The Married Woman's Property Act of this year gave wives possession of any money they earned and the right to inherit property.
Before 1870, any money made by a woman either through a wage, from investment, by gift, or through inheritance automatically became the property of her husband.
15th February -
John Hutchinson and John Slack, both Skelton Miners, were convicted for damaging grass in a field belonging to John Thomas Wharton of Skelton Castle and occupied by William Coates.
17th February -
James Brown, a Brotton Miner, was convicted of trespassing in search of conies on land at Skelton belonging to John Thomas Wharton Esq.
17 February -
An Elementary Education Act, drafted by William Forster, Liberal, introduced Primary Schools, which were to be run by Local School Boards for children between the ages of 5 and 13.
The country was divided into 2500 areas and in each one local ratepayers had to elect a School Board which would control Education in the area and charge no more than 9 pence per child.
It was not compulsory to send a child to School until 1880 and then only to age 10.
Up to this time the only provision of Education was by voluntary societies.
Standards were set for basic Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.
19th February -
John Pigg, a Miner of Skelton, was convicted for being drunk and riotous in the streets of Skelton.
22nd February -
A report of the North Riding of Yorkshire Police Committee recognised the increase in the Mining population at Skelton in Cleveland and the need for a lock-up there.
1st March -
In the Court of Bankruptcy for the Leeds District. In the Matter of Robert Tiplady Tate, of Skelton, in Cleveland, in the county of York, Brewer, a Bankrupt, against whom an adjudication in Bankruptcy, bearing
date the 18th day of September, 1869, was duly made.....
6th March -
Thomas Waite and Ralph Warrington, both Skelton Miners, were convicted of trespassing in the daytime in search of game on land belonging to John Thomas Wharton esquire and occupied by James Elliott and William Scarth.
4th April -
James Holling, a Skelton Miner, was convicted for being drunk and riotous in the streets of Skelton.
11th April -
John Brooks, a Skelton Labourer and his wife Christiana were convicted for being drunk and riotous in the streets of Skelton.
16th April -
George Shimmings, a Skelton Miner, William Wiseman, a Brotton Miner and Peter Hyson, a Skelton Labourer, were all convicted of being drunk and riotous in the Skelton streets.
Thomas was convicted of the same offence on the 30th April.
3rd May -
Patrick Doonan, a Labourer of Redcar was convicted for assaulting William Potts, a Redcar Joiner in the township of Skelton.
James Simpson, a Fireman of Guisborough, was convicted for assaulting John Atkinson, an Engineman of Guisborough in Skelton.
31st May -
Jewitt Hardy, a Miner of Skelton, was convicted for taking two hares and a rabbit at night.
2nd July -
James Turner, an 'imported' London Labourer, was charged with being drunk and riotous in the streets of Skelton yesterday afternoon.
Superintendent Prest said that the town was in such a state on account of the navvies pay that all the public houses had to be closed.
Defendant was very violent despite being handcuffed and took the officer's fingers in his mouth. Fined £1 7s including expenses or one month prison.
5th July -
Joshua Bond and James Donniethorn admitted being drunk and riotous at the Royal George Inn, Skelton on the 25th. Fined 12s 6d, including expenses.
Anthony Igo was charged by PC Wilson with being drunk and riotous at Skelton on Saturday night.
The prisoner along with 7 or 8 other Irishmen were assaulting a Cockney, John Wilson at Skelton last Saturday.
Complainant, who had a very black eye and had his arm in a sling had been drinking with defendant and other men and on leaving the public house he was set upon by the lot of them.
He was kicked by defendant and a witness proved it. Committed to prison for one month.
12th July -
Yesterday 4 Companies of the North Riding of Yorkshire Rifle Volunteers 18th [Skelton], 20th [Guisbrough], 19th [Stokesley], numbering 200 men held Battalion drill in a field near the Gas Works at Redcar.
The Guisborough Band was in attendance.
