Skelton High St about this time. J W Neal, Newsagent, who published the postcard below.
Skelton Institute is first Right.
In the 1940/50s the Newsagent's shop was run by Roland Whittaker [photo on page 69 Skelton Stories]. The Lending Library was a room in the back, where books could be borrowed for a few coppers. Fiction only, as far as I remember.
Edward VIII Crown.
20th January.
DEATH OF GEORGE V. He was suffering from bronchitis and died at Sandringham from a lethal dose of morphine and cocaine injected by his personal doctor.
He was succeeded by Edward VIII, who would abdicate before the year was out.
The Crown coin shown here is the most expensive numistmatist's item ever minted, as it was dated 1937 and never issued.
7th March.
Germany had been re-arming for some time and now moved into the Rhineland, an area denied them by the 1919 Treaty of Versailles.
European powers responded with a fatal policy of "wait and see".
Stanley Baldwin. PM - 1923 to 24, 1924 to 29 1935 to 37
22nd April.
Mr J Morgan's Election Defeat at Skelton.
To the Editor, Northern Echo.
I feel duty bound to reply to a note in today's Northern Echo on the election defeat of Mr J Morgan.
It is for the benefit of those people who do not know and may be misled by the statements; my very many acquaintances know that I am above such petty, mean tricks as to use against an opponent
business discussed in Committee.
The only bit of news that was given out of Committee at the meeting referred to was given by Mr Morgan himself, who was present from the beginning to the end.
I do not think this courtesy. Or was it a compliment ?
I challenge him to state anything that was said by me that was not true and if he can prove his assertions, I shall willingly forfeit my seat on the Council.
Is a trained mind possessed only by schoolmasters ?
Fred Hatfield, 77 High St, Skelton, Yorkshire.
To the Editor, Northern Echo.
I do not think the allegation mentioned in today's Northern Echo in connection with Mr J Morgan's defeat at the recent election is quite fair to other members of Skelton and Brotton Urban Council
and to the electors of Skelton in general.
Mr Morgan has by no means the monopoly of righteousness.
After his defeat at the poll Mr Morgan turned up to preside at the annual meeting and stated in full Council and in the presence of the Press that one of the candidates had not paid his rates.
The candidate referred to was present and this information could have been properly obtained only from the Finance Committee and would appear to be information obtained in confidence.
He said other personal things and afterwards refused to let another Councillor speak.
His defeat was not a shock to the people of Skelton.
Fairplay, Skelton, Yorkshire.
Skelton from Flowson end of the The Hills, a Postcard published by J. W. Neal of Skelton in Cleveland.
The last house on the Left on the photograph is 'Wyngrove'.
The last house in 2018 is 'Lynwood', which, the present occupant, Dr Mary Bell, informs me, was built in 1938 by Mr Reg Hewling, who lived in 'Wyngrove'.
The photograph was possibly taken some years before this.
The house at the top of the bank that now stands in place of the shrubbery on the Right of the photograph was occupied in 1948 by Mr Bosomworth [Buzzy], who retired from teaching at Skelton Green Junior School
in that year.
22nd August.
BBC Television begin broadcasts with sound from Alexandra Palace.
2nd October.
At the meeting of the Skelton and Brotton UDC the Medical Officer, Dr C R Gibson, reported that he had taken samples of water in various parts of the District and had them analysed.
As none of the results were satisfactory, he had written to the Cleveland Water Company drawing attention to the doubtful quality of the supply.
The Secretary of the Company had promised to have samples taken. The Council decided to complain to the Company and instruced Dr Gibson to take further samples himself.
The Cleveland Hunt leaving Skelton Castle in 1936, after a ceremony to celebrate William Henry Anthony Wharton reaching his 50th year as Master.
2nd October.
It was announced that on condition slight alterations were made in the plans, the Ministry of Healt authorised the inviting of tenders for the 58 dwellings, which comprised the Council's
housing scheme in Station Lane, Skelton.
Skelton and Brotton UDC at a meeting in the Skelton Institute last night, decided not to make a contribution towards the expenses of the March from Jarrow to London, which Jarrow Town Council is
The Council had before them a letter from Jarrow asking for a donation.
Coun H C R Morris, moving that no donation should be made, said that the Government was doing it utmost for the distressed areas.
"The result of this March will be absolutely nil", he said.
"I do not think we will be doing them or the country any good by helping them with a donation."
Coun E Potter seconded.
27th October.
By 8 votes to 6 Skelton and Brotton UDC at a special meeting last night rejected a superannuation scheme for Council officials and workmen.
It was stated that the total cost of the proposed scheme would be £530 per annum, including £387 from the rate fund equal to a 2 and halfpence rate.
Coun E Potter moved that the scheme should be adopted, but considered that everyone should be included in it.
If it was good for one person, it was good for another.
"I have always maintained that one of the worst things that applies to our working people is fear of old age", he said.
"If we can do anything to remove that fear we should do it.".
Councillor J Morgan seconded.
Coun Fred Hatfield said that although he was a great believer in superannuation and pensions, he thought that all should have something to look forward to in their old age.
He did not favour a scheme, which would only benefit a few.
Coun J Wilks said if the plan would result in similar schemes he would give his support.
Coun M Kirkbright did not support this particular scheme. He believed in the principle and wished to see Miners and Industrial workers benefit, but he was considering the ratepayers.
He referred to future expenses, which would have to be faced in Housing and the possible provision of a Council Chamber and Offices.
Coun T Coatsworth did not see the advantage of bringing such a project forward when there was a prospect of a Government scheme.
To expect some people with incomes in the range of 35 shillings to pay 2 and a halfpence rate at the present time was a 'disgrace'.
31st October.
Jarrow protest March to London highlights the plight of workers in the North.
Sir Frank Whittle invented the jet engine and helicopter invented by H Focke.
George VI - Crown 1 Crown = 5 Shillings = 60 old pence = 25 new pence
December 10th -
The Coronation was planned for June 1937.
But Edward VIII, aged 39, proposed to marry an American socialite.
She had already been married and divorced to a US pilot and just been divorced for a second time in October of this year.
She was unacceptable to the Government and seemingly to the majority of the people as a future 'Queen'.
On this day Edward renounced the throne.
On the 11th Parliament approved his Abdication.
On the 12th, his brother, the Duke of York was proclaimed George VI.