9th May –
INDENTURE:- North Riding Quarter Sessions IX.
William Knaggs of Skelton, Yeoman;
John Hammond of the same, Yeoman;
Simon Sanderson of Kirkleatham in Cleveland, Yeoman;
The Rev Thomas Castley of Skelton, Clerk;
Witnesseth in consideration of £48 by the said Tho Castley to the said Will Knaggs paid.
Grant by the said Will Knaggs; John Hammond; Simon Sanderson of a Messuage with two garths now laid together on the south and backside thereof, containing one acre, two roods, late the estate of Chr Wilkinson, situate in Skelton, together with all outhouses etc. Covenant against incumbrances.
A new Doctor settled in Skelton , where he was to practice for close on 20 years.
He was the famous Scot, Charles Bisset, one time soldier and Military Engineer and author of many books on the treatment of diseases.
A short biography is included in the Skelton Stories section here.

One of several medical works by Charles Bisset, Skelton surgeon.
The calendar was changed from Julian to Gregorian.
The old Julian calendar did not take account of the fact that a year is not exactly 365 days.
To compensate, in Gt Britain and its Dominions, the dates 3rd to 13th of September of this year were omitted and Leap years were to be used in future.
There were national demonstrations by people who thought they had been robbed and the cry was “Give us back our 11 days.”
A deed relating to this Gallery, dated 24 November 1753, forms part of the Skelton archives:-
Signed by Robert Thompson, John Keilor, Thomas Pickering, Robert Hammond, Christopher Richardson, Richard Hutchinson, William Dixon, John Duck, John Richardson, John clark, George Dixon, John Hammond, George Hutton, Isaac Scarth, William Thompson, Robert Porrett, Joe Porrett, William Elerby, Christopher Smith.
in the presence of Thomas Castley, Thomas Dixon.
Indenture between John Robinson, Yeoman, Thomas Robinson, Yeoman of the 1st part.
Richard Harrison, yeoman, Robert Thompson, yeoman, of the 2nd part.
Thomas Mawer, Weaver, John Keilor, Mason, of the 3rd part.
Thomas Pickering, Yeoman, Robert Hammond, Butcher, of the 4th part.
Christopher Richardson, Cooper, Richard Hutchinson, Yeoman, of the 5th part.
Richard Hutchinson, Yeoman, William Dixon, Joiner, of the 6th part.
John Duck, Yeoman, Joshua Richardson, yeoman, of the 7th part.
John Clark, Wheelwright, George Dixon, Joiner, of the 8th part.
John Hammond, Yeoman, George Hutton, Yeoman, of the 9th part.
Isaac Scarth, Gentleman, William Thompson, Yeoman of the 10th part.
Robert Porrett, Yeoman, Joe Porrett, Yeoman, of the 11th part.
William Elerby, Yeoman, Christopher Smith, Yeoman, of the 12th part.
Cited to appear before William Herrington, Doctor of Laws and Vicar General to show reasonable and lawful cause if they had or know any why a licence to erect and build at their own expense a loft or gallery adjoining the West wall of the Church.
Licence granted, several seats and pews to be used by the named and their heirs:-
Pew 3 John Keilor.
Pew 6 William Dixon.
Pew 8 George Dixon.
The Church was rebuilt in 1785.

8th May –
INDENTURE – North Riding Quarter Sessions IX.
Isabel Knaggs of Skelton in Cleveland, Widow, formerly Isabel Foster;
John Knaggs of the same, Weaver, her eldest son and heir apparent;
George Dixon of the same, House Carpenter;
Witnesseth in consideration of £104 paid by the said George Dixon.
Grant by the said Isabel and John Knaggs of the West side of a close called Kirby Headlands, as the same is now separated and fenced off from the east part thereof, 3 acres and 1/2, in Skelton, together with all ways etc.
Covenant by the said Isabel and John Knaggs for ever to uphold the hedge or fence which divides the said parcel of ground in good and sufficient repair and condition; covenant that it shall be lawful for the said Isabel and John Knaggs to take and conduct the water which arises in a spring well inland on the west of the said parcel of ground and now runs along the ditch or gutter on the north side thereof unto the East part of the said close, always leaving water sufficient in the said parcel of ground for the use of the said George Dixon.
27th November –
Ralph Ward’s Journal:-
“Mr Hide came to my House when we talkt over the Affair of building a bridge at Skelton Ellers, Sir William Lowther having agreed to give 20 pounds.”
20th December.
“I was with Mr Hide, Mr Prody, Mr Lasscels, Mr Smith, Mr Danby and William Watson to consult about building two Bridges at Skelton Ellers, where we concluded to begin a Subscription for Carrying Same into Execution.”
PARISH REGISTERS. – It was ordered that from this year records of Marriages in the Parish Registers should be kept separate from those of Baptisms and Burials.
DR BISSET. – Ralph Ward’s Journal:-
27th January – Dr Charles Bisset of Skelton came and desired a Bill for 10 pounds, which I gave him upon Mr Core at 28 days.
Stayed an Houre when also gave him 15 shillings for Inocculateing a poor Child at Skelton.”
5th October –
Thomas Mawer, by Will, bearing the 5th October 1755, directed his Executors to pay the sum of 20 shillings, after the decease of his sister, Ann Smith, to the Minister and 4 or more of the principal inhabitants of Skelton, to be placed at interest, upon such security as they, or the major part of them, should approve, the interest thereof to be given to some schoolmaster or school mistress, for teaching such and so many poor children as the said minister and inhabitants should think fit.
This legacy of 20 shillings, with a further sum of £10 10s 6d, raised by subscription among the inhabitants, was laid out in the purchase of a messuage or dwelling-house, with a garth on backside thereof, in the township of Skelton, which was conveyed by indentures of lease and release, the release dated 12th May 1774, to John Hutchinson and six other, inhabitants of Skelton, their heirs and assigns, upon trust, to permit the same premises to be used and enjoyed by such schoolmaster or schoolmistress, without paying any rent for the same;
such schoolmaster or schoolmistress keeping the said premises in good and sufficient repair and teaching such poor children, in such manner as they, the said John Hutchinson and others, and their heirs and assigns should, from time to time, nominate or appoint;
and that as often as 4 or more of the trustees should die, the survivors should forthwith elect and nominate other persons, of Skelton, to be trustees, to the number of 7, and convey the said premises to the use of such trustees, upon the trusts aforesaid.
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