Skelton men of the 4th Territorial Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment.
Probably at Annual Camp. Redcar, N Yorks. August 1913.
Back row, far right, Fred Appleton. Middle row, far right, Charles Preston.
Middle row, second from right, my maternal Grandfather, Herbert Cook, Military Meddal,
Died of Wounds, near Albert, 15th January 1917,
8th January -
At the Skelton and Brotton Urban District Council meeting a vote of condolence with the Council Clerk, Mr W Richardson was proposed in the loss of his son Lieut Arthur John Buchanan Richardson, who died of meningitis while
training with the local 4th Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment. Report here.
The Medical Officer for the district reported 12 cases of Scarlet Fever in the previous month with 8 patients taken to the Council's Isolation Hospital.
The Chairman read a letter sent out to the Emergency Committee advising the civil population how to act in the event of bombardment, which was not in any way anticipated.
11th January -
Since Christmas about 200 recruits have gone from Loftus, Brotton, Lingdale and Skelton. Redcar has also sent 100.
15th January -
Mr Jack Boothby, hon-Secretary writes:-
The Committee feel proud of the result obtained this last year, which speaks extremely well of the generosity of kindly disposed people in various parts and good folks in our villages.
The total income during the year amounted to £105 15s 6d and expenditure £45 1s 4d.
Ten Shillings, Ten "bob", Note. Issued 21st January 1915.
£54 has been distributed as follows:-
39 widows - 15s each. 12 couples - 30s. 9 aged men - 15s each.
The committee most heartily thank all those who have assisted in any way and hope the same generous feeling will always be shown in such a worthy object, so that the old folk's faith in their neighbours giving a thought for them at Christmas time will not be shaken.
The Fund was started in December 1898 by the Miners' Lodge Committee and at Christmas time the same year 13 aged men received 5 shillings each and since that time the aged people have been the recipients of substantial amounts at Christmas.
15th January -
James Boswell, a tramp, was proceeded against for begging at New Skelton. When caught he told Sgt Walker that he wished he could get 12 months and he was sick of it.
Supt Rose said that Boswell had been in many prisons for vagrancy and he was given 2 months.
22nd January -
At Ayresome Park in the semi-final of the North Riding Senior Cup Middlesbrough Reserves should account for Skelton Celtic, tough a side though the latter is in Cleveland Circles.
The Boro just shaded it by 10 goals to Skelton's 1.
26th January -
John Henry and John Beck, miners of Guisborough, were charged with falsely representing themselves to be bona-fide travellers.
On Sunday morning they called at the Royal George Hotel, Skelton and said that they had come from Guisborough and were going further on.
They were supplied with drink, but later, Sgt Walker observed them walking back to Guisborough.
The offence was admitted and they were both fined £1 including costs.
30th January -
The annual meeting presided over by Mr T Varty J.P., manager of Park Pit, showed an income of £156 4s 1d and a deficiency of £9 3s 1d and considerable discussion took place regarding the finances.
Membership was 320 compared to 390 at the start of 1914. The officers are - Donor and President, Mr W H A Wharton. Secretary, Mr E G Rowland. Treasurer, Mr Henry Lightwing.
February -
German attacks on Allied and neutral shipping attempt to starve Britain with a submarine blockade.

Pte William D Wallis.
11th February -
4898 Pte WILLIAM DYSON WALLIS, 10th (Prince of Wales's Own Hussars), aged 30. Born Howden, Yorks. Home at 41 Richard St, North Skelton. He is buried at Poperinghe Old Military Cemetery to the East of Ypres.
The 1901 census shows William as a dock labourer in Hull. In that same year his mother died in childbirth and his father moved the family to the Skelton area and worked in the mines.
In 1905 the father was involved in a mining accident and this caused the family to break up. William and his brother Tom joined the Hussars and were in the regular Army in S Africa when the First World War started.
More about the brothers can be read here.
19th February -
On Monday morning no less than 8 members of the Yorkshire Regiment were charged before Mr T Scott with being absentees without leave.
They belonged to the Skelton and Loftus district and had been rounded up during the week-end by Sgt Darling and PC Scott.
They were all remanded in custody to await an escort back to their units.
9th March -
The North Riding Education Committee have given their approval to an application for a course of Horticultural lectures at North Skelton in connection with the Yorkshire Council for Agricultural Education.
