Kelly's Directory for 1909 records the following persons in Skelton:-
Castle - William Henry Anthony Wharton
Castle Gardener - Joseph Richard Batty.
Land agent to Castle - Thomas Tutin.
Castle gamekeeper - Peter Mills.
The Kennels - William Rees, Castle Huntsman.

Postcard of Skelton Castle Kennels. Built at this time. The Castle Huntsman, William Rees lived in the house on the Right.
At this time William would have been about 43 years of age. The 1871 census shows that he was born in Billericay, Essex, one of a family of 9. He had an elder sister Ellen, who is the recipient of the postcard.
The censuses of the following years show that Ellen spent her life as a maid servant for the upper classes and at this time was a Domestic for a Mrs Shrubsole, Widow, of Surbiton Hall, Kingston upon Thames.
The 1911 census for the Kennels shows William married to Catherine Isabel [nee Pattinson], aged 38 and born in Saltburn, N Yorks. Living with them were 4 children, William, 11, Ellen, 10, Agnes Isabel, 2, Alfred, just born,
Catherine's sister Edith, 36 and a Servant Eliza Jane Peacock, 19, born in Upsall, N Yorks.

Back of the Postcard, posted in Skelton on the 16th April 1910 to Ellen Rees, in service at Surbiton Hall.
Farm bailiff to the Whartons - Jeremiah Wilks.
The Rectory - Rev Robert J Ellis. [The "living" is worth £510 with 26 acres of glebe and residence.]

Skelton Infants School. Elizabeth S Herring, Headmistress
Room for 120 children and had an average attendance of 96.
Elizabeth was born in Marske. The 1901 census shows her as single and living at 5 East Tce, aged 38, with a 13 year old girl, Mable.
Royal George - Alfred Bunn, Landlord.
Duke William - Henry Allen, Landlord.
9 North Tce - Ernest Simons - Hairdresser.
11 North Tce - John Thomas Craven, Painter.
National Provincial Bank, N Tce. - Alfred Elliff - Manager.
East Tce - Wood Bros, Joiners and Wheelwrights.
4 South Tce, Soldier's Convalescent Home - Joseph Burnett
MB. Medical Officer.
South Tce, York House - Addison Tate, painter.
Wharton Hall - Territorial Force Battalion 4th [Alexandra, Princess. of Wales Own] Yorkshire Regt, "G" Company - Lieut J Walton.
Drill Instructor - Sergeant MacDougall.
Green Rd, Conservative and Unionist Club - John Lamb Sec. [Yorks Penny Bank Ltd held here -Bolton J G, actuary]
Back Lane - Thomas Ross, Dairyman.
40 Back Lane - Daniel Chilvers, Insurance agent.
Prospect Place - Samuel Waller, shopkeeper.
Police Station - Sergeant Richard Benjamin Gamble + 1
3 High St - Charles Kidd, Greengrocer.

Number 3 Skelton High Street.
In 1881 it was occupied by William Wrightson, Blacksmith. In 1901 it was Charles Kidd, Fruiterer and Coal Dealer. In 1937 it was Florence Georgeson, Shopkeeper. Now converted to just private dwelling.
5 High St - James Thompson Wood, Wine and Spirits.
11 and 13 High St and West End - Mackenzie and Co, Drapers and Grocers.

Mackenzie's West End Stores. They were still there in the 1930s.
7 High St - William Berwick, Shopkeeper.
15 High St - Henry Pattinson, Saddler.
21 High St - Ernest Barker, Grocer.
27 High St - John Hewling, Plumber.
37 High St - Thomas Sissen, Confectioner.
47 High St - George Robinson, Cabinet maker.

Skelton High Street.
The first shop in the background L to Right is No 3.
Nos 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 21, 27, 37, 47 were all shops or trade premises.

Skelton Co-operative Society.
54 and 56 High St - Council Offices, W P Robinson. AMICE. Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector.
67 High St - Fred Bell, music teacher and Church organist.
69 High St - Joseph Henry McLane, Blacksmith.
73 High St - Robert Dunning, Greengrocer.
74 High St - John Sanderson, Grocer.
Literary Institute, High St - E G Rowland, Secretary. [500 members].
High St - .J and R Ridsdale, Builders and contractors.
75 High St - Executors of George Ridgard, Glass and china.
76 High St - W W Kingston, Postmaster.
[Letters arrived at 7.20 am, 3.30 pm and 6.50 pm.
Dispatched at 10 am, 1.20 am, and 6 and 9 pm]
77 High St - George Spires, Stationer.
78 High St - Sarah Annie Videan, Apartments.
Co-operative Society, High St - John Martin Videan, Secretary.
Grocery department on the left. Then Drapery and Millinery.
Boots and hardware right. Items for sale outside - Brass
bedstead and a cycle for 8 guineas
83 High St - John Bolton, priv res.
85 High St - Jessica Kingston, Teacher of music.
90 High St - William Brown, priv res.
97 High St - William Knaggs, Bootmaker.
Mr and Mrs William Knaggs, Bootmakers. 97 High St.
[William died age 76, 30 Nov 1910. His wife Eliza, age 72, 3 weeks
before him.]
101 High St - William Dunn, Hairdresser.
105 & 107 High St - John L Taylor, Grocer and draper.
109 High St - Lawson Rowland, Boot and shoe dealer.
110 High St - Robert Wilkinson, Butcher.
111 High St - John Wood, Tailor.
113 High St - Emil Parvass, Tailor.
121 High St - William Young, Butcher.
131 High St - William John Senior, Draper.
Wharton Arms High St - William T Gibson, Landlord.
149 High St - Dowson Bros, Drapers.
151 High St - Dowson Bros, Grocers.
157 High St - Henry Hodge, Grocer and Draper.
163 High St - George Paley, Ironmonger.
30 Yeoman St - Mrs Elizabeth Solomon, shopkeeper.
Hill House - James Potter, Builder.
Belle Villa, Flowston. - Ben Spires, Auctioneer and valuer.
Institute, Vaughan St. - J W Radsdale, Secretary.
Post Office - William Young, Sub Postmaster.
Bull's Head - Edward Goodall, Landlord.
26 Vaughan St - Robert Cross, Butchers.
Vaughan St - Fairhurst Bros, Grocers and Drapers.
9 Wharton St - Mrs Elizabeth Brunton, Confectioner.
32 Wharton St - Robert Myers, Confectioner.
41 Wharton St - Joseph Smith, Confectioner.
47 Wharton St - Harry Worth, Grocer.
56 Wharton St - Charles Bowers, Shopkeeper.
Richard St - Thomas Jarvis, Greengrocer.
21 Richard St - George Swainston, Draper and Boot dealer.
40 Richard St - William Webster, Shopkeeper.
17 Bolckow St - Arthur Shepherd, Shopkeeper.