3rd August -
John Day and George Smith, little boys, were charged by PC How with damaging oats in a field belonging to William Wood farmer at Trout Hall, Skelton.
Mr Wood said there would be 2 acres of oats destroyed before harvest time and many of his turnips had been pulled up. Fined 6s 6d costs.
WAIFS - James Day and his brother, boys about 10 and 12, were charged with wandering about.
Mr Smith, relieving officer, said their father was killed several years ago by the fall of a bridge at Skelton.
A Subscription of nearly �200 was raised for the widow and children.
The mother had re-married and the step-father had not been able to manage the children.
Magistrates said the trustees of the money had a moral duty for their maintenance and adjourned to find out their intentions.
16th August -
Letter to Editor.
I refer to the state of Taylor's Buildings, which are a disgrace to any village boasting a Board of Health, a Surveyor and an Inspector of Nuisances.
No proper road to 20 houses, insufficient water supply, from all the privies in the back row there exudes through the wall a stream of filth running into the street.
I am informed that these buildings belong to a member of the Board of Health.
27th August -
A public meeting was held in the Infant Schoolroom with the intention of establishing a reading room in Skelton.
The Rev Dr Gardiner was in the Chair. Subscriptions to be 1 shilling a quarter.
29th August. -
Letter to Editor.
Sir, - My attention was directed to a letter in the [Daily Gazette, Middlesbrough] of Tuesday the 16th, referring to the sanitary condition of Skelton, but more especially to those tenements which your correspondent terms "Taylor's Buildings", but are properly called Prospect Place and Milbank-terrace.
When men have little or no regard for truth in their letter-writing, they generally keep back their proper name; so with your "Ratepayer" in this case.
As regards the complaint No 1 respecting proper roads, I beg to say there are three roads and one of them which is the foot road only, is now being made wider, and until finished, will be a little inconvenient for all Ramblers.
Complaint No 2 refers to an insufficient supply of Water.
This is absolutely untruthful, there being a spring of pure good water in front of each terrace and only about 20 yards away from the buildings.
As to charge No 3, the Inspector very closely examined the yards, ashpits and privies when the letter made its appearance and found only two ashpits a little out of order in all the twenty cottages.
This Ratepayer's allegations will not affect very seriously the respectability of the Skelton Local Board of Health, or the Surveyor, nor yet the "Inspector of Nuisances", when I state that although on an average not less than 150 adults and children occupy these cottages, there has not been more than two
deaths during the five years they have been built.
There cannot, therefore, have been much "disease" or otherwise the "parish doctor" has been remarkably skilful.
Perhaps this Ratepayer, when he takes another ramble and wishes to trouble the public with sketches of his travels, will, for "decency's" sake be truthful and not ashamed of his name and profession.
I am yours &c.
Thomas Taylor.
[Skelton Shopkeeper and member of Skelton Local Board.]
7th September -
Henry Hutchinson of the New Inn, Skelton Green applied for a spirit license.
The application was made last year and 50 houses had been built since then, 20 of them in the neighbourhood of Skelton Green.
Unfortunately the houses were overcrowded and this showed the large increase of population and the greater necessity for accommodation.
The certificate of character was signed by Rev Dr Gardner and he might say the the man had earned his spirit license, same as he had earned his character. Refused.
9th September -
Mrs O Trechmann, of the North German Consulate at Hartlepool, requests us to state for the information of the ladies of the district, who have so generously responded to her recent appeal, that on the 7th she again despatched 4 large boxes, containing 760 bandages, 20 large packets of lint, 1 dozen sheets and blankets, 12 yards waterproof sheeting etc etc.
She wishes to make distinguished mention of the ladies of Whitby, Skelton in Cleveland, Hart, Trimdon, Stockton, Coxhoe and the Hartlepools.
[The Franco-Prussian War had started on the 19th July and ended on 10 May 1871.
The population of Britain clearly supported Prussia against the old enemy France.
The War ended in victory for Prussia and the unification of the German nation.