13th March. -
Local miner recorded that entertainments were still alive at Boosbeck Empire - "Wiseman, stage manager left Boosbeck."
28th March -
A German U-boat sank the passenger ship "Falaba" 50 miles off the SW coast of Wales, causing the loss of 104 lives and starting ill will towards Germany in the neutral USA.
28th March -
On Monday afternoon at the Admiral Chaloner Hospital, Guisborough and inquest was held on the body of Stephen Ware, aged 53, a Mines Deputy of Green Road, Skelton.
He died on Saturday evening a week after his admission.
Mr H Dack represented the Miners Association and Mr T Varty and Mr B Thomas the mine-owners.
Skelton Ironstone miner's wartime payslip.
Illustrating how they were paid by the tons of stone produced,
and had to pay for the blasting powder they used.
Note 7 pence paid to "War Fund" and contributions
to people worse off than themselves.
Stephen had been employed at Skelton Park Pit for 30 years and on Saturday he and another Deputy, William Winfield, were putting up a crossing, when some of the top came away without warning.
Stephen's leg was badly crushed and a little of a second fall also caught him. The second Deputy escaped uninjured.
Dr Shand was safisfied with the way first aid had been rendered and said that death was due to septic poisoning and shock.
The Inspector for the Miners certified that all necessary precautions had been taken and the affair was a pure accident.
1st April -
Skelton Red Cross Auxiliary Home Hospital was opened and received its first contingent of 15 soldiers. 12 of these had been wounded in action near Ypres.
"The Wharton Hall had been altered and made into a most comfortable hospital by Colonel and Mrs Wharton.
The people in the district have helped, in fitting out by lending beds, bed linen etc. Miss Private has been appointed by Colonel and Mrs Wharton, and Mrs Wharton has provided trained nurses for night duty.
Saltburn - nurses in the afternoon. Visiting Saturdays and Wednesdays 2.00pm and 4.00pm."
9th April -
Probable Expenditure was £11,677 compared with £12,980 for previous year. Receipts would be £5,437. £313 would be required for the Burial Board giving £6,553 to be raised by the rates.
Total assessable value is £93,919 with Mines and Plants accounting for £59,681 giving a rate of 1s 5d for the year.
Owing to the rise in the cost of food due to the War, workmen earning 24 and 25 shillings per week will receive 3s extra and those earning 30s will get 2s.
13th April -
Several cases under the Dogs Act were heard at Guisborough today. Christopher Cook, a miner of Skelton, had to pay 10 shillings for allowing his dog out after dark.
Interior of the Skelton Red Cross Hospital at the Wharton Hall, Green Rd.
It continued to be used until 1919. Hundreds of buildings across the country were opened as Auxiliary Hospitals to cope with the great numbers of wounded.
30 places in the North Riding of Yorkshire had one, including nearby Saltburn (Cliffden), Guisborough (Chaloner Hall) and Redcar.
[Photograph kindly contributed by Brenda Harding of Skelton.]
17th April -
The Northumbrian Division, some 12,000 men, comprised of the Territorials from Berwick down to Hull, left Newcastle at and travelled by train to Folkestone.
By next morning, they had been ferried to Boulogne, France, and were encamped there on a "cold hill".
18th April - At they were transported by French Railways to the area of the fighting around Ypres, arriving after a further 7 hour journey at Cassel, a small town to the west of Ypres.
From there they marched closer to the front, to a small village called Godwaersvelde and were billeted in local farms.
20th April -
Annie Harforth, a married woman of Boosbeck, was proceeded against for the theft of a lady's fur, valued at 5 shillings.
The article was the property of Mrs Tubb of the Green Inn, Skelton and was left on the sofa in the kitchen on Saturday evening. It was missed the next day.
It was suggested that the defendant, who was in the house with two other women on Saturday night had been seen to throw away the fur on the Boosbeck Road, where it was picked up by a miner.
The defendant said that she would be a very poor thief to have a stolen fur dragging behind her on the road as was suggested. If she had the fur it must have got looped to her by mistake.
The Bench decided to bind her over.
Mr Clark, the Chairman, referred to the fact that one of the women who gave evidence admitted that they had 3 whiskies and were therefore under the influence of drink and remarked that he did not think this was a proper way to
Supt Rose stated that some women could take 3, 4 and as many as 6 whiskies; in fact some could drink half a bottle.
