The rateable value of the property is given in Pounds, Shillings and Pence.The Occupier paid a rate of 1 shilling and 3 pence in the pound on Buildings. [The equivalent in modern decimal currency is 6.25 pence in the pound.] On land without buildings the rate was half of this. |
Hutchinson John Leist Robert J Williams Henry Knaggs Henry Steele Jane Small William Boynton Mary Heseltine Mrs Barwick William Roe John Mackenzie Isabel Wood James T Pattinson Henry Barker Mary Barker Enrnes W Barnes Cecil Hewling John R Hewling John R Morris H C Ward Robert Porritt John W Storey Thos F Milburn George H Craven S Drury Ann Ridsdale John Kingston Walter Challis William Rising William G Smith William Hunter Sarah Lightwing Henry Cook Charles Garner John Atkinson Edward |
Pennock Sarah Mrs Pennock Sarah Mrs Pennock Sarah Mrs Pennock Sarah Mrs Mackenzie Isabel Mrs Mackenzie Isabel Mrs Mackenzie Isabel Mrs Mackenzie Isabel Mrs Mackenzie Isabel Mrs Mackenzie Isabel Mrs Mackenzie Isabel Mrs Thompson James Wharton W H A Wilkinson William Wilkinson William Wilkinson William Wilkinson William Hewling John R Wharton W H A Tate Addison Tate Addison Tate Addison Tate Addison Carrick Fred Carrick Fred Ridsdale John Carrick Fred Carrick Fred Carrick Fred Carrick Fred Carrick Fred Carrick Fred Carrick Fred Carrick Fred Carrick Fred |
2 Robinson's Yard 3 Robinson's Yard 4 Robinson's Yard 5 Robinson's Yard 6 Robinson's Yard 7 Robinson's Yard 8 Robinson's Yard 9 Robinson's Yard 9 & ShopHigh St 11 & ShopHigh St 13 & Shop High St 5-7 & Shop High St 15 & Shop High St 19 High St 21& Shop High St 23 High St 27 High St Iron Workshop High St 28 High St 42 High St 44 High St 1 Tates Yard 2 Tates Yard 1 Cravens Yard 2 Cravens Yard 49 High St Stable 49 High St 59 High St 59a High St 61 High St 63 High St 65 High St 55 High St 51 High St 53 High St Total |
4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 13 15 8 8 7 9 2 18 6 6 3 3 3 3 10 3 10 10 5 5 5 5 15 5 252 |
15 15 15 15 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 15 5 0 0 10 10 10 10 15 10 5 |
Coming in Raine George |