Bolckow St, North Skelton. Named after the mineowner and industrialist, Sir Henry Bolckow, first mayor of Middlesbrough.
Railway Station, Hollybush. - William H Charlton, Stationmaster.

North Skelton Station.
East Pastures Farm - Joseph Maughan.
Hollybush Farm - Gilderoy Thompson.
Wet Furrows Farm and Hagg Farm - Bailiff to Bolckow and Matthew Scott.
Skelton and District Workingmen's Club - John M Garner, Sec.
2 Boosbeck Rd - John L Taylor, Grocer and Draper.
6 Boosbeck Rd - Ison Howe, Hairdresser.
Green Inn. - George Pettit, Landlord.
21 Boosbeck Rd - Joseph Walker, Joiners and cabinet makers.
Post Office - William Jackson, Sub Postmaster..
Skelton Cottage Miners Hospital - John Thorney. LRCP Edin, Surgeon.
Skelton Cottage Miners Hospital - Frederick P Wigfield MB, Surgeon.
Skelton Cottage Miners Hospital - Miss Clara Baldwin, Matron.
Claphole Farm - Robert Young.
Millholme Farm - Robert Wilkinson.
Skelton Green School - William Mott, Headmaster.
Skelton Green School - Martha E White, Mistress.
[It had rooom for 160 infants and 180 mixed pupils. Average attendance was 100 mixed and 110infants]
47 Boosbeck Rd - Theodore Ernest Stone, Draper and Outfitter.
77 Boosbeck Rd - Emily Kidson, Registrar. [Registrar of births and deaths, Skelton sub-district, Guisborough Union]
Boosbeck Rd - Thomas Barber, Shopkeeper.
Boosbeck Rd - Nixon Bros, Grocers and Drapers.
21 Harker St - John Husband, Shopkeeper.
73 and 75 Harker St - Arthur Cole, Shopkeeper.

Skelton Green Miners' terrace houses - Harker St -
New Inn - Charles Skipper, Landlord.
Manless Farm - Allan Thompson.
Hobdale Farm - Miss Petch.
Newbrook Farm - John Pearson
Park Pit - Bell Bros.
Park House - Thomas Varty, Manager.
Harker St - William Parker, Boot repairer.
31 Cleveland St - Alfred Cooke, Shopkeeper.

Cleveland Street.
20 Trout Hall Lane - John Richardson, Blacksmith.
Ardmore House - Frederick P Wigfield MB, Surgeon and Public Vaccinator.
Trout Hall Farm - Robert W Stevenson.
Skelton Shaft - Bell Bros.
Park House - John George Barry, farm bailiff to Bell Bros.
Rushpool Hall - Joseph Walton. MP. D.L. J.P. [Reform and National Liberal clubs London].
Rigwood - Edward Hamilton J.P.
White House - Gilbert B Jackson, Private residence.
The Halfpenny Bridge. Built 1868/9. Demolished Dec 17th 1974.
At this time the Bridge Keeper was Richard Gospel M Brough, who was a retired Skelton Police Constable.
He lived at the Keepers Lodge with his wife Helena, from Scarborough, and his daughter, Esther, a dressmaker, born in Skelton.
Stanghow Lane School - Miss M Fisher, Headmistress. [Room for 647 children with an average attendance of 229 boys and 210 girls]
Stanghow Lane School - Thomas Rixham, Headmaster.
Stanghow Lane - Mrs Elizabeth Longstaff, Shopkeeper and Beer.
Infants School - Miss E A North, Headmistress.
[Room for 207 children with an average attendance of 150]
Dairy Farm - George Black.
New Skelton. [Dairy Farm top right.]
7 William St - Edgar Linford, Hairdresser.
19 William St - John Naisbitt, Boot Repairer.
29 William St - Robert George Seller, Insurance agent.
William St - David Eli Grainger, Boot and shoe dealer.
3 John St - Walter Palmer, insurance agent.
11 John St - William Kay, Grocer.
John St - Rev William Learoyd, MA. Curate.
Cemetery - William Richardson, Clerk to the Burial Board.
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