Dr Stainthorpe, a Magistrate, said, "I am sorry to hear it."
Life went on at home. Skelton Workingmen's Club won the Cleveland Billiards League and presented with gold medals.
22nd April -
The Germans began an offensive to claim the Channel ports by releasing Chlorine Gas on the North East of the Ypres Salient. The French Moroccans in the trenches opposite fled in terror.
The Yorkshire Territorials were called into action long before they expected it and famously advanced and prevented a German break-through.
The full story can be read on my website about the 4th Yorks Battalion
25th April to end of year.
Frustrated by the siege position on the Western Front, persuaded by certain politicians and against the the judgment of many in the
military, it was decided to attack from the rear.
British, Commonwealth and French forces landed on the Gallipoli peninsular in Turkey.
Although a breakthrough was nearly achieved, 7 months later all the troops were evacuated with no strategic gain.
Apart from weakening the position on the Western Front, around 265,000 allied men were lost.
Many died from the conditions - Flies and vermin in the summer heat caused epidemics, as it was difficult to bury the dead.
In winter, blizzards and flooding caused 15,000 casualties.
28th April -
"News has been received at Skelton that five members of the local detachment F Peggs, S Shaw, J Thornton, J Smith and
J Holden have been wounded.
It is understood that some of them have already arrived in this country. All the men reside in Old Skelton with the exception of Holden, who lives at North Skelton. Thornton is particularly well known, as he is the drummer in the
battalion band, and Peggs is a butcher employed by the Skelton Co-op Society. The others are miners. So far as is known their injuries are not very serious."
Pte Thomas Wood.
2nd May.
2720 Pte THOMAS WILLIAM GILL, 4th Battalion Yorkshire Regt was killed in action at Ypres. Home at 10 Wharton St, North Skelton N Yorks. Born at Thirsk Yorks and enlisted at Newcastle on Tyne. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Menin Gate, Ypres.
Family and War Service page.
2719 Pte ISAAC JACQUES, 4th Bn Yorkshire Regt was killed in action at Ypres. Home at 37 Richard St, North Skelton N Yorks, place of birth. Enlisted at Northallerton, N Yorks. He has no known grave and is commemorated
on the Menin Gate, Ypres.
Family and War Service page.
3rd May -
386 THOMAS WOOD, 4th Bn Yorkshire Regt was killed in action, aged 25, at Ypres. Home at 137 High St, Skelton, place of birth and enlistment. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres.
Family and War Service page.
Ruins of Ypres.
Pte A E Greenhough, a Brotton member of the 4th Yorks wrote home:-
Just a line to let you know that the Brotton boys are in the pink.
Sergt-Major Preston was killed in action, which our Company deeply regret.
You will have read of the rough time which we scraped through.
We were in the trenches 6 nights and had a hard time of it, especially on Sunday, when the Germans came forward and they trenched themselves in and then they gassed us, which very near put paid to our accounts.
They first shelled us and then half dazed, they poured a very heavy shrapnel fire on us, which accounted for such a very heavy loss.
I had rather a tough time in taking poor Isaac Jaques [a North Skelton lad] from the trenches wounded.
We got him about 100 yards out, when a sniper caught him in the head and put him out altogether.
At Ypres it was hell on earth.
We have been brought 15 miles from sight and hearing of them awful guns for a rest.
4th May -
The Local Government Board sanctioned a grant of £7 10s to the Master and Matron of the Workhouse at Guisborough in recognition of their
extra work in connection with the Children's Homes and decided to fix the salary of the 2 Workhouse Nurses at £32 10s, an increase of £2 10s.
7th May -
18 miles off the Southern coast of Ireland a German U-boat sank the British liner, Lusitania, causing 1,198 deaths including Americans.
A key factor in the US later joining the Allied cause.
8th May -
The local Council reported that the names of 18 employees suitable for work in connection with the manufacture of War munitions had been sent to the Local Government Board.
19th May -
An Inquest was held at the Duke William Inn, Skelton this afternoon on the body of Mrs Annie Mossam, aged 47, of Green Road, Skelton.
She was found dead in bed this morning. Deceased, whose husband is a Sergeant in the 4th Yorks Territorials Reserve Battalion had enjoyed good health and yesterday attended to her household duties as usual. She retired about 10
o'clock and this morning her daughter found her dead in bed. Dr Botham expressed the opinion that death was due to heart disease.