[In only 44 years time the Grandsons of these ladies would be allied with the French and 3 million men of the British Empire would be killed or wounded by the hated Boche.]
13th September -
John Smith was charged with assaulting Joseph Teal, Gamekeeper, at Skelton on the 8th.
It was the day of the Agricultural Show and, after "a glass" of ale, Teal and John Robinson of Skelton left to walk home.
They were were walking along the road from Guisborough to Skelton when the defendant and 3 others followed him, using bad language of all sorts.
Ultimately they knocked him down and punched his head.
Prisoner was committed to 21 days' hard labour.
19th September -
A meeting of the owners of property and ratepayers of the township of Skelton was held in the hall of the Royal George Inn, Skelton to consider the best mode to be adopted for carrying out the Act.
J T Wharton presided, supported by Rev Dr Gardner and John Bell Esq of Rushpool Hall.
Mr Wharton had sent out a handbill to every ratepayer detailing the requirements of the Act, which ordered every township in the country to provide sufficient School accommodation for the children of the Parish to be paid for out of the rates, unless such accommodation already existed.
To receive a grant from Government, all schools must be Public Elementary Schools and not denominational.
Plans had to be passed by the Government before the end of the year.
There must be a School Board, who will have power to build and make certain rules and raise money for the maintenance of the schools.
The rate is limited to 3d in the pound.
The money to build can be borrowed, the Public Works Loan Commissioners to lend at 3.5 per cent and all loans to be cleared within 50 years.
Mr Wharton said there was a choice between proceeding by voluntary contributions or purely by the rates.
He was prepared to give a site and £500 provided the rest was raised by a grant and voluntary subscriptions and that one room be used on Sundays as a Church Sunday School.
Mr T Taylor said there were about 400 children in the village between the ages of 5 and 13 requiring education and 101 at High Green and "Goosebeck", [the old name of Boosbeck.]
The expense necessary for a teacher and other requirements he calculated at not more than 55 pounds per annum.
Average school fees to be 2d a week.<
4th October -
Anthony Pinder was charged with assaulting PC Haw at Skelton over two years ago, on the 15th June 1868.
Complainant said that he went into Riley's public house on Skelton Green at about 11 p.m. where he met the defendant who asked whether he wished to have a row.
After that he was called in by the Landlord to quell a row and the taproom light was extinguished.
The men attacked the officer, who was knocked down, kicked and his clothes partly torn off his back.
Defendant was the ringleader and he absconded the next morning.
A warrant was issued, but could not be executed until last week.
3 men were apprehended at the time and 2 of them convicted.
John Riley, Landlord, proved that Pinder was in the house and went out with the others and that the officer returned with his face cut and bleeding.
Defendant was fined 41 shillings including costs.
31st October -
The first entertainment of the 4th series of these popular readings was held in the Parish School, with the room crowded to excess and many unable to gain admission.
Mr Robert Bell accompanied the songs on the piano and performed on the violin brilliantly.
Many songs, readings and tunes by the band were given.
Mr Roswell intended to have sung "The Death of Nelson", but an unfortunate accident prevented him from taking part, having on the previous day fallen from the viaduct now being constructed near Marske Mill.
The takings will be devoted to the Reading Room opened on the 1st September and which ere long it is hoped will bloom into an institute.
The charge for the 4 rows of front seats has been increased to 2 pence, which change meets with very general approbation.
2nd November -
George Martin, apparently 60 years of age, of Skelton, was charged with indecently assaulting Bridget Johnson, a child of seven.
He met the girl and Sarah McQuinn, aged 9, at the Middlesbrough ferry landing and gave them a penny before taking them across the river to a public house and plying them with drink.
After this he took them up the railway where he attempted to take liberties with the elder girl, but did not succeed.
The Bench remarked upon the lamentable ignorance of the children and how rate aided or some other schools seemed to be required.
The parents were rebuked for neglecting the instruction of their children.
