Valve Radio 1930.
Tuning in his wireless set for the latest news, in 1970, Mr Jack Young of 4 East Tce, Skelton in Cleveland said:-
"In those days they made things to last."
His set runs as good as new and he pointed out - "It has only been repaired once and that was a lot of years ago."
The book of instructions, dated October 1930, says the wireless will operate for 18 hours on one unit of electricity. It cost £45, a lot of money then and bears the
imposing title of "All electric 4 Valve screen grade receiver."
There are 3 knobs to control the set - tuner, range switch and dial switch, with the sound coming through a separate inductor type speaker.
Mr Young added - "I have one spare valve and I feel it might prove a little difficult now to obtain other valves of a similar make."
He can tune into Radio 2, 3 and 4. Luxemburg and most foreign stations.
He does not think there is any risk of anyone trying to steal it - its so heavy, it is an effort for a man to lift it.
South Skelton mine, known locally as 'Van's Pit' from Thomas Vaughan who started it, is bought by Dorman Long and Co and modernized.
The government introduced a works programme to counteract economic hardship, but 2 million out of work by the end of the year.
WORLD CUP. For football started.
NORTH RIDING COUNTY COUNCIL. - James Howe was elected as County Councillor for Skelton South and served until 1931.
4th March. -
Falling about 400 feet down the Cleveland (North Yorks.) ironstone mines belonging to Messrs Dorman, Long and Co, John Lusher, foreman bricklayer at the Mines, was instantly killed. He was 57 years of age and lived at Skelton,
in Cleveland.
11th March -
To the Editor of the Northern Echo.
A short while ago I had occasion to pay a visit to the Sexton for the Skelton Burial Board and was invited to look inside the house and note its condition.
I was shocked at the state the house was in.
I informed the Superintendent of the Cemetery of what I had seen at the Sexton's house and he promised to brng my views befhore his Burial Board.
Since then I have received a letter from the Clerk to the Burial Board to say that his Board had instructed him to write me that they considered it most improper for me to take upoin myself to discuss
this matter with a servant of the Board.
In reply to this very rude letter, I wrote pointing out how I came by accident to see the Sexton's house and requested the Clerk to bring my letter before the board at their next meeting.
I received a letter in due course stating that his Board had passed a resolution "that my letter lie on the table".
I feel as a ratepayer in the Skelton Burial Board district that the way in which my complaint has been treated by the Board is most discourteous and unreasonable.
It was brought to the Board's notice through a proper channel, namely, their official, the superintendent of the Cemetery, and justified by the condition of a house belonging to the Burial Board and
occupied by one of their employees.
Every ratepayer is entitled to bring any matter he considers requires attention to the notice of those he elects to represent him.
To be virtually told in the first instance when I wrote about this matter to mind my own business and then when in a very courteous letter I explained how I came to see the Sexton's house at all, to
be informed that the Board had passed a resolution that the letter lie on the table is, I think, quite unique.
I may mention that I have had nearly 30 years experience on Local Government work, so my complaint in this matter is not made by one who has no knowledge of how similar questions are dealt with by
other public bodies.
I leave this matter in the hands of my fellow ratepayers to decide on the facts that I have given, whether the Skelton Burial Board has acted in a way than can meet with their approval or not.
Yours etc.
E Hamilton,
Alderman North Riding County Council and Chairman of N Riding Health and Housing Committee.
Rigwood, Skelton in Cleveland.
1 April -
Poor Law Guardians abolished and functions transferred to County Councils.