefore did not join the 4th Yorks Battalion in France until 1916.
The 4th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment were part of the 150th Brigade, 50th (Northumbrian) Division.
At the time of Daniel's death the Battalion were attacking the German trenches to the North East of Martinpuich in the Battle of Flers Courcelettes, a stage in the continuing Battle of the Somme that lasted from the 1st July 1916 into the Winter of that year.
Many Battalion men were killed and wounded.
Full details based on the Battalion Diary can be read starting here.
The Thiepval Memorial commemorates more than 72,000 missing men of the United Kingdom and South African forces who died on the Somme battlefields before 20th March 1918