Bridget was examined and found to be deaf. The prisoner was remanded for 7 days.
5th November -
George Watt, a Labourer of Skelton, was convicted for being drunk and riotous in the Skelton streets.
15th November -
John Dack of Skelton was charged with being drunk and riotous in the streets of Guisborough on the 8th.
On being turned out he cursed and swore tremendously in the street. Defendant said it was the hirings, he was not drunk and accused the officer of malice. Fined 14s 6d.
15th November -
Elijah Young was charged with being drunk and riotous at the New Inn, Skelton. To pay 15s, including costs.
PC Haw charged Charles Lee with being drunk and riotous at Skelton on Saturday night. Case dismissed.
John Little also charged with being drunk and riotous at Skelton on the 4th. Fined 13s 6d.
19th November -
George Ferminger, of Skelton, a Miner was convicted for being drunk and riotous in the streets of Saltburn by the Sea,
4th December -
John Pryor, a Labourer of Skelton, was convicted for assaulting Henry Simpson, a Police Constable of Skelton in the execution of his duty.
10th December -
Thomas Wilkinson was brought up by PC Haw for being drunk and riotous at Skelton. Fined 5s and 8s 6d costs and informed that it would be double for the next offence.
16th November -
The second of this series of popular readings was held in the Parish school room on the 11th, but not to a crowded audience owing to a snowstorm raging at the time of assembling.
21st December -
Henry Ward, Barber of Skelton, was summoned by Mary Bailey of Guisborough to show cause why he should not be adjudged father of her child, born on 11th February last.
Defendant said that he did not deny the paternity of the child, but entreated the Bench to deal with him leniently as he was unable to work in consequence of palpitation of the heart.
He had alreay paid £2 19s towards maintenance of his offspring. The bench made an order for 1s 6d per week.

Thomas Pressick Andrew. His wife, Mary Ellerby.
26th December -
"The Cleveland Hounds", a book by A.E Pease,[Member of Parliament for Cleveland Division 1897 to 1902] published in 1887, records on page 189 that-
Thomas Pressick Andrew had a seisure in the Hunting Field from which he never recovered.
The Redcar and Saltburn by the Sea Gazette. Fri. December 23 1870.
With great regret we have to announce the demise of Mr T.P. Andrew. Master of the Cleveland Hounds, which took place on the 25th inst. at his residence the White House, at a comparatively early age.
He had a slight attack of paralysis last summer, from which he rallied sufficiently to enable him to resume his duties though it was contrary to the advice and wishes of his medical attendant and
friends that he again took the field.
He was seized with the second attack in the hunting field near Kirkleatham in November last, when he was promptly removed to the Hall, from whence he was taken home in Mr Newcommen's carriage.
Every available means was used for his recovery, but without effect and he finally sank under the attack.
The name of Andrews has been associated with the Cleveland Hounds for more than half a century, his father and grandfather of Mr Andrews having both preceded him as Master of the hounds.
The subject of the present notice will be greatly regretted by a large circle of friends, for his kind and genial disposition won the hearts of all with whom he was associated whether in business or pleasure.
Nowhere was his remarkable equanimity of temper more fully displayed than in the hunting field, where he always maintained his self possession under the most trying circumstances, a fact best appreciated by those who know the difficulties and provocations incident to a huntsmans career.
The internment has taken place to-day (Friday) at Skelton at 1pm.
Thomas was the grandson of John Andrew, the notorious smuggler and first Master of the Cleveland Hounds, at their formation in 1817.
His father, also John, who had been imprisoned for his smuggling activities, had been Master before him.
Thus, the family had been Masters of the Hunt for 55 years.
The book records that he was buried in Skelton All Saints Old Churchyard, being followed by
"a concourse of mourners as was never seen before or since in Cleveland."
[The photograph of Thomas P Andrew and this information has been kindly contributed by Alan Ward, a native of Skelton and direct descendant of the Andrew family].