Sgt T Johnson.
24th May -
4th Battalion Yorkshire Regt, was killed in action in the continuing Second Battle of Ypres. Home at 17 Milbank St, Skelton. Born at Stockton on Tees and enlisted at Middlesbrough, N Yorks.
He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres.
Family and War Service page.
Northumbrian Division Army Cyclist Corps killed in action at Ypres, aged 20. Son of John and Annie Appleton, of 8 Manless Green Terrace, Skelton in Cleveland, N Yorks.
Family and War Service page.
His family later placed the following notice in the In Memoriam column of the local newspaper-
APPLETON - In ever loving memory of our dear and only son (Robbie).
Cyclist R Appleton, age 20 of 5 Green Road, Skelton-in-Cleveland, who was killed in action May 24th 1915 (Whit Monday).
Ever remembered by his ever loving father, mother and sisters Emma, Edith and Winnie.
He did his duty.
He left his home in the flower of youth
He seemed so strong and brave
We little thought how soon he would
Be laid in a hero's grave."
Most of the War dead above were given proper burials, but their graves were destroyed in the following years of fighting at Ypres and they are commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial only.
25th May -
On a charge of using bad language at Skelton Green, Thomas Williams a Boosbeck miner was today at Guisborough fined 15 shillings.
8th June -
A married woman, named Mary Oxendale of Whitby, appeared at Guisborough today charged under the Poor Law Act with running away and leaving two of her children chargeable to the Guisborough Union.
Mr W Richardson, Clerk to the Guardians, explained that the defendant had not lived with her husband for many years. One of the children had been left with a sister at Redcar and was eventually handed over to the Poor Law
authorities, whilst another was left with a woman at Skelton and was also handed over to the charge of the Guardians.
The Guardians did not press for imprisonment. They would be satisfied if the mother would provide a home for the children and pay the costs. This the defendant consented to do and the case was adjourned for a week to enable
her to carry out her promise.
8th June -
James Catherall, a tramping labourer, was charged at Guisborough today with acting as a Pedlar without a licence. He was found selling pencils at New Skelton and Superintendent Rose pointed out that it was hard on old miners
and others who took out licenses to have such men going about the country without a licence. The Bench sent the defendant to prison for a fortnight.
18th June -
4454 Pte ARTHUR HENRY RISING, 4th Bn Yorkshire Regt, died of wounds, aged 22, at the Bailleul Casualty Station, 15 km to the SW of Ypres.
Son of William George and Alice Maria Rising, of 14 Manless Green Terrace, Skelton-in Cleveland, N Yorks. He is buried at the Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension [Nord].
Family and War Service page.
22nd June -
Today in fining a young man named Joseph Flynn, a Middlesbrough labourer, 7s 6d for being drunk and disorderly the Guisborough Bench, through Sir Alfred E Pease alluded to the fact that the defendant had been ejected from the
Skelton Green Workmen's Club and remarked to Supt Rose that they thought that if there was a similar case affecting a Club it would be well to have the Secretary or Manager of the Club present, as the Justices would like to know
how long a defendant had been on their premises.
Supt Rose explained that there was a Quoit match at the club on Saturday last and men had come from Middlesbrough to play. Defendant was just a hanger-on and would have been in the Club all afternoon. He may have had no right to
be there.
24th June -
The movement in the Skelton District to provide comforts for the local Territorials received valuable help last night as a result of a very successful entertainment in the Boosbeck Empire Theatre.
The hall was crowded and as a result a sum of £12 10s was raised to be equally divided between the Skelton and Boosbeck committees. In different parts of Cleveland committees are at work with the object of cheering the troops
with frequent parcels of comforts.
2nd July -
At the Council meeting the Medical Officer reported 51 births and 19 deaths for the month.
No definite reply had been received from Mr W H A Wharton with reference to the suggested improvement to the road past Skelton Green Council School.
It was reported that 315 consumers were now on the Electric lighting system and there were 416 public lamps.
2nd July -
To promote a sense of unity is the object of a special service for Volunteers which is to be held at Skelton Parish Church tomorrow afternoon. It is expected that about 300 will attend under Major E Hamilton who is the Brigade
Major of the New North Riding Regiment.
Mrs Wharton will provide tea. One result of this joint effort which was first suggested by the
headmaster of Guisborough Grammar School, who is the Commandant of the Guisborough Corps, will be to create more interest in the movement in the Skeltons, where so far no corps has been formed.
5th July -
The damping down of furnaces on Teesside has resulted in a falling off in the demand for Ironstone and at some Cleveland mines short time is being worked.
A further effect is seen in the announcement that the men employed at the Longacre Mine, Skelton have received a fortnight's notice to terminate their employment.
This is entirely due to the recent change in industrial conditions and although there is a prospect of a good proportion of the men being found work elsewhere, it is probable that a considerable number will be thrown out of
employment. Fortunately there are openings in other Districts.
10th July -
A very encouraging meeting in support of the Volunteer movement was held at Skelton last night. Major Hamilton recalled the proud associations of Skelton with the Citizen Army and how the local corps of Territorials was the
strongest in a Battalion which had covered itself with glory.
About 55 names were enrolled and Mr F Robinson consented to undertake the duties of Commandant.
July -
The local 1/4th Battalion were moved from the Ypres area to help defend the line a little farther South around Kemmel and then in August to Armentieres.
15th July -
The first enthusiasm for the War and to enlist had long died. Apart from the unwillingness to join the list of dead and wounded, many of the men who were left had dependents and trades that were hard to leave. It became clear
that voluntary recruitment would not provide the men required to replace the severe losses that had occurred.
The Government passed the National Registration Act to encourage recruitment and to discover how many men between the ages of 15 and 65 were engaged in each trade. The results of this census would be known by September 1915.
23rd July -
A tragic shooting accident leading to the death of William Towse Bell, aged 31, of 2 South Terrace, Skelton, a Constable in the North Riding Police Force was investigated by the Cleveland Coroner, Mr W Richardson at the Duke William Hotel, Skelton today.
PC Bell was in the private service of Mr W H A Wharton of Skelton Castle.
Sergeant Walker told the jury that he was returning through the woods from a Police inspection at Saltburn with the deceased and PC Scollen.
The Sergeant's regulation Police revolver was defective and PC Bell asked to have a look at it. Witness said that there was something wrong with the pin and PC Bell pushed it back with his pocket knife and told the Sgt to fire.
The Sgt sent a shot into the bank and was turning round when PC Bell took hold of the barrel with a view to examining it again. At that moment the revolver went off and the bullet struck the Constable in the lower part of the body.
Sgt Walker immediately telephoned for Dr Burnett, but the man was dead when he arrived.
PC Scollen bore out the Sgt's statement and Ada Shawcross of 2 West Terrace, Skelton, who was upon the scene said she thought that it was a pure accident.
A verdict of Accidentally shot was returned.
7th August -
Mr Joseph Calow of Lingdale, a collector for the Skelton and Brotton Council has sent to the Front 63 sandbags made by himself and his wife.
7th August -
15431 Pte EDWARD [TED] COVELL, 6th Bn Yorkshire Regiment, killed in action, aged 31, at Gallipoli, Turkey.
The son of George and Rebecca Covell of 19 Manless Terrace, Skelton Green, N Yorks.
Commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli.
Family and War Service page.
10th August -
8234 Lance Corporal WRIGHT FREEMAN 6th Bn Yorkshire Regiment, died, aged 42, at Gallipoli, Turkey.
Home at 33 Thomas St, New Skelton. Husband of Elizabeth Freeman.
Commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli.
Family and War Service page.
11th August -
The sales for the Skelton Co-operative Society for the half year amounted to £23,439. In the same period the Society produced from its own dairy farm 3,785 gallons of Milk and 2,505 hen eggs.
13th August -
William Buck, a miner of Skelton, was charged with assaulting Harry Ross, the son of a Farmer at Airey Hill Farm, Skelton.
Harry told the Court that on Saturday, 31st July, he was ploughing when Buck came into the field and shouted at him -
"Loose out and have a bit of a holiday."
Harry told him that it was not time to leave off, whereupon Buck repeated -
"Loose out, you miserable &£**+** and go and spend some money and enjoy yourself."
He followed Harry down the field and started to throw stones at him at the same time using very bad language.
Two old Army horses were in the plough and on account of Buck's conduct he had to stop work. Buck behaved like a madman.
A penalty of 10s 6d was imposed.
17th August -
The death occurred at Brotton Hospital last evening of John William Shaw, aged 17, whose home is at Stokesley, but who had been lodging at Thomas Street, New Skelton.
Early yesterday morning he was engaged on a gantry leading to the top of the calcining kilns at Skinningrove Ironworks when he was crushed between some trucks and severely injured about the chest.
21st August -
10989 Lance Sergeant SIDNEY G CRAVEN, 6th Bn Yorkshire Regiment, died, aged 30, at Gallipoli Turkey.
Home at 1 Carrick's Yard, High St, Skelton. Son of John and Emily Craven.
Commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli.
Family and War Service page.
24th August -
The Annual Buttonhole Saturday held at North Skelton in aid of the Aged People's Christmas Fund was very successful. The procession was headed by the North Skelton Prize Silver Band and passed through the streets of North Skelton and Brotton. Prizes were given to School children who sold the largest amount of buttonholes en route.
A tea was provided and a dance in the evening producing proceeds of over £7.
24th August -
Joseph Brown, a winding engineman of North Skelton applied under the Married Women's Act for an order of separation on the ground that his wife Anne A Brown was an habitual drunkard.
The parties had been married 18 years with 3 daughters aged 17, 16 and 8 and the husband was not proceeding without the most serious consideration.
After 5 or 6 years happy marriage the wife had got into bad company and began to drink to excess, becoming a danger to herself and the children. The applicant frequently came home to discover her drunk.
He applied for custody of the youngest child and would pay his wife maintenance as it was getting worse every year and he could stand it no longer.
An older daughter and 2 neighbours gave evidence to the effect that the defendant drank heavily.
Defendant, weeping, made an appeal for one more chance for the children's sake. The Bench decided to give her another chance to which the applicant demurred.
25th August 1915.
Mr Benjamin Wild, has died at Wood Green in his 70th year.
He had 6 sons, of whom any father might well be proud. Three are in the Army, a fourth would have enlisted, but considered it his duty to stay with his father and the remaining two, one of whom is Mr Frank
Wild, the well known Antarctic explorer, are now with Sir Ernest Shackleton's expedition.
These two will not be able to hear of their father's death until some time next year.
28th August -
The beautiful gardens and grounds are to be open to the public tomorrow afternoon. Musical selections will be rendered by the Skelton Old Band and a collection will be taken for the benefit of the Soldiers.
September -
At a council meeting the Cleveland Miners' Association decided to send a Christmas parcel to every man serving with the armed forces at the front:-
"not to exceed 8 shillings. The Workmen's contribution to the war relief fund for October, November and December is to be devoted to this purpose."
80 parcels were sent off, each parcel containing:-
1 muffler, 1 pair socks, 1 pair of mittens, 1 towel, 2 handkerchiefs, 1 pair of laces, 1 card of buttons, 1 packet of notepaper, 1 packet of cocoa, , 3 tubes of pine Tablets, 4 packets of cigarettes or 1oz
of Tobacco, 1 tin of vaseline and 1 calico bag.
4th September -
At the Council meeting the Chairman referred to the extra work thrown upon the Clerk and his staff for the past few weeks owing to the taking of the National Register.
A circular from the Board of Trade urged local authorities to accumulate sufficient supplies of coal for the winter in view of the the large number of Miners enlisting with the Colours.
The military authorities were asking for the use of steam rollers and it was decided to point out to them that the Council possessed only one and this could not conveniently be spared.
September -
The first Women's Institutes began, initially to encourage women who lived in the country to grow their own food to assist in the War effort.
10th September -
A North Skelton miner, named Webster Harris, was killed in the North Skelton Mines on Friday and an inquest was held at the Brotton Hospital on Saturday.
Deceased lodged at 34 William St, North Skelton.
He was working with his mate, Hugh Thomas, when hearing some pieces of stone fall, he stepped back. He was knocked down by the stone and a quantity more fell upon him, covering him over.
All lights were extinguished and his mate had to bring another one and summon assistance. They uncovered Harris as soon as they could, but by the time he was got out, he was quite dead.
Some stone had been taken down in the morning and the Deputy had warned them to be careful before they left the waiting station.
They had been advised to blast the stone down. Thomas said he had advised Harris to drill a hole above the stone, but Harris, who was in charge of the place decided to drill one at the bottom.
A verdict of accidental death was returned.
10th September -
A Brotton miner, named Groves, was severely injured by a fall of stone in North Skelton mines on Friday. He was conveyed to Brotton Hospital in the ambulance and treated by Dr Caldwell, the house surgeon.
21st September -
In complaining of the irregular attendance at School of a Skelton boy aged 13 years, an attendance officer told the bench at Guisborough, "He was managing a grocer's shop one day that he was absent from school."
A small fine was imposed.
21st September -
A charge under the Poaching Prevention Act was today at Guisborough preferred against John William Richardson, a miner of Skelton.
PC Scollen stated that about 10 p.m on Sunday, Sept 12th, he was in Airy Hill Lane when he saw the defendant coming towards him with a dog. As he approached he noticed Richardson throw a net into the hedge. Witness told him
that he suspected him of coming from the land and defendant said that the net, which was wet, was not his adding, "It is yours, you had it faked.".
Defendant denied the charge and Sir Alfred E Pease, the Chairman, said the Bench would give the defendant the benefit of the doubt.
27th September -
Some time ago an Allotment Holders Association was formed at North Skelton with Mr W Page, president. Mr H Kirk, secretary and Mr W Bowers, treasurer.
The association is doing good work in the village for the raising of garden produce, as was proven at the first Annual Exhibition held in the Literary Institute on Saturday where a most excellent display of vegetables filled every
All the exhibits were sold and the proceeds devoted to a fund for providing comforts for the men of North Skelton who are serving with the Colours.
4th October -
In view of the crisis through which we are passing there were no public celebrations yesterday, but the Church bells rang a merry peal and although it was the wish that no presentation be made several were from the employees of
Skelton Castle.
Among the most cherished of the messages of congratulation is a note signed "From the lads in the trenches" from 3 employees of the Castle who are serving at the Front.
6th October -
At Northallerton today Walter William Massey, a private in the 3/4th Yorks Battalion, Northallerton, late kennelman to Colonel Wharton, was charged with having stolen 3
Postal Orders, valued at 5s, 2s and 2s 6d.
[The 3/4th and 2/4th Battalions of the Yorkshire Regiment were the Reserve/Training units in the UK to provide reinforcements to the 1/4th Yorks Battalion, which was in
action on the Western Front.]
In the Skelton Parish Rate book for 1913, Massey is residing with 2 other workers at the New Kennels, Fishpond Field.
The first charge against him was stealing a PO value 5s, the property of James Whitehead of Norby, Thirsk between the 5th and 6th of August 1915. Secondly the theft of a
PO value 2s the property of John Francis Hall, Northallerton between 16th and 22nd August and thirdly stealing a PO value 2s 6d, belonging to J F Hall.
The accused was the Postal Orderly for the 3/4th Battalion, entrusted with the delivery of letters to his comrades.
On the 16th August, Mrs Hall sent a PO to her husband Private Hall. He did not receive it.
Some days later Massey played cards and handed a PO order in payment to a soldier called Ditchburn for 2s, which had been issued at Middlesbrough.
Ditchburn informed his Commanding Officer of the fact, as complaints had been made by men of not receiving orders. A similar story was found in regard to other missing
Inquiries at the Northallerton Post Office showed that the accused had cashed them.
He was sentenced to 2 months imprisonment.
Massey must have served his time in prison, returned to the 3/4th Battalion and eventually been posted to the 1/4th Battalion in France as 3277 Private Massey.
He was killed on the 17th September 1916 in the later stages of the Battle of the Somme, when the 4th Yorks were ordered to attack German trenches near Martinpuich.
Many men were lost and their bodies never recovered. Private Walter William Massey has no known grave and is commemorated with 72,000 others on the Thiepval Memorial.
He was the son of Hannah Massey, of The Barracks, Cirencester, Glos and the late Henry Walter Massey.
He should probably have been remembered on the Skelton War Memorial, as other Skelton Castle employees of 1913/14 are.
11th October -
The news of the death of Mr William I'Anson of Bardencroft, Saltburn, which occurred early yesterday morning, will be received with regret in Cleveland where he was well known as the Secretary of the Water Company.
For the past 50 years he has resided in Saltburn and is largely responsible for the great improvements in the provision of fresh water that have taken place during that period.
When the North Riding Territorials went into action for the first time last April at Ypres, he sustained a severe blow by the news that his son, Captain Leonard I'Anson, a popular officer, who commanded the Skelton Territorials,
had been killed. From this Mr I'Anson never really recovered.
11th October -
Lord Derby was made Director General of Recruiting and brought out the Group Scheme, which was better known by its originator's name.
It asked for men to voluntarily register with the promise that they would be called up only when necessary, with single men going before married and similar priorities based on age. About half the men eligible to register failed
to do so and it was abandoned in December.
15th October -
Robert Lancaster, a mines horse-driver of North Skelton, was admitted into the Brotton Hospital on Tuesday suffering from injuries received in Lumpsey Mines. He was caught by an empty tub and his head injured.
26th October -
A charged of being drunk and disorderly was brought by PC Nicholson against William Bennett, an elderly man of Skelton, employed as a farm servant. Several witnesses gave evidence.
The Bench agreed that he was both drunk and disorderly, but in view of Bennett's good record and the impression that the Constable acted with more roughness than was necessary on a man of Bennett's age the case would be
6th November -
At the Skelton and Brotton Urban Council meeting it was decided that each of the Parishes should be represented on a Recruiting Appeal Tribunal. It will consist of Councillors, Dixon, Thompson, Marsey, Rayner, Stevenson,
Teesdale and Andrew.
Mr W Jackson, the assistant overseer for Skelton asked for a War bonus, owing to the increased cost of living and the loss that he had sustained through the last Registration Act.
Mr Coatsworth strongly opposed War Bonuses and said that the lads in the trenches did not get War Bonuses, although some of them had left jobs worth £3 per week to do duty for a shilling a day. People should realise that
sacrifices had to be made.
It was resolved by 13 votes to 5 not to grant any bonuses.
Mr A R Cranmer, the Inspector of Nuisances and temporary Surveyor asked to be released from his duties to join the forces, but there was a general opinion that he should remain on duty as the Surveyor, Sergeant R S Moon was
leaving for service on the Continent with the Sanitary Corps of the Royal Army Medical Corps. He was present and received a hearty welcome from the Councillors.
22nd November -
Through the kindness of Mr J Chas Imeson, the convalescent soldiers at the Skelton in Cleveland Red Cross Hospital spent a most enjoyable afternoon at the matinee performance of "Peg o' My Heart" on Saturday.
They were presented with cigarettes by the "Leading Lady"
23rd Nov -
14537 L/Cpl WILFRED ARTHUR FORSTER, 14th Bn Durham Light Infantry, died of wounds, aged 24, at the Boulogne Base Hospital.
Home at 49 Harker St, Skelton.
His Battalion took part in the British offensive at Loos, which began on the 25th September 1915 and went on into October.
Son of Ralph and Sarah Forster of 3 Park St, Skelton, N Yorks and Husband of Edith Adelaide Forster of 49 Harker St, Skelton, N Yorks.
Wilf is buried at the Boulogne Eastern Cemetery.
Family and War Service page.
26th November -
W Vasey, a horse-driver in the North Skelton Mines had one of his legs badly fractured last week and was conveyed to Brotton Hospital in the ambulance.
One of the mine horses fell upon him in the Mine.
4th December -
At the council meeting the absence of public lights was discussed. Mr Ranson spoke of the dangers to pedestrians, as accidents were frequent, and suggested that at this time of year hostile airmaen were not likely to visit the coast.
He suggested that the lamps should be kept burning up to 9.30 every night. Carried by 8 votes to 6.
The Medical Officer reported 6 cases of Scarlet Fever, 1 of diphtheria, 1 of erysipelas and 2 of tuberculosis.
4 Councillors were appointed to a Committee to co-operate with the County Council in dealing with the shortage of Agricultural labour.
8th December -
To suit the convenience of those desiring to enlist in Cleveland under Lord Derby's group scheme arrangements have been made for an attesting Officer to be at the East Cleveland villages.
For Skelton, Friday and Saturday, 6.30 to 8.30, the new Drill Hall.
9th December -
A bye election in Cleveland was forced by the Business Government League and was resented by most in view of the War crisis. Herbert Samuel, the Liberal incumbent held the seat and would become Home Secretary.
18th December -
The local 1/4th Yorks Battalion were sent back North to Ypres from where they had been holding the line at what they considered to be the "cushy" area of Armentieres.
On the 20th they took over trenches in Armagh Wood to the East of Ypres.

The 4th Yorks Battalion Band.
The only person identified is Fred Appleton from Skelton in Cleveland, front row, second from right. He survived the War.
[Photograph kindly donated by his Grandson, Peter Appleton